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Would it be fair to say that just about any character would have recovered a gem worth 400 + 100/level or more by the time they reached 10th-level? I'm trying to figure out what Faction Objectives this character would have earned, since I've been keeping score the wrong way up until recently.
To the same end, I'd also really appreciate it if someone could verify what adventures out of the following feature haunts that can potentially be permanently exorcised (and/or include valuable gems among their loot, as covered above):
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
This was a little bit passed over; I don't suppose anybody could help me with this?
I disagree that retroactive achievement-checking is against the spirit of the thing (at least entirely so) - in the case of the gem recovery goal, not allowing that would seem strangely petty, and in the case of the exorcism goal, it would seem excessively painful, since they're not too common.

DebugAMP |

I do believe it was made pretty clear when they first released these that faction card achievements were not to be made retroactively.

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That, I never heard. I had phased out of the picture when they were introduced.
Define what you mean by "retroactively", though: Any time before Right Now, or just any time before the cards were introduced? I might have met certain objectives in an adventure I went on when the cards were in play, but just not have had the presence of mind to score them at the time.

DebugAMP |

They were introduced in order to phase out many of the faction specific missions from earlier seasons. At that time it was indicated that they were to be used moving forward.

GM Hmm |

You can collect them going forward but not backward. On the other hand, there have been many recent adventures with Haunts. Pathfinder loves them. Are you looking for a high level recommendation for an adventure for your level 10 character or for someone else?
I agree that gem recovery can be painful for Scarab Sages. I can't remember if Pearls of Power count for this. They really should.

GM Hmm |

Okay, I need to mess with this on Good Reader. Because my mind has officially been blown!

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You can collect them going forward but not backward.
Going forward since when, though? I can think of a couple adventures in which I might have (for example) exorcised a haunt that I went on after the introduction of the cards, but I didn't score it when I got the Chronicle, so doing so now would be retroactive, just not to before the introduction of the Faction Journal Card system. Is that okay, or not?
Are you looking for a high level recommendation for an adventure for your level 10 character or for someone else?
I was hoping someone who knew a lot about the various adventures could help me sift through the adventures I've been on (as this character) and see if there were any adventures I could have scored these objectives on, but missed, because I didn't realize at the time I'd found a valuable gem or exorcised a haunt.
What's also difficult is that up until very recently, I completely misunderstood how scoring objectives worked, so I'd vastly overrated myself - this character had, because of my error, been walking around with Sage Candidate status and the aura that goes with that, and that just saved someone else's life in his most recent adventure, so some kind of retcon action is unavoidable here.

GM OfAnything |

As far as I can tell, it is since you acquired a Faction Journal Card for that character. You can check a box when you receive and apply a chronicle sheet. There is not really an allowance for "going back through to see what I missed."
Are you just now applying a Season 8 card to your character?

DebugAMP |

If you have made errors when checking boxes I'd recommend speaking with the GMs involved to determine a course of action to correct them to the best of your ability. Mistakes happen. If you've checked more than you should have I'd suggest simply erasing marks such that you have no more than one checked box per chronicle applied since you applied the faction journal. Try not to make it a huge endeavor, mistakes happen.

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I didn't make any mistakes checking boxes - I made mistakes scoring objectives. I thought each single box checked was an objective achieved.
As far as I can tell, it is since you acquired a Faction Journal Card for that character. You can check a box when you receive and apply a chronicle sheet. There is not really an allowance for "going back through to see what I missed."
Confusing. You seem to be answering my question in both ways at once. It seems a little unfair to place a strict time window on whether you can claim credit for an objective you achieved, especially when it's all being done over PbP, which inherently stymies the process of figuring out what you've achieved. Also, I have psychological problems that make my presence of mind unreliable.
Are you just now applying a Season 8 card to your character?
This character, like most of my characters, still has a Season 6 card, as they got their starts long before Season 6, and I was told that as long as the character was there to pick up an earlier season card when it became available, you don't have to move forward with them until you're ready (and that the rewards stick and are cumulative).

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My understanding of cards is:
1: You may only start a new card for the current season
2: If you have checked at least one box in a past seasons card you may continue to check further boxes on that card.
3: You may only check one box (in total) per scenario/module played.

