GM MattMorris |

Since I'm not going to get much face-to-face time to playtest the APG classes, I thought it might be fun to run a little homebrew adventure to see how the classes look at medium levels. Our timeline is obviously short, but I think PBP is an interesting way to think about the new character classes and discuss their strength and weaknesses while we explore Golarion a little! I'd love to have a few like-minded people join me.
Adventure Concept:
Lord Gyr of House Gixx has been Primarch of Absalom since 4660 AR, but he mysteriously disappeared during the Fleshforge Seige of 4717. Today, Wynsal Starborn, the acting primarch, and several members of the Grand Council are calling for an official inquiry to put the mystery of the primarch's disappearance to rest. PCs are a group of specialists called together to look into the disappearance.
PC Creation Rules
Level: 11
Classes: APG Playtest classes only.
Standard PC creation rules
Available Materials: Any material from Core, Lost Omens World Guide, and Lost Omens Character Guide is available. PCs can be a member of 1 organization and take regional options from 1 area. (Other uncommon options might be available. Just ask!)
Starting Wealth:
Two methods are available:
1) Choose permanent items of with the following guidelines: 10th: 1, 9th: 2, 8th: 1, 7th: 2 and take 500 gp (If you take permanent weapons and armor this way, start with the base item, including its potency runes. If you want property runes or special materials, you need to pay account for them separately.)
2) Lump sum of 3,200 gp with a maximum purchase limit of 10th level.
Campaign Expectations
Group Composition: This will be for 4 players, one of each playtest class.
Posting Frequency: Due to the timeline of the playtest, I'd like people to commit to posting 2/day during the week and checking in at least once during the weekend.
Timeline: I hope to select a group by tomorrow (11/11) and get characters together to start by Wednesday (11/13) at the latest. The adventure will run until 12/1, so that people have time to do the playtest surveys.
Application: Please post below with your interest and a brief description of the character(s) that you would want to play. For example: "Jirelle: A half-elf swashbuckler from the Shackles." Feel free to list character ideas for a few of your classes--it probably increases your chances of getting picked. No need to create a profile yet.
Selection: I'll be picking a group of 4 consisting of one of each playtest class. I'll be basing my selection on what sounds like an interesting and appropriate party.
Please post if you have any questions!

Vrog Skyreaver |

So here is my mechanical submission. His short form backstory is that he's from New Thassilon, having been revived as one of the original inhabitants of Xin-Edrassil.
I'm still working on gear, but this should give a good indication of what he can do.
TN Smokeworker Hobgoblin Witch 11
Background:Thassilonian Traveler
str 10
dex 18
con 18
int 20
wis 8
cha 18
HP 129
AC 29 (10 base +13 proficiency +4 dex +2 item)
Perception (E) +14
Fort (E) +20
Ref (E) +20
Will (E) +14
Speed 30'
1) Spell Attack (E): +20
Arcana (M) +22
Crafting (T) +18
Diplomacy (T) +17
Intimidation (M) +21
Lore (Thassilon; E) +20
Nature (M) +16
Occultism (T) +18
Society (T) +18
Stealth (T) +17
Simple Weapons (E)
Unarmed Strike (E)
Unarmored Defense (T)
Racial Features:
- Darkvision 60'
- Fire Resist 5
- Can ignore DC 5 Flat Check to target creatures only concealed by smoke.
Class Features:
- Witch DC (E): 30
- Alertness
- Cackle
- Expert Spellcaster
- Familiar (Kitten; 4 abilities from list)
- First Lesson (Lesson of Snow; Primal)
- Lightning Reflexes
- Magical Fortitude
- Patron
- Weapon Expertise
- Vigorous Health (When I would gain the drained condition, I can make a DC 17 Flat Check to not gain the drained condition)
- Agonizing Rebuke (When I demoralize a foe, they take 1d4 mental damage as long as they are frightened by me and continuing to fight me; damage increases to 2d4 at master intimidation, and 3d4 at legendary intimidation)
- Pride in Arms (reaction when an ally within 30' drops a enemy; target gains temps equal to their con mod til end of next turn)
- Enhanced Familiar (+2 additional Familiar or master abilties)
- Familiar's Tongue (can speak with animals with my familiar and other cats)
- Greater Spell Runes (Freedom of Movement)
- Living Rune (can apply a weapon property rune to my skin)
- Runescarred Dedication (Shield)
- Spell Runes (Mage Armor, Phantom Steed, Slow)
- Fleet
- Toughness
- Incredible Investiture
- Arcane Sense
- Battle Cry
- Dubious Knowledge
- Group Impression
- Magical Shorthand
- Quick Recognition
Spells/Day: 5/4/4/4/4/4/3
Focus Points: 1
Spells Known:
- Acid Splash
- Detect Magic
- Electric Arc
- Guidance
- Know Direction
- Prestidigitation
- Produce Flame
- Ray of Frost
- Read Aura
- Stabilize
- Tanglefoot
- Air Bubble
- Ant Haul
- Feather Fall
- Heal
- Longstrider
- Snowball
- Hydraulic Push
- Acid Arrow
- Create Food
- Dispel Magic
- Restoration
- Fireball
- Haste
- Lightning Bolt
- Slow
- Fire Shield
- Fly
- Hydraulic Torrent
- Wall of Fire
- Banishment
- Cone of Cold
- Elemental Form
- Wall of Ice
- Chain Lightning
- Dragon Form
Focus Spells:
- Personal Blizzard
Innate Spells:
- Freedom of Movement
- Mage Armor
- Phantom Steed
- Shield
- Slow

