
Johnny Fencesitter's page

28 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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NobodysHome wrote:

Well, it's TOO quiet, so here's a non-tirade: Our new neighbors continue to be non-entities; other than the brief parking struggle and seeing their kids wandering about a bit in their side yard I haven't much noticed them.

And I just spoke with my other neighbors and they HAVE met the family: Apparently there are at least six people living in that 1000 sq. ft. house, and possibly up to eight. And they have been whisper-quiet: No screaming. No yelling. Not even kids playing outside (a sound I personally find quite delightful). They have a baby under 6 months old and it's quieter than the baby across the street.

So, in spite of the fact that they have a collection of vanity cars and they did battle with us over the space in front of our house for the first few days they were here:
(1) My other neighbor vouches for them and says they're really nice.
(2) They have a veritable horde in that house and are pretty much the quietest house on the block.

Thus, I'm concluding that unless they start messing with "our" space again, I like them. It's impossible to be THAT quiet with THAT many kids unless you're really conscientious about disturbing your neighbors, which would also indicate why we haven't heard from them yet.

It could also mean super abusive parents or a cult like structure.

Perhaps I've been living in the Midwest too long.

While I was looking at the calendar to see when Thanksgiving is this morning I found out that yesterday was election day.

Did we win?

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NobodysHome wrote:

Great alignment test:

"In the sentence, 'I help blind kids,' is the word 'blind' an adjective or a verb?"

Can't it be both?

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I could go either way with vaccines.

I guess they're okay, as long as they're not the specific vaccines the government uses to insert mind control chips into people.

You sure about that?

Kjeldorn wrote:

While I don't really play Starfinder...

I would hazard the guess that Solarians are pretty much as every other class.
That they are what you make of them.

So, in a way neither of you are really wrong here, I guess?

Have you considered switching to politics.

Impeccable fence sitting!

Edit: Dang it, now I'm going to get splinters.

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Isn't Thoth the Egyptian god of knowledge.

Or birds with teeth.

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Why do I have any alias?

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I like to perch when I'm sick, and when I'm not.

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OMG! They better release the War Of The Crown Player's Guide right f*##ing now or I'm going to start catapulting bunny rabbits!!!

Or not.

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Scintillae wrote:

I deliberately picked the least contentious article in the magazine for current events today to cool down after the last heated one we did.

So they, of course, turned it into duel of honor over whether it's said "soda" or "pop."

Can't it be both?

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Is this the real me?

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Tom Cruise!

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People like me.


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That's about right.

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Why not both.

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Or not enough.

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Can he do that?

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I dunno, shit jokes are overdone.

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Looks around at the emptiness.

Now I remember why I closed up the first time.

Of course, after this weekend, losing to Wisconsin might not be as humiliating as you're making it out to be. :-D

On Wisconsin!!!!!!

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I may, or may not be sorry for something, for which I can, or cannot say.

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Well maybe if you help him put up the fence, they'd get done faster.

c'mon, put those muscles to work, if you want Tangent and I can sit to the side with a haystalk clenched in our teeth, dressed as Ye olde Amish (because it's cliche) shouting encouragement (provided, he lets me out the net).

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Well, duh, hydration is fencing 101.

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Better build it fast, if I don't have somewhere to perch for the holidays, I shall be very put out.

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We hope to reach 28 degrees, but I'm dubious, however it's sunny and our house is well defended by snow creatures with icicles protruding from odd, and occasionally surprising angles.

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2-4 inches now Friday night into Saturday morning, I don't have anywhere to be, so I hope it keeps going up. :-)

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But it's such a nice sturdy fence!

Pretty sure I was baited into this one....

Actually as the middle child on a farm, I was the primary post digger for fences.