Six Heads of Mayhem--The Hydra Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Almonihah

A very unusual hydra sets out to prove that more heads may not be better than one.
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Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Go ahead and roll Profession (Cook) with a +2 bonus, Ziphora

After a bit of a shocked delay, one human came forward and volunteered to help with cooking. He said they didn't have all of those things, but they at least had the potatoes, butter, and bread.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

Profession cook: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

With the help of the human and Mo, Ziphora prepares a pretty sumptious feast for the hydras, and their human friends. "Come on guys! Try my latest creation, Stuffed firedrake roasted over a hickorywood fire!" She promotes her latest creation shamelessly.

She turns to Sir Tolgrith, "See? I've been picking up new things while travelling. I might jolly well be the only cooking hydrahead in Golarion."

"Did you know I can sing too?" She doesn't wait for an invitation, but just starts singing.

"It's off to eating drakes we go,
It's off to eating drakes we go.
The drakes are really yummy,
And it will help us all to grow."

perform sing: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Ziphora makes a much better cook then a singer really, since she's bawling raucously without any considerations to tone.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

It turns out that roasting fire drake is really tricky, given their innate resistance to fire, but between Ziphora, Mo, and Orrend (the cook), a surprisingly delicious feast slowly takes shape. While at first the humans seem hesitant to try it, the reactions of the first few to try some soon convince the rest to join in.

Feel free to make some conversation here as you feast

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"So, could you tell us on what happened since we left? I mean why did the firedrakes start dive bombing you lot?" Ziphora asks inquisitively.

"We chased off the bugbears, had a great party with lizards, who gave us some tablets that we used to find the scepter of rulership, that my brother,"She looks at Tomorbataar, "Is still trying to figure out. I've also been promoted to second in command of the hydraheads, as Tom says, because I can clean him up."

She pauses for a moment. "Though, the rest of the hydraheads don't really listen when I tell them not to shoot fleeing foes in the back, and oh the other day we managed to do a real cool hydra jump together. Would you like us to show that you?" She rambles on happily.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Oh, that reminds me, Tomorbataar, no one in the fort seems to know anything about your rod.

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

Beachhead does what he can to describe the funk he's feeling to anyone who will listen. Even the other heads.

GM_of_the_Heads wrote:
Oh, that reminds me, Tomorbataar, no one in the fort seems to know anything about your rod.


Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Tomorbataar eats heartily from the fire drake, enjoying the vegetables, and not contesting allowing the humans to eat from it. After all, they were integral to the formation of the drake trap. Our jump was low, but heavy. With more practice, we could shatter anything we land on.

Tomorbataar places the mysterious rod back in the bed, looking dissapointed. I suppose we shall have to wait until we've constructed a suitable palace to find a good use for this rod. Such a shame... Tomorbataar looks down at the ground, only perking his head back up at Beachhead's words.

I should like to make a catalog of ailments and affiliations, describing them in detail and listing their causes and concerns. If you could describe specifically how it feels, any variation in that, and precisely how it felt as it was coming on, I could begin an entry. Tomorbataar looks proud of this idea. Pen and papers, please? He says, genuinely asking the humans, as opposed to commanding them as he normally does.

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

Hungry sighs in disappointment as they descend but he quickly forgets about the drakes as he feasts ravenously on the corpses of it's former allies.

As the heads begin to talk around Hungry looks around for Tolgrith.

If he finds him...:

Hungry approaches him, "Hey, Sir Tolgrith! Several of us have sustained some energy drain from some undead that we fought. Is there anyone here who has the magical abilities to heal us of it? If so, where are they?!"

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Before Sir Torlgrith can answer, another man speaks up. "I can do something about that, but it is expensive, and I can only help one of you a day."

"We'll count it as your next reward for helping us," Sir Torlgrith adds.

Might I add that you each should have gotten a Fort save to shake it off after the first day?

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

RAW, no. Under Energy Drain entry: Negative levels remain until 24 hours have passed or until they are removed with a spell such as restoration. If a negative level is not removed before 24 hours have passed, the affected creature must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the draining creature’s racial HD + the draining creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text). On a success, the negative level goes away with no harm to the creature. On a failure, the negative level becomes permanent =(

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

It's been 24 hours, so you should have gotten that Fortitude save to remove it.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

Was it not done here?

