Six Heads of Mayhem--The Hydra Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Almonihah

A very unusual hydra sets out to prove that more heads may not be better than one.
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Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

If there's nothing further you wish to do or discuss, your haste will run out with you about 80' from the closest owlbear--this will be about when they reach their lair.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

Nothing to add from my end. Let them flee.

Male Hydrahead, HP 88/88 (100/100), Rage 24/24, CM 9, CMD 19
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 10(12), R: 4, W: 4(6), CMB +9(11), CMD +19(21) (+2 Sunder), Init +1, per -1
Diplo +9, DD +2, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +13, Perception -1, Sense Motive -1, Survival +10(14)

After getting a boost in the rear and nearly getting trampled by his own body, Blockhead redoubles his effort to sniff out his prey.
Relying solely on his nose (who cares if you can see them or not... Anyone seen The Fox and the Hound?) Blockhead chases down the Owlbears.
He mayyy have gotten off track a time or two, and tried to jerk the body sideways a bit, but quickly got back on track.
After a bit he looks up, We could chase them into the burrows. Maybe the burrows arnt that deep. I could probs knock them wider! If I hits the sides hard enough I coulds widen them. (a brilliant idea >_>)
Blockhead ponders a bit (while still trying to go as fast as possible) We also has longnecks. we can reach far, and we coulds probably bite a head off and stick it out in fronts of us to reach further. Then we asks it what it sees.

With a name like Blockhead, it's no wonder that his plans are brilliant and foolproof... Blockhead also votes to go full speed up to, and into the burrow.

(Back a bit...)

Tomorbataar wrote:
What if we come to an agreement with the owlbears to not attack the humans or we'll eat them, and then we go back to the humans and tell them they have to keep paying us or we'll let the owlbears eat them!

Uhhh... Couldn't we just eats the humans? Seems simpler. And more would probs come. They like ants that way. Always more.

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Yes, let's go into the burrows, though I don't think we shall be biting off our own heads. I'm not sure we should eat the humans, since if we do then when more come the willn't be able to produce goods and services for us, and that's not good. I think the threat of being eaten and agreements made with that threat will be more beneficial than actually eating them.

Tomorbtaar still votes to go after them at full speed.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Just as Morheds's Haste spell runs out, the owlbears reach their burrow and duck in. You can see that it's definitely too small for you to fit into, though it is mostly made of dirt. You could stick your heads in pretty easily, though it looks fairly deep.

You can also see that there are now five owlbears in the burrow, all crowded against the back wall and looking at you with a mixture of fear and anger.

Perception 20:
You can also hear the peeping of hungry little owlbear chicks coming from an opening in the back of the burrow.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

"Look, bear owls, we just want to talk terms. Leave the humans alone." Ziphora is finally begining to lose her patience after chasing the bear owls all over the place.

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Hungry laughs maniacally. "This is going to be REALLY funny."

He chants a short incantation and with a flick of his head a small red orb floats down the tunnel to about the back middle of the group of owlbears. Hungry casts fireball. As Hungry says, "Fireball." the small red orb erupts into a cascade of flames.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

The owlbears shriek in pain as they're burned, then, with clear evidence that hiding isn't going to work, swarm forward to attack.

These owlbears aren't really a threat to you... they're about half the strength of trolls, and given that Hungry hurt you more than the trolls did, I don't think they'll do much to you. As such, why don't you just post approximately what you'll do in combat, and then I can write how you horribly slay all of these poor, defenseless owlbears, and we can get this done with in one round of posts?

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Tomorbataar will keep forward and hit the owlbears with power attack as they get close. He will try to stay in the centre of things so he can protect his allies with Archon Style, and will redirect attacks to him when he can, causing AoOs. If one tries to run and he can get to it, he'll try to trip it, but otherwise will just stick to attacks.

No terms for them, terms for us. Glorious, glorious terms! Kill them all!

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

Hungry casts his spells in such a way to cause as much pain and suffering to the owlbears as possible. If one tries to run he'll cast slow.

"It's meal time!"

Male Hydrahead, HP 88/88 (100/100), Rage 24/24, CM 9, CMD 19
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 10(12), R: 4, W: 4(6), CMB +9(11), CMD +19(21) (+2 Sunder), Init +1, per -1
Diplo +9, DD +2, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +13, Perception -1, Sense Motive -1, Survival +10(14)

A not-gonna-succeed Lookin Check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
Blockhead goes and tries to stick his head right in the hole when he hears ...ireball...

