Game Master Divinitus




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I've got a goblin Alchemist, True Neutral, who'd be good prospect for a Skull and Shackles or Hell's Vengeance campaign. Name's Max Biggins.

Background is a goblin raised by a paladin who chose adoption when faced with the choice of what to do with the goblin baby he found after slaughtering his tribe rather than simply killing the innocent. In a campaign that needs non-evil characters, Max is trying to live up to his father's example and live down his goblin instincts. In a campaign like HV, well, let's just say that his daddy issues push him the other way. RP is a nature vs. nurture conflict.

Party role: scout, skill guy, party buffer, mad bomber.

How does this work?

Sovereign Court

LetcherMan69 wrote:
How does this work?

Look at the descriptive lines in all caps at the top of the page. There's a link where it says HERE. Click on that link, this will open a spreadsheet where you can look up different adventure paths and enter your name, and the name and salient characteristics of a character you'd like to play.

With luck, when a DM decides to start a new group for an AP, they flip through the listings and contact you!

Many DMs make their own recruitment threads, though, so you will want to check those yourself as well!

GMs also advertise here, often with links (such as to my Mythic Kingmaker), so as to throw the net a bit wider, and let people who watch this thread know of APs that are opening up.

I would really like to play in a Hell's Vengeance game; I was in one that died after the first few encounters. I have two characters written up and ready: Bledyn Alecroft and Amatsu Mi, and I'd be more than willing to write up someone entirely new if necessary.

Silver Crusade

So I have been having a really hard time finding in person games in my area, so I would love to give PBP a shot. I am very familiar with the standard Pathfinder rules and played quite a bit of 3.5 back in the day. Ideally I would like to play in an AP since I have wanted to for a while, but I am also open to just one offs or smaller modules to get a feel for the PBP format. I am open to just a martial or rogue class to get my feet wet in PBP.

I can post at the very least, daily. Thanks for any consideration!

Has this thread lost its focus?

Originally folks were supposed to create a character, and post the name and a link to it in the Google Doc Spreadsheet that is in the Header at the top of the page. While a few still do, many others are just posting that they are looking for a game, without posting a character, nor updating the spreadsheet.

For those looking for a game, go to the Recruitment Forum and apply to a game that you would be interested in. Remember to read carefully what the GM asks for when you apply and provide what is asked for. Be warned, that there are a lot of players and many fewer GMs, so while chances are not the greatest, eventually you will find a game.

-- david

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't know if the thread has lost its focus, or if discouragement has set in by those waiting for games. I think it would be cool if GM's posted that they were accepting applications and placed a link to their recruitment.. or even just posted here that they have recruited from the lists. I personally have been on several lists for well over a year, and only had one GM pm me about a game.

With that kind of response to the list, I can understand why people would post here looking to see if anyone else was interested/still around and looking. This is, after all, stickied to the top of the recruitment page and specifically calls out for individuals looking for AP's.

I am looking for about three more well-planned and interesting PCs to run a campaign in Greyhawk using Pathfinder mechanics. Please see Against the Odds in recruitment if you are interested. Any core race and class will be considered. Anything other than core may be considered by PMing me. I am open to recycled PCs as well. Must be good at RP.

Sovereign Court

Anyone looking for a player? I like to play all classes... (not applied unto the same character though... :P )

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I like to play all classes... (not applied unto the same character though... :P )

Why not? Senor Vorpal Kickass'o was an awesome character.


Added a character to the list of applicants for a Curse of the Crimson throne game.

I was pretty bummed out that he didn't make the cut. Hopefully, second time will be the charm.

I've gotta bit of a thing for dwarves. I've got a pair of dwarves sisters,one a gunslinger pistolero aiming to become the goddess of gunslingers who survived to lvl 5 in Serpent Skull who hates monkeys/apes,and an Oracle of stone lv 3 who's been orphaned three times now from a solo homebrew,another home few,and even Rise of the Runelords.
I even have the father of said sisters a guntank who'd I like to run through the Guns of Alkenstar module.

