3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Lady Hmmmmmmmmmm bloody predicted it... I'd play 2E one day... I got all giddy and got over myself and made a PFS2E PC...
Let the record show that on this week, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Nineteen, was born Master Bladden Pennyworth, Gutsy Halfling Alchemist Barrister extraordinaire, fully trained in Legal Lore, for your juristic pleasure, all rights reserved, non-assumpsit, and lawful good, for those wishing to only retain a solicitor of reputable character.
Watery Soup |
I'm thinking about GMing a PFS2 PbP.
1. I've never GMed PFS2 before.
2. I've never GMed PbP before.
I've GMed a lot of live homebrews, and I also GMed a PFS1 scenario at a LGS. I've only played PF2 a few times.
Any tips people want to share, or should I start by jumping in? If it's better to wait for more player experience, that'd be welcome advice, too (I'll sign up to play a PF2 game instead of GMing when my Gameday commitments start wrapping up).
Do people run the quests online?
Hmm... If you have played a couple games in PbP I see no issue with jumping into GM'ing it, especially since you have a good chunk of experience running games in other formats.
Yes, the quests have been run online and that might be a good place to start to keep things short and simple while you get used to all the timing and formatting and nitty gritty details behind the scenes.
The only bit of advice I would give is to always be looking for ways to improve your skills. I have learned tons of things from playing in other games or just keeping an eye on the topics being discussed on the forums. Good luck!
GM Numbat |
I'm thinking about GMing a PFS2 PbP.
1. I've never GMed PFS2 before.
2. I've never GMed PbP before.I've GMed a lot of live homebrews, and I also GMed a PFS1 scenario at a LGS. I've only played PF2 a few times.
Any tips people want to share, or should I start by jumping in? If it's better to wait for more player experience, that'd be welcome advice, too (I'll sign up to play a PF2 game instead of GMing when my Gameday commitments start wrapping up).
Do people run the quests online?
Yes, people run the quests online.
If you haven't done much PbP then playing a few games to get the hang of it and observe other GMs styles and methods is a good idea. But if you think you are ready then just jump in. It can be good to have an experienced GM or two play in your game as they can answer questions and help out as needed.There are some great resources available. Check some of the links in the Flaxseed lodge. I'll try to come back later or send a PM with more.
Welcome to PbP GMing and thanks for stepping up.
GM Blake |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I strongly recommend playing in at least one PbP game to see how our community formats the game and moves the flow--ideally, more than one under different GMs to get a sample of techniques.
When you are ready to run a game, I recommend running a repeatable scenario so that more experienced people can join to help you. There is less chance that you'll lock out experienced help that way.
The Great Rinaldo! |
A lot of GMs are running GameDay 8 games, and since those all started at the same time, it will be a bit until those start to finish before those GMs become free again. When we don't have a game day or convention going on, games are more spread out with sessions starting up fairly frequently.
Sometimes you can get lucky if you ask for a specific scenario; if several people chime in, a GM might turn up.
Dennis Muldoon |
You're in the wrong lodge, friend. No level 9s, no oradins, and no Salvation for the Sages here in the PF2 lodge. Try over in Flaxseed.
Lady Ladile |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
I will also note that the Online VO Team is aware of how hard it's been lately for new, interested players to find games here on Paizo and over on the Discord lodges due to most GMs being booked up for the PbP Gameday convention. We will be taking this into account when planning for future conventions so that it will be less of a problem going forward :)
numbat1 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Welcome yergithefirst. Hang around and check back often. Many of the convention games are starting to wrap up so once GMs and Players recover and reorganize there will be more recruitment happening.
yergithefirst |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Welcome yergithefirst. Hang around and check back often. Many of the convention games are starting to wrap up so once GMs and Players recover and reorganize there will be more recruitment happening.
Thanks for the welcome! That's totally fine - I still need time to read through the Organized Play materials and finish making my character.
GM Gustavef |
steinkrug |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'm interested in trying my hand at GMing PFS2 PbP.
Since I'm new I thought it might be good to start with one of the quests, Sandstone Secret or Unforgiving Fire. Perhaps the former since it's repeatable and maybe a more experienced GM will jump in as a player.
Would this be welcomed by the community? And if so, curious to hear if there would be interest from players.
GM Numbat |
I'm interested in trying my hand at GMing PFS2 PbP.
Since I'm new I thought it might be good to start with one of the quests, Sandstone Secret or Unforgiving Fire. Perhaps the former since it's repeatable and maybe a more experienced GM will jump in as a player.
Would this be welcomed by the community? And if so, curious to hear if there would be interest from players.
That sounds great, Steinkrug. While I have run this one several times and played it once myself, if your table doesn't fill too fast, then I'd be happy to be there to support you.
If other experienced PbP GM's are available, I don't mind giving up my seat.
logsig |
I'm interested in trying my hand at GMing PFS2 PbP.
