Cottonseed PFS PbP (2E)

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XII Announcement
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Dark Archive

Seeing if there is anymore interest in another Mosquito Witch Scenario. If so sign up below.

Sign up Here!

Mosquito Witch (Tier 1-4):

Decades ago, witnesses reported a fearsome cryptid outside of the quiet River Kingdoms town of Shimmerford. Dubbed the Mosquito Witch, it was rarely seen since and quickly became a beloved local legend that the town celebrates and promotes to attract visitors. But when recent attacks began savaging livestock and townsfolk alike, many have started believing the Mosquito Witch was real all along. The PCs travel to Shimmerford to unravel the cryptid mystery, but might they just become the witch's next victim?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tyranius wrote:
Seeing if there is anymore interest in another Mosquito Witch Scenario. If so sign up below.

In the process of creating my first 2e character. Will sign up if there's still space after I finish character creation.

GM Granta wrote:
Tyranius wrote:
Seeing if there is anymore interest in another Mosquito Witch Scenario. If so sign up below.
In the process of creating my first 2e character. Will sign up if there's still space after I finish character creation.

Welcome back Granta! if you have a kobold race boon for 1E please check the flaxseed thread also... :)

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
GM PDK wrote:
If you have a kobold race boon for 1E please check the flaxseed thread also... :)

Nope, no 1e stuff anymore. Threw away my characters and gave away the books to a newbie.


Fewer 1E players by the day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:
Fewer 1E players by the day.

What is this "1E' that you speak of?

GM Granta wrote:
GM PDK wrote:
If you have a kobold race boon for 1E please check the flaxseed thread also... :)
Nope, no 1e stuff anymore. Threw away my characters and gave away the books to a newbie.

Wow! that was a final move! do you regret it or are you ok with 2E now?

Nefreet wrote:
Fewer 1E players by the day.

On these boards, perhaps, but it's alive and well out there in the real-interface world! :)

Sovereign Court

I had hoped the opposite. I only go out to play once a week, so we've all but dropped 1E. And there are still a fair few scenarios left for me to play! But here's hoping there're others willing to stick with it.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM PDK wrote:
Wow! that was a final move! do you regret it or are you ok with 2E now?

I still play 1e some, just not in PFS. For the most part, I can play without books now, and just look online for what I don't remember.

And the gift made a newbie very happy!

GM Granta wrote:
GM PDK wrote:
Wow! that was a final move! do you regret it or are you ok with 2E now?

I still play 1e some, just not in PFS. For the most part, I can play without books now, and just look online for what I don't remember.

And the gift made a newbie very happy!

I'd say! I gave my 3.5 stuff to someone in a similar manner: he backed his car to my door and we literally filled his trunk with hundreds of books. He was ecstatic.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I did the same with my old D&D books. Somewhere in the Netherlands, someone has a metric ton of my old 2e and 3e stuff...

Lantern Lodge

I did that with my old D&D stuff (though I still have my 3.5) And since then about once every two or three years I want to look something up, or consult a map or... arghh.

Looking for a 1-03 game. I would like to play it before I GM it for my local group. I have a Level 2 Druid.

Any interest out there?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can start one up. #1-02 Mosquito Witch is a little slow on the sign ups due to a few just starting, so I'll recruit for that as well. Sign up below for #1-03 Escaping the Grave. There are Tabs at the bottom, just look for the PFS2 one.

Sign up Here

Escaping the Grave (Tier 1-4):

The Whispering Tyrant has escaped Gallowspire and ravaged the lands of Lastwall. Although the nation managed to evacuate many civilians, there are still refugees, Pathfinders, and irreplaceable cultural treasures trapped in this undead-ridden realm known as the Gravelands. You are part of the Society's efforts to infiltrate these dangerous lands, rescue the Pathfinders missing in action, and recover what historical texts and treasures they can. Just be quick! Every hour behind enemy lines increases the chance a nearby army learns of your mission.

Tyranius, I've GMed 1-03 but not played it yet. I'd like to sign up, but am willing to wait to see if you get a full table first.

I signed up for your Mosquito Witch Tyranius. If that's alright.

Dark Archive

eggellis wrote:
I signed up for your Mosquito Witch Tyranius. If that's alright.