![]() |

Banjae Roldo
LG F Andoran Gnome (Fey-Touched) Detective Investigator 11
Perception +21 (+23 Initiative); Low light vision
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Sylvan, Draconic, Elvish, Goblin, Jotun
Skills: Acrobatics +17 T, Arcane +19 E, Deception +23 M, Diplomacy +17 T, Intimidation +17 T, Lore (Legal) +21 M, Lore (Thassilonian) +17, Lore (Underwor-ld) +21 M, Medicine +23 M, Nature +17 T, Occultism +17 T, Religion +17 T, Society +21 M, Stealth +23 M, Thievery +21 (+22 Pick Lock/Disable Device) M
Feats Battle Medicine, Connections, Continual Recovery, Courtly Graces. Fast Recovery, First World Magic, Fleet, Forensic Acumen, Gnome Obsession, Incredible Initiative, Known Weakness, Godless Magic, Ongoing Investigation, Pickpocket, Quiet Allies, Robust Recovery, Runescarred Dedication, Scalpel’s Point, Slippery Secrets, Spell Runes, Streetwise, Sweeping Study, Swift Sneak, Underground Network, Urban Pursuit, Vivacious Conduit, Ward Medic
Features Deductive Improvisation, Great Fortitude, Investigator Expertise, Investigator Feat (6), Keen Recollection, Methodology (Forensic Medicine), On the Case, Resolve, Skillful Lessens (5), Studied Strike (3d6), Study Suspect, Vigilant Senses, Weapon Acumen, Weapon Specialization
Str 8(-1) Dex 18 (+4) Con 14 (+2) Int 18 (+4) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 18 (+4)
Items +1 Greater Shadow Resilient Leather, +1 Shifting Striking Gauntlet, +1 Striking Wounding Rapier, Adventurer’s Pack, Healer’s Tools, Ring of Lies, Ring of Sustenance, Infiltrator’s Thieves’ Tool, Replacement Infiltrator’s Picks (2), Writing Set, Extra Ink and Paper
AC 31 (32 with Shield); Fort +18; Ref +20; Will +22
HP 118
Speed 30 feet
+1 Shifting Striking Gauntlet +16 (agile, free hand) Damage 2d4+4
Dagger Form +21 (agile, finesse. Thrown 10 ft, versatile S) Damage 2d4+4
+1 Striking Wounding Rapier+21 Damage 2d6+4
Ray of Frost +17 (120 feet) Damage 6d4+4
Electric Arc DC 27 (2 targets, 30 feet) Damage 6d4+4
Rune Magic
CL 11 Spell +17 DC 27
Cantrip Shield
Level 1 (1) Sleet Step
Level 2 (1) Blur
Level 3 (1) Haste
Wellspring Magic
CL 11 Spell +17 DC 17
Cantrip Electric Arc , Ray of Frost
need to work out some additional equip and write up backstory. Banjae is an Andoran gnome fascinated with crime and law, an obsessive detective always jumping at the chance to solve a puzzle. Extremely well trained in medicine, she knows the anatomy of her foes from the inside out. She sees the gods as powerful alien beings akin to the Eldest, and does not spend any concern with worshiping them.

