Kingmaker: Blood for Blood!

Game Master BloodWolven

Blood for Blood - Baron's Courtroom

Map of Fort Drelev


The Greenwatch Wardens


Tomb Map

Varnhold Map.


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What brings you to Greenwatch?

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Lady Zsófia has come to Greenwatch to establish her presence in the area with the intention of pursuing her hereditary claim to the Stolen Lands in general and the Narlmarches in particular. (Out of character, I don't intend her to try and take over rulership of the kingdom-- she will ultimately be happy serving on the High Council as Marshal and giving special attention to the Narlmarches as her barony. I'm hoping that sounds acceptable to everyone!)

Politically, she is a burr in the saddle for the Swordlords, but she is said to have an understanding with the king of Brevoy that her animosity for/with them will not affect Greenwatch's diplomatic relations in general. She will be extremely interested in the kingdom's interactions with Rostland in the future. It is also likely her appointment could bother the exiled Swordlords in Mivon, if she cannot conceal her contempt for them, though it is possible that their status as ex-Swordlords might smooth over conflict between them.

Zsófia will also take a slight interest in the religion of Greenwatch, as she is a devout Shelynite. She will want to see at least a shrine or temple established in the capital city, and some lip service given to the faith on the winter solstice for Crystalhue if nothing else. If she is able to rebuild Narlmarket and the Marchfort in her barony she will likely sponsor at least one temple in the area as well, and perhaps try to lure away from Pitax pilgrims loyal to The Eternal Rose. Otherwise, simply encouraging free and artistic expression seems to her a worthy tribute to the goddess.

She loves dueling and will try to solidly establish dueling culture in the new kingdom if she can, as a way to settle disputes and as an unusual form of art. She is notoriously proud and unwilling to accept insult without a response, so challenges to nonlethal combat are important to her as a way to save face. Part of her would love to see the Rostland bravo tradition become equal to or even surpass the Aldori tradition of dueling that is so prevalent in the region. Some ways to do this might be to court duelist celebrities or to sponsor bouts as entertainment.

She will soon make the acquaintance of her cohort, a deep gnome from the southern Narlmarches who wants to re-establish his family's presence in the stronghold formerly claimed by Hargulka, and she will take up the petition to the High Council on his behalf. Together they will explore the region to make sure the roads are safe for travel and trade, and to ensure no other forces have moved in to the area in the wake of the trolls' defeat. They will also attempt to find other people to join the settlement and help it thrive.

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

Well, like most events in Xandarian's life: finding Greenwatch was just the whim of the Gods. Well, one God. Cayden Cailean. During his travels, the paladin would hear some tall tales about a new kingdom in The Stolen Lands. No want, no sickness, no poor in this wilderness kingdom. To the keen ears of a caydenite, this place almost sounds like it should be in Elysium, not Golarion.

With no other prospects, Xandarian and his faithful companion, Boffy, ride over the border into Greenwatch on their 'might steed', Tammi.

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)

I believe that Vandomir here is a completed submission.

Vandomir has come, wanting to sign on and demonstrate the prowess of hippogriffs in combat. Even aerial combat, once he reaches 8th level.

Female Human Investigator 7 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 19 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +8, CMD: 22 | F: +6, R: +10, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +8 | Speed 30' | Inspiration 7/7 |

Things have gotten a little too hot in Galt for Eris to continue with her current line of work at present. She's out of the area on hiatus until things cool down and she's been forgotten. While she's waiting, she's looking for work.

Her portfolio is in woodcraft, scouting, and skirmishing. Mostly she's worked as a guide. She's also an accomplished 'doctor' with her knowledge of alchemy and non-magical healing. She's also highly intelligent and well educated in the old Galtan classical tradition.

Eris isn't going to be too picky about employment as long as it's not something that requires her to act in unethical ways. She's a Caydenite, and views her campaign to smuggle endangered people out of Galt as practically the same thing as a war on slavery.

