
Asmodeus, Prince of Darkness's page

63 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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NobodysHome wrote:

It's really amazing just how thoroughly people can ignore you.

The "standard" process is that our department manager updates a curriculum tracker, we work according to what's on the tracker, and the training department uses the tracker to plan the courses. Unfortunately, since my manager was laid off, I can't update the tracker.

Every week for 4 weeks now, the training project manager has contacted me: "NobodysHome, we need you to update the tracker. Why haven't you updated the tracker yet? We need those updates."
"I am not a manager, I do not have edit access to the tracker."
"Oh, OK."

And yet again this morning, the very same person, for the FOURTH TIME, has sent me an urgent message asking me to update the tracker.

It is... annoying...

G*@#&*n it, we need those TPS reports!! Stat!!!

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Andostre wrote:

Busy-ish weekend, but nothing amazing or noteworthy going on.

Friday night, I did a sudoku puzzle... IN PEN.

Oh man, do I have the contract for you! You're going to love it!!

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Sharoth wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I blame... ~looks though my calendar~ ...Freehold DM is next month... ~grumbles~ Captain Yesterday was last week... ~grimaces~ lisamarlene doesn't get any blame time until 2022... ~reads further~ Ah! Tacticslion is on blame duty this week. Accept it Tact. You are on scapegoat, er, blame duty! NobodysHone is on blame duty next week.
Yay! Sharoth gets cookies.
Doubtful. You are the one that managed, somehow, to get your blame time deferred until 2022. Who did you bribe? I want answers!!!

You can't handle the answers!!

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Oh man, do I have a fiddle for you! Made of solid gold and sounds like Beyonce having an orgasm! All yours, for a limited time, and all I need is ONE soul!! It doesn't even have to be yours!!!

Devils Operators are standing by!!

Limey's Conscience wrote:
Stop spending money on effects pedals!

Hush you!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Windjammer wrote:

No offense to anyone involved, but this product contains some of the laziest work I've seen in a long time in RPG products.

Remember when Pegasus Spiele's Call of Cthulhu books lifted entire texts on certain real-world locales or historic personalities from Wikipedia? One "Find and Replace" later, and those texts could be paraded as RPG-specific content in pricy hardcovers.

Well, say hello, because we've reached that rock-bottom in Pathfinder 2. Case in point, see page 11. The author copy-pasted an existing services agreements template, word by word, from here: px And then simply inserted "infernal party" and "mortal party". See e.g. the severance clause.

Look, if that's how you generate content, you may as well write a 3-line sentence in a book, direct us to the template, and instruct us to do "Find+Replace" in Word. Any GM can do that. Takes me 3 minutes.

But don't fill entire pages in your books with content that I can self-generate in a sec., and then charge premium hardcover dollars on things that didn't take any effort to write-up. I mean geez, at least you'd think diabolic contracts on Golarion have at least SOME differences to real-world professional services contracts of the variety that Paizo gives its freelancers.

Sorry, I'm a long time fan but I find this is not the conduct of a company I've long admired for its creative content.

My bad! Sorry, it's been super busy lately and I was trying to save time.

You're absolutely right, I'll try to spice things up a bit from now on!

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Also, s%!*'s getting serious in AZ as it is everywhere. Spoilered for incidental politics:

** spoiler omitted **


** spoiler omitted **

But, she told me I was the baby-daddy!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
I despise the Atlanta airport.

I designed it myself!

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Limeylongears wrote:

Just finished a 'Savage Worlds' session. Our two "somewhat" inexperienced spellcasters have decided to try and bind a pit fiend.


Do it!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

Im working.

Kids dance shows.
All Summer.




Ohhh, Rags.

As they say, 'When you die you will go to heaven, as you've served your time in hell'.

Dude, come on! Even I'm not that cruel!

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Checks off another name on the list.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Quibblemodeus wrote:
Pah. All shall bow, now or later, all shall bow.

*sigh* Okay, let's go over this again, it doesn't matter if they bow AS LONG AS THEY SIGN THE CONTRACT.

Jesus Christ, man! we're trying to procure souls, not start a f#@~ing cult!

No pentagrams OR animal sacrifices!?! Well, I'm out of ideas.

Call me when you're ready to commit!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Next time stop using a golden fiddle.

You obviously don't have a golden fiddle! You wanna play for one?

I played him for it, didn't end well.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Gary Teter wrote:

Jamesbot, epoch 10:

worship worship asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus asmodeus...

Needs a bit more Asmodeus.

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Glad I'm not that guy!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
DST can go straight to the bottomless pit of the Abyss. That is all.
It's really more an example of LE, so...probably not the Abyss.

Yup, that was me.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
I wouldn't. He'd trash it like a rock star in a cheap hotel room.

You will have fun.

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Sign here... Here... And here... Initial here...

If you're worthy, your grace will arrive next week.

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Which I had nothing to do with, despite what you may have heard.

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Don't tell me you'd rather go to McMoloch's!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm taking Hell's Kitchen to a whole new level. Entertainment, that's where the true power lies.

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Hey now!

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Yeah, but so is all other music. Not that I would have anything to do with that.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

C'mon! Sign the contract! What have you got to lose! It's a sure thing!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Don't you mean that Abadar was just copying me, but without the balls to get s~!@ done. Although, it seems he grew a pair, good for him!

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to fleece a thousand primitive cultures on a hundred different worlds.

puts on an expensive suit and a cheap orange wig.

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Vincent Price. Or if he's busy, James Earl Jones. Just please, I can't stress this enough. NO WILL ARNETT, dude gets enough voice work.

The Rolling Stones, always. Frankly, by now, I think I owe them, instead of vice versa.

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Great! Now you woke him up!

grabs a well worn copy of Go, Dog, Go!

Well, come on! Someone has to sing It's a Small World After All, and I'm just not into it.

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I just love to haggle. And supposedly I'm a control freak, but I don't see it, I just know what's best, for everyone.

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They're good devilkind! It's their kid, that's the screw up.

As far as a promotion to Whore Queen, well anything is possible. If you catch my drift.

You couldn't handle it.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

How to punish players? Two words, Onerous Contracts. Lots and lots of contracts.

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Sin of Asmodeus wrote:
Hell Demands Vengeance.

And kittens.

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Yeah, I have bigger things to worry about, it's your slave, do whatever.

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NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
You're always welcome to try and corrupt people in other threads.
That's Captain Yesterday's job...

C'mon! Gold fiddle for your soul, it's a steal! You won't find a better offer, I'm telling ya!

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It's intentional, ignorance is bliss.

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Once you feel the rush of blind worship, class levels become meaningless.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

god in heaven.

I miss being young and in shape.

I miss Heaven.

It's alright. But nothing compares to being your own boss.

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NobodysHome wrote:

...aaaaand... I am no longer corrupt.

At least according to the video.

Now can they make me healthy, wealthy, and smart?

Are you sure...

Uh, yeah. He did it!

Ha! I get it!

All will be made clear, just sign here

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Yeah, my church accepts everyone, just sign here...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

it's more fun that way

You want cheese, I got cheese.

Give 'em Hell Thursty!

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Oh! Oh! Pick me! I know!

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, he's not my kid.

I hope...

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