>>Ask ANY of Captain Yesterday's aliases whatever you want, except that one thing (you know what it is!!)<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Tacticslion wrote:

If you could have 1d4 different super-powers, what would they be and why?

(Assume corollary powers required to make a given power work are part of it; i.e. Since you'd need super tensile strength/durability to, you know, not-die when you made use of your super-strength power, you get them both when you say "super strength" as a singular option.)

Well first of all, let's get the ONE super power i would NEVER want out of the way, X-Ray Vision, alas, i suspect it wouldn't be as glamorous or attractive as the comic books make it. Super Speed, Flying, and super vision (but not x-ray! i want to see like an eagle, not diagnose ailments) basically anything that increases my mobility).

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Tacticslion wrote:
If, instead, you could be a gestalt of 1d2 + 1 super heroes, who would you gestalt to be yourself? Why? Which comic universe would you run around in? Would you prefer to be in that one, or this one?

I actually don't care for Gestalt, i have a hard enough time deciding where we should go out to eat, i can't imagine trying to decide which super powers or class abilities i'd use at any given second. :-)

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Tacticslion wrote:
On the other hand: BAM! You just gained 3d6 + 2 levels in a Pathfinder class (or classes)! Which class(es) do you pick, and why? Incidentally, if you could spontaneously switch races, would you? And if so, to which?

Alchemist! Mad scientists have all the fun!

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Tacticslion wrote:
Similarly, you won the super-lottery, and gained mythic tiers! 3d3 + 1 of 'em! (And you gain class levels to match; please feel free to change your previous answer if this does so for some reason.) What path do you take? (Alternate option: substitute a single tier for a simple mythic template.)

Tammy's going Champion! All the way! you get to throw people through walls, cripple demon lords in one hit! why would anyone take anything else! Tammy's also taking Divine Source! Why Lich after all, when you're Suicide Squad-ing WotR, besides you have way more fun as a cult leader!

Tacticslion wrote:
Yet another query: you monster. Specifically, you [dice=CR] 1d30 (or less) monster! Which are you?! ... and would this have been your first choice? If not, which would be?

Leprechaun, that's all, never really understood why people wanted to play as monsters.

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Tacticslion wrote:
But the wheels of fate-time have spun again, and your everything has been transposed into that of someone else! You've just become a prepublished NPC from an official source! Which prepublished NPC is it?

Rosie Cusswell, or Rasputin, it doesn't get any cooler then those two!

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Tacticslion wrote:
What campaign setting do you run around in? Why?

Golarion, Rifts Earth or Shadowrun earth. Every other campaign setting is dead to me. Or i just don't know that much about it.

Tacticslion wrote:
Similarly "standard" powers need not apply - so long as it is clearly communicable

So wait, you can spread super powers! Like STDs! Damn! i'm gonna need to make some calls! "Uh yeah, about that super speed, remember in high school, that one night by the lake..."

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Tacticslion wrote:
As a final thing: blend any and/or all of the above questions into a single ginormous question: an optional blend of a prepublished NPC, monster, and some superheroes all walk into a bar... and out comes you, as a gestalt of those guys, the race you choose, some extra


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Why didn't i answer that all in one post, you ask!

I didn't want to.

Wild Card B!!&%es!

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Looks around at the emptiness.

Now I remember why I closed up the first time.

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My thread lies fallow for long stretches at a time. It happens.

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I suppose things will pick up once they get back to work and want to avoid working.

Not that I would do such a thing.

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Sorry, not much energy of late, even for snarking.

Edit: Also, why no X-Ray Vision? You can ruin photographic film and give your enemies cancer with it.

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Don't remember if you were into Temple of the Dog or not (or if it ever came up), but their 11/4/2016 reunion show is up on YouTube right now.

Who uses film anymore? I mean besides Victorian recreationist hipsters (yes, that's a thing)

Jesus Christ! I never considered that! No, definitely not the type of villainy I'm up for.

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Nigel Tufnel, Guitar Wizard wrote:
Don't remember if you were into Temple of the Dog or not (or if it ever came up), but their 11/4/2016 reunion show is up on YouTube right now.

Oh thanks! I f!!!ing love Temple of The Dog!

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Yay! Chris Cornell grew his hair back!

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Oh great and wondrous Cosmo! anyone that cares.

How do I make Little Gideon both

Aldern Foxglove and Mokmurion
in my Gravity Falls RotRL.

I guess if I make sure he stays alive.

I also have to work in

Nemira Lowls
from The Thrushmoor Terror, as Little Gideon's mother.

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Damn it, how did I take a wrong turn at Albuquerque!

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The Attack of the Aliases is Back!!!

So why did you reopen this thread?

