VK Mk-Z's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts (32 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.


GM RePete wrote:
VK Mk-Z wrote:

Don't suppose anybody knows a way to be notified when a certain thread has new posts within? I tried clicking the "subscribe to this gameplay" on the top right but all it did was take me to another site where there was only a code on my screen.

** spoiler omitted **

Looks like you are referring to a game preparing to start. Once the GM opens the 'Gameplay' tab, you'll want to make a post there.

When you do so, it'll start appearing on your 'Campaigns' tab and it will tell you there whenever a new post shows up.

Much Obliged!

Don't suppose anybody knows a way to be notified when a certain thread has new posts within? I tried clicking the "subscribe to this gameplay" on the top right but all it did was take me to another site where there was only a code on my screen.

Here's the code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:taxo="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/taxonomy/">
<title>paizo.com Recent Gameplay Posts for 5-04: The Stolen Heir (CORE)</title>
<link rel="alternate" href="http://paizo.com/campaigns/504TheStolenHeirCORE" />
<subtitle>paizo.com Recent Gameplay Posts for 5-04: The Stolen Heir (CORE)</subtitle>
<title>Play-by-Post: She Stolen Heir Gameplay</title>
<link rel="alternate" href="http://paizo.com/campaigns/504TheStolenHeirCORE/gameplay#1" />
<name>GM Baerlie (alias of Baerlie)</name>
<id>http://paizo.com/campaigns/504TheStolenHeirCORE/gameplay#1</id >
<content type="html">&lt;p&gt;Dot here if you are ready.&lt;/p&gt;</content>
<summary type="html">Dot here if you are ready.</summary>
<dc:creator>GM Baerlie (alias of Baerlie)</dc:creator>


Took your suggestion

Constitution is now 15

Dexterity has been raised to 12
Charisma has been raised to 11

Update 1/14/18
Anigast Character Sheet via Pathbuilder
Anigast Character Statblock via Pathbuilder

@Magdalyn Varus

Thanks for the checkup and I chose one background trait on purpose. I didn't know what else to get. We're allowed to have only 1 background trait of we wanted to, right?


A Work In Progress

What I did was just putting ability points on my character to support my background more than my class.

For example, I wanted my first Barbarian to be convincing to others so I put a lot of points into Charisma. I should've focused on Strength and Constitution (which I did with Anigast).

I screwed up in the items and skills as well so I restarted a new character.




Finished my character! (I think)

Hoping miteke or someone else would check out my character and approve it.

His name is Anigast he is my second character listed (my first one is a bust and a WIP so I'm using Anigast for now).

You can check my profile for his background. It is not my main concern for now but it will be appreciated if you would criticize it for me!

Character Sheet via Pathbuilder

Character Statblock via Pathbuilder

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello new here! Not just to PFS but to RPG tabletops in general. Never played a game/scenario/adventure/etc in my life so I was hoping to change that today (at this post at least). I've studied the Core Rulebook and PFS Guild Guide but I feel stressfully confused on many things, mainly combat and rolls (such as skill checks). I've originally been to PFS Discord which led me to this address GOD BLESS! I've been told to play scenarios such as The Confirmation and The Wounded Wisps as they are acceptional introductions. Was hoping to gain a bit of help to start on my very first adventure soon!

Note: My computer has been trashed, so games supported by Roll20 and similar simulators are a no-go. Until then I've been limited to my mobile phone so my eyes are in Play-By-Posts.

As a newcomer and as pitiful as it sounds, I plead to anyone to point me at the right direction to begin my experience.

Finally, I've read the posts above and would like to congratulate the 100th page posts on this site, congratulate Chris, and give my blessings to Mike for whatever it's worth.

Thanks a bunch!