Arudato's page
Organized Play Member. 34 posts (120 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.
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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: Arudato wrote: So, I only have two players who are long time friends of mine. Since the adventure is balanced for 4 PCs, I decided to add a couple of companion NPCs with full character sheets for them to control and for me to roleplay as. They agreed.
So, since we're not big fans of the Owlcat Game companions and one of my players has played the computer game ad nauseam, I decided to make one NPC per core book class our group was lacking (players are a Fighter and Ranger), and made them NPCs at Jamandi's Residence. The NPCs were a big hit with my players, and they even had to use a "wheel of names" to decide which two would accompany them. That made me feel really happy!
The problem is... they want to keep seeing them in the adventure. Although they showed up during the assault on the mansion, I didn't plan ahead and now I have no idea what I'll do with them. I had them form teams and go explore the Stolen Lands but I didn't think things through and now I'll have to prepare whatever they're supposed to do out there and it's being overwhelming. I don't want to unceremoniously make them go poof, but I don't want to dissapoint my players either. I had a backstory for each NPC but I don't want ANY of that to detract from the main campaign and side plots...
What should I do? Have some of the extraneous NPCs die ignomious deaths that the players can stumble across in the Stolen Lands, choose 2-3 NPCs that the players like most and have the players run these PCs as "secondary" characters. Hmmm this actually sounds good. Only a couple of them actually have backstories I, as a GM, got actually interested into. It'll be sad to kill most of them but it's better than having them dissapear and it also helps portraying the danger of the Stolen Lands, maybe even making them hate Stag Lord or Tartuccio even more.
That said, I don't know about my players playing as the NPCs... Once we tried to play this game, Wrath of the Autarch or something like that, where they made their PCs and had to also roleplay the other NPCs and let's say they're not really up to that anymore. Also adding them to the party would inflate the number of adventurers already in.
All in all, solid advice :)
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So, I only have two players who are long time friends of mine. Since the adventure is balanced for 4 PCs, I decided to add a couple of companion NPCs with full character sheets for them to control and for me to roleplay as. They agreed.
So, since we're not big fans of the Owlcat Game companions and one of my players has played the computer game ad nauseam, I decided to make one NPC per core book class our group was lacking (players are a Fighter and Ranger), and made them NPCs at Jamandi's Residence. The NPCs were a big hit with my players, and they even had to use a "wheel of names" to decide which two would accompany them. That made me feel really happy!
The problem is... they want to keep seeing them in the adventure. Although they showed up during the assault on the mansion, I didn't plan ahead and now I have no idea what I'll do with them. I had them form teams and go explore the Stolen Lands but I didn't think things through and now I'll have to prepare whatever they're supposed to do out there and it's being overwhelming. I don't want to unceremoniously make them go poof, but I don't want to dissapoint my players either. I had a backstory for each NPC but I don't want ANY of that to detract from the main campaign and side plots...
What should I do?
Thanks for the game, and for encouraging roleplay! :D
I'm quite sad I lost my chance to take part in the finale and I feel my character interactions with the group left a lot to be desired. Kei's wife and his leshy familiar form an integral part of his character, but it's hard to put it into play in PFS; that or I'm terrible at roleplaying. This is my third PFS game and overall, my third experience as a player, like, ever... I'm a forever GM.
I had a good time with all of you and I'm glad to had been able to take part in a group of memorable adventurers :) They left an impression on Kei and he'll strive to be on par with them.
That said, something always confuses me: what do I do with my chronicle and what do I need to modify on my character sheet after a session?
Hey guys, thanks for all the help getting into a game! :)
I come back, again, with some questions:
-I have a couple PFS characters I used during my first PbP experiences and I came up with other character concepts I enjoy more. How can I change them without breaking any rules?
-Is PFS1E more active than 2e? How hard is it to play it PbP considering 1e is a more complicated rules system?
-How many PFS PbP games can I participate at a given time? Is it "bad manners" to be participating in more than one?
BretI wrote: The rules are on the Character Options page in the section on "Using options from other sources".
The part you want is "proof of purchase, such as a receipt from a game store or a screenshot of your My Downloads page on paizo.com."
Thanks for the clarification Bretl and DoubleGold :) I understand better now how this is. Just to fully understand, if I wanna unlock something with achievement points, I also have to show ownership of the material right? I'll get the APG anyways down the road, but this just made me curious on how it works :)
Hey guys, I'm a little confused on the subject of PbP and ownership of material.
