Whenever a creature that has not spotted you moves within 10' of any other hydra head, you can, as an immediate action, appear next to that head adjacent to the moving creature.
The idea being that you could just show up next to one of the other heads and get a sneak attack of opportunity on something moving near them. Obviously I'd have to tell you when things do or don't see you for this to work.
Two Places At Once:
You can seem to be in two places at once. Or maybe there are really two of you and it's just that you're so good at hiding that you usually only see one of you?
Effects: Once per round as a free action, you can attempt a stealth vs. perception, acrobatics vs. CMD, or sleight of hand vs. perception check on a target within your reach. If successful, you count as flanking that enemy for the rest of your round.
Beachhead has been a head on the hydra creature from the very beginning. Maybe. You don't know. He's very good at hiding in the shadows and striking from them. He is quick and lithe, and uses his lithe quickness to strike fast and return to the shadows so one of the other heads get hit instead of him. One day, he hopes to somehow get a black band of cloth with eyeholes tied around his head to show how deadly he is.
His favorite thing to talk about is his hot girlfriend that he used to have, Redhead, a hydra head that nobody else remembers. But she was amazing.
Beachhead the hydra head is covered in black and dark gray scales. He is slimmer than some of the other heads, and is almost constantly slithering around them and other parts of the hydra body, unless he's hiding, in which case he bunches up at the base of where the necks join, or he hangs out underneath the hydra's belly, or he carefully hides behind the other hydras' heads.