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
Eris Northanger wrote:
her campaign to snuggle endangered people

Vandomir will want to hear more about the snuggling of endangered people!

Female Human Investigator 7 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 19 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +8, CMD: 22 | F: +6, R: +10, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +8 | Speed 30' | Inspiration 7/7 |

Ha! Sometimes mistypes are so brilliant! I did change it though because I'm in pre-coffee killjoy mode.

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)

It was quite brilliant!

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 58/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace

I have been traveling for too long, over the top of the world even, looking for.... something. In my travels I have come to realize that I don't like big city living. The people are just too rude and hurtful to the poorer population. I tried to help, but found that one little fox couldn't help much without becoming a target for very dangerous people!

When I got to the River Kingdoms I stayed in fox form most of the time, avoiding confrontations whenever I could. I can slip through wooded areas like a ghost, practically invisible! I shifted to human shape before entering any small towns and started hearing of a new community called Greenwatch, where people were friendly regardless of race. And the community was also friendly to the world around the community.

Call me intrigued! Perhaps I could find a home there? But first I had to find it.

In Restov, to the South West of the edge of the city, there is a large five story building with a tall steeple in the middle. Many of you have come to the call of Greenwatch as they are looking for some added protection by hiring mercenaries.

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 58/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace

After months of travel since my departure from Kaer Maga, and many weeks of travel in the River Kingdoms, asking for word of this new kingdom. Where could I find Greenwatch? Or Elkheart? Or the Reeves? I was surprised to be directed to Brevoy or another city. I hate cities, the corruption and the pompous entitled lordlings. And the building!?! Perhaps Greenwatch was trying to hire an army? I was hoping to find the Reeves, or perhaps an official of Greenwatch to possibly claim a place in their kingdom. Instead, I enter this huge building, looking around for information or any link to Greenwatch.

He interviews each of you individually.

As you enter into the large conference room you see your host at the other end of the large table. An elderly man with white hair and beard. Now sitting close to him you realize that he is possibly a giant as he is eight feet tall sitting! He is looking over papers and once you sit down he begins in a deep voice:
Even if you submitted an application, you are surprised by how well informed the ambassador is in your history.


"Vandomir Jarvis is it? So you are wanting to sign on and demonstrate the prowess of hippogriffs in combat as general support or did you plan to join the Air Corp Squadron?"


"Lady Zsófia Dobós, let's start with the hard questions first, what hereditary claim do you have to the Stolen Lands? In what capacity did you serve the Swordlords? What were the specifics around your interactions with the Regeant? What skills do you bring to our country? Will you be joining the mercenary brigade first, or was there another occupation you were planning on pursing?"


"Xandarian Quartermain, I see you are a devout Cayden follower. A palading of Cayden actually. With this in mind were you planning on joining the mercenary brigade?"


"Eris Northanger, I see you have been doing wonderful things for the people of Galt. It is too bad that you needed to leave for the time being. Ah yes, you are wonderful at woodcraft, scouting, and skirmishing. Mostly as a guide. You are also a 'doctor' with knowledge of alchemy and non-magical healing. And I see here you are well educated in the old Galtan classical tradition. With this in mind were you planning on joining the mercenary brigade?"

Then Jorrast Feorte will you be coming to Greenwatch another way or by Restov like the others?

"Jorrast Feorte, ah another kitsune! How interesting! I see that you worked with a merchant company, hauling trade items back and forth over the Path of Aganhei to Avistan. What were they called again? Your main skills are in linguistics and Stealth. A Sylvan Rogue no less. So were you planning on joining the mercenary brigade?"

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Dressed in her most outlandish and colorful attire, her signet ring and dueling sword plainly visible, Lady Zsófia proudly returns to Restov after her business in New Stetven is concluded. Having learned that Greenwatch is hiring mercenaries for a journey south, she knows that it will be important for her to present her best face, especially if the Swordlords are involved, as she suspects they will be.

