[Outpost VIII] PFS 1 #7-11 Ancient's Anguish by GM 7thGate

Game Master 7thGate

Ancient's Anguish Slides
RPG Chronicle Signup Sheet

Treacherous Waves | Ancient's Anguish

Hello everyone, and welcome to Ancient's Anguish!

Go ahead and dot in. Feel free to introduce your character, what they're good at, and if there is anyhting particularly interesting or unusual that they can do.

I'm looking forward to playing with you all, and hope we have a good game together.

Silver Crusade

”Elise” Female LG Oathbound Paladin (Against Feind) 10 Human | HP 94/94 | AC 29 T 12 FF28 | CMB +13, CMD 25 | F +18, R +13, W +16,+2against mind-affecting | Energy Resistance 4F 4C 4E 4A 4S | Init +3| Perc +1 Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Bark skin, Aura of Greater Courage, Heroism

Hi there! I am still working on my profile. I will let everyone know when it is done.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Hello, Same here. Its been some time since i played pbp on forums with this char. Working on the provfile as well

The Exchange

”Elu” Female N Elf alchemist 10 | HP 78/78 | AC 21 T 15 FF 17 Mage Armor | CMB +6, CMD 20 | F +16, R +18, W +12 | Init +5 | Perc +26, +2 vs Trap | Speed 35ft | Active conditions: AB 50/50, INT mutagen | bomb-as-bullet 15/16

Fellow alchemist! Elu would like to exchange our formula book(s) and learn formula from each other, if you don't mind.

Elu's formula book:
1st lvl: Crafter's Fortune, Endure Elements, Shield, Long Arm, Ant Haul, Heighten Awareness, Long Shot, Disguise Self, Reduce Person, Touch of the Sea, Adhesive Spittle, Blend, Anticipate Peril, Expeditious Retreat, Negate Aroma, Cure Light Wound, Monkey Fish, True Skill

2nd lvl:See Invisibility, Bull's Strength, Alchemical Allocation, False Life, Ablative Barrier, Barkskin, Darkvision, Delay Poison, Investigative Mind, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, Cure Moderate Wound, Blur, Cat's Grace

3rd lvl: Displacement, Heroism, Remove Curse, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Fly, Clay Skin, Bloodhound, Cure Serious Wound, Amplify Elixir, Infuse Self, Protection from Energy, Nondetection, Tongue

4th lvl: Stoneskin, Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Ah.. I will work on mine to show as well, and always a pleasure to exchange and learn from fellow alchemists.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

I am sure we'll find good knowlege sharing here

Duende Muerde's Formula book:

Lvl 1 .- Adhesive Spittle, Ant Haul , Anticipate Peril, Bomber's eye, Crafter's Fortune, Cure Light wounds. Detect Secret Doors , Disguise Self , Endure elements, Expeditious retreat , Heightened awareness, Identify, Illusions of calm, Longshot, Monkey Fish, Negate Aroma, Reduce Person, Shield, Targeted Bomb admixure, Touch of the sea, True strike

Lvl 2 .- Ablative Barrier, Acute senses, Aid, Alchemical Allocation , Aram Zey's focus, barkskin, Bear's Endurance, Bull's strenght, Cure Moderate Wounds, Darkvision, False life, Investigative mind, Invisibility, Kinetic reverberation , Protection from arrows , Resist energy , Restoration Lesser , See invisivility, Shadow Bom admixture , Spider Climb, Vomit Swarm

Lvl 3 Bouncing bomb admixture, Cure Serious Wounds, Displacement, Fly, Heroism, Monstrous Physique 1, Orchid Drop, Prot. from energy, Remove Curse , Remove disease

Lvl 4 Air walk, Death Ward, Freedom of movement, Monstrous Physique II, Viper Bomb admixture, Restoration

The Exchange

”Elu” Female N Elf alchemist 10 | HP 78/78 | AC 21 T 15 FF 17 Mage Armor | CMB +6, CMD 20 | F +16, R +18, W +12 | Init +5 | Perc +26, +2 vs Trap | Speed 35ft | Active conditions: AB 50/50, INT mutagen | bomb-as-bullet 15/16

Death Ward, Air Walk, Monstrous Physique II, Restoration are all good stuff, so is Monstrous Physique I and Remove Disease. Acute Sense is enhancement bonus and is quite nice as well.

