Johnny Fencesitter |
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Well, it's TOO quiet, so here's a non-tirade: Our new neighbors continue to be non-entities; other than the brief parking struggle and seeing their kids wandering about a bit in their side yard I haven't much noticed them.
And I just spoke with my other neighbors and they HAVE met the family: Apparently there are at least six people living in that 1000 sq. ft. house, and possibly up to eight. And they have been whisper-quiet: No screaming. No yelling. Not even kids playing outside (a sound I personally find quite delightful). They have a baby under 6 months old and it's quieter than the baby across the street.
So, in spite of the fact that they have a collection of vanity cars and they did battle with us over the space in front of our house for the first few days they were here:
(1) My other neighbor vouches for them and says they're really nice.
(2) They have a veritable horde in that house and are pretty much the quietest house on the block.Thus, I'm concluding that unless they start messing with "our" space again, I like them. It's impossible to be THAT quiet with THAT many kids unless you're really conscientious about disturbing your neighbors, which would also indicate why we haven't heard from them yet.
It could also mean super abusive parents or a cult like structure.
Perhaps I've been living in the Midwest too long.