I'm even willing to build a new character for an AP if I have to...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

as a GM, this list would be more useful if it were periodically purged. resubs fine, but at least then you'd know which characters of the hundreds are still current.

Ace Matthews wrote:
as a GM, this list would be more useful if it were periodically purged. resubs fine, but at least then you'd know which characters of the hundreds are still current.

There aren't that many names in the spreadsheet.

Liberty's Edge

LFG Pathfinder Golarion Setting.

SPECIFICALLY looking to play Curse of the Crimson Throne and or Wrath of the Righteous.

I also wouldn't mind a solo game as a mythic character. Preferably in an AP. Like Curse the Crimson Throne or Rise of the Runelords

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What´s this new trend with solo games?

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When I'm bored, I'm dangerous. The crap I come up with is utterly ridiculous.

Case and Point: Here is Gremlin. He can be a Rogue or a Witch, but most importantly he is a literal cat. I know, it's crazy and 98% of GMs are too chicken to go for crazy, but I firmly believe that he can make for an awesome addition to a campaign.

I personally was in a campaign that was top of the boards for a while and am back to where I can post with at least that skill and frequency again. I hope to catch another good one like that.

Lol! Here I thought I was the only one who had a cat character.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hayato Ken wrote:

What´s this new trend with solo games?

I don't know, but I have noticed it too.. In my mind, although it may open the door for more freedom/ latitude on both the GM and the PC's part the costs of decreased interplay and chemistry would take a toll. Not to mention that the GM would have to almost completely rewrite everything in the book if an AP were being played.

That being said, can anyone that has participated or GM'd for one of these give some insight to the pros and cons??

Liberty's Edge

I am just starting in a solo game... so far the experience is mostly positive. The pace is much faster than a normal game, you have the chance to really focus on a character and a story, you don't deal with coordinate a lot of characters.
On the down side, the characters are not build to be loners, and there is a LOT of stuff a lone character can't do. Besides, a lot of encounters are DEADLY for a lone character. One bad roll and that's it. Finally, for the DM, it feels like a LOT of work, as you are DMing for just one player, instead of lots of them.
But with some leeway, its working just fine.
I'm Dming it, by the way.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks for the input, Corsario.

You bring to light one of my concerns.. that if using an AP, without completely rewriting entire sections of the story, there is no way to experience the whole story. I don't know. I can see the upside of a quicker game and such, but I like the interplay and the back and forth of several personalities and individuals sitting around a table/ computer screen and interacting together. Not to mention the incredible about of work the GM takes on when doing the rewrites!

Why would there need to be rewrites?

Adjusting encounters isn't difficult, and you could also increase the solo player's level.

Also, a solo player can play two or three characters, gaining the speed of one-on-one play yet still have a diverse party (if your playstyle actually requires that).

Still, even with just a single character, why would rewrites be needed and what would make difficult/intensive?

I've never got more than an encounter into an ap so I really don't have the experience with them. The 3.5 modules I ran never required anything difficult to adapt though.

Liberty's Edge

As Alicorn says, the "rewrites" are not that hard, if done with common sense and keeping them simple.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don´t know, but that "solo" trend doesn´t present itself in a positive light to me.
In roleplaying games, interaction with others has always been one of the most important points to me. Sure you have the GM, but you miss other players. Therefore it looks a lot like "me first" to me.
Which leaves tons of other people searching for a game without one.
Why not play a computer game then? There too many people playing this game like a computer game anyway.
But that´s just my opinion.

Solo has advantages and disadvantages. Depends on what you are looking for from the game.

Solo games are vastly more flexible in terms of character options. You don't have to worry about taking the spotlight away from others because you are playing the hier to throne, or the destined one, or the vampyre/lcanthrope/draconic/elemental.

You also get to play characters that are normally offputting to others, like Dr House from the tv show of the same name (a very rude character everyone loves to hate).

RPGs are about the experience, and some experiences you just can't get when playing nice with a group of others.

Liberty's Edge

For me, makes me think that a small group of very involved players (2-3) might be better than a big group (5+), which is what I thought before.