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It seemed like it might be fun in the wee winter days, I have more name recognition, and I was bored.

Edit: plus it's always good to have more happy places on the boards. :-)

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Happy happy joy joy

Happy happy joy joy

Jappy jappy hoy hoy

Jappy jappy hoy hoy

Madison, Wisconsin Department of Roads and Highways


Zoomalacka wee wee

Remember Carcosa.

Soon I discovered that this rock thing was true.
Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil.
Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a profit.
All of a sudden I found myself in love with the world.
So there was only one thing left I could do.

Was ding-a-ding-dang-my-dang-a-long-ling-long.

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Walks up to tree, punches time card, carefully takes lunch pail out, and sits at desk.

Zee doctor is in.

Makes sure Charlie didn't turn the "Coors" sign on.

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Punches time card at tree, double checks sheep secured under one arm, making sure it's not a sheep dog in disguise (again!) walks off where a loud *Kaboom!* is heard while a small explosion appears over the hill. Alas, he never realized the significance of the TNT written on the side, barely covered by fur, and the sizzling fuse for a tail.

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What a maroon!

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Much timeclock

Such sheep

Big bada boom


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puts out "Smurf Hunting Season, No Bag Limits" sign.

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Merry Christmas to you and all of your aliases.

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It is, thank you!

Merry Christmas to you as well!

Don't be afraid to waken the bush baby. :-)

It's a bush baby, what's the worst it can do!

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captain yesterday wrote:

It is, thank you!

Merry Christmas to you as well!

Don't be afraid to waken the bush baby. :-)

It's a bush baby, what's the worst it can do!

It is this kinda thinking that will lead to the Age of Bushbaby Domination!

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To Asmodeus, I was going about how Dispater is doing before I realized that that was too droll of a question. Now I'm wondering how well do you get along with his wife, Erecura? I know they love each other, but how often does she have an impact on his machinations and if she does, does she help or hinder? Also, between you and her, is it possible that she could become a whore queen?

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They're good devilkind! It's their kid, that's the screw up.

As far as a promotion to Whore Queen, well anything is possible. If you catch my drift.

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Happy New Year!

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Tacticslion wrote:
Happy New Year!


Checks date...

TacticsLion... Man of the Future!

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He's tactically early. :-)

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NobodysHome wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Happy New Year!


Checks date...

TacticsLion... Man of the Future!

Eh, it's in six days, and I have no idea if this thread will be where I can see it at that point, sooooooooooo... now it is.

(I mean, technically, I could still say, "Merry Christmas" and be correct, as we're in the midst of the 12 days of Christmas, but I figured I'd get picked on for that, too, so I might as well wish him a thing no one has wished him, yet.) XD

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Wait, what's happening to my thread in six days... Why won't it be someplace you can find it.

Should I invest in some new action packed! action defenses.

Damn it! Still tapped out from Christmas and the good action figures carousing with the out of state nephews staying over.

Looks like it's up to me, Fall Apart Bart, one legged Bee Transformer, and Headless Donatello.

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For a handful of small change, you can also have Punching Action He-Man Whose Elastic Went Due To An Extended Stay In The Bath, Rendering Him Paralysed From The Waist Up, or PAHMWEWDTAESITBRHPFTWU for short.

How about it?

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King Yesterday Of Action!Town! wrote:
Wait, what's happening to my thread in six days... Why won't it be someplace you can find it.

{shakes stale popcorn chains} Ooooooooo, 2016 still has a few surprises for you yet, Yebenezer!

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There's also Abnormally Hung Medusa's Son Monster High Doll. Poor guy, his crotch band broke, he was impossible to replace at the time, and he was Pea Bear's favorite boy doll. So the General painstakingly crafted him a new wired together crotch.

Alas, somethings man isn't supposed to fix, crotch bands are one of those things.

He still lurks around somewhere, waiting to get his revenge on new not abnormally hung Medusa's Son Monster High Doll.

Or so is whispered...

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♫♪ "All those Yesterdays..." ♫♪

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Tacticslion wrote:
Happy New Year!

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Bah! It's all a conspiracy cooked up by the Mayans to keep us down!

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But yes, Happy New Year!!

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Maybe it's time I pull a wildcard and start asking the questions, not to myself, but the one or more people who check in.

What makes for a better global devastation.

1) Super Volcano eruption or eruptions.

2) Doomsday device

3) Apocalypse or deity war

4) Comet (because it's cliche)

5) Alien invasion, failed or otherwise

6) All the above.

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Community / Forums / Gamer Life / Off-Topic Discussions / >>Ask ANY of Captain Yesterday's aliases whatever you want, except that one thing (you know what it is!!)<< All Messageboards

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