Say, if I want to make a summoner when it releases, how can I show my GM that I own the rulebook that contains it? If I don't, can I still buy the Summoner class with achievement points? Is all of this necessary for PbP play or just for face-to-face play?
It's a little confusing as with my group we just had the core manual and we used everything we didn't have the APs needed from the SRD back in 1e, but then again we never played PFS so...
Oh God... Witch class is exactly what I've been looking for a long time, a familiar-centric caster! Until the summoner gets released (if it ever does) this will do the trick. For the meantime I'll just make another character.
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Whoa, the posts were really helpful!
I have no words to thank everyone to contributed to answer me about everything I asked. Hope we find each other in game soon, and that the posts made also help other people with my doubts :)
Ok, that sounds good then, I'll be a more active member of Organized Play :D
Any advice on building a character for PF Society in terms of backstory? Usually the ones I made didn't ring with me because I made them as if I was going to play in a campaign, with ongoing story and such.
Thanks guys! I'll make a character then and proceed to try and make it into an adventure.
I have a couple questions before though:
-Is the Shoony ancestry sanctioned for organized play already?
-Where is the best place to try and make it into a campaign? I like Organized play but I also want to have something to play in between.
How have things been around here lately? I'm kinda new to PbP, already participated in a couple quests, but it's quite hard to settle in a character I like...
I think I finally find one I want to play and make, but I don't know how active stuff has been around here. I'm still in lockdown (living in Brazil) and I'm already missing roleplaying so, so much.
Anyone running a PF2E PBP campaign who might be interested in a player?
GM OfAnything wrote: Looking for an adventure specifically, or would you like to play a quest? And what character were you going to bring? A Human Ranger :)
Adventure or Quest, I've been itching to play PF and I want to dedicate myself to leveling up a character and being able to take part in more events as time goes.
Hello guys! Any adventure opening for 1st level characters? I have PFS experience, but I hadn't settled with any class until recently.
Guys, speaking of character options, what does one have to do to play advanced classes in PbP gameplay? I read something about unlocking them but I don't really understand.
Also, in the past I used the SRD as a source but it seems that's illegal for PFS PbP, am I right?
I'm in a point in my life where a lot of good and bad things are happening simultaneously. I have been a GM for life, and until recently, had the chance to be a plater in the PbP section of the forums. My players and I are eager to jump back into action, but everything going on with me right now keeps pushing this back.
My strongest problems as of now are three:
-Lack of energy and time to prepare stuff (I know Adventure Paths are a thing, but right now, being a south american citizen and having other priorities in mind, I can't make the investment on them.)
-We are only three: my two friends and me, and I don't know how to make companion NPCs without making them completely useless or too powerful.
-We live in different countries, we play using Discord and Roll20.
I really want to jump back. I have many old PF1e Adventure Path Modules, some stuff like Hotspring Islands, and mostly OSR GM-less stuff like Mad Monks of Kwantoom. I just sit down, look at my stuff, and feel misserable, because I want to play but when I get home I just want to rest and do else...
Any ideas or tips?
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Hey guys! I had a wonderful PbP game with GM Wayfinder! :D I'm interested in playing again in or outside of PFS PF2E. I see the thread sadly hasn't had much activity as of late and that's kinda disencouraging. Am I checking in the wrong place, or I just have to be patient?
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GM Wayfinder wrote: I think you know why you did not earn rep'... do I have to spell it out? Really?!
You did not earn rep' because I forgot to write it down (I imagine I started, went to check your Faction, and then forgot to finish the +1... sorry).
Just add +1 = 1 yourself.
Sorry about that.
What do I need to leave untouched when I change Milosh to another character
Just change what you want. Equipement etc. (since you did not use consumables).
The easiest would be to keep the same Faction for Rep', but otherwise I think you can just change that too (too tired to go looking through the Guide, that I hate, since it has no index!).
Basically, you can recreate a new character, with new race, gender, class etc..
W. the starting Gold + what you earned here.
It gets to boon.
You can do so until you PLAY at level 2
Will just wait for MJ's okay...
No problem, I'll add the Faction Rep then XD
Ok, I hope we get to meet again in a game as my Druid, thanks again for everything"
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Thanks for the awesome game, love the notes in the end of the chronicle :D
A couple questions. What do I need to leave untouched when I change Milosh to another character and, why didn't I gain reputation with my faction?
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"MJ Ludove earns a silver piece giving her show--
--during which Milosh peddles some hair tonic: "Makes a bald Goblin as shaggy as Yeti!", and he too earns a silver coin."