Huhh?? Oh shhi... Blockhead yanks his head back as he hears a sssssssss...BOOOM!!!
Careful! you almost hits me again!

Blockhead will attempt to bash around an Owlbear or two, maybe cratering one of them. If he can, he will also attempt to play "golf" with one of the smaller ones >:)

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"I'm sorry. I really am. We tried to talk to you, but you weren't answering. I'll try to make this quick."Ziphora apologises as she reluctantly participates in their slaughter, unleashing bolts of lightning on them.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

I was hoping to hear from Morheds and Dru-Head, but it's been almost 24 hours, so moving on...

Already badly burned by Hungry's fireball, the owlbears do not prove much of a challenge to finish off. Blockhead whacks one so hard that it tumbles head-over-claws into a wall, quite dead. Tomorbataar doesn't get quite as much lift off of his attacks, but finds plenty of opportunity to counterattack as they scratch and bite (mostly uselessly) at your tough scales.

Ziphora's lightning adds to the scent of burnt feathers and fur already choking the air in addition to being effective at killing the beasts. Hungry, for his part, has lots of... 'fun' with the owlbears.

Before long, the carnage is over, and five dead owlbears lie scattered around near the entrance of the burrow.

If you made that earlier perception check:
You notice that there's no more chicks peeping in the back.

Each owlbear would be a very filling meal for you... so if you felt like gorging yourselves for a day, you could stay here and just eat all day tomorrow. You probably want to rest for the night tonight, as you've been walking for more than eight hours already, meaning more walking would count as a forced march.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

Ziphora looks at the dead bodies and sighs."I've been chasing these idiots the whole day and I'm dead tired. Lets just call it a day here."

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Good idea. First things first we should gather wood for another fire and try to do some cooking.

Tomorbataar votes to look around for wood then stop where they are.

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

"I'd like to try the cooked meat. ... OO! OO! OO!" With a short incantation the bone in Hungry's mouth glows bright, like a torch. Hungry casts the light cantrip. "There we go, now we can see to find the wood.

Hungry votes to look for wood and have a camping cook-out for the night.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"I supppose extra cooking wouldn't hurt. Though I'd say they're seared already. Do you have any means of starting a fire, besides fireball?" Ziphora asks.

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

"As a matter of fact, I do!" Hungry clicks his teeth and sparks fly. [ooc]Hungry casts Spark cantrip.[/b] "Pretty neat, huh?"

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"You're in cheerful humor today, Hungry." Ziphora observes. "Ah well, they're already dead, leta get moving,"

Votes to look for firewood

Male Hydrahead, HP 88/88 (100/100), Rage 24/24, CM 9, CMD 19
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 10(12), R: 4, W: 4(6), CMB +9(11), CMD +19(21) (+2 Sunder), Init +1, per -1
Diplo +9, DD +2, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +13, Perception -1, Sense Motive -1, Survival +10(14)

Blockhead "apparently" sees one of the dead owlbears twitch and takes it upon himself to make sure the thing is absolutely positively dead.
After a few he relents with a satisfied look. He then notices Hungrys teeth. Uhh. You gots something stuck in yours teeth. Its kinda bright. You eats a farie or somethings?
He then turns and looks at the rest. But cants the rest of you see in the dark like me? Didnt think I was dat special... (Pretty sure that we all have darkvision @_@)
But I can helps with the firewood! I can knocks them down and chops them up!

Blockhead votes to bite, gnash and gnaw those trees into tiny little bits of kindling >:D
(Guess who has Imp Sunder?)
Edit: He miiiight eat a stump or two... For digestion purposes. Honest!

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

It's pretty easy to collect a lot of firewood just from picking up deadwood, though Blockhead can, of course, smash trees if he's in the mood.

Also, I just realized I never asked what you did with those scrolls after Blockhead grabbed them...

Yes (Identifies as hungry) Hydra (???) Druid 6|| HP: 49/49, AC: 17 (20 w/Barkskin) (FF: 20 T: 11) || Init: +2, Fort: +8 Ref: +3 Will: +11 || Per: +14

Computers up and running for now, I'm gonna get back to posting. I'm pretty sure blockhead's right though, we should have darkvision.

