
cash4golda's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


Silver Crusade

Hey James! I know you mentioned you aren't super involved in Tyrant's Grasp, but can you provide any insight into Tar-Baphon's interactions with Zutha and the Cenotaph?

As always, thanks for taking the time to answer all of our lore junkie questions. I know myself and many others appreciate it.

Silver Crusade

Was Deskari's mother a demon lord or some other important entity?

Silver Crusade

Will we eventually learn more about Ihys and the Catafalque?

Silver Crusade

Will we learn more about Tar-Baphon's origins in the next AP? Like where he is from, his early life, stuff like that?

Silver Crusade

Now that Nocticula is a full goddess, is Shamira now a full Demon Lord/Prince?

Silver Crusade

Does Nocticula have a herald? If so, who/what is it?

Silver Crusade

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James Jacobs wrote:
cash4golda wrote:

Are we going to find out more juicy info on Norgorber in the next year or so through adventure path or other sources?

I love the Golarion lore and as a lover of Rogue/Assassin characters in particular, I am excited to learn about Norgorber's past.

I assume you've read through Hell's Rebels? There are quite a few big reveals there.

At some point I still would like to hopefully do that Red Mantis vs. Skinsaw Cult novel that's bouncing around in the back of my head, but the current state of the novel line makes that unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Yeah I have checked out the Hell's Rebels stuff, but I was wondering if his explicit backstory and Starstone Ascension story would ever be delved into. Like was he always the evil assassin type or was he once a loyal squire that got roped into a bad crowd?

Silver Crusade

Are we going to find out more juicy info on Norgorber in the next year or so through adventure path or other sources?

I love the Golarion lore and as a lover of Rogue/Assassin characters in particular, I am excited to learn about Norgorber's past.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
cash4golda wrote:
Hey James. Who/What is Lamashtu's eldest or most powerful offspring?

Will we ever find out?

Silver Crusade

Hey James. Who/What is Lamashtu's eldest or most powerful offspring?

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
cash4golda wrote:
Hey James! Will we ever find out more about the Oliphaunt of Jandelay and what or who Jandelay is? Thanks for taking the time answer all our questions!


Planar Adventures has a page on the demiplane of Jandelay and a 2-page monster from there.

Nice! Will the Oliphaunt or Jandelay itself make an appearance in the new Runelords AP?

Silver Crusade

Hey James! Will we ever find out more about the Oliphaunt of Jandelay and what or who Jandelay is? Thanks for taking the time answer all our questions!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know you've said recently that you've been dropping hints about Norgorber's mortal identity in some adventures over the last few years, but will we ever find out more any time soon?

Silver Crusade

I have read stories from several of those excellent authors and I am looking forward to reading yours as well! Cheers!

Silver Crusade

As a player looking to get back into Pathfinder, are there any reasons FG or D20Pro is better than the other? Just trying to evaluate.

Silver Crusade

Hey James,

Thanks for your past responses and taking the time to answer these for us. I have a few more questions.

1. Maybe this has been asked before, but why were primeval demons like the Obyriths renamed to be known in Pathfinder as Qlippoth? Was this just due to copyright issues with WotC?

2. What are your thoughts on the Forgotten Realms setting having gone through the Spellplague and Sundering in the last few years? Do you think the setting still has some juice or do you think the constant character deaths and revivals have taken its toll?


Silver Crusade

Hi James,

In regards to Golarion lore, do you think we will ever find out more about Norgorber? In particular, will we ever get more hints or info into his background and his Test of the Starstone?

I understand secrets is his whole thing and that he has several aspects, but I was just wondering if you think that will be something delved into eventually, or if it would be treated as more of an overarching plot hook to be interpreted by a GM sort of like how Paizo treats Aroden's death.

Thanks James and happy holidays!

Silver Crusade

So I have been having a really hard time finding in person games in my area, so I would love to give PBP a shot. I am very familiar with the standard Pathfinder rules and played quite a bit of 3.5 back in the day. Ideally I would like to play in an AP since I have wanted to for a while, but I am also open to just one offs or smaller modules to get a feel for the PBP format. I am open to just a martial or rogue class to get my feet wet in PBP.

I can post at the very least, daily. Thanks for any consideration!

Silver Crusade

I have plenty of experience with Pathfinder, just not in a PBP format. I feel like some other online game formats are really lacking in the RP factor for me lately.

Silver Crusade

Hey Barrister. Would you be open to someone such as myself who does not have any PBP experience? I would really like to get into PBP but dont really have any desire to do PFS. In any case, cheers!

Silver Crusade

I always wanted to play Age of Worms ever since the good old magazine days! I am dotting this for extreme interest. I will most likely have a PC for your review later tonight. I am very interested in a highly team oriented group.

To be completely honest, I have very limited experience with PBP, but I am very interested in learning and I am willing to post daily at least, typically several times daily.

Silver Crusade

xidoraven wrote:

For the staff organizing these forum threads and trying to figure out what this is, I should state explicitly: this is not an advertisement calling for new players, and the ongoing online games are on Roll20 and not this forum. This is a campaign that I have recently been working on (which means it is for real people, in a real series that I might want to share with others for later adventuring), but more than that, it's an outline of the campaign concept I came up with around the newest Occult content. Our online group will also be heavily relying on the PRD to access all the core rules, so it just helps putting a thread here in a central spot, but still away from prying eyes.

This is more about helping other PFPRG fans with ideas on how to use this content for their own games, and just posting my random thoughts about this campaign and its creation as I go. At some point in the future, I can share this with future GMs of the campaign, since the whole thing can be played cyclically, in an eternally looping fashion, with new players joining all the time. I think it's perfect for the online gaming setup, and I really enjoy working with Roll20 to build these encounter pages. I am never sure how to place my forum threads here, but go ahead and move it as needed. :P

Thanks, Paizo! ;)

Hey are you still looking for players for your occult game? Jw

Silver Crusade

Very interested. I am thinking a demon worshipping emissary from the Worldwound to the Whispering Tyrant's court. Think something along those lines could fly?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Consider me interested. I will be honest and say that I have not had much experience with PBP but I am willing to post however often is needed.

Silver Crusade

Either Rise or Rappan would be my pick.