Since I'm new I thought it might be good to start with one of the quests, Sandstone Secret or Unforgiving Fire. Perhaps the former since it's repeatable and maybe a more experienced GM will jump in as a player.
Would this be welcomed by the community? And if so, curious to hear if there would be interest from players.
Yes please!
Dennis Muldoon |
Finished up my Gameday game today, and I was thinking that it's been a while since I ran a public non-convention PbP. Time to fix that! I'll be running PF2 #1-04 Bandits of Immenwood (tier 1-4). Interested? Sign up here! I'll make selections by the Wednesday, with the goal of starting by the weekend.
GM Crunch |
Anyone up for a game of #1-00: Origin of the Open Road? Sign up here! Will give preference to newer players, but I'll cop to it so you know, the adventure uses level 5 pregens. Chronicle can be applied to any character of level 5 or lower.
Also, Steinkrug, I'd love to join in on your game if there's space. I've played and GM'd Sandstone Secret once each, so you know.
steinkrug |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Awesome. Thanks for the support. I've got Numbat, Iogsig, Arlo and Crunch expressing interest. That's enough for a table, so maybe I'll get a thread started and see if there's any further interest this week with a goal of getting started 11/4.
Recruitment thread is up. (I think I did it right...)
Those of you who have expressed interest here if you wouldn't mind checking in over there, that'd be great. Thanks!
Kalderaan |
Anyone up for a game of #1-00: Origin of the Open Road? Sign up here! Will give preference to newer players, but I'll cop to it so you know, the adventure uses level 5 pregens. Chronicle can be applied to any character of level 5 or lower.
Also, Steinkrug, I'd love to join in on your game if there's space. I've played and GM'd Sandstone Secret once each, so you know.
I'm interested! :D
Brondulf Iarlsson |
Finished up my Gameday game today, and I was thinking that it's been a while since I ran a public non-convention PbP. Time to fix that! I'll be running PF2 #1-04 Bandits of Immenwood (tier 1-4). Interested? Sign up here! I'll make selections by the Wednesday, with the goal of starting by the weekend.
I'm keen on this one. Just finished Mosquito Witch. Waiting on the Chronicle. Signed up on your sheet.
GM Crunch |
Recruitment is filled! Hrothdane, Steinkrug, Pete H., Cary U., John Woodford, and Z. Davis can report to Discussion at their leisure.
GM Dennis |
Finished up my Gameday game today, and I was thinking that it's been a while since I ran a public non-convention PbP. Time to fix that! I'll be running PF2 #1-04 Bandits of Immenwood (tier 1-4). Interested? Sign up here! I'll make selections by the Wednesday, with the goal of starting by the weekend.
Lottery is done for this as well. Will the following folks please report in HERE:
Derek Lane 127 / Brondulf Iarlsson
Steinkrug / Guntram Falk
Chadius / Emmnuel Holysmith
Lysle / Ott Underhand
GMGrumpelStiltzkin / TBD
Marjim Marc Arafiles / Mindartis Nightbreeze
GM MattMorris |
Hey y'all: Not strictly-speaking PFS, but since we aren't going to be doing any sanctioned testing of the 2E APG content in PFS, I'm going to be running a short PBP homebrew to test the classes, and I thought there might be some interested parties here.
If you want to participate, recruitment is here.
Hoping to start pretty soon.
Dungeon Master S |
Now recruiting for 1-07 Flooded King's Court
All interested agents sign up HERE and report to the briefing room when called.
Dungeon Master S |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Woah that was fast. PDK, you're first if someone bails. Otherwise:
Matt (Orsen)
Matt Wilson
Eric Collins - France
Report: HERE
GM Glyn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Recruitment for 1-06 Lost on Spirit Road {link}
* Recruitment Closed *
Give the number of responses in 24hr, I’m closing recruitment and decided to run two tables. One of the level ones who haven’t played or GMed the scenario before and one table for those who have and/or 2nd level.
Table one discussion {link}:
Raznik / Ranger 1
Junior Pepper / Sorcerer 1
Teja Khellekdottir / Rogue 1
Anjo Aroh / Ranger 1
Orla Pfeffenpfoffer / Cleric 1
The Mad Hopper / Alchemist 1 (or Bard 1)
Table two discussion {link}:
Lysle / Fumbus pregen Alchemist 1
M Morris / Champion 1
Sylvia Dyspell / Wizard 1
Hamarel Sog-Raug-Dond / Monk 2
Xathos of Varisia / Wizard 2
King Treylll (Celister) / Barbarian 2
Please post in your game discussion thread and dot in the play thread.
GMGrumpelStiltzkin |
GM Blake |
GM Blake |
I am opening recruitment for a horror themed run of PFS(2) 1-02: The Mosquito Witch.
** spoiler omitted **
Anticipated Start is November 20th, 2019.
Session is now open for the mustered players:
Arrowhawk on MW
Here are the links, please post within 48 hours: