GM Cody Age of Ashes

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Puppy Domestication Tracker 2/10 days

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Dwarf Male Barbarian 4 | HP 69/70 | AC 21 | Fort +11; Ref +7 ; Will +10 | Perc +10 | Exploration Activity: Search

Class Feat: Swipe
FA Feat: Slam Down
Skill Feat: Powerful Leap (skill thinking about this choice)

Male Gnome - AC-18(20), | HP 52/52 MV 25 Summoner /4| Perception +10| F+9 | R +8 | W +10 | Sorcerer Archtype

Doxie feels more magical, Oppa feels more mystical.

Class Feat: Lifelink surge
Free Archtype: Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting (Heal)
Skill Feat: Skil Training (Medicine)

1/2 Orc Cleric of Serenrae 4 HP: 48/48 |Shield HP: 20/20 | AC:19 21 w/ shield,| Fort:+10 , Refl:+6 , Will: +12 | Percp +10 | Healing font 3/4 | Spells 1st: 2/3 2nd: 2/3 Battle Medicine: [Lyra] [Samael] [] [] []

Lyra took Revealing light as her 3rd level spell

And for my feats doctors visitation and raise symbol!

Male Human Rogue/Juggler 4 | Perc 9 | AC 21 | ♥️ 35 | Fort 7, Ref 12, Will 9 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | ◆◇↺

Since we are all sharing...

Samael can juggle four objects now, and doesn't have to use an action to continue juggling. He still has to use an action to add additional items.

And now he can steal stuff from anyone he hits with sneak attack damage. And, it can be an object in a pocket or purse without penalty.

Female Half-Elf Wizard/Chronoskimmer (Unified Magic Evoker) 4 | AC: 20/18 | HP: 40/40 Hero:1 | Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +9 | Perc +7 | Stable Timestream (Initiative = 20)

Alright, spells are Elemental Zone (that will see a lot of use if we need to kill something fast) and Invisibility. Sadly due to 2e's changes to bonded objects, she can't pull Invisibility off if it isn't prepared.

Female Half-Elf Wizard/Chronoskimmer (Unified Magic Evoker) 4 | AC: 20/18 | HP: 40/40 Hero:1 | Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +9 | Perc +7 | Stable Timestream (Initiative = 20)

Violant can also transfer those runes over now, at least after we leave the cave.

Dwarf Male Barbarian 4 | HP 69/70 | AC 21 | Fort +11; Ref +7 ; Will +10 | Perc +10 | Exploration Activity: Search
Lyra Flamecrest wrote:

Lyra took Revealing light as her 3rd level spell

And for my feats doctors visitation and raise symbol!

Emblazon Armament and Raise Symbol are so nice!

And, at the risk of being pedantic, as a cleric, Lyra can prepare spells from the entire Divine spell list. Just wanted to point that out.

1/2 Orc Cleric of Serenrae 4 HP: 48/48 |Shield HP: 20/20 | AC:19 21 w/ shield,| Fort:+10 , Refl:+6 , Will: +12 | Percp +10 | Healing font 3/4 | Spells 1st: 2/3 2nd: 2/3 Battle Medicine: [Lyra] [Samael] [] [] []

Oh yeah, I like that raise symbol and emblazon armament work together. So now my shield is harder, and i get a +2 to Saving throws and +2 to AC when i raise my shield.

Yeah I gotta remember I can change my spells every day, I just meant for the rest of the adventuring day today I took revealing light as my 3rd, 2nd level spell.

Spell Area Templates

Hey y'all im starting a second campaign recruitment so some of the stuff in my alias bar will be moved.

The encounter and inventory and puppy tracker have been moved to the top in the campaign info area!

Spell Area Templates

I gotta say, its crazy the journey we've been on so far. We only have 7 pages left in the adventure, not to spoil anything that we are nearing the end.

I've definitely enjoyed the adventure and hope y'all have too! Honestly feel like we did this first book fairly quick for play by post too lol

Female Half-Elf Wizard/Chronoskimmer (Unified Magic Evoker) 4 | AC: 20/18 | HP: 40/40 Hero:1 | Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +9 | Perc +7 | Stable Timestream (Initiative = 20)

We are going on to the other books, right?

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