If she's being honest with herself, it still rankles her how they treated her when she applied to join the academy. It felt so long ago! Still, she is determined to give no sign of her wounded pride if it will further her goals. I must try to limit the number of Swordlings I challenge to-day, she thinks wryly. And if it is to be a battle of wits only, I feel it is cheating to fight an unarmed opponent. She smirks to herself.

When she arrives, she looks around for one of the porters to announce her. There is no point in trying to disguise herself, she decides, for besides being dishonorable it likely wouldn't do any good. While she waits for her reception she curiously studies the others who are gathering here.

Does Zsófia know this place, or can she guess where she is? Could you make a Knowledge roll for me to learn more?

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

Bearik wrote:

As you enter into the large conference room you see your host at the other end of the large table. An elderly man with white hair and beard. Now sitting close to him you realize that he is possibly a giant as he is eight feet tall sitting! He is looking over papers and once you sit down he begins in a deep voice:

Even if you submitted an application, you are surprised by how well informed the ambassador is in your history.

"Xandarian Quartermain, I see you are a devout Cayden follower. A paladin of Cayden actually. With this in mind were you planning on joining the mercenary brigade?"

As Xanderian sits down, Bearik can hear the audible struggles of a dirty hare trying to climb up into the paladin's lap. The caydenite eventually tires of the noise and leans over to lift the hare onto his lap.

"Yes, after discussing it with my partner here, it sounds like the budding community is in dire need of bolstering it's defensive numbers. We'd be more than happy to help."

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Bearik wrote:
"Lady Zsófia Dobós, let's start with the hard questions first."

Lady Zsófia preens slightly when the giant man addresses her by her title, and if she is surprised that he knows so much about her, she certainly doesn't show it. Perhaps he has contacts in New Stetven, she thinks, watching his eyes as he asks his interview questions. Rather than being nervous, she feels a rush of confidence at being given so much direct attention. She nods in acknowledgement of his respect and smiles as if she welcomes a challenge. "Agreed; 'strike hardest first and you may have no need of a second.'" Her smile broadens as she thinks of how delightfully layered that duelist aphorism is.

Bearik wrote:
"What hereditary claim do you have to the Stolen Lands?"

She tosses her hair and sits up in her chair as straight as she can. "As you are no doubt aware, after Choral the Conquerer united Issia and Rostland, he granted to his cousin Zoltán Dobós and his descendants the right to 'all the lands of the Shrike river.' Though he never conquered them, it stands that if they were legally awarded to him, they remain in his family as far as Brevoy is concerned. I am distantly related to Zoltán Dobós, as this document I have from the king-regent attests. Furthermore, some years ago His Grace granted me the title of Baroness of the Narlmarches, in recognition of the bond between our two families." Her eyes unfocus slightly and her voice becomes slightly distant. "Of course some may say such appointments have no standing in the new duchy of Greenwatch, but surely these naysayers would not wish to provoke the ire of the beneficient ruler of Brevoy."

Bearik wrote:
"In what capacity did you serve the Swordlords?"

Zsófia laughs. "None," she says with a smirk. "In no capacity have I ever served the Swordlords, except to serve them up humiliation on the dueling ground. I applied to join their Academy when I was young and inexperienced, and they would not give me the time of day. Why, they never even gave me the courtesy of a refusal! So, I took it upon myself to learn their ways on my own, and I have never once looked back. I dare say I must have frightened them terribly."

Bearik wrote:
"What were the specifics around your interactions with the Regent?"

"Ah, that would be telling," she says with a soft chuckle. "Nothing untoward, or salacious, or dishonorable I assure you. He is an old friend of my father. Of course it is not for me to speculate about His Grace's intentions or motivations, but I suspect when he heard about the Swordlords' charter with the founders of Greenwatch he decided it would be wise to assert Brevoy's authority in this matter as superior to that of the Free City's. If he sees me as a friend to the Dragon Throne, who wouldn't want to see their friends advance in the world? And I, in turn, would be happy to look after the Throne's interests in that same spirit of friendship."

