Full Name |
Vincent Carle |
Race |
Human... or so I was told |
Classes/Levels |
Expert 6 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
30 |
Special Abilities |
Being awesome |
Alignment |
Tend to cycle from L-G to C-G. So N-G I guess? |
Deity |
None |
Location |
Moosetopia (Canada) |
Languages |
French, English and some German (also a few words of Japanese, but who doesn't) |
Occupation |
Lab Technician |
Strength |
9 |
Dexterity |
13 |
Constitution |
11 |
Intelligence |
18 |
Wisdom |
16 |
Charisma |
14 |
About Framane
Hello people,
My name is not actually Framane! *gasp*
I'm Vincent and I'm from Moosetopia or as officials call it "Canada".
I've been playing RPG since 2004 and started with AD&D (2nd edition).
We switched not long after to 3.5 and am ever so thankful for the OGL and Pathfinder. I haven't tried 5e, but 4th ed was really boiled down to base things and it seemed like every class of the same "role" (blaster, controller, can't remember the other ones haha) pretty much played the same and that killed DnD for us.
Also have some experience DM a New World of Darkness: Changeling the Lost game and playing Mutant and Mastermind (2nd ed I think, but can't recall) and a one-shot Savage World zombie-nazys game for Halloween.
Besides that, I also enjoy video games, but I prefer the story and gameplay over the challenge and competition such game offer. I pretty much always pick the easiest difficulty on my first playthrough. There is so much game I want to play, there is no need to make it so it takes longer to finish it, right? If I want a challenge, I can always replay it after. Favorites genres are of course RPGs, Adventure and Strategy/Puzzle games, I of course also enjoy part games such as Super Smash, Mario Kart and even some shooters, but I never play that last one solo. Some of my favorite games are:
- Pokémon; And yes, I have caught them all! (TM)
- Tales of Symphonia; Only had 11 playthrough when my memory card died on me, RIP dream of having 4 ex gem max on all characters.
- Civilization IV and V; I never attack anybody unless I'm going for an achievement that requires it.
- Legend of Zelda; All of them, but especially Majora's Mask.
- Fallout; usually builds and Int/Cha character and diplomatize all possible encounter and let my companion take care of battle
- Elder Scrolls; Sneaky bastard and/or destruction wizard are my favorites.
- The Sims; I usually play a few sims that I attempt to max out in everything. Contrarily to my GF, I don't give a crap about the aesthetic of the game. I want my house to be efficient. Who cares if my lawn is clustered with body-building machines, science labs and workbenches and if my clothes or decorations don't match!
I also enjoy boardgames, even if I don't get to play as often as I used to... MtG, Smash-Up, Nightfall, Arkham Horror, Battlestar Galactica, 7 Wonders, Risk Legacy, Dungeon Lords, Munckin and many more used to fill my evenings when I used to live with former roommates. Nowadays its simpler, easier games that I play with my girl and her entourage, Love Letters, Carcassonne, Catan and more casual party games.
As for me, I'm kinda of at a point where I don't know what to do in life.
I've studied in many fields, but I always loses interest before getting my diploma. I'm in The Land of the French Frogs (Québec) so we have what you call Cégep here. Kinda like a middle point between high school and uni, you can either take classes to get to uni faster or learn some more applied job. So far I have studied to become a lab technician in Biotechnologies (5/6 done), to become an electrical engineer (1/6 done) and to become a computer scientist (2/6 done). I don't know if you guys had that at your schools, but I was the kinda guy that never studied and that almost always had 80%+. I never was one for brain cramming and I simply "understands" things, which got me tutoring classmates for class I was currently taking (You are usually required to have completed the class to tutor it). Best part is that tutoring also helped me and I usually hit 95%+ on exams I tutored for, yeah!
Other things that could interest me are cooking, especially baking, massage therapy, becoming a doctor, becoming a teacher, becoming a Magic Card designer (I wish), working for a pen and paper RPG company (*cough* PAIZO *cough*), living off the land (like a small green sustainable house) becoming a Buddhist monk (seriously) and going to jail (but I can't get myself to commit a crime).
Sadly, I hate having to prove what I'm worth and that means I'll probably won't ever be able to complete any course required for any of these jobs and for the rest, that would mean going into exile from society and I haven't grown the balls to cut ties with my loved ones yet.
In the meantime, I am slowly rotting in this body switching from job, to jobless, to another job whenever I get so fed up with my boss/co-workers for being lazy-asses. I guess I should just learn to not give a crap about job well done, work ethics and customer first, but I guess my dad did too good a job raising me :-/
Currently working 40h a week, Saturday to Wednesday night as a Service Desk Agent (big fancy word for what actually is more like a mix between a messenger, a security guard and a really basic IT guy). Basically, I go through the email the day people get (they are taking calls, so they don't have time to do email) and updates incident ticket with the relevant information. On a regular night I work for about 2h and have the remaining of my night with no actual work, kinda boring hence why I'm writing this haha.
Was dealer for 8 month at the Casino du Lac-Leamy, but even if the hourly wage was almost twice what I have here, I was on-call and had 400 dealers above me. You don't really notice it in the summer of around the holidays, but for 12 weeks between Halloween and Christmas, I had a whopping 0 hours, not so good for paying the rent.
Before that I worked full-time at a bookstore and I was in charge of the games, stationary and gift sections (no books for me). I worked there for about 6 months and raged quite when the manager blamed me for doing a display switch that the order manager asked me to do. (she denied asking me to do it). Plus the fact that she kept delaying the raise I was promised I would get after my 3 months trial when I was hired. Still was being paid minimum wage even if I had people under my commands at almost twice my wage...
Before that I worked for 3 years at Tim Hortons. Mostly 30h a week,