Protectors of Golarion (Wrath of the Righteous AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: Sword of Valor
Wherein an army marches, a relic is rediscovered, and a victory claimed.
Date: Wealday, 17th of Rova (IX) 4713
Time of Day: Morning
Season: Late Summer
Weather: 22° F (-6° C), Grey Skies

4713 Calendar

General Purpose Maps:
The Worldwound

Mythic Trials Until Next Tier: 1

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Encounter Maps | Geographic Map | Treasures | Important NPCs

Oh, sorry. Yeah, it's down. I meant to check this before nightfall on Friday, but forgot. Go wild. (It was summoned, and was going to vanish on its next action, but now it doesn't get that!)

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