Bearik wrote:
"What skills do you bring to our country?"

She relaxes in her seat slightly, leaning back to appear a bit more comfortable. "I am tolerably skilled with the sword, and familiar with many of its uses," she says with aplomb. "No, I jest and I have no cause for modesty; I am one of the best duelists this city has ever produced. You will find me a great foil to bandits and other lawless types who might plague your lands. And I must say, I set a good example for others." She smiles so broadly that she almost winks. "By Shelyn's glow, my company is never dull."

Bearik wrote:
"Will you be joining the mercenary brigade first, or was there another occupation you were planning on pursing?"

"What are my options?" she laughs again. "If it is acceptable to the High Council, I should like very much to see the Narlmarches and secure its borders. I am also willing to serve in the brigade if that is their will, though I fear I am better suited to giving orders than following them. Still, you will find me both helpful and biddable while we work out my place in Greenwatch going forward. I will match respect with respect, I assure you."

Zsófia would not recognize this massive building. You don't think it is much more than a year old, there is no grime anywhere!

Zsofia and all the other adventurers applying for Greenwatch know this is the Greenwatch Embassy, managed by the grand ambassdor Bearik the wizard. [ooc]If you didn't know talking with the other applicants reveals it to you.

Typically I let you do knowledge checks and create appropriate spoilers.
Zsofia, Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21,
Zsofia, Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10,
Zsofia, Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14,

Knowledge (history) DC 20:
This is a relatively new building but its foundations should have been started when you were at the academy.

K (local) DC 10:
This an embassy building that is associated with Greenwatch.

K (nobility) DC 10:
This building and grounds rival that of most high end nobles.

"What specific skills do you bring to the table and are you looking to be put on retainer or paid for your services when they are needed? We would prefer a retainer contract for simplicity, it would include basic needs, 70 gold per month."

His eyes have an intelligence that you haven't seen before. They are so analyzing that it is hard to meet their gaze for too long.

He nods to your responses and makes some marks on his papers. He is confident and precise in his actions and interactions with you.

After you state your claim he addresses it with measured patience, "beneficient? Interesting." He then states, "As the Stolenlands and more has been claimed by our kingdom your claim would be mute. Though if you ascend the ranks and eventually gain the status of the High Council, then we would merit enough to look back into the claim. And from what I am seeing you likely will."

Thoughtfully he looks up and states, "Would you be interested in teaching at our Martial Academy?"

He sees the merit in your words and associations, replying with understanding words, "Ahhh yes, who wouldn't want to see their friends advance in the world? Though as you likely know the Reagent, the swordlords, and Greenwatch relations have been tense as of late."

He concurs with you and reveals some of what he knows, "A strong arm and Shelyn's glow, how can you go wrong? We haven't had much trouble with bandits or lawlessness for nearly a year now. But recently our divination shows something is amiss and thus the need for at least one mercenary brigade if not more."

He refocuses with a drink from his golden goblet, then states, "If you become a mercenary on retainer we may give you and extra day to secure the Nalmarches each week, though our Reeves have done a wonderful job of it. Speaking of that your contract would be for 70 gold per month. If you become a captain among the band, it shall raise and if you choose to become an instructor at the Martial Academy you shall gain a salary from them. I have strong hopes for you."

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Zsófia doesn't so much as blink as Bearik swiftly sets aside her claim, but maintains her poise and confidence all the same. She is uncertain whether the giant wizard knows just how far her friendship with the king-regent goes-- she is hardly sure herself, after all-- but the hand she has been dealt requires her to lean on his royal backing as absolute, with the implicit threat that if it is disregarded, it could cause a diplomatic incident. Not a battle for today, she cautions herself, though she is heartened by his suggestion that the High Council might consider her claims at some point in the future.