KingTreyIII |

I mean...I’ll throw my hat into the ring. It’s currently checks watch too late at night for me to actually present a character at this present moment, but I’d be interested in converting my half-elf investigator to 2e. Or my swashbuckler noble (who’s currently 4th level in 1e, but that’s just semantics). Tomorrow’s actually a crazy day for me, so if you don’t pick me ‘cuz I’m taking too long for a character submission then I understand.

GM MattMorris |

Thanks for your interest, folks. I hate turning people down I'm forcing myself to stick to what I posted so we can get some good playtesting done. Everyone's characters sound great!
That said, my selections are:
Vrog Skyreaver with a Hobgoblin Winter Witch
Cyberhero with an oracle
Reckless with a gnome investigator
Gayel Nord with a dwarf swashbuckler
Cyberhero, I think you could roll with either of those oracle concepts, though it looks like Vrog's witch is going to be a little blasty so battle oracle may provide some more variety, but follow your heart.
I'll put a post up in gameplay presently so you can introduce yourselves in character and we'll start in earnest tomorrow. Excited to get started and hope you all enjoy yourselves!

Gayel Nord |

CN F Acrobat Dwarf (poison) gymnast swashbuckler 11
Perception +21 ; Darkvision
Languages: Common, Dwarf
Skills: Acrobatics +23 (+1 tumbling) M, Athlétic +24 M Deception +12 t, Diplomacy +12 T, Intimidation +12 T, Lore (circus) +13 M, Stealth +17 M, Religion +17 T
Feats Cat fall, steady balance, quick jump, Wall Jump, Toughness, fleet, control breathing, combat climber,
Features :
Str 20(+5) Dex 18 (+4) Con 18 (+4) Int 10 (+4) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 8 (-1)
Items Daredevil boots, Armbands of athleticism, Necklace fireball type 3, +1 resilent studded armor, greater hat of disguise, +1 wounding strinking silver clan dagger Infiltrator’s Thieves’ Tool, Replacement Infiltrator’s Picks (2), Writing Set, Extra Ink and Paper. Fine spyglass
AC 32 (34 with Parry); Fort +20; Ref +22 M; Will +20
HP 182
Speed 25 feet (50 with panache)
+1 wounding Striking clan dagger +21 (agile, free hand) Damage 2d4+5+4
Dagger Form +21 (agile, finesse. Thrown 10 ft, versatile S) Damage 2d4+4+5
+1 Striking Wounding Rapier+21 Damage 2d6+4
Crossbow+ 20
Activate [one-action] Interact; Effect You detach a sphere from the necklace, causing it to glow with orange light. After you activate a sphere, if you or anyone else hurls it (an Interact action with the ranged trait), it detonates as a fireball where it lands. Your toss can place the center of the fireball anywhere within 70 feet, though at the GM’s discretion you might need to make an attack roll if the throw is unusually challenging. If no one hurls the sphere by the start of your next turn, it turns into a non-magical red bead.
Type III; Level 9; Price 300 gp
One 10d6, two 8d6, two 6d6 (DC 27)
not all finish but...

Cyberohero |

I still need to grab my items, but I thought I would at least give what I have for now.
Male half-orc Martial Disciple Oracle 11
Common, CN, Medium, Orc, Human, Humanoid
Perception (E) +18; low-light vision, darkvision
Languages Common
Acrobatics (T) +13
Athletics (M) +21
Diplomacy (E) +19
Intimidation (M) +21
Religion (T) +13
Warfare Lore (T) +13
Str 19 (+4), Dex 10 (+0), Con 18 (+4), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 19 (+4)
Other Items
AC 21; Fort (E) +19; Ref (T) +13; Will (M) +20
HP 140 Hero Points 1
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] ??? + (), Damage 1d0+0
- Orc Sight
- Orc Ferocity
- Haughty Obstinacy
- Divine Aegis
- Bespell Weapon
- Advanced Revelation
- Battlefield Specialist
- Greater Revelation
- Fast Recovery
- Group Coerce
- Incredible Investiture
- Quick Jump
- Intimidating Glare
- Intimidating Prowess
- Hefty Hauler
- Battle Cry
- Titan Wrestler
Other Abilities
Battle Mystery
Expert Proficiency to Martial Hammers and Light, medium and heavy armors
=Signature Spell
Spellcasting (E) 29 DC , Spell Attack Bonus +19
*Revelation Spells
- Call to Arms
- Weapon Surge
- Battlefield Revelation
- Heroic Feat
*Cantrips (Heightened to 5th)
- Divine Lance
- Detect Magic
- Prestidigitation
- Shield
- Stabilize
- Forbidding Ward
*1st level
- Bless
- Heal=
- Disrupting Weapons
*2nd level
- Dispel Magic=
- Spiritual Weapon
- See Invisibility
*3rd level
- Crisis of Faith
- Vampiric Touch=
- Heroism
*4th level
- Remove Curse
- Dimensional Anchor
- Vital Beacon=
*5th level
- Breath of Life
- Shadow Blast=
- Summon Fiend
*6th level
- Blade Barrier=
- Zealous Conviction