Dru-head sits back to let nature take it's course during the owl bear fight.

Hey, hey, no just destroying trees, Blockhead. There's plenty of wood around here. You know what they say about the early bird.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

You do indeed all have Darkvision 60', as mentioned in the campaign info.

Also, if you're going to try some cooking, I think I'd like a Profession (Chef) skill check this time, for... inspiration when I write the results. ;)

Male Hydrahead, HP 88/88 (100/100), Rage 24/24, CM 9, CMD 19
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 10(12), R: 4, W: 4(6), CMB +9(11), CMD +19(21) (+2 Sunder), Init +1, per -1
Diplo +9, DD +2, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +13, Perception -1, Sense Motive -1, Survival +10(14)

Yes but this is US that is making this fire. It HAS to be excessively excessive and accompanied by massive destruction. And the fire has to be big. REALLY big :)
As for the scrolls, I had completely forgotten about them :P I have never played a character that couldnt hold anything before. Magical scrolls should be mostly saliva proof right? I guess for the most part he has them nestled in the side of his cheek (and that his accent is extra thick). The rare time he actually bites something (like eating the owlbears or eating the trees) he spits them out into a crevice in their shell.
Or swallowing them could be...entertaining... >_>

No I donts. Do we eats the early bird?
Blockhead looks longingly over at the trees that Dru-head forbade him from destroying...
BLAMM!! Crack... Crash!!!
Blockhead smashes into one of the trees, which falls over loudly much to Dru-heads protest.
Soryzz. That one looked at me funny. No more I promise.

Also, just realized this Tomorbataar. Archon Style takes a swift action to activate at the start of every fight. I dont think it made a difference, but there is that :P

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

It actually takes two, or, it would take two, to activate archon style and dragon style. Tomorbataar, however, is just like, always in them, because he's...monastic. I don't think there's anything against that in the rules, seems like a reasonable thing and that the swift action is in case you want multiple styles, so that a normal person can't just switch between the different styles they want a lot and just do something that's normally reserved for just the MoMS.

We must eat the bird, we ate those birds, Tomorbataar observes, staying well clear of the destruction and getting hit on the head by a falling tree. There is a spiderweb in the tree which covers him, and he freaks out, bashing his head against the body several times and eventually just headbutting the fire. He yelps loudly. Why would you do that to me, you...Blockhead!?

Took a point of fire damage.

He then uses a stick to pick up the corpse and hold it over the fire, keeping it at a distance. The scent of burning feathers fills the air, and he holds it over for a ridiculously long amount of time, past the point where it is clearly burnt.

Doesn't seem so much like a chef to me...

Profession (Culinary Artist): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

technically you can't roll profession untrained, but in the name of good fun...

"You guys are doing it all wrong! Let me show you how it's done!" Ziphora tries her hand at this 'cooking' game, lifting the owlbear and putting it slightly above the fire, occasionally tossing her owlbear into the air to rotate the facing.

profession chef: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Ziphora has her owlbear slightly charred on the outside, but pink and tender on the inside, with a mouthwatering aroma arising from it.

How ironic. I make a pretty decent cook in RL ;)

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Yeah, I figured no one would mind if I let you make this check untrained. :D

Nice roll, though! In fact, Ziphora does so well that she thinks she's gotten the hang of this. She gains this trait:

Hydra Chef: You're surprisingly good at cooking raw meat without hands. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Profession (Chef) checks while cooking raw meat, and you are considered trained in the skill for such checks.

Anything else before the next day?

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Nothing from me, good to go whenever.

Male Hydrahead, HP 88/88 (100/100), Rage 24/24, CM 9, CMD 19
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 10(12), R: 4, W: 4(6), CMB +9(11), CMD +19(21) (+2 Sunder), Init +1, per -1
Diplo +9, DD +2, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +13, Perception -1, Sense Motive -1, Survival +10(14)

Sure I will roll for this and see what happens :)
FIAR!!: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
ooh! decent. Apparently Block can cook.

Blockhead watches Ziphora as she cooks her owl for a while, but that only lasted until he starts to get a whiff of the smell.
At that point he has to go in close to take a bite only to have Ziphora shoo him away.
Pouting a bit, he decides to imitate her and cook his own. After a lot of straining to reach one of the smaller owlbears (the dratted body wouldnt move) he takes it and closely holds it over the fire.
ooph. Ow. Ahh. Hot..
Fire damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Ouch! Ahh! ow...
Fire damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
And a bit later Blockhead comes back up with a tasty smelling owl leg (and a blackened chin...)
Burnt Chicken. Got! (and a black jaw...)