She sits up with enthusiasm when he mentions teaching at their Martial Academy. "You have a martial academy? I had not heard! That is excellent news. I would certainly be willing to impart some of the tricks I have picked up to Greenwatch's finest new recruits. The art of the bravo is a rewarding path for those who follow the sword, and I should like very much to foster and encourage my peers."

She shrugs at the admission of choppy relations between the two kingdoms. "Perhaps your invitation to me to join you in the fair lands south of Rostov will smooth some ruffled feathers," she says. Her demeanor suggests she isn't too concerned about the Swordlords, at least.

She nods and stands, bowing from the neck in a gesture of sincere respect. "Thank you, my lord. I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship between us. I shall be ready to depart as soon as I receive the call."

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 58/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace


Jorrast is a little surprised at the information that the.... large humanoid had about him already. He allowed himself to change to his real, Kitsune appearance. "Interesting. I usually keep to human shape as they seem more universally accepted. I guess that was a bit foolish considering what I've heard about Greenwatch, and indeed Elkheart."

"So. Yes sir, I worked with the Ordu-Aganhei North-Reach merchant company. Actually, most of my family did. My father managed all of their merchant trains across the Path of Aganhei to Avistan and back to Hongal. I found myself a bit, disinterested in managing merchant trains that hauled such a variety of cargo back and forth, back and forth, making the merchants wealthy but not really helping the people. I hope that doesn't rule me out. I'm really looking for a place where I'd fit in, and this sounded really good!"

"Hmm.... Mercenary brigade? My main skills, linguistics and stealth? And you know of my Sylvan training as well? She had me call her Sophia, but I'm certain that wasn't her real name. Nevertheless, that training has been very useful. And yes. I do kind of have a knack for languages. Seem to pick them up quite easily. Only twelve other than common currently, and some are more useful than others. For example, I doubt I'll find many people around this part of the world that speak Tian. And I do have an advantage with stealth, at least in the wild. I can shape change into a fox which is small and fast, and pretty easy to disappear if there is any cover." He pauses to consider his next answer. "What I was really looking for was a group that I was told of called the Reeves. If I heard right they are protectors of the people in Greenwatch. But, if I've got to prove myself first, I think I would be interested in joining your brigade. Do you have any scouts? And how soon are you expecting action? If you are recruiting from without I assume there's word of danger?"

With a wry grin he merrily states, "We do but it's location is not revealed to the public. It has only been used by our elite troops."

His face simplifies into a smile appreciating your words, "Yes, hopefully it can ease the relations. Maybe even visiting the king regent with you would help."

He stands with you, after you raise from your bow, he offers a hand. With a warm smile he warmly offers, "Well if you are prepared we are collecting the most experienced applicants in the dining hall before we travel to Elkheart."

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

Bearik wrote:
"What specific skills do you bring to the table and are you looking to be put on retainer or paid for your services when they are needed? We would prefer a retainer contract for simplicity, it would include basic needs, 70 gold per month."

"Well, I have been trained in the healing arts, specializing in poison cures; alcoholic poisoning in particular. I have been told I'm a skilled bartender. As a paladin, I can help weed out evil by detecting it. I have access to healing magic, a boon for any community! And I play a mean mandolin!"

The dirty hare looks intently at the various articles on the table. The lepus then quickly jumps out of Xandarian's lap and onto the table, picking up a map of the Greenwatch and quickly puts it in front of the paladin. The hare then rapidly tapped his feet on a structure on the map.