Cyberohero |

Alright, well sorry for the double post, but I did my shopping and I think he's right and ready to go.
*crosses fingers that he did it right*
Aarius was raised in an orc tribe with his mother orc, while his father was an honorable human warrior killed in battle a long time ago. Aarius himself was born, quite literally, on the battlefield. Maybe it was the energies of the onsuing fight, maybe it was a blessing from Gorum, maybe it was multiple sources, whatever the case, he seemed to be given a gift into warfare itself. However, it was not until he grew older that his fighting prowess was shown to be more supernaturally gifted than that of his clanmates, however, his ability to fight was rivaled by his gift of the tongue and his spellcasting. Aarius may be a brute, but he is by no means stupid, he sees a lot of benefits from being able to heal on the battlefield.
He ended up leaving the tribe to become an adventurer to find out more about his abilities. He traveled through many places to obtain some of his magical arsenal, including his weapon of choice, a Maul that could strike even ghosts. However, he finds himself more of a bodyguard type, usually those that investigate mysterious disappearances find themselves in very deadly situations, and he is there to lend a hand to help those in their own personal battlefield.
Male half-orc Martial Disciple Oracle 11
Common, CN, Medium, Orc, Human, Humanoid
Perception (E) +18; low-light vision, darkvision
Languages Common
Acrobatics (T) +13
Athletics (M) +18 (+2 for jumps with Boots of Bounding)
Diplomacy (E) +19 (+2 from Messenger’s Ring) +21
Intimidation (M) +21 (+1 from Demon Mask) +22 (+1 to Coerce or Demoralize)
Religion (T) +13
Warfare Lore (T) +13
Str 19 (+4), Dex 10 (+0), Con 18 (+4), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 19 (+4)
Other Items +2 Ghost Touch Striking Maul, +1 Energy Resistant (Lightning) Full Plate Armor, Messenger’s Ring, Demon Mask, Boots of Bounding, Bracers of Missile Deflection (Greater), Brooch of Shielding, Adventurer’s Pack (Backpack, bedroll, two belt pouches, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks’ rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin), Emergency Wand of Level 1 Heal, Potion of Swimming
29 GP 3 SP
AC 28; Fort (E) +19; Ref (T) +13; Will (M) +20
Resist Lightning Damage 5
HP 151 Hero Points 1
Speed 20 feet
Melee [1] +2 Ghost Touch Striking Maul +21 (Shoving), Damage 2d12+5 B
- Orc Sight
- Orc Ferocity
- Haughty Obstinacy
- Divine Aegis
- Bespell Weapon
- Advanced Revelation
- Battlefield Specialist
- Greater Revelation
- Fast Recovery
- Toughness
- Incredible Investiture
- Quick Jump
- Intimidating Glare
- Intimidating Prowess
- Hefty Hauler
- Battle Cry
- Group Coerce
Other Abilities
Battle Mystery
Expert Proficiency to Martial Hammers and Light, medium and heavy armors
=Signature Spell
Spellcasting (E) 30 DC , Spell Attack Bonus +20
*Revelation Spells
- Call to Arms
- Weapon Surge
- Battlefield Revelation
- Heroic Feat
*Cantrips (Heightened to 5th)
- Divine Lance
- Detect Magic
- Prestidigitation
- Shield
- Stabilize
- Forbidding Ward
*1st level
- Bless
- Heal=
- Disrupting Weapons
*2nd level
- Dispel Magic=
- Spiritual Weapon
- See Invisibility
*3rd level
- Crisis of Faith
- Vampiric Touch=
- Heroism
*4th level
- Remove Curse
- Dimensional Anchor
- Vital Beacon=
*5th level
- Breath of Life
- Shadow Blast=
- Summon Fiend
*6th level
- Blade Barrier=
- Zealous Conviction