Edit: good for the next day

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

Hungry hungrily wolfs down both cooked and uncooked owlbear. "Yum.

Good for the next day too.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Blockhead... would you kindly roll an Intelligence check for me?

Male Hydrahead, HP 88/88 (100/100), Rage 24/24, CM 9, CMD 19
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 10(12), R: 4, W: 4(6), CMB +9(11), CMD +19(21) (+2 Sunder), Init +1, per -1
Diplo +9, DD +2, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +13, Perception -1, Sense Motive -1, Survival +10(14)

Int: 1d20 - 9000 ⇒ (2) - 9000 = -8998 Just kidding, its 2 :P

Yes (Identifies as hungry) Hydra (???) Druid 6|| HP: 49/49, AC: 17 (20 w/Barkskin) (FF: 20 T: 11) || Init: +2, Fort: +8 Ref: +3 Will: +11 || Per: +14

Back on the phone for now. Ready to go too.

No, the early bird gets two stones. Come on guys. It's elemental.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Ooooo, a 2. >:D

Blockhead, distracted by all that's going on, doesn't remember the scroll tube he had in his cheek until after he's swallowed it.

Male Hydrahead, HP 88/88 (100/100), Rage 24/24, CM 9, CMD 19
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 10(12), R: 4, W: 4(6), CMB +9(11), CMD +19(21) (+2 Sunder), Init +1, per -1
Diplo +9, DD +2, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +13, Perception -1, Sense Motive -1, Survival +10(14)

Thats ok. I dont think ANYONE remembers that we actually had scrolls :D
Blockhead sure doesn't remember what they were supposed to be used for :b

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

Inteligence check to remember the scrolls too late. :p Int: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 What is scrolls? Lol

Yes (Identifies as hungry) Hydra (???) Druid 6|| HP: 49/49, AC: 17 (20 w/Barkskin) (FF: 20 T: 11) || Init: +2, Fort: +8 Ref: +3 Will: +11 || Per: +14

Why not.

intoolatecheck: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (17) - 3 = 14

HAH. My ability to roll well when it doesnt matter remains unmatched.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

Zip doesn't care about scrolls. What's those compared to stories, or good food? Won't roll.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Dru-Head vaguely recalls something about scribblies.

A little while after eating, just as you're about to settle down and sleep with your (very) full stomach, you notice you feel a bit... odd.

Scroll 1: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Scroll 2: 1d20 ⇒ 14

It's hard to put a tooth on exactly *how*, though. The feeling passes after a moment.

You all heal one hit point from the released magic from the Cure Moderate Wounds scroll.

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

Strange, for a moment there I felt...almost like...someone hadn't burned his brother with a fireball. Then Tomorbataar is silent.

Voting to head back to the village in the morning.

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

Next morning:

"I dreamt of a warm fuzzy glow in my belly last night. It felt so comforting! I'm sure today's going to be a great day!" Ziphora chirps cheerfully."Let's go back and bring Sir Tolgrith the good news!"

Vote to head back to village.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

The next day dawns gloomy and threatening rain. The smell of burnt feathers still hovers faintly in the air. There's still plenty of owlbear left (probably about three owlbears worth of meat, after Hungry's appetite and Blockhead's... tenderizing). After how much you ate last night, your belly is still fairly full, but it could fit a bit more before leaving should you wish.

I kind of assume that Hungry will eat as much as possible whenever he eats. :D

Male Hydrahead, HP 88/88 (100/100), Rage 24/24, CM 9, CMD 19
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 10(12), R: 4, W: 4(6), CMB +9(11), CMD +19(21) (+2 Sunder), Init +1, per -1
Diplo +9, DD +2, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +13, Perception -1, Sense Motive -1, Survival +10(14)

last night
As everyone got settled in to sleep for the night Blockhead does his routine of flattening anything nearby and gathering the debris into a makeshift (and very lumpy) nest when he stops suddenly with an odd look on his face. *_o
He lets out a multicolored belch before shrugging and continuing on.

I assume we heal 6hps again? And I assume others need to prepare spells?

