am0n's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Is this PbP style? When are you looking for characters?

Fromper wrote:

Be sure to download the free Guide to Organized Play and register to get an official Pathfinder Society number.

The games from the Flaxseed Lodge are all Pathtinfder Society games (PFS), though there are sometimes PbP games on the forums that aren't.

Thanks. Got registered and I'll work on reading through the guide this week.

Hey all, quick intro. Recently got a bug to play a Monk, and the PF equivalent looks fun. Never played PF. If anyone has a beginner-esque game they are planning in the future, I'd be interested in trying it out. I have experience with other d20 games (2e, 3e, 3.5e, 4e, 13th age, star wars rpg), so while I am new to PF I am familiar with the genre.

caps wrote:

You might try Pathfinder Society. Open recruiting for scenarios happens regularly in the Flaxseed lodge thread.

Thanks! I'll do just that. Figured I'd also toss something out here just in case.

I don't have a pre-made character, but if anyone ends up running a "beginner" style of adventure, I'd be interested in trying out a monk. Never played PF, but I've done a bunch of D&D and other d20 games. Recently got an itch to try a monk and the PF version of one seems like it could be a lot of fun. Not familiar with PF, though, so something more on the basic spectrum (or with a group that is okay with the fact I don't have years of experience) would be preferred.

About RxGM

About me: My name is Gus and I have been playing tabletops since the DnD 3.0 days, albeit with a long hiatus in the middle. I make no claims to be a rules expert and am always learning new rules and hidden class features- if you have a question ask away and we will learn about it together! I love pbp due to the nature of improved RP and story development that is hard to match in f2f games- so please feel free to be silly, act in character, dive head first into RP, and build meaningful (and fun) party dynamics!

Some guidelines:

#1: I will make every attempt to post twice a day. Once between 7-9a EST and once between 5-7p EST. Additional/smaller posts may occur at other times. On weekends, I will try to post once a day, generally in the mornings.

#2: I request a minimum of one post a day, and one post per weekend but strongly encourage twice daily posting during the week and once daily during the weekend. I reserve the right to bot your character if we have been waiting on your action for longer than 24 hours. Please let me know about any planned (or unplanned) absences in the discussion threads and we will make arrangements around those things. Life always comes first!

#3: Please update your character profiles to include botting instructions as well as common dice rolls/expressions for copy and pasting if needed

#4: Please roll any GM prompted or requested dice rolls (knowledges, saves, etc) first in your post before adding attacks, perceptions, etc.