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Ah, I'd forgotten about that. Never mind.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

Sorry. My true LN nature rears its ugly head

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Well, Torlgrith, Tomorbataar begins, using a sweet voice, If you help to clean it out of our system and it would take a frightfully dreadful person not to want to remove such a vile substance from ones so radiant with light as ourselves we'll be in a better position to help you out in the future. What if we were to meet another hydra, just like us, only unsullied? Who would you rather win? Tomorbataar looks at Torlgrith with a steady gaze, trying to gauge his reaction.

Human Metal-skin

"Our priest here," Sir Torlgrith nods at the man who'd spoken up, "Will help you now, though as he said he can only do one a day. It will just count as the reward for the next thing you do for us."

He looks over the heads. "Which ones of you need it?"

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"Id vote Beachead, but him and hungry could toss dice for it, just to be fair." Ziphora suggests.

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

Beachhead slithers down so that he's eye level with Sir Torlgrith.

"Hungry and I need it. Your priest will help Hungry first, and that will count as part of our reward for defeating three fire drakes that were destroying your camp, putting out the fires the drakes set in your camp, and sharing Ziphora's wonderful feast with you and your men.

"The next day your priest will help me, and that will count as part of a reward for the next problem of yours we take care of."

Beachhead's voice is quiet and has lost its usual carefree tone.

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Yes...what he said Tomorbataar says, happy to let someone else do the talking. So long as we can be free of this contagion...

After the've finished talking to Torlgrith, Tomorbataar looks around at the others. So, what next?

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

I LOVE it when my siblings do work for me. But just to be safe...

"Yes, this drain robs me of my strongest spells, which will definitely make doing jobs for you easier."

Perfect now to wait, patiently.

Human Metal-skin

Sir Torlgrith frowns. If he's intimidated by Beachhead, he's doing a good job of hiding it.

"True, we do owe you for today. I suppose healing you would be our payment for the drakes. For tomorrow's task, we can discuss other payments. In specific, every month the creek here runs foul, clouded by some sort of contamination. It's not a terrible problem, as we can store enough water for the day, but it will be a problem for caravans traveling the road after it's complete. We'd like you to follow the stream until you find whatever's fouling the water and solve it."

He pauses a moment, then adds, "We suspect it's either some kind of creature or some sort of magic, either of which you'd be equipped to solve."

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"Yeah we'd be happy to look into your problem. I mean fair's fair, you know?"Ziphora answers. "And probably have to deal with it with extreme prejudice and brute force, since most people whom I try to talk to don't talk nicely back."

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Tomorbataar sounds sorrowful, A contaminated stream fouling the countryside? Sounds like a big deal to me, why didn't you inform us earlier?

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

"Because it only happens one day a month and they don't know what causes it, and they had more pressing concerns that they did know the cause of."

Turning back to Sir Torlgrith, "Your commitment to healing both Hungry and myself before we go upstream is very reasonable, and I commend you on your reasonableness. And I'm doing so here in front of all of your men so that they'll respect you more! We'll depart when the funk is gone from both me and Hungry.

"Does the creek's contamination happen at the same time every month? If so, how long until the next time it should happen?"

Human Metal-skin

Sir Torlgrith nods. "It happens at the same time every month, yes. It will happen tomorrow, and it lasts all day. That is why we hadn't brought it up before."

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"Yeah lets go kick that stream polluting thing's @rse." Ziphora says, then looks at Sir Tolgrith sadly. "I've changed right? I mean last time I'd be saying we'd negotiate..."

Vote to move out tomorrow

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

What time of day is it?

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Nearing sunset

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"Mind if we turn in here for the night?" Ziphora asks Sir Tolgrith, "Do you have some kind of decent sleeping quarters, maybe the stables? If we sleep outdoors, Tom's going to be yattering my head off the next morning because, you know, dirt?"

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

"That's why Moe carries the bed, Ziphora. But yes, let's investigate tomorrow morning."

Beachhead starts urging (voting) the body to go settle down near any visible command tent that he's aware of.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Your 'nest' they made for you isn't far distant.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"Yeah, its a long day, lets go to bed." Once they reach there, "Good night, good night. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite." She then puts her head down to sleep.

Ziphora urges the body to the nest and zzz.

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63
GM_of_the_Heads wrote:
Your 'nest' they made for you isn't far distant.

Within 15 feet (aka neck length) of the command tent?

