Headhunter Wayfinder

GM Glyn's page

2,700 posts. Alias of GHembree.


Game map


| Icons: ◆◇↺

About GM Glyn

For players current and future of games that I GM.

PbP takes a bit of adaptation from regular face to face games, so I'm hoping that the below helps streamline the process a bit. If you're just starting a game with me, I need some actions from you:
- Please make sure your basic stats are visible below your name when you post (instructions below)
- Please add your icon and your initiative count to the map (instructions below)
- Please understand the posting rules I use (see below as well)

What to expect, and what I expect from you:

Have fun!:
It all starts and ends here. I hope to create an environment that allows everybody to have fun. Should there ever be any issue with that, do not hesitate to send me a private message. No bullying as per PFS rules.

Posting Rate: Typically once daily on weekdays and once on weekends. Holidays are optional.

GM activity:
I generally post once each weekday and once during the weekend. I do keep an eye on the post during the day and may make a short post for clarification.

Player activity:
During combat I expect players to post within 24hrs of the GM post indicating it is their turn to act. Out of combat, I recommend posting at least once per 48 hours. Weekends and holidays are optional.

Combat timeouts:
If it has been more than 24 hours since a GM post calling for players to act, I as the GM may Bot the character (choose actions for it or place it in delay), if several Players have not posted I will post a partial GM post summary of that actions have been taken and their results along with remind the active player to post.

PBP games can be notoriously slow to play. It shows respect for each other if you keep pace with the group.

Starting combat:
(Not my preferred method, but works) I will roll initiative for players and foes (using the block method for foes) so that players end up in larger blocks. I’ll indicate in GM post which block of players can take action. Player actions generally will be processed in the order that players post.

In combat:
Please mark & keep adjustment bonuses being applied to dice rolls separately. You can list the roll adjustments per roll or in an OOC block. If casting a spell or using a special ability please post a link to the spell description or ability. (It saves me time to look it up.)
For example, people tend to forget the +1 for “Courageous Anthem” or “bless”, and this way it’s easier for me to correct for that.

Getting started:

I generally keep recruitment open for at least 24 hours and then accept people via a 'lottery' system.

Character Audits:
Before the scenario starts I'll do my best to review everyone's character sheets in order to make sure that I'm not blindsided by an odd interaction that results in a discussion in the middle of the session. Please make sure your character sheets are up to data in your profile. I reserve the right to refuse to seat a player who does not have their sheet up to date or refuses to answer any questions I may have about various pieces of their character ahead of time. I'm not out to get you, just out to make sure that everything moves smoothly as soon as we start.

The stat line:
Most players have a stat line just below their name.
Make sure you character has one as well. You can do this by going to your character profile (right-clicking on your character name in the forum thread gets you there), click edit, and enter the code into either the ‘race’, ‘gender’ or ‘class’ line of your character.

Add icon and init count to battle map:
Every campaign has a dedicated map that I use for handouts, battle maps, character portraits and the likes. I also have a text box there with initiative code.Please take a moment to fill out your character’s initiative on one of the line (i.e. choose a line and replace ‘X’ with ‘Miko Teppen’ and ‘Y’ with ‘+2’).

Please add your icon to the battle mapI’m allowing every player to place and move his own icon on the battle map (though I can overrule that from time to time). Adding your own icon on google drive is simple. First, right-click on your character’s portrait in your browser and click on ‘copy image address’ (or something to that effect). Then go to the battle map, select ‘insert -> image’ and paste the url of your avatar image in the ‘by url’ box. Hit select, and your image should appear on the map. Resize, move and presto! You’re done.

Before we get started, everyone should post their PFS#, character level, and factions. I'll have people make their day job rolls AFTER the scenario's conclusion. That way if anyone is considering skipping downtime in order to fulfill a faction goal, or if someone wants to use their re-roll, that can all be handled at once. I'll generally put a shout-out towards the end if anyone wants to check any faction card boxes as well. Chronicles will be posted on Google Drive, and will be kept there for at least 1 month. After that, if you need a chronicle that you lost for any reason, send me a PM. There's a good chance I still have it even if it's no longer on Drive.

PbP basics:

Boldis for speech: "Yes, let's get started."

Italic is for thoughts and mental communication: Heheh. Little do they know what is coming for them

Regular text is for descriptions:
This DM sure looks like something from another plane, and even reeks faintly of sulphur.

And this is obtained by the 'ooc' tag and is used for out-of-character text.

The dice roller can be accessed by using the dice tag. Use dice=Description to describe the roll
If I roll one you all get cake: [dice=Cake]1d100 ⇒ 20[/dice]

Further reading

DH made a great post on PbP gaming

Mr. Painlord has made a great number of guides on the topic of PFS and PbP, and they are well worth the read

Maps of Golarion

Ash’s Guide
to RPG Personality & Background

10 Minute Background