Question for the GM: will we have time to copy spells alchemy formulas during the travel time if any?

Treacherous Waves | Ancient's Anguish

Yes, there will be sufficient travel time in this one that there won't be any problems copying Alchemy formulas between each other.

The Exchange

”Elu” Female N Elf alchemist 10 | HP 78/78 | AC 21 T 15 FF 17 Mage Armor | CMB +6, CMD 20 | F +16, R +18, W +12 | Init +5 | Perc +26, +2 vs Trap | Speed 35ft | Active conditions: AB 50/50, INT mutagen | bomb-as-bullet 15/16

Elu will only have money for a selected few of those until the payout of this mission...

Monstrous Physique I (90gp) for now.

Scarab Sages

Male Tengu Zen Archer 8 AC20/FF18/T20 Perception +22/Init+2 F+9/R+10/W+14

Hello everyone. Andirke is a Zen Archer. If the group needs a tank, I also have one in the 8th level range. (Bloodrager 4/Brawler 2/Fighter (High Guardian) 2)

Silver Crusade

”Elise” Female LG Oathbound Paladin (Against Feind) 10 Human | HP 94/94 | AC 29 T 12 FF28 | CMB +13, CMD 25 | F +18, R +13, W +16,+2against mind-affecting | Energy Resistance 4F 4C 4E 4A 4S | Init +3| Perc +1 Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Bark skin, Aura of Greater Courage, Heroism

I believe I will be on the frontier

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

I'll be throing bombs. Got precise bombs anyway ,so can take away squares where allis are .

I'll need to review which formulas i'll have the money to copy ..

Always good to share the knoweldge.

The Exchange

”Elu” Female N Elf alchemist 10 | HP 78/78 | AC 21 T 15 FF 17 Mage Armor | CMB +6, CMD 20 | F +16, R +18, W +12 | Init +5 | Perc +26, +2 vs Trap | Speed 35ft | Active conditions: AB 50/50, INT mutagen | bomb-as-bullet 15/16

I believe our druid friend will bring her dino along, so that's approximately another front-line I guess. If I remember correctly Zen Archer does not provoke AoO when shooting thanks to Point Blank Master bonus feat. Mage Armor can bring your AC to 24, +4(probably) Barkskin to 28, Shield (via infusion) to 32, and whenever you're close enough to whoever has the Magic Circle against Evil to 34 vs evil foes, so you might be still be fine even if you're in front.

Elu makes her bomb into bullets and shoots guns. Elu is not exactly tanky, but Elu can make herself hard to hit.

Dark Archive

Male Undine Psychic 10 | AC (21)17/17/14| HP 72/72 + __20_____ temp HP| F+9, R+9, W+12 | Darkvision 60' | Cold Resistance 5 | Init+3, Perc +15 | CMD 18 | Phrenic Pool 7/7 |

Hey guys, this is Ashwell, my psychic who wants to crush the minds of his enemies!

He’s generally a little grumpy at being called away from his library, but he’s got some good knowledge skills to contribute plus crushing brains, like I said earlier.

Dotted and deleted the gameplay thread.

Silver Crusade

”Elise” Female LG Oathbound Paladin (Against Feind) 10 Human | HP 94/94 | AC 29 T 12 FF28 | CMB +13, CMD 25 | F +18, R +13, W +16,+2against mind-affecting | Energy Resistance 4F 4C 4E 4A 4S | Init +3| Perc +1 Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Bark skin, Aura of Greater Courage, Heroism

Tons of work on editing equipments and items and now here we go. There might be some boons GM may need to know:
Magic boon from Year of the Shadow Lodge (tier 5-6), 2 available
Wraithsoul Recovery from The Gauntlet! all acomplished and sponor chosen was a vulpinal agathion.
Ocher Rhomboid Ioun Stone from The Refuge of Time, bonus feat was Weapon Focus(Scimitar); (atonement had been applied)

The Concordance

Elf Druid 9 (dinosaur druid)| HP 57/57 | AC 23, T 17, FF 17 | F+8 R+10 W+13(+2 ench) | Perc +13 | Init +9

Yes, Koani will be bringing her cute little combat monster.