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

There's not a command tent--this is a fairly permanent fortification, with log cabin-style structures on the inside. You couldn't really fit through the gate, and you can't step over the wall. You could just sleep in front of the gate, but you'd have to get your sibling-heads to agree to that. The nest is ~1/2 mile distant, as I recall.

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Even still, I should think it would demand immediate attention, in case we could do something about it straight away. It's not like leaving a stream like that won't do all sorts of terrible things. Tomorbataar looks a bit concerned, but seems to have calmed down.

I thought we had the bed on our body in between the necks somehow. I suppose Moe would carry it sometimes though.

As they settle down, Tomorbataar once again inspects the bed. Sure is good that it hasn't rained yet. Would hate to have some wet and rotting sheets. Tomorbataar then lays his head down softly on the bed, secure in the knowledge that no god would strike them down just before clearing out a stream.

Tomorbataar votes to sleep and then eat in the morning.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Oh, and the cleric does fix Hungry's negative level before you go to bed. I know you'd said you carry the bed on your back, but I'd imagine it fell off a time or two and so you have Mo carry it now.

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63
GM_of_the_Heads wrote:
There's not a command tent--this is a fairly permanent fortification, with log cabin-style structures on the inside. You couldn't really fit through the gate, and you can't step over the wall.

Ah, never mind then. I thought that this was a more temporary camp. Beachhead was going to slip through or under a tent wall and snoop around. But not worth shaking things up, now.

Beachhead votes to lie down wherever and sleep.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

You head over to your 'nest' and sleep. You're undisturbed during the night.

The next day dawns dark and gloomy, with thick clouds in the sky. After gorging yourself last night, you aren't particularly hungry in the morning, but there are plenty of drake leftovers in Mo's crate, and more at the fort.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

Ziphora nom noms the drake leftovers, then complains about the horrible state of the weather, "You know what? I like sunny days. Rain just gets me down in dumps."

Vote to head out to the stream

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

Vote to head to the stream and follow it upriver.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

You head out towards the stream, Mo in tow behind you. It doesn't take long to reach the stream, and it looks disgusting. Billowing clouds of something rusty-red-brown flow down it, accompanied by an awful odor.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

Utterly disgusted and revolted by the devastation that the creature has wrecked upon the stream, Ziphora taunts,"All right, whatever stinky thing you are, come out and face us if you've got balls!"

I'd say it's the expanded(element) water part of her that's making her...act in such a fashion. Desecration of her element, one might say.

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

Assuming nothing answers Ziphora, Beachhead suggests that they keep following the water upstream.

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Rain is good, and bad. Rain rinses the world, but turns it to mud. Rain falls beautifully from the heavens, but becomes fouled when it arrives here on earth, not the rain's fault, just the ground it's landing on. Tomorbataar looks off into the distance sagely.

Tomorbataar wrinkles his nose, looking around for a scrap of cloth to wrap his face in. Hmm...not good. Better follow upstream.

Tomorbataar votes to follow the river and confront the beast.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Is something stupid enough to face you?: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Is something too slow to run away from you?: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Nothing immediately responds to Ziphora's threat. Indeed, as you lumber upstream, you don't see much of anything around, save for distant movements in the underbrush.

You polish off the leftover drake Mo brought sometime around noon. A couple of hours and a few miles later, you see a small rise in the ground. The stream flows down over this rise in a small waterfall. Up on top of the rise, it forms a large pond... by the side of which, ghostly figures are locked in combat. Their features are vague, and their battle is silent, but it looks rather like one side is steadily wiping out the other, while the losing side is desperately looking for a chance to break through and escape. Where the dead fall, they dissolve into a reddish-brown glop that flows into the pond and from there into the stream.

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

Did the cleric fix Beachhead's negative level this morning, or is that still in effect?

Beachhead hides and votes to move the body forward.

[dice=Stealth (aka "Bravely hiding")]1d20+7[/dice]

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"Ghosts...argh geez this is NOT good news. I'd rather face a try-to-eat-your-face monster." Ziphora sighs.

knowledge religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

"You see, the problem with ghosts is that they can't die, since they're already dead. We need to talk to them to see what their anchor is, here, before they can move on. Sometimes a little history of the place is good as well." Ziphora remarks.

knowledge history: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Basically I want to ask for what ties the ghosties here. If that fails, then we'll just need to talk to them, convince em to move on.