I'm in a Solo homebrew and it's a very different experience.

One of the biggest differences is that it avoids the deadliest part of PBP which is the terrible multi day wait for everybody to chime in on something before any progress can be made. Plus all it takes is one person to flake (for good or bad reasons) to bring the game to a grinding halt.

A different approach might be to start a game with a large group (because there are always dropouts) and be up front that people that don't post when prompted will start getting dropped, bringing the game down to a committed few that can push the game forward.

Having played in small (2-player) games in the past - a few one-shots and one particularly smashing long-running campaign - I can say that while the complex interactivity between multiple players is missing, the intensity between the limited number of characters IMO more than makes up for it. There is also more time for the GM to delve into the PCs' characterization, more time for that to emerge and evolve, and as a result you can wind up with a much more satisfying experience.

This does, however, require a lot more work on the part of the GM; she takes more upon her shoulders when it's necessary to cover for the necessary areas the PCs haven't, or to have a more complex interaction - it becomes, at least to an extent, the GM talking to themselves. But even this can be mitigated, depending on the type of game/campaign you're playing.

Azih wrote:
A different approach might be to start a game with a large group (because there are always dropouts) and be up front that people that don't post when prompted will start getting dropped, bringing the game down to a committed few that can push the game forward.

This is why I've taken it as a standard to start groups with at least five players, preferring six - while it's not my first choice for in-person games, having that extra face or two in PbP means you feel the absence of one person much less keenly. If someone has a busy couple of days, others can pick up the slack, and if someone needs to leave the group for whatever reason, you usually aren't missing anything that can't be accommodated for.

Liberty's Edge

Here is a thread full of Iron Gods characters searching for DMs, if someone is interested.

Someone should DM a post-apocalyptic campaign!

Sovereign Court

There have already been a few Fallout games here on the boards.

Links? I'm more interested in a zombie post-apocalyptic campaign. Or maybe werewolves or vampires. I'm not a big fan of futuristic.

I'm in one zombie campaign but DM posts once every 3 days or so. I'm looking for at least 1 post a day.

Sovereign Court

Links to Fallout game recruitments

Once I get my crap in order, I may try again to run my unique Apocalyptic campaign. I'm working on a few others first though. I'll remember to hit you up if I do. Zombies AND vampires in that one!

I think I am partially responsible for the 'solo' games thing. I am running about 12 of them?

I love them and rarely want to break out. It lets me tell a very tight story totally based around the player. You can customize everything from encounters to villains to helpful NPCs to fit precisely around the player.

I am recruiting for one right now- Getting the Band Back Together

I am setting up a campaign for an alternate Kingmaker adventure. Instead of being a party trying to create a kingdom, I want the players to be a team of elves trying to DESTROY the fledgling kingdom(s). Looking for six players who want to run my rendition of Kyonin "Special Forces" who will infiltrate into the Stolen Lands and cause trouble in much the same way as the American Green Berets do. Each player will be given two or three levels of the Scout/Forester class from the 3.0 Complete Adventurer book. From there, it would be HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to multiclass with a spellcaster class with two or three levels. Once inserted into the wilds, the team is on their own. Bring down the heathens who wrongfully attempt to pacify the ancient Elven lands that are not populated by the intruders. Make peace with any species friendly to elves. Use local resources to turn them against the interlopers. Finally, establish a secure area for further and greater operations.

Who's interested?

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Rennaivx wrote:
Azih wrote:
A different approach might be to start a game with a large group (because there are always dropouts) and be up front that people that don't post when prompted will start getting dropped, bringing the game down to a committed few that can push the game forward.
This is why I've taken it as a standard to start groups with at least five players, preferring six - while it's not my first choice for in-person games, having that extra face or two in PbP means you feel the absence of one person much less keenly. If someone has a busy couple of days, others can pick up the slack, and if someone needs to leave the group for whatever reason, you usually aren't missing anything that can't be accommodated for.

I'd love to play in a solo adventure with myself and the DM. Particularly in a Play-by-post system as I can turn it into a novel with my own creativity. Have characters, will 'travel'...heheh.

