Beachhead |

Tomorbataar is scared, and screams back and forth at Hungry and Beachhead.
Every time that Tom turns towards Beachhead, Beachhead calmly tries to get a few words in.
"Actually, I--
--do need heal--
--ing. I'm--
--beat up--
--pretty bad."

Tomorbataar |

Tomorbataar blinks at Beachhead for a moment. You need healing? We're doomed...they're going to surround us again...doomed I say... Tomorbataar looks down at the sleeping Ziphora and then over at the wounded Beachhead.
I will sell your lives dearly...our lives dearly-my life dearly... Tomorbataar shakes his head, that came out wrong. CHARGE! Tomorbataar cries, flinging himself at the imaginary foes just outside the pit.
Oh. We're not surrounded. Carry on then.

GM_of_the_Heads |

Mo, highly distressed by all of the shouting, eventually just reaches into the hole and grabs the shiny thing. He pulls out a small sword... well, for a human it would probably be a longsword, but for Mo it's small.
It's also on fire, though the fire doesn't seem to hurt Mo. He's still so startled by the flames that he shouts and drops it on the ground, at which point it promptly goes out.

Tomorbataar |

Ah. Tomorbataar examines the sword up close. A flaming sword, strange. Does it talk? Tomorbataar seems to be directing his question at the sword, and waits for a response.

GM_of_the_Heads |

After a long moment, it seems clear the sword will remain silent.

GM_of_the_Heads |

Mo picks it up... and again, it bursts into fire, startling him into dropping it again, at which point it goes out again.

GM_of_the_Heads |

The sword bursts into flame again. Beachhead notes that the fire doesn't seem to burn him.

Tomorbataar |

While Beachhead still has the sword in mouth, Tomorbataar moves slowly towards the flame, sniffing at it. Does it burn anyone who's not wielding it?
We're going to want to get the humans up here to give these bones a proper burial.

GM_of_the_Heads |

Tomorbataar can feel the heat of the flame as he gets close to it.
Mo digs for a while, but turns up only bones.

Tomorbataar |

Right, this sword is magic. It has been enchanted with some sort of flames that don't hurt the wielder. Interestingly, it has also been constructed without edges or spikes on the handle, so that it doesn't hurt the wielder at all. Nevertheless, it seems it would be difficult for us to use properly, and so we should attempt to sell it to the humans, who we should also get to bury these bones. Done summarizing, Tomorbataar looks around at the others before shaking Ziphora.
Time to wake up now. He says, not overly loudly, but not quietly either. After a moment he stops and waits to see if she wakes. Ready to go, everyone?
Tomorbataar votes to head back to the humans.

Ziphora |

"Wu-?" Ziphora opens her eyes blearily. "Oh, my head." then winces. She takes account of the surroundings. "Yes, we should bring the bones back to the humans for burial. Now do yoy mind if I rest my head on one of yours?" She asks for volunteers.
Back to humans, with the bones and the sword

GM_of_the_Heads |

Your job here done, you turn to leave, trundling back the way you came.
Is anything stupid enough to bother you?: 1d20 ⇒ 16
You haven't gone too far before you hear a crashing in the underbrush, and shortly afterward a very large bear bursts out from between some trees with a roar!
It then gets a good look at just what has invaded its territory, and looks like it's about to turn and run. Your stomach, on the other hand, rumbles, reminding you that you haven't eaten in several hours...
The bear is going to try to run, so I don't think we need to do formal combat rounds here. Just tell me what your reactions are.

Ziphora |

"I'm sorry. I really am. I'll make it quick." Ziphora apologizes as she tries to stun it with a bolt of lightning.
Something like this. I know it's not really possible by pathfinder mechanics.

Tomorbataar |

Ohh...a hungry bear...perfect. It is unclear whether Tomorbataar means a bear which is hungry or a bear which is good when hungry. Tomorbataar then reaches out suddenly to try to bash it on the head.

The Hungry One |

Hungry laughs dark and evily. "Perfect timing to try out a new spell."
Hungry quickly signs a jagged seven-pointed star with a firm "Exteeos Lighus" a visible ripple courses through the air towards the bear.
Casting Boneshatter. On a failed save 7d6 damage and is exhausted. On a save half the damage and is fatigued. Boneshatter DC 20 Fort: 7d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 6, 1, 2, 6) = 24

GM_of_the_Heads |

Fort: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Fort: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
The bear staggers as Ziphora's lightning bolt strikes it, then stumbles when Hungry's spell watches over it... which gives you enough time to catch up to it, after which Tomorbataar and Beachhead make quick work of it.
It's just the perfect size to fill your belly, leaving you feeling quite stuffed. Though Hungry would no doubt insist you still have room for more Mo, meanwhile, goes off to hunt for himself, and meets back up with you somewhat later looking quite pleased with himself.
I'm assuming you travel on after that.
You return to the fort late in the evening. Sir Torlgrith shows up on the wall as you near.