Bockhead wakes up the next morning feeling greeeaaat and raring to go. However stretching and breakfast does little to pass the time that the others require and he quickly reverts to his Mischievous-child-with-a-big-stick nature.
Thump! Thump! Thump!

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

Hungry stretches and yawns from a night of very restful sleep and dreaming of eating all the things. "Morning, ya'll"

Hungry conjures his spell book and prepares his spells.

After he finishes, "All right. That does it for me, I'm now ready to start heading back towards the fort."

After about an hour of walking back to the fort Hungry casts False Life and Mage Armor.

False Life: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

Yes you heal 6 hp for a full night's sleep

Human Metal-skin


Sir Torlgrith looked over his letter, finally feeling mostly satisfied with it. He read over it one last time, just to be sure.

To Your Majesty, etc etc

In the course of clearing the old trade route through Bloodsworn Vale, I have encountered the most... unusual creature. It appears somewhat like a hydra, though with each head having its own distinct appearance and personality. Unlike the many beasts which have troubled our progress through the vale, they (for they truly are distinct, from my observation) have proven amenable to diplomacy, even being willing to aid in clearing the vale of other threats, in return for payment in food and other goods.

I have taken the liberty of extending Your Majesty's offer of a share of the road's proceeds to them, as they have proven useful as a sort of... mercenary company. I do, however, fear that they know that they negotiate from a position of strength, and that as such their demands will grow more and more difficult to meet in return for their service. I further fear that, should they cease to view our presence in the vale as useful, they may turn upon us, in which case I am not certain I have forces sufficient to defeat them.

However, as Your Majesty has already informed me as to the difficulty of sending further reinforcements at the present time, I pray Your Majesty considers a humble proposal. I have already seen ample proof of this creature's might, and as it can be reasoned with and has shown a willingness to engage in mercenary work, Your Majesty might wish to contract its services elsewhere for the glory of Korvosa. Should Your Majesty think this wise, I would humbly suggest that Your Majesty send an envoy to propose such an arrangement without delay, before I run out of ways to pay them.

I am, as always, your humble servant, etc.

With a decisive nod to himself, Sir Torlgrith folded the letter up and sealed it in an envelope, then called for his sergeant. The message would soon be off, and, he hoped, a response would soon come back that would take his problematic allies somewhere they could either serve for the glory of Korvosa... or die. He'd rather they did the former, but he was all-too-aware that, out here, at this little outpost, he and his men would be the ones doing the latter should the worst happen.

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

After breakfasting on the remains of the owlbears (leaving maybe half of the meat behind, even after two meals), you head back towards the fort. Perhaps halfway there, you hear a sudden crash ahead of you, followed by some voices in the distance. Loud voices.

"Hé, testvér, lefogadom nem lehet legyőzni, hogy!"

Hey, brother, I bet you can't beat that!

"Ó igen? Tudok dobni sziklák ... hé, mi ez a hang?"

Oh yeah? I can throw rocks... hey, what's that sound?

10 Kineticist (Air)head | HP 45/93| 30 non lethal damage AC: 25 (17 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22| F:+ 10, R: +13, W: +6; | Init: +5 | Perc: +10,SM: +0 | Speed 15ft from body |

"Hello there, whoever you are. Could you speak in common, please?" Ziphora asks politely. She turns to face her brothers. "Did any of you understand that? If you did, could you please tell them we come in peace, and we have owlbear some distance back to share?"

Male Hydra Head Necromancer (Sin Magic Specialist) 7 | HP: 25/39(46) | 2 Con Dmg. | Init: +3 | AC: 19;23 (w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 14 FF: 16;20 (w/ Mage Armor) | CMD 18

"That language, my dear sister, is Giant. It seems to be two giants were having a rock throwing competition but our presence has distracted them. I'll talk to them."

Shouting towards the voices in the deepest, scariest voice Hungry can muster, "Én a Halál! Eljöttem lelketeknek! Ne harcolj a végén!"

I am Death! I have come for your souls! Do not fight your end!

Intimidate: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Battle Board Area Maps Hydra Deity Level 20 All Classes

There's a moment of silence, followed by a loud voice saying, "Oh, yeah? Well I god of death! Me say you come where I see you!"

You vaguely remember there being a clearing somewhere around here. That's probably where the giants are.

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