This will forever live in my memories XD
._. We already finished? Oh XD
Ok, I have a couple doubts before we wrap this up. I am updating my character profile info. If I want to switch who I'll be playing as, do I do it now and, do I retain the rewards from this adventure?
Second, where can I find information on what the Boons we gain do?
And if we're not done yet then sorry :P
In anhy case, I'll use my downtime to use my Medicine skill and work locally, if I may.
Ok, now I feel dumb... I have a template for the Character Profile Page, but I thought that was private information to use as a character sheet in here. I decided to use Pathbuilder 2e instead after making an experimental character to fill the profile for. I thought the only things that were displayed as public were the stats under our names.
Thanks for the advice Xun, I'll fill Milosh's profile either this night or tomorrow morning :D
Also, if I want to change character, when should I do it and where do I report the change?
Oh, I based myself on the calculation you did for me first time, maybe I'm missing something XD I thought now the buff Xun gave me to Hit and Damage applied once to the damage the bomb makes on impact and again to the acidic damage, but then that means I didn't get the calculations right...
The only experience I have playing as an Alchemist is from the PC version of Kingmaker, but that was a PC game with 1e rules as well, so that might have spoiled me and made me too reliant on Bombs as my source of damage, and it's true, I have only 2 bombs more left. I still have my Sling and Dagger from the Alchemist kit, but I didn't think they would help against a statue, that's why I didn't used them.
I usually like the pet classes more, like Ranger, Druid, and the still non existant summoner, which I haven't had the chance to play as, but to play with, being that my players grabbed them. I think I bit more than I could chew with an alchemist, so next time I'm gonna grab something I'm more familiar with, like Ranger or Wizard :(
Thanks for your feedback tho guys, it's really appreciated, and I look forward to playing better and playing more in the lodge, and hopefully, with all of you :D
Ok guys, will be posting this now as when the adventure finishes it might be harder. Up until now I feel (or I know) I have been screwing up and not being very helpful, I need feedback from all of you to know in which way I can improve my playing. I am really intertested in becoming a regular member of the PFS and it seems you have more experience, so I would be really thankful if you give me some insight on how to improve.
Sorry my posting schedule has been slow as of late, first time as a player in all of my life and IDK when it's a good moment to speak or do something. Plus, I'm already being trained for job and finishing my naturalization process. I will be more consistant starting this week, but if ANYTHING interesting arises where I'm needed, anyone, feel free to use Milosh as they please.
Question regarding buying items, hope I didn't made an oopsie...
When I created my character, I used the usual starting Gold to buy the Alchemist's Kit plus the optional item it offers. Should I have waited for now that you're giving us the chance to buy items?
So, I'm pretty new to PF2E and so far I love the flexibility and ideas it brings to the table. I was never a theorycrafter and I'm also a GM for life, so Player Building in PF1E and other games were always something I usually didn't experiment much with.
I recently started playing Play by Post with Pathfinder Society rules here in the official forums, and I have some character concepts in mind that I want to see better fleshed out.
First one is a character entirely built around making the most of having a familiar. I love pet based classes and since we still don't have Summoner + Eidolon, I'll take what I can get. I like Familiars more than Animal Companions right now as they allow for more imagination and customization without having to worry about mantaining two statblocks.
Second one is a Wizard who gets the most out of Transmutation. Bonus points if I can make it work with a Familiar :P I don't yet understand how wearing armor affects magic in this system, I was thinking of an offensive oriented Transmutation character.
I'd like to know how to make this actually work, any ideas?
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Hey there, I'm the one learning! Pleased to be a part of the group. Here's my character.
Character Chronicle #: 1
Player Name: David
A.K.A.: Milosh Vandrezzi
Class & Level: Alchemist 1
Organized Play & Character Numbers: 2375036-2003
Faction: Vigilant Seal
Factions & Reputation: 0
Starting XP: 0
Slow Track: No
Starting Gold: 15 GP
Buying / Selling: Just the Starter Pack for the Alchemist
Starting Fame: 0
Conditions & Others: Nope
Downtime: Nothing for now
GM Wayfinder wrote: Welcome Arudato!
You will probably get plenty of good information now.
There are spots open for games starting here in a week or so (I can offer you a spot as a player) and I am sure that if you ask, the GMs can explain things re. GM-ing too as they go (I would).
That would be a good way of seeing how to play in PbP, and thus preparing to then GM.
It is not very hard, once you grasp the few basic rules, which are not difficult (though a little daunting when you start, but very rapidly this is overcome).