So just curious who's thinking of running/gonna be running some Iron Fang invasion pbp games?

Dark Archive

Looking to begin playing in any Paizo AP, preferably Strange Aeons, Iron Gods, Reign of Winter, or Hell's Rebels. I've got too much on my plate right now to run another game, but would like to play if possible. I'm willing to pick up on a game in progress to fill a party role as well. Thanks, GMs!

Looking for a good evening game (EST) on D20pro, Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds.

I am looking for a fresh AP. I am open to any role. Would love to do the Skull and Shackles AP but am open to others as well.

Scarab Sages

Looking for play-by-post games. Interested in trying solo game (whether playing a single or multiple PCs) and would love to be mythic, but neither are a must. I don't mind using alternate rules. I can also join mid-campaign and am willing to play any class.

I am willing to play any campaign, including playing in APs I already played in or ran, as long as you see no objection with it. I make it a point to separate player knowledge from character knowledge.

Game I DMed: Iron God, Reign of Winter, Strange Aeons, Giantslayer, the first 4 book of Kingmaker, and first 3 books of both Serpent's Skull and Carrion Crown.
Game I played (books): Rise of the Runelords (1-2), Curse of the Crimson Thrones (1, 4-6), Shattered Star (1-2), Skulls & Shackles (1-5), Mummy's Mask (1-6) and Hell's Rebel (3-4 + current)

I am mostly free at night from 11 PM to 6 AM EST Saturday evening to Thursday morning as I'm working night shift as a kind of security guard/email sorter and I have a lot of free time there. I could also make updates at other times, but don't expect anything between 11 AM and 5 PM EST.

I'm looking to go about making a duo with another player and going around applying to things to see if we can get in. A pair of brothers semi-loosely based on the Winchester brothers of Supernatural. It would be fun to make a full party with, say, an Angelic aasimar and a sleezy salesman Tiefling.

I have always thought Dean would be a slayer and Sam would be an investigator. I'm open to suggestions.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm looking to try my psychic class character in a campaign. If you are alright with the occult class please hit me up. [Also, no plan for the dreamscape stuff (unless you want to)]

Hi, new to the boards but not to PBP.

I am also willing for a D20, Skype, or Google Hangout game, or something similar, depending on time.

I am specifically looking for AP Rise of the Runelords. I am thinking of a wizard, fighter, or thief variant but for RotR, I am willing to take on whatever is needed.

Please send me a PM if I am needed or considered to make sure I dont miss it. I can promise to post at least 3x per week and prefer quicker paced games that are RP heavy.

Thanks in advance.

I'd love to play in Ironfang Invasion, which I'm hoping is about to flood the boards in the next week or so. I'm probably going to shoot for a ranger, a swashbuckler, or a thrown weapon build of some sort. Very excited for II.

Howdy All! I tend to play CG/CN/LN martial or skill characters with two handed weapons, and would be open to just about any play setting. If needed I can build a character to fit in with a group who is short someone, but I've got two of my recent characters listed below. I'm open to playing via Skype, Post by post, FaceTime, or just about any other gathering mechanic.

I've been playing PF since the beta, and DnD type games for more than 15 years.

Greatsword wielding female Elf named Zonda. She is a mobility Fighter/Rogue with Scout Archetype and in her last campaign managed to be the primary tank and damage dealer of the party, usually acting in concert with a greatsword fighter. She was helped in this a bit by inadvertently putting on an artifact level ring that transmuted her into a natural born werewolf/elf.

And finally there's Tyran. Founder and President of the Dead Fighter's guild and known throughout the land as Crit McWhiffles. An elven fighter who managed with a starting stat pool of 17, 17, 17, 16, 14, 11 rolled with 4d6 drop 1, yet by the time he made it to level 10 had been dropped to negative 14 times, including in his first first round of his first encounter. And despite having taken toughness, still had fewer hit points than the Wizard by level 10. He had also been banned by the Mounts division of the Minion's Union from utilizing the rental services of any stable in the realm on account of the more than 20 horses that had been lost while in his service.

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