"Ah. Yes! Thank you, Boffy!" The paladin said to the hare.
Looking back up to the giant man, Xandarian bows forward.
"Please excuse the abrupt actions of my adventuring partner. He's quite excitable."
The caydenite points down to the map and the structure Boffy pointed out.
"It is good to see the Greenwatch community has access to the divine drink, via your brewery. Now, Mr. Bearik. it sounds like you are looking for a long-term commitment. Now that's normally a term I avoid, but I think we have found a way to make this assignment advantageous for both parties", Xandarian smiled.
"I'm prepared to offer the services of myself and Boffy for an extended period, in which we would be on retainer. And at a reduced priced of 60 gold per month. Plus unlimited access to Greenwatch alcoholic stock. You know, for religious purposes."
To Bearik, it looks like even the dirty hare is smiling.
Diplomacy (Charming): 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21

Female Human Investigator 7 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 19 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +8, CMD: 22 | F: +6, R: +10, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +8 | Speed 30' | Inspiration 7/7 |


Eric shrugs in an offhanded sort of way.
"Yeah, sure. A girl's gotta eat. Also I need to save up some money."

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Zsófia grins back. "I should very much like to see what your elite troops can do. It sounds as if you haven't just been hunting game and running off bandits down there." She looks sideways at the wizard and her smirk becomes so broad it seems she could pull a muscle before she relents. "I jest, of course; I heard tell that you recently fought a war against an army of trolls who were unusually resistant to fire, and that it was a close thing. Shelyn's eyes! I do hope your divinations are misleading and that whatever is amiss is merely a false alarm, but something tells me that is very unlikely."

She accepts his hand and bends slightly to touch it with her forehead. "Is food included? Even all the way up here in Brevoy we have heard of the bounty of Greenwatch. I am sure there must be some powerful magic at work, but cut me to pieces if I don't enjoy a fine meal." She makes a show of looking around the conference hall. "If there's time before the gathering, perhaps I can see more of the embassy? Such a beautiful building! Why, it puts even Jamandi Aldori's mansion to shame-- at least the exterior I mean, for I cannot speak to what either one looks like inside. And constructed so quickly, too! I haven't been away from Restov that long, but I would have sworn none of this was here a year ago. I think you are a man of many deep and subtle arts, my lord."

Calmly he responds, "Ah yes, we understand this though we are a very open minded community let alone who is on the Council. We have many fey allies and friends.

He quietly says to himself, [b]"rule you out?" Then he shakes his head and states, "No those experiences should round you out well enough for the mercenary brigade. Yes we have scouts though the ones who patrol the outer ranges are the Reeves. Though I believe the brigade would fit you best. If you wish to apply to become a Reeves, I am sure that can easily be handled after your six month requirement of service with the brigade. Our divination have proven that acquiring a mercenary brigade is prudent sooner than later. Shall we put you down for 70 gold retainer?"

With your agreement with or without some adjustments he asks, "I welcome you as a new retainer then! Well if you are prepared we are collecting the most experienced applicants in the dining hall before we travel to Elkheart."

Xandarian :
He nods at your skills which he requested. He looks up at the hare when it grabs the map and watches with intent. He laughs after you say, "religious purposes." He then offers, "I think you and my boy Saren will get along nicely! I welcome you as a new retainer then! Well if you are prepared we are collecting the most experienced applicants in the dining hall before we travel to Elkheart."

He looks at her with calculating eyes, then he asks the question again, "So were you planning on joining the mercenary brigade, just a medic for the brigade, or another occupation? If just the mercenary brigade then we can put you on retainer for 70 gold, unless you request other services which may decrease it."

He simply smiles at your words letting them dry before he takes a calculated response of it all, "Our troll problem was nothing compared to the scourge that assaulted our walls nearly a year ago.

With a laugh and a scoff he warms up once more, [b]"Yes of course food is included, it is a need of you mortals. You are welcome to wander the halls or I can request a guided tour for you. Thank you for I took great care in the embassy's construction. A bit of magic was put into use though our devoted workers built it quickly. Yes most on the Council have many deep and subtle arts."

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Zsófia bows again, with an ironic little flourish this time. "If you would arrange a tour for me, I would be most grateful. I love to look at beautiful things when I can, and I believe it may tell me more about the culture and values of Greenwatch, which I think a good thing considering the budding alliance we are growing together."