Ziphora |

"We bring the bones of your ancestors, as well as a flaming longsword of theirs. The barbarian phantoms of the streams are dead and will pollute your stream no longer." Zpihora announces proudly.

Ziphora |

"Oh sorry. Bones you may have. But sword is for exchange. For you know, more useful shinies?" She says after Beachhead prompts her.

Tomorbataar |

You brought the bones! Tomorbataar shrieks, looking with wide eyes. But...but...but...they're ghost bones...they'll taint my soul...my soul... Tomorbataar looks intensely uncomfortable.
Please drop them he begins to plead, his face wilting, please...please please please get them away from me. I've worked so hard to get this far...so hard...and it's been a really rough week, and now you go and bring the bones. I asked you not to bring the bones. Tomorbataar's voice cracks, and he begins to shake and cry.
Please... he whispers softly.

Ziphora |

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry. " Ziphora hastens to apologize to Tomorbataar. "But I'm sure the bones want to be with their descendants."
"Mo, please carry those bones, and keep them 30 feet away from us." Ziphora bids Mo.

Tomorbataar |

Tomorbataar stares at the ground and says nothing for a long time.
We'll have to get the humans to go back and look more carefully tomorrow. He says, voice a little bit shakier. Better to not have missed anything.

Ziphora |

"We came upon some of your ghostly cheliaxian ancestors battling out with some barbarian phantoms. The blood of your ancestors being slain by the barbarian invaders was polluting the water. We helped your ancestors deal with the barbarian invaders, and when we finally won battle, they showed us this spot." Ziphora cocks her head a little. "There were bones, and that longsword in it. I would wager a guess that maybe putting the bones to rest in accordance to Cheliaxian rites might lay their ghosts to rest?" Ziphora's voice is slightly questioning. "But don't take my word for it, I'm no priest."

Sir Torlgrith |

"I see..." Sir Torlgrith says, frowning in thought. "Yes, we'll bury the bones you brought, and I'll send some men upstream to bury any others. From what little I know of such things, you're probably right about that solving the problem. As for the sword..."
He hesitates a moment. "We probably don't have anything here that's worth a flaming sword, but I could probably order something from Korvosa."

Tomorbataar |

Something like metal armor? Tomorbataar perks up at the thought. I could use some nice metal armor, with armor polish and everything, would do better than the wood. Tomorbataar looks down at his body. You could make it flexible too, so that I could bend all around?

Sir Torlgrith |

"That would depend on how complete its coverage was," Sir Torlgrith replies. "Without you being there with the armorer, I wouldn't suggest a full suit... er, whatever you would call it. You'd want a couple different pieces connected by adjustable straps, or some such. Not perfect protection, but better than wood."

Beachhead |

Beachhead slithers around Tomorbataar's armor and shield.
Tom has a shield? How does that work?
"Wait a second. You already have armor. And the magic rod. AND a bed!" The rest of us don't have anything."

Tomorbataar |

It's basically a wooden hat I think.
You have my brilliant leadership, obviously. Tomorbataar replies quickly, Anyway, I'm sure you could get some armor as well if you ask.

Beachhead |

"Well, no. This sword is a magic thing, so I think we should trade it for a magic thing. I bet I could fit a ring on this horn, right here."
Beachhead crosses his eyes to focus on one of the horns on his nose.

Beachhead |

"Well, depending on their height and whether they're using their main or off-hand... and depending on the time of day, because a ninja must factor in every variable for perfect precision strikes... I'll either execute a itsuwari horn gouge or a hijō ni nise no tooth strike."
Beachhead stares off into the distance and dodges a few imaginary strikes before coming back to the conversation. His look takes in Ziphora and Hungry.
"Aren't either of you interested in any sort of magical enhancements? If Tomorbataar has all of the good gear, whenever he gets cut off from the body, we've lost a huge chunk of our power."

Tomorbataar |

Obviously if I ever got cut from the body we'd be doomed, let's not worry about that circumstance...how would you hit someone with your horn if they had just grabbed onto it? Tomorbataar looks a bit puzzled. Your horn ring sounds like a fine idea anyway, though I'd think it might fall off.

Beachhead |

Obviously if I ever got cut from the body we'd be doomed, let's not worry about that circumstance...how would you hit someone with your horn if they had just grabbed onto it?
Beachhead rolls his eyes.
"Well, if they're already touching the horn, then hitting them with it is really easy."
Tomorbataar looks a bit puzzled. Your horn ring sounds like a fine idea anyway, though I'd think it might fall off.
"Nah. Just wedge it on there. Really tight."

Sir Torlgrith |

Sir Torlgrith is simply watching you with a look of bemusement. After a moment he realizes he should probably say something.
"A sword like this would probably be worth about two magic rings of the most basic sort, or one if it's a bit more powerful. But if I might make a suggestion, amulets might be better suited to your... unique challenges."