Father Jackal

Wile E. Coyote's page

21 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


Syrus Terrigan wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:

Hand-painted sign seen from the truck window on the way to the job site today:


I will certainly keep that in mind.

i recommend rediscovering your sense of adventure . . . .

You first!

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Woran wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Someone dropped the ball, I'm planting trees today.

Which would be the first trees I've planted this year.

I've placed trees and I've picked them up from the nursery but I always had someone else to order the trees be planted.

It's been so long I don't know what to do without a saw in my hands but the boss was SUPER specific about not using a saw on them.

Saw the ground?
Bugs bunny and Wily E Coyote taught me sawign the ground is a bad idea.

Wait, what?!

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Richard "Hamster" Hammond wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
How many car models on the market today are there that can reach 150 mph?
Well, if the cliff, mountainside, or cargo helicopter/aircraft is high enough, all cars can reach 122mph at least once. To go faster, you could install ACME® (#1 With Coyotes!™) solid fuel or liquid propellant rockets.

Immediately places order for a thousand units.

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Ragadolf wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
When ever I want to complain about the weather I generally say "It's better than raining horses."


Um, yeah,... Ouch?!?

(I'm picturing Wile E Coyote with his tiny umbrella, with horses landing on him,...)

Oh come on!

John Napier 698 wrote:
Clocking out. Good night, everyone.

Starts laying out traps for Vidmaster, compulsively paints a tunnel on the side of a cliff.

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Drejk wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Yeah, the "COMMUNISM BAD" is hammered in at very early ages.

Also the "socialism is just diet communism." I did not know until I was in my late 20s that the two have very little really in common.

As I understand it, socialism is what the communists call their policies. Communism is reserved for the Eternal Happiness of the Perfect Society that Shall Be. When people in communist countries asked why there was no food, the party replied that the country hadn't reached communism yet, so they had to fight even harder to get there, but there would be food for everyone when communism finally made it all worth it.

Social democracy is a different thing.

Aren't we getting too political with that discussion?

*brings a bucket of white and red paint to draw a bullseye for Fritz*

Taps foot impatiently for Drejk to finish painting bull's-eye, puts bird seed in the middle, hides behind a large boulder.

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*waits impatiently for turtle to cross the road, taps foot a few times, helps scooch turtle remaining few feet, begins revving up to run through the tunnel... Hits wall at full speed, flattens into a pancake and rolls off screen.

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*stops suddenly to let turtle cross the road*

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Punches time card at tree, double checks sheep secured under one arm, making sure it's not a sheep dog in disguise (again!) walks off where a loud *Kaboom!* is heard while a small explosion appears over the hill. Alas, he never realized the significance of the TNT written on the side, barely covered by fur, and the sizzling fuse for a tail.

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Walks up to tree, punches time card, carefully takes lunch pail out, and sits at desk.

Zee doctor is in.


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But which is which!

Besides, Acme is overrated.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Wile E. Coyote wrote:

Okay, here's the plan! I'm only saying it once so shut the f@++ up.

Okay so, I'm gonna paint a tunnel on the side of this Butte -I said butte!- so then I'll tie an Acme brand Super Rocket to my back, just as that f&~@ing canary gets to the fake tunnel you pull the string tied to the pebble holding the boulder up.

Honestly I don't see any way this could possibly go wrong....

Clearly the Wile E. Coyote that twice went against Bugs Bunny and referred to himself as "super genius", because the one that chased the road runner would have had that written out on a sign, or elaborate blueprints.

I'm doing the best I can, I don't get a lot of visual aids, besides they just did that when the voice budget was getting tight :-)

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Okay, here's the plan! I'm only saying it once so shut the f&#@ up.

Okay so, I'm gonna paint a tunnel on the side of this Butte -I said butte!- so then I'll tie an Acme brand Super Rocket to my back, just as that f~@~ing canary gets to the fake tunnel you pull the string tied to the pebble holding the boulder up.

Honestly I don't see any way this could possibly go wrong....

84. I think it's time I get some outside consultation with this whole "Roadrunner Problem" I've been having.

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knightnday wrote:
Confession: more and more everyday I would like an Ignore feature. Or an unlike. Or a bomb.

Where do you get your explosives, I've been using Acme for years with no results, I'm starting to think maybe they're the problem with catching that a%%!~@+ bird....

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Freehold DM wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Howdy every-FaWtL! I hope everyone is having a lovely day today. :) A bit of sunshine this week hereabouts, everyone enjoying the brightness while it's here. Hope you all are getting a bit too. :)

It is going to be 89 degrees today.


I am on strike until sensible temperatures return.

It's been in the mid-90s here most of the week. Thankfully we should be dropping into the high 70s by the weekend.
uses workout- enhanced leg muscles to jump into sky, punch clouds until temperature lowers to sensible levels

feasts on Freehold's lightning blasted carcass

Man! F&!# eating Roadrunner!

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Can you recommend a different supplier other then Acme?

as you've probably seen its not really working out with them, well.... maybe one more rocket and roller skates combo pack.....

Ha! I derailed it on weed :-)

Big surprise I first tried it in high school, the summer before junior year, man that was an awesome summer (so I'm told...) Anyway I had a very good excuse, I was an a$&+@&& before then, one of those little high energy perpetual chip on the shoulders and ready to jam it in your face type a!%&$#+s, it calmed me down, allowed me to learn to let s%@$ go, I don't think I'd be the same relaxed happy go lucky guy I am today if I hadn't, I've never had a problem with motivation or laziness with it.

Of course I don't really get to partake much anymore with kids and one and half income, but I don't have any issues with it and also don't understand its stigma, especially in relation to alcohol, by the way check out Hard Root Beer, amazing stuff!

is This the Coyote convention!
*sigh* Great!
Another wrong turn at Albuquerque!

Aberzombie wrote:
I believe it's a sad day for the human race when a certain loony canine is one of the few posters I don't flag in the latest troll thread.

What's you problem with Looney Canines?

And we wouldn't have problems if you'd help me catch that f*&~ing bird!