I'm absolutely interested in this, and willing to learn :D Where do I begin?
Guys, I'm still incredibly confused.
I'm itching to play some PF2E, as I've been a GM for life, and I'm not really fond of Skype/Discord/Roll20 video and voice roleplaying.
I want to join a PbP PF Society Adventure, I don't even know where to begin with. I read the guides and they left me even more confused. I'm a noob when it comes to forum formatting and I don't even know how to make and display a character!
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My problem is also that the Horse is the only Animal Companion that can start being Medium or Large. I mean, the Horse is bigger than the young Bear, wtf?
I really feel everything points out that they don't want players using any other kind of mount unless they're a Goblin.
Guys, I was reading the Core Rulebook and the Bestiary and I found out something Paizo might want to adress regarding the Mount ability...
So, as per the rules, the Horse would be the ONLY rideable creature, since you can only ride creatures with the Mount ability (at least, riding them smoothly). There is literally no other creature I could find that has the Mount ability.
Further reading of the Bestiary made me learn that creatures with the Buck ability are meant to be mounts (for example, Goblin Dog and Riding Dog), but they lack any mention of the Mount special ability, as the horse does.
I think it woud have been wise to actually include the Mount special ability in the statblock of creatures that are actually meant to be mounted, or at least, make it so players can train some animals to serve as mounts. I mean, the Champion gets the ability to pick its own mount companion but in the end if he wants to ride something, it has to be a Horse...
Thanks for the replies guys! To adress some of your questions...
* I still play with the two friends. One of them GMs 5e so we're all familiar with the 5e rules. I personally like Pathfinder more because of the vast ammount of options presented, but I don't have a very good memory and since we roleplay online it gets tiresome to cross reference from various PDFs and the SRD.
* I want to use an AP because they greatly diminish the time I have to invest on prepping, time which sadly I don't have anymore :(
* They are all as interested in Curse of the Crimson Throne as I am, but I bet two players won't make it through. They want me to introduce playable NPCs because they like my NPCs, but I don't know if that's the best idea since it will burden them in the long run with more stats to check.
* I live in southern Brazil, in a rural community. Luckily for me roleplaying here isn't as obscure and they have a pretty healthy RPG scene, and we live close to a city, they even have their own version of 3.5 (Tormenta). Thing is, I'm still learning Portuguese which hinders my ability to GM or even play a character.
Hello there! I'm a GM in a situation where I haven't been able to lead a game for about 1 year. I recently moved away from my country to my wife's home, life's been rough. Left my group back there and I don't speak my wife's language fluently, so finding a group for now is impossible.
We have used roll20 to roleplay for years as getting together was hard even when I lived closer. We primarily roleplay by chat because the internet speed of our countries isn't the best for long term Skype or Discord calls, specially when living with other people who use the same internet.
The thing is... we're only three people, me plus my usual two players. I've wanted for years, almost as a GM lifetime goal, to run Curse of the Crimson Throne. We had success running the first half of Kingmaker before some problems arose and we had to stop. Here are my issues and I hope you have some tips for me, I would eternally thank you and Abadar will grant you thousands of powerful buffs:
As mentioned before, third world internet. We usually can't enjoy video or voice communications for long, and one of them is specially reluctant to use voice or video with us (he's super socially awkward, even meeting with him in person for 9+ years and he still doesn't wants to).
I only have two people. The Adventure Paths are balanced for 4 or more players. In Kingmaker we had 3 players plus one NPC alchemist everyone controlled, it worked nice for the first few levels. I don't know which approach to take because the more levels they gain the harder it will be to keep up with controlled NPCs plus their players.
Speaking of which, handling the NPCs and monsters of the adventure has proven to be very difficult for me. I have tso stop to cross reference abilities, feats and spells all the time, keeping PDFs and SRDs open all around which significantly slowed down combat.
My players also have trouble remembering the details of their feats, half the time in combat we're spending time collectively trying to remember who did what, when and where. Combats that would be easier are harder because we forget about combat options and how the feats interact. Other times they're easier because I forget my monsters have Power Attack and Multiattack.
I personally can't stand maps and Roll20 isn't exactly friendly to the free GM who wants to make some. I see at least a couple locations in Crimson Throne (like the temple of the Rakshasa) are incredibly dependant on maps.
I have one to one hour and half to organize for Game Mastering. I know APs have everything ready but sometimes I feel I'm just not doing enough...
We struggle more against the ruleset than anything else, but we love the game. Heard PF Unchained rules help shake things up. How true is that?
Thanks for reading guys!