Absolutely! Looks like if we get 1 more we will have a legal Mosquito Witch table.

Dark Archive

Could the following please check into the Escaping the Grave Table!

Escaping the Grave Gameplay Link

  • Kalderaan
  • Saashaa
  • "Marjim Marc Arafiles"
  • kuey
  • GM Rinaldo

  • GM Crunch wrote:
    I had hoped the opposite. I only go out to play once a week, so we've all but dropped 1E. And there are still a fair few scenarios left for me to play! But here's hoping there're others willing to stick with it.

    I'm still up for 1e. I haven't played every 2e scenario but enough so that even when I do have time to play live, sometimes I can't find a valid game to play. Even in this thread, the last two games offered - 1-02 and 1-03 - are non-repeatable ones I can't play. I'm not the world's most prolific player and I have this problem - what has happened to all the people who played 2+ PFS1 scenarios per week? Curled up in the fetal position at home suffering from withdrawal?

    I really hope someone from Paizo converts a bunch of 1e scenarios. Or, if Paizo doesn't want to do it, could OPF just allow volunteers to do conversions?

    I'll probably volunteer to GM some 2e when my 1e GM games are done.

    Recruitment for PFS #1-01 The Absalom Initiation is now open. I will be running 2 tables if there is enough interest, high tier and low tier. The signup link to my sheet is below. Tentative start date is December 16.

    Sign up

    wow... I've never given/sold my rpg books and stuff. I still have my original D&D books from the early 80's (and the dice that came with them) and every rpg book since then. Though most of them are boxed up and put away.

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    Once you move a few times, get married and have kids, all that stuff begins to slow you down. There's no room for it anymore. I have my original D&D stuff from the '70's, but gave away boatloads of boxed sets from 2e and 3e.

    Grand Lodge

    Yeah. Long ago I began to make or obtain digital copies of my gaming material. I used to have more than 20 milk crates of material dating back to about '82. Tarondor is right about having no room for it anymore, not to mention having to move it from place to place. Now I have 3 with my most valued books and maps- some hard decisions were made. I won't lie, there were some tears shed. And a 2.12 GB file for my games on my PC.

    Tyranius wrote:
    eggellis wrote:
    I signed up for your Mosquito Witch Tyranius. If that's alright.
    Absolutely! Looks like if we get 1 more we will have a legal Mosquito Witch table.

    I added myself to that table.

    I have played PF2 a fair amount at this point, but have only played the ACG online. I'm looking at some the pbp sticky posts for hints and such now (esp for setting up the profile).


    Sovereign Court

    Iceman wrote:
    I'm looking at some the pbp sticky posts for hints and such now (esp for setting up the profile).

    There is a template linked at the bottom of my profile.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    GM Granta wrote:
    Iceman wrote:
    I'm looking at some the pbp sticky posts for hints and such now (esp for setting up the profile).
    There is a template linked at the bottom of my profile.

    I haven't had the time to update them with some new techniques, but...

    How to PBP PF2
    PBP online character sheet template

    ...and since it has some of my more recent ideas on technique:

    PFS(2) Player Instructions

    Dark Archive

    Could the following please check into the Mosquito Witch Table. Link is below:

    Mosquito Witch Gameplay Link

  • Steinkrug
  • Arrowhawk
  • Eggellis
  • Iceman

  • Dark Archive

    Iceman wrote:
    I have played PF2 a fair amount at this point, but have only played the ACG online. I'm looking at some the pbp sticky posts for hints and such now (esp for setting up the profile).

    Not a problem, We can help walk you through it all at the table!

    If you click the link (sign up) you get to a page.
    Then you should click the 2nd tab at the bottom, named: PbP Sign Up 2
    And you'll see the two lists for the games that are offered.
    The low tier (1-2) one is quite full it seems.
    The higher tier (3-4) one is quite empty...

    GMGrumpelStiltzkin wrote:

    Recruitment for PFS #1-01 The Absalom Initiation is now open. I will be running 2 tables if there is enough interest, high tier and low tier. The signup link to my sheet is below. Tentative start date is December 16.

    Sign up

    I would love to Play, but only have a Level 1. Should I sign up for the 3-4 game since the other is full? :(

    No that’s for high tier. I have a wish list on the right side. If you have a scenario you are dying to play, put it there with your name and if I ever GM that game then you’ll be first on my list.