HP 76/76 | AC 25, T 15, FF 20 | F: +11, R: +12, W: +3 (+4 more v. ench) | Perc +6 | Init +4

Here he is.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

For Duende Muerde is going to be about 1190 gps for copying extracts from
Elu's book :

Treacherous Waves | Ancient's Anguish

The slides and rpgchronicles links are up in the Campaign Info tab. Please fill out your information on the RPGChronicles link and the token and roll info on slide 2 of the slides.

You can do character introductions in gameplay, and we'll get started tomorrow.

The Exchange

”Elu” Female N Elf alchemist 10 | HP 78/78 | AC 21 T 15 FF 17 Mage Armor | CMB +6, CMD 20 | F +16, R +18, W +12 | Init +5 | Perc +26, +2 vs Trap | Speed 35ft | Active conditions: AB 50/50, INT mutagen | bomb-as-bullet 15/16

If you put the links on the Short Description section of the campaign info instead of the Full Description, it will show up on the upper left corner of the web page, and people don't have to click into Campaign Info tab everytime they want to check out the map.

Scarab Sages

Male Tengu Zen Archer 8 AC20/FF18/T20 Perception +22/Init+2 F+9/R+10/W+14

Shopping trip

Upgrade +2 bow to +3 +10,000
Wand of Mage armor 750 gp
40 arrows 2 gp
Total 10,752 gp

Silver Crusade

”Elise” Female LG Oathbound Paladin (Against Feind) 10 Human | HP 94/94 | AC 29 T 12 FF28 | CMB +13, CMD 25 | F +18, R +13, W +16,+2against mind-affecting | Energy Resistance 4F 4C 4E 4A 4S | Init +3| Perc +1 Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Bark skin, Aura of Greater Courage, Heroism

Can our Druid try Wild Empathy?

Treacherous Waves | Ancient's Anguish

Yes, I would allow a Wild Empathy check here in place of either of the skill checks, but I believe its actually lower than the Handle Animal.

Silver Crusade

”Elise” Female LG Oathbound Paladin (Against Feind) 10 Human | HP 94/94 | AC 29 T 12 FF28 | CMB +13, CMD 25 | F +18, R +13, W +16,+2against mind-affecting | Energy Resistance 4F 4C 4E 4A 4S | Init +3| Perc +1 Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Bark skin, Aura of Greater Courage, Heroism

Feeling like I have no skills to check :)

The Exchange

”Elu” Female N Elf alchemist 10 | HP 78/78 | AC 21 T 15 FF 17 Mage Armor | CMB +6, CMD 20 | F +16, R +18, W +12 | Init +5 | Perc +26, +2 vs Trap | Speed 35ft | Active conditions: AB 50/50, INT mutagen | bomb-as-bullet 15/16

You're god's divine weapon against evil made in flesh, and last time I checked, skills are prerequisite for Smite Evil anyway :P

If you invest more character-building resources into intelligence, you will get more skill points. None of us are getting mental stat modifier to all saves. It's all about the opportunity costs.

Silver Crusade

”Elise” Female LG Oathbound Paladin (Against Feind) 10 Human | HP 94/94 | AC 29 T 12 FF28 | CMB +13, CMD 25 | F +18, R +13, W +16,+2against mind-affecting | Energy Resistance 4F 4C 4E 4A 4S | Init +3| Perc +1 Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Bark skin, Aura of Greater Courage, Heroism

I don't have my token at work, and I can place it after 9 hrs.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Sorry, i missed the token part for the slides.

Is it there now.


Silver Crusade

”Elise” Female LG Oathbound Paladin (Against Feind) 10 Human | HP 94/94 | AC 29 T 12 FF28 | CMB +13, CMD 25 | F +18, R +13, W +16,+2against mind-affecting | Energy Resistance 4F 4C 4E 4A 4S | Init +3| Perc +1 Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Bark skin, Aura of Greater Courage, Heroism

Elise spells prepared:
Level 1: Hero's Defiance x2 Divine Favor x2
Level 2: Sacrifice Aura of Greater Courage
Level 3: Angelic Aspect

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