I generally keep recruitment open for at least 24 hours and then accept people via a 'lottery' system.
Character Audits:
Before the scenario starts I'll do my best to review everyone's character sheets in order to make sure that I'm not blindsided by an odd interaction that results in a discussion in the middle of the session. Please make sure your character sheets are up to data in your profile. I reserve the right to refuse to seat a player who does not have their sheet up to date or refuses to answer any questions I may have about various pieces of their character ahead of time. I'm not out to get you, just out to make sure that everything moves smoothly as soon as we start.
The stat line:
Most players have a stat line just below their name.
Make sure you character has one as well. You can do this by going to your character profile (right-clicking on your character name in the forum thread gets you there), click edit, and enter the code into either the ‘race’, ‘gender’ or ‘class’ line of your character.
Add icon and init count to battle map:
Every campaign has a dedicated map that I use for handouts, battle maps, character portraits and the likes. I also have a text box there with initiative code.Please take a moment to fill out your character’s initiative on one of the line (i.e. choose a line and replace ‘X’ with ‘Miko Teppen’ and ‘Y’ with ‘+2’).
Please add your icon to the battle mapI’m allowing every player to place and move his own icon on the battle map (though I can overrule that from time to time). Adding your own icon on google drive is simple. First, right-click on your character’s portrait in your browser and click on ‘copy image address’ (or something to that effect). Then go to the battle map, select ‘insert -> image’ and paste the url of your avatar image in the ‘by url’ box. Hit select, and your image should appear on the map. Resize, move and presto! You’re done.
Before we get started, everyone should post their PFS#, character level, and factions. I'll have people make their day job rolls AFTER the scenario's conclusion. That way if anyone is considering skipping downtime in order to fulfill a faction goal, or if someone wants to use their re-roll, that can all be handled at once. I'll generally put a shout-out towards the end if anyone wants to check any faction card boxes as well. Chronicles will be posted on Google Drive, and will be kept there for at least 1 month. After that, if you need a chronicle that you lost for any reason, send me a PM. There's a good chance I still have it even if it's no longer on Drive.