    GMGrumpelStiltzkin wrote:
    No that’s for high tier. I have a wish list on the right side. If you have a scenario you are dying to play, put it there with your name and if I ever GM that game then you’ll be first on my list.

    You got it. Thanks!

    There is still room at the high tier table for PFS #1-01 The Absalom Initiation. Signup link is below.


    Horizon Hunters

    Tyranius wrote:

    Could the following please check into the Mosquito Witch Table. Link is below:

    Mosquito Witch Gameplay Link

  • Steinkrug
  • Arrowhawk
  • Eggellis
  • Iceman
  • A bit late, but do you still have room? Most of the games I'm in have been wrapping up, and I have the basis of a character idea ready (and could have finished in the next day or so.)

    Dark Archive

    Sure thing. Hop on in Ionic Saltbeard!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Strength Monk looking for a PF2 scenario beside Mosquito Witch.

    Envoy's Alliance

    Ruffian Rogue looking for a PF2 scenario other than Absalom Initiation.

    Sovereign Court

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm committed to running the non-evergreens for my group. But I do have a repeatable ready! Sign-ups here. I tentatively put you two on the list, feel free to remove if you'd rather pass.

    Lost on the Spirit Road (tier 1-4):

    A shipment of relics on its way to Minkai vanished somewhere in the Forest of Spirits, a dense woodland home to kami and spirits of all sorts. In search of the missing shipment, Pathfinder agents travel to a remote village, where they uncover secrets of this enigmatic forest.

    Vigilant Seal

    Lilic answers the call about lost relics if they will have him:
    "Yet another situation where we must Protect, Contain, and probably Destroy!
    And I bet there won't be a tavern in sight..."

    Sovereign Court

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    That was fast! Calling Eijel, Eric Collins, Lysle, Blake's Tiger, and Docchicago here to muster. Zioalca too, but if you're out Pirate Rob is in.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    If you were interested but didn't make the cut, check back here after Christmas. I am finishing up a PFS1 game and plan to start another Lost on Spirit Road sometime around the new year.

    In the spirit of full disclosure, it will be my first time GMing PF2, so it may be a little rough.

    Vigilant Seal

    Ghostbiter wanders the Pathfinder Lodge grumbling at a lack of fights available. She hasn't gotten to bite anything undead lately and her teeth have started to ache from lack of use. She chews on her greatclub to try and loosen a few of the older teeth for the new row to start coming in.

    Recruiting for running of PFS2E quests, starting with #1 The Sandstone Secret (1-4), which is repeatable. Sign-up here.

    Well sign up already ended up for the previous game :-(

    I’m still interested in some PF2.

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hello Awesome GMs!

    We're starting to recruit for PBP PlayDis Con 2020. January 20th - March 16th 2020

    We will be running PFS1, PFS2, and SFS.

    There will not be any Specials ran during this period as we are trying something a little different for this one. This convention will be specific to Play-by-Discord! Please see the announcement below for more information.

    If you are interested in running a game for the PlayDis Con 2020, please respond to the Recruiting Form before December 27th. Thanks!

    PlayDis Con 2020 Announcement (Link)

    GM Registration Form (Link) (Please complete before Dec 27th if you are looking for scenario support)


    Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

    Tyranius, I'd love to, but I don't know much Discord. How does it differ from PbP on Paizo?

    Dark Archive

    It is a little closer than you may think. In the Announcement I have posted a great link to discord formatting tips created by The Masked Ferret to help folks with the same transition.

    It is very much like PbP here on these forums, just a little different formatting. Otherwise you can pin messages, which is what you would want to do for maps.

    Dark Archive

    Another Announcement for PlayDis Con 2020

    Reminder Links

  • PlayDis Con Announcement Link
  • GM Registration Form (Link) (Please complete before Dec 27th if you are looking for scenario support)

    As requested by several of the GM's here is a link to what will end up being the Player Signup Sheet. It is not active for sign ups yet and I am posting this so that GM's can get an idea of what is starting to form for games so that they aren't submitting a bunch of the same scenario.

    Reminder that Player Sign-up will go active on the 3rd of January

  • List of Games / Player Sign Up (Link)

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