GM Hmm |

Using the tracker is great when you're trying to find unplayed scenarios for experienced players. It's a challenge to set up the first time, but after that it works slick. We're using it to find some scenarios for my Eyes of the Ten group to play together, and I've used it numerous times in scheduling for my venue. You do have an option of checking all the scenarios and just unchecking the ones that you know you haven't played.
In Minnesota, it works great because most of our hardcore regulars use it, so you can enter the usernames and just go. The more community buy-in, the more useful it becomes. If Flaxseed GMs don't intend to use it, then it won't be useful. I just know that it would have been great when I had to figure out a PbP scenario that Gerald, the Fox and Nefreet all had in common when we were trying to figure out the reunion scenario for my Ironbound Schism group!

bluedove |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

A well groomed gent dressed in the blue and green livery of Taldor enters the common room. He straightens his gloves and clears his throat as he unrolls a scroll of parchment and reads a proclamation in a lofty tone.
"Hear ye, hear ye! The prestigious Lady Gloriana Morilla requests a team of Pathfinders to travel to Silverhall in Brevoy and encourage the Noble house of Lebeda to donate an important artifact to the war effort at the Worldwound. Your task will be detailed once the team is selected. Please sign your name and your relevant skills that would benefit this mission."
He tacks a sign-up sheet on the mission board.
Recruiting for Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–19: The Horn of Aroden (levels 1-5 but shooting for sub-tier 4-5). Helpful skills for this game are Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival. We will begin as soon as I have a full list of characters of acceptable level and skill set. Players who have GM'ed for me will be given priority of selection if I get more signups than I can take.

Tarondor |

Recruiting for Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–19: The Horn of Aroden (levels 1-5 but shooting for sub-tier 4-5). Helpful skills for this game are Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival. We will begin as soon as I have a full list of characters of acceptable level and skill set. Players who have GM'ed for me will be given priority of selection if I get more signups than I can take.
I'd love, love, love to play this, but my level-appropriate characters are all on missions. Drat!

GM Tarondor |

A young girl, a street urchin really, steps up onto one of the lodge tables in order to be seen. Pushing an unruly lock of hair out of her eyes, she takes a deep breath and yells "Hey! Ambrus Valsin wants you...or someone like you, I guess. Look at this thing here and report. Or don't. I already got paid!" She then tacks a summons to the lodge wall and scoots out the door.
I'm recruiting players for Pathfinder Society 7-07: Trouble in Tamran (levels 1-5). I'll be taking four or five PC's, no more. This is an investigative scenario. Helpful skills include Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Linguistics and Sense Motive. Role-playing is highly encouraged, as are new players. We'll be getting started very soon. Please only sign up if you can commit to posting at least once per day on weekdays and at least once during the weekend.

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A young Garundi man, wearing the simple robe and sandals of a monk, enters the common room. He pauses for the briefest of moments to take in the eclectic company present, before finding himself a chair in a quiet, unobtrusive spot where he can observe the comings and goings. Although he has all the appearance of a monk - the robes, the cropped hair - the does not move with the grace or smoothness of one who follows that path. Instead, he looks more than capable with the worn but serviceable shortsword at his belt. Once seated, he instinctively clutches on his knees the slightly tatty canvas backpack he shrugged from his shoulders.

bluedove |

I'd love, love, love to play this, but my level-appropriate characters are all on missions. Drat!
Aw, shame! It's been a while since I've had the pleasure of Li's company. ^_^
Campaign for #5–19: The Horn of Aroden is open now for the following players:
Gayel Nord
GM Evil
If anyone backs out or no-shows, PJP is our alternate.

DM Amazing Red |

Hey all! I'm looking to run the module Feast of Ravenmoor. It is for PCs of levels 2-4. I am going to pick 4 PCs for this.
Like the last one, only sign up if you can post multiple times and if you can read my posts/look at the map. I'll pick the party roughly tommorrow morning (~15 hours or so)

DM Amazing Red |

Well I'm a little late due to sleeping in but can I have the following players check in Here: Cyrus9553, Luke_Parry, Sethran, and Volandis! Zinou is an alternate if one of them doesn't check in by this time tommorow.