Iff |

I didn't make any mistakes checking boxes
If you didn't make any mistakes checking boxes, there should be no need to go back and see what you missed. Just take the card with the boxes as you have it now, and check after each scenario you play from now on, to see whether you scored any.

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We're all getting a bit confused now - it's kind of two different things, I guess. I realized I'd been scoring objectives wrong, and partly as a result of that, I was spurred to try and see if I'd overlooked anything, because I hadn't been particularly good at spotting and claiming objectives every time I'd gone through an adventure. I tried when I could, just not reliably, partially because of communication/mental processing errors, and hence now I was hoping I could go through it all a bit more thoroughly with a more knowledgeable person's assistance. "Find a gem" and "exorcise a haunt" are both objectives that you need clear communication with the DM to know you've achieved them, and I haven't always been certain I've had that.

Magabeus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Moved this here from recruitment
Qstor wrote:Anyone running any level 1-5 Core games soon?Thinking about it.
I'd like to run the Shades of Ice trilogy (lower tier) but I'm currently quite busy with my jobs and it'd be my first PFS PbP as a GM.
I think I can do it but I'll probably wait until things quiet down with work.
Why wouldn't you start with a single scenario or a quest to get your feet wet before you get in for the longer haul? That way you won't disappoint yourself if it turns out that PbP GM'ing is not what you want to do with your spare time.

Magabeus |

We're all getting a bit confused now - it's kind of two different things, I guess. I realized I'd been scoring objectives wrong, and partly as a result of that, I was spurred to try and see if I'd overlooked anything, because I hadn't been particularly good at spotting and claiming objectives every time I'd gone through an adventure. I tried when I could, just not reliably, partially because of communication/mental processing errors, and hence now I was hoping I could go through it all a bit more thoroughly with a more knowledgeable person's assistance. "Find a gem" and "exorcise a haunt" are both objectives that you need clear communication with the DM to know you've achieved them, and I haven't always been certain I've had that.
My 2 cents on this topic (disclaimer: this is just my opinion):
1) It is the player's responsibility to check with the GM whether an objective was achieved. If the scenario is over, the opportunity to tick of a faction goal is also gone. My players usually take the faction card for their character at the end of the session and check with me if they can tick something off. That is a quick and easy process which I like.
2) The faction cards are nice to haves. If you miss out on them it is not the end of the world.
Specific for you questions
3) Most of the times it is clear when a haunt is permanently destroyed, because you need to go out of your way to make it so. In a few scenarios succeeding at the objective will also destroy the haunt. You will probably have encountered it, so when you do encounter a haunt you know that you need to check back with the GM at the end of the scenario.
4) There are not a lot of non-magical gems in scenarios that qualify for the Scarab Sages goal. Magical gems usually appear on the chronicle.

GM OfAnything |

We're all getting a bit confused now - it's kind of two different things, I guess. I realized I'd been scoring objectives wrong, and partly as a result of that, I was spurred to try and see if I'd overlooked anything, because I hadn't been particularly good at spotting and claiming objectives every time I'd gone through an adventure. I tried when I could, just not reliably, partially because of communication/mental processing errors, and hence now I was hoping I could go through it all a bit more thoroughly with a more knowledgeable person's assistance. "Find a gem" and "exorcise a haunt" are both objectives that you need clear communication with the DM to know you've achieved them, and I haven't always been certain I've had that.
That makes more sense. It was unclear whether you had a card at all before now. At the very least, you can look over your chronicles from the time since you acquired the journal. If you earned a boon that references an objective, or if there is a magical gem you gained access to, you can reference that.
Did you annotate which chronicles already earned you a checkbox?

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This long discussion about Faction Journal Cards brings to mind a question of mine. I've been tracking my Faction Journal Cards on my own. I play only PbP here on these boards. Should I be getting GMs to sign off on these?
I am trying to keep good records in my alias for each scenario and if I earned a reward there or not. (This alias is one example, check out the scenario spoilers towards the bottom of the alias.)

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Never mind. I've got it sorted out. It wouldn't matter if I missed anything, because it's all either too far back, or I already claimed something on those adventures. I was just very confused.