She happily occupies herself seeing as much of the embassy as is allowed before the gathering in the dining hall. She asks many questions of the guide, but they are generally about why things are the way they are, rather than what or how. Not that she seems to know very much about engineering or artistry of architecture, but it seems rather that she is interested in the motivations and thoughts behind the beauty of the building. As if she was using Sense Motive on those who constructed it, maybe. :)

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

Smiling, Xandarian stood up and shook the large human's hand. "Then we have an accord. Cayden be! Um. Which way is the dining hall?"
Bearik directs the paladin and his adventuring partner out the door. Xandarian thanks Bearik again and walks toward the dining hall.

On the way, Xandarian notices an open empty room. Both paladin and hare quickly enter and shut the door tight. It looks like a small pantry with various food stuffs and spices.

Both paladin and hare look at each other smiling, then both start laughing with joy as the hare transforms into tiny inebriated-looking fairy.

Both aasimar and outsider chortled, giggled, and tittered until they got it all out of their systems. After composing themselves, Boffy returned to his hare form and both paladin and hare left the pantry smiling and chuckling toward the dining hall.

Female Human Investigator 7 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 19 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +8, CMD: 22 | F: +6, R: +10, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +8 | Speed 30' | Inspiration 7/7 |


"If you need a medic, that works fine for me. Look, I haven't been a mercenary before so I'm not familiar if the options. Something else is okay too. Surely you need reconnaissance? I can do that. So, 70 gold per what period of time?"

Female Catfolk Fighter 7

What brings her to Greenwatch is simple! A want for adventure, and a change in scenery! After having lived in Restov for half a year, the itch to see more and travel more managed to find its way back under her skin. So she hopped on a caravan bound for the wilderness kingdom. Only to have wound up sleeping in a bit aboard said caravan, running late to her appointment with Bearik.

(AKA, I'm an idiot and missed the post in the thread where you said for everyone done moves over here. Was expecting to see an "I've selected these characters.")

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 58/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace


Jorrast smiles as he stands. "Thank you then sir! I'll do my best in the brigade, and wherever else I can for the country. If Elkheart is everything that I've heard I'm sure that I'll be in service here for many years." He starts to hold out his hand, then pauses with a slight frown at the huge man, "Not sure what is appropriate, common courtesy and all. Hand shake?"

He glances around and then heads for the dining hall.

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
Bearik wrote:


"Vandomir Jarvis is it? So you are wanting to sign on and demonstrate the prowess of hippogriffs in combat as general support or did you plan to join the Air Corp Squadron?"


Vandomir executes a deep bow, "Milord, I should be honored to do either, but I fear that Rocinian is not yet strong enough to carry me in flight. She is quite strong enough to fly herself, and is fearsome as a mount on the ground. I have faith that in due time, she shall be quite able to provide a stable flying mount, however."

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

Jorrast was nice enough to remind me Xandarian didn't roll his HP!
Thanks, Jorrast.

2nd-level HP: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
3rd-level HP: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
4th-level HP: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Reroll: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
5th-level HP: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
6th-level HP: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Reroll: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
7th-level HP: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

HD rolls:
2nd level: 1d10 ⇒ 6
3rd level: 1d10 ⇒ 2
4th level: 1d10 ⇒ 10
5th level: 1d10 ⇒ 7
6th level: 1d10 ⇒ 7
7th level: 1d10 ⇒ 7

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
Xandarian Quartermain wrote:

Jorrast was nice enough to remind me Xandarian didn't roll his HP!

Thanks, Jorrast.

I'm used to taking 1/2HD +1 HPs per level. Are we rolling instead here? I can roll Vandomir's, no problem.

Yes we take max at first level, roll for HD and reroll the 1's.

All consistent and active players that post in discussion and gameplay are accepted into the campaign. You may think this is excessive but trust me the rate at which we lose characters in most campaigns its better to start with a dozen than a trio.

Remember to ask as many questions as you want here, the more the better!