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

That stealth result should be 24. Not sure why I put 7 instead of 20.

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

"People in battles don't tend to want to stop and talk. I bet if we killed the attackers, the losers will escape and then stop funking up the water.

"I'm probably an expert on this."

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"That is NOT the point. These are spirits trapped here. BOTH sides need to find a way to move on." Ziphora argues resolutely. "Sure, we could kill them, at next week, they'll rise again, and repeat the whole matter. It wouldn't solve ANYTHING."

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Current Characters

Austrailan Diver

(3,302 posts)
Kaiju, Mogaru

Ninja Head | Init: 8 | Perc: 10 | AC: 28 (t 17, ff 21) | F: 6, R: 16, W: 7 | ki points: 2/9 | HP: 63/63

played by Andostre (564 posts)
Felldales Dragon

Sorcerer 8 (Serpentine) | HP 72/72 | AC 18 | CMD 18 | F+8 |R+4 | W+8 | Per 0 | Ini 0

played by Dennis Harry (55 posts)
GM Mort

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

played by Just a Mort (16,733 posts)
Green Dragon
Grash "Warhead" Varazson

Hydra Head Skald 10 | HP 60(40)/85 |AC: 30 T: 14 FF: 28 | Fort +12 Ref +7 Will +10 | Init +1 | Perception +0 | Song 9/25 | Spells Per Day: 1: 5/6 2: 3/5 3: 3/4 4: 0/2

played by Razzocnor (262 posts)
Blue Dragon

??? Hydrahead Flame Oracle/7 || HP 45/45 || AC 21 (Touch 15, FF 17) || Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +4
Spells Left:
1st: 4/8 2nd: 6/7 3rd: 5/5

played by Old Mammoth (79 posts)
The Hungry One

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

played by Darthrancor (166 posts)
Umbral Dragon
Mazzoss, The Black

Hydra Head Witch 10 | Hp 83/83 | AC: 23/27 T: 15/19(ghosts) FF: 20/24 | Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +10

played by GeneralAvispa (40 posts)

played by Just a Mort (22 posts)
Blue Dragon

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

played by Gaurwaith (614 posts)
Blue Dragon

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 38/61 RAGE HP 54/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

played by Turumarth (19 posts)
Spectral Dragon

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

played by Just a Mort (890 posts)

Current NPCs

Draconic Hydra

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

played by Almonihah (811 posts)
Sir Torlgrith

Human Metal-skin

played by Almonihah (66 posts)

Previous Characters


Male Human Expert 3
(1,471 posts)
Cam James

(254 posts)
Harrow Bloodline

(92 posts)
Green Smashomancer

Dirty Commoner/2 || HP: 0/0, AC: 10 (10, active buff) (FF: 10 [10 w/active buff] T: 10) || Init: +0, Fort: +0 Ref: +0 Will: +0 || Per: +0
(1,921 posts)
The Exchange Just a Mort

Complain about the new boards here!
(9,686 posts)

Forgot to switch to the right alias again.
(3,420 posts)
Copper Dragon

Male Hydrahead, HP 88/88 (100/100), Rage 24/24, CM 9, CMD 19
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 10(12), R: 4, W: 4(6), CMB +9(11), CMD +19(21) (+2 Sunder), Init +1, per -1
Diplo +9, DD +2, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +13, Perception -1, Sense Motive -1, Survival +10(14)

played by Cam James (114 posts)
Ancient Solar Dragon

Yes (Identifies as hungry) Hydra (???) Druid 6|| HP: 49/49, AC: 17 (20 w/Barkskin) (FF: 20 T: 11) || Init: +2, Fort: +8 Ref: +3 Will: +11 || Per: +14

played by Green Smashomancer (150 posts)
Tsadok Goldtooth
Grok the Wronged

No longer active, GM left

played by Gaurwaith (420 posts)
Black Magga

Hydra-Head Summoner 6 | HP (36/36) | AC/Touch/Flat 15/10/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Percep +0

played by Threeshades (39 posts)
Ancient Vortex Dragon
Morheds' Eidolon

Eidolon 6 | HP (37/37) | AC/Touch/Flat 20/14/16 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+8/+4 | Init +4 | Percep +8

played by Threeshades (15 posts)
Variel the Talented

played by Gaurwaith (35 posts)