Shifty |

No, you don't need to have these signed off by GMs. This isn't required for RL games, and also isn't required for PbP games. You can of course holds records as detailed as yours, but that's not required either.
I try (as best I can!) to keep a short note on the how and why each tick was generated. Some of them have funky conditions 'Model clothes in London, Paris, Milan' and get a tick for each... well it might take a while and with a lot of cards it becomes easy to miss which was which and when.

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Are Ancient Osirian deities legal for worship in Pathfinder Society, and do you need a personal copy of their sourcebook for that?

GM Andrew |

Yes, and Yes.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #80 "Empty Graves"
Discovery: the discovery on page 26 is legal; Equipment: all equipment and magic items on pages 62–63 are legal for play except mask of the forgotten pharoah; Gods: the gods on page 65–75 are legal for play; Spells: the spells on page 28 are legal.
(emphasis mine)

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Just putting this out there: I have yet to play "We Be Goblins Free!". I would not mind getting to.

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Just putting this out there: I have yet to play "We Be Goblins Free!". I would not mind getting to.
I've been thinking of running that in a week or so, actually.

GM Bold Strider |

Attention! GM Replacement Needed!
Hey guys! I recently took over GMing the Eyes of the Ten series for a great group of players. Recently, I made the decision to reduce my games down, but I have decided in the last couple of days to stop entirely for the time being. As such, I need a great GM to kick the butts of these guys across Golarion and truly make them understand the meaning of the title "Seeker".
If you are interested, please contact me. I know that they would love to have someone who is excited to bring this iconic series to life for them.

GM Faelyn |

Would there be any GMs interested in doing a little quid pro quo on Phantom Phenomena quest line? I've got an occultist that I really want to actually run through the quest as opposed to just assign GM credit to. If there are any GMs willing to run the quest series for me, I'd be more than happy to do the same for them with a guaranteed spot after completion. Or if there are any specific scenarios you would prefer me to run, I am willing to do that as well.

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Would there be any GMs interested in doing a little quid pro quo on Phantom Phenomena quest line? I've got an occultist that I really want to actually run through the quest as opposed to just assign GM credit to. If there are any GMs willing to run the quest series for me, I'd be more than happy to do the same for them with a guaranteed spot after completion. Or if there are any specific scenarios you would prefer me to run, I am willing to do that as well.
"Mathter, Mathter! Igor could do that! Igor could do that! ...In a couple of weekth, anyhow."

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"It must be Providence good sir. You see I dilettante, and humble author of what is referred to by the uninitiated in the vulgar argot as "weird fiction" would dearly love to undertake a similar trial. The chance to pit the logic, science and very sanity of rational, mortal man against all the calamitous, mind-jarring power and chaos of an unfeeling universe is a consummation devoutly to be wished for. As of course would be the royalties from said consummation's novelization."

GM Faelyn |

@GM Faelyn - I can if no one else jumps in. I'd like to play the Consortium Compact.
Qstor, perfect timing as I'm about to start up a Consortium Compact! You can report in here!
Igor, thank you as well for the offer!!

The Norv |

Hey all, a quick question about applying GM credits from PBP...
I'm just about to wrap up GMing a scenario here on the boards, and the PC I'd really like to apply the credit to is currently in another game (also on these boards). I know you can't play in more than one game at once, but is it still kosher for me to "apply" the credit to that character when I report the game I'm GMing and then just have it "kick in" once he's done with his current game?

Pirate Rob |

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"You Only Die Twice" sounds very interesting (particularly to my Alchemist, or perhaps my Occultist).

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You Only Die Twice is a particularly fun and flavorful adventure. It was there that the legend of Evil Crossbow Ezren was born...even though it wasn't entirely his fault.

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You Only Die Twice is a particularly fun and flavorful adventure. It was there that the legend of Evil Crossbow Ezren was born...even though it wasn't entirely his fault.
Probably going to regret asking this...
Lol.. Ok, I will bite. What is the legend of Evil Crossbow Ezren??
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It's not an awful story, but...okay, it probably is. Thanks for the reminder, Merisal, will do one that does not spoil anything. It is a tale rife with intrigue and action, will our hero ever find what he seeks? Maybe just as soon as he finds out what that is.
I hope you are all enlightened by this story.

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I...I don't have problems...I'm a nice guy...right?
'Yes, yes you are. And you know what would make you nicer? Killing more children!'
Um...Okay, if you say so, voice...I'm a good guy...I'm a good guy...