Vandomir Jarvis:

He intones his head at your words, "Then we shall have you join the mercenary brigade for now at the wage of 70 gold per month."

As you offer your hand he reaches out his own. He nods and states, "A handshake will do fine in most instances."

"We will then put you down as a dedicated medic for the mercenary brigade. Reconnaissance, I am sure your group will decide what will work the best for roles. Yes 70 gold per month."

He snaps his fingers and a butler comes forward. "Please escort Lady Zsofia around to tour the building."

The butler seems strangely aware of the history of each of the pieces on display. He takes you all over the embassy.

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19
GM Wolf wrote:
All consistent and active players that post in discussion and gameplay are accepted into the campaign. You may think this is excessive but trust me the rate at which we lose characters in most campaigns its better to start with a dozen than a trio.

With so many players, that must surely mean player engagement will be high as well. Really enjoying the campaign so far!

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)

Vandomir HP: 9d10 ⇒ (5, 9, 1, 9, 1, 3, 4, 1, 5) = 38
Rocinian HP: 6d8 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 7, 2, 3) = 20

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)

Vandomir bows again, "very well sir, the Mercenary Brigade it is. Does the Brigade have any uniforms or other emblems to demonstrate its esprit de corps? And if so, where is the quartermaster, so I can draw my issuance please?"

Female Human Investigator 7 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 19 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +8, CMD: 22 | F: +6, R: +10, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +8 | Speed 30' | Inspiration 7/7 |

HP: 6d8 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5) = 27

Female Catfolk Fighter 7

HP: 6d10 ⇒ (2, 7, 1, 9, 7, 10) = 36

Also, GM, I think I'm a bit lost. Should I just go ahead and post in Gameplay?

Female Human Barbarian (Invulnerable) 7/ Fighter (Unbreakable)1| 130/130 HP : Raging 177/177| AC 25 T 12 FF 23 | Fort +13 (+16) Ref +6 (+8) Will +6 (+8)| Initiative +2 | Perception +12, Survival +15| Rage 24/24* |DR 3/-, DR 6/ Non-lethal|Cold Res 3 Current effects:

Same. Or would you rather we post an introductory post here first?

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 58/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace

HP Roll: 6d8 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3) = 10
Reroll the 1's: 4d8 ⇒ (5, 7, 7, 5) = 24

Hmm.... 30. Same as the half +1.

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Hey, Eris: I know how tough it is to play a social scene with a not-very-charismatic character, especially in a room full of attention hogs like Zsófia. I just want to say OOC I see you! Way to commit!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Investigator 7 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 19 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +8, CMD: 22 | F: +6, R: +10, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +8 | Speed 30' | Inspiration 7/7 |

Ha! Thanks Zsófia. I pictured the scene very much like the tv/movie trope of lunchtime during the first day at a new school.

The politics of choosing a table are so fraught and consequential that the obvious safe choice is the empty table.

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)

My attempt at being a jerk to the fox didn't work! He deflected!

Percep +2|Diplo +21(+22)|Fly +6|Heal +16|Perf. (string) +25|SM +13
Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19

Foxes are wily!

Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 58/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace

He wants to be friends and decided that it was funny! Besides, he has recently spent most of his time in fox form with four paws. His paws were tired! (Which makes it even funnier, to him!)

Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)

My Charisma is slightly under average, so I intend to play it as such.

F NG human swashbuckler 5/Devoted Muse 3 | HP 65/74 | AC 31** T 27** FF 19 | DR 5/evil | resist acid 20 cold 20 | CMB +7 CMD 32* | F +4* R +13 W +6** SR 19 | Init +10* Per +13* SM +15* | charmed life 2/3 gallant inspiration 1/1 panache 4/5 resolve 4/4 remove fear 2/3 Sacred Smite 1/2 | effects/conditions: nauseated; blessing of fervor, good hope

Just checking I read that correctly, Kendryl-- you intended to insult Zsófia, right? :)

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