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this character will be pretty interested once his player is back from GenCon
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Crucible |

I have signed up for two tables (Gameday 5):
* #7-00 Sky Key Solution (targeting Tier 1–2)
* #7-07 Trouble in Tamran (targeting Tier 3-4)
See my sign-up page, above.

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I Have put up some CORE Games
Faithless and Forgotten Trilogy CORE
The Sky Key Solution (1-11) CORE Seeking Tier 1-5
Depending on Bandwidth, I may put up more.

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I'll be running the tier 1-2 in The Sky Key solution. If you want to join, please sign up! :)

Rogar Valertis |

I Have put up some CORE Games
Faithless and Forgotten Trilogy CORE
The Sky Key Solution (1-11) CORE Seeking Tier 1-5
Depending on Bandwidth, I may put up more.
Signed up for the core games if it's not a problem

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If there's something strange in Ustalav. Who you gonna call? PATHFINDERS!
Phantom Phenomena Unchained! being recruited for the PBP Gameday 5!

DM Amazing Red |

Well I'm a little late due to sleeping in but can I have the following players check in Here: Cyrus9553, Luke_Parry, Sethran, and Volandis! Zinou is an alternate if one of them doesn't check in by this time tommorow.
Zinou please check in!

DebugAMP |

I'm planning to run another of the tech-oriented scenarios for the 2nd slot of Gameday V, so likely one of these:
The Silver Mount Collection (3-7)
The Technic Siege (5-9)
The Fires of Karamoss (5-9)
Returned to the Sky (7-11)
I don't know how many people here are interested in the tech scenarios and haven't already played in all of them... so I figured I'd do an interest check first. Any of those scenarios in particular interest you? Also, if I get a huge flood of responses, maybe that will give someone else an idea of a good scenario to GM for the Gameday as well.

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DM Amazing Red wrote:Zinou please check in!Well I'm a little late due to sleeping in but can I have the following players check in Here: Cyrus9553, Luke_Parry, Sethran, and Volandis! Zinou is an alternate if one of them doesn't check in by this time tommorow.
Sure thing!

CariMac |

I'm planning to run another of the tech-oriented scenarios for the 2nd slot of Gameday V, so likely one of these:
The Silver Mount Collection (3-7)
The Technic Siege (5-9)
The Fires of Karamoss (5-9)
Returned to the Sky (7-11)
I haven't played the last three and might have a level appropriate character available.

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I'm planning to run another of the tech-oriented scenarios for the 2nd slot of Gameday V, so likely one of these: The Silver Mount Collection (3-7) The Technic Siege (5- 9) The Fires of Karamoss (5-9) Returned to the Sky (7-11) I don't know how many people here are interested in the tech scenarios and haven't already played in all of thème il... so I figured I'd do an interest check first. Any of those scenarios inj particular interest you? Also, if I get a huge flood of responses, maybe that will give someone else an idea of a good scenario to GM for the Gameday as well.
The fire of karamoss is interesting
-Posted with Wayfinder

JAF0 |

I'm seeing a lot of support for the higher level tech scenarios. I think I'm going to run a table of Returned to the Sky (standard) in the second half of the Gameday.
I'm definitely interested in this... have you started a recruitment thread yet?

DM Stylz |

Gameday V: Sky Key Solution (CORE)
First come, first claimed. Please post your preferred tier, but remember that if there is no common tier, it will be 1-2 :)

GM Andrew |

Tarondor |

So, if I've played the Sky Key Solution with one character, I can't get credit for playing it with another, correct?
Also, I keep reading about a "second slot" or "second session" for PFS Gameday V. Could someone clue me in to what that's all about? Thanks!

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You can play it once in Core and once in Classic mode.
Unless you burn a GM star replay or replay boon on it.
You can also get credit for a second character in the same campaign by GMing it.
The "slot" concept doesn't work quite so well on gamedays. Essentially for a some of the figurehead games, it helps ensure they don't run over time and GMs don't get over committed. For regular PBP PFS tables that are running under the gameday banner I don't believe they have a significance.