Kingmaker: Blood for Blood!

Game Master BloodWolven

Current fight Map.

Blood for Blood - Baron's Courtroom

Map of Fort Drelev


The Greenwatch Wardens


Tomb Map

Varnhold Map.


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HP: 171_ AC: 32 _ T: 20 _FF: -_ Perception +18_Sense Motive +13_Init: +6_Fort: +17_Ref: +15_Will: +12 CMB+15_Bull Rush +2 CMD: 33 / 35_Speed: 50
Acro +20_Bluff+12_Climb+16_DD+13_Dip+17_Disg+12_EscArt+15_HA+12_Intim +16 _K (dung) +11 _ K (his, loc, nob)+12 Ling +12_Dance +13_ Ride +12_ SoH +11_ Stea +14 _Surv +9 _UMD +16_Swim+16

No worries Ulricha, I am only down 46 hp after the first two rounds, Alice will easily cover the rest... I think... I also think there will be plenty of blood now!

I will wait for Jorrast and Vandomir to act before the Apes and Dretches attack.

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