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****** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 5,565 posts (9,607 including aliases). 63 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 87 Organized Play characters. 37 aliases.


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Silver Crusade

Session 0

One thing I forgot to mention, my character tends to drink the blood of her fallen enemies.

Should I fade to black for that?

[aside]it is thought that stories about Sehkmet might be one of the oldest sources of the Vampire legends.[/aside]

Silver Crusade

Take a look at the ephemeral hazards focus spell.

Silver Crusade

The main reason that I'm a Vegetarian and not a Vegan is that I just can't bring myself to give up cheese.

Trying the various commercially available vegan "cheeses" did NOT change that reason :-(. While nut milks are ok, they kinda suck as cheese.

Silver Crusade

WatersLethe wrote:

I've actually never taken a racial weapon feat because the competition is so tough.

Back in the day (before lots of other options came along) just about every paladin I saw in PFS (including mine) had been raised by gnomes so that they could use the perfect paladin weapon, the gnome flick mace.

And Tengus with some falcatas are also pretty popular.

But yeah, ancestral weapons are pretty much niche items. They can be incredibly useful on a few builds, pretty useful on a larger but still fairly small set of builds, and pretty much of no value most of the time.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
SuperBidi wrote:
eoptap wrote:
Racial Weapon feats should be automatic for the race for free.
They are one of the few impactful Ancestry feats. If you remove them, you're very close to remove Ancestry feats entirely.

All my characters who can speak with animals, have a familiar, are great at sneaking, gain a multiclass dedication, turn into bottles and roll around combat etc etc etc disagree with you.

There are a LOT of ancestry feats that fall into at least one of useful, character defining flavour, build defining.

There are also, admittedly, lots that fall into the category of "kinda cool flavour, very rarely of any actual use"

Silver Crusade

DeathQuaker wrote:
pauljathome wrote:

Session zero.

My character is going to initially react badly to The Mummys Bride. .

Hmm. And here I was thinking we'd might be old friends. Both in service of goddesses (I'm not an Egyptian mythology expert, but I'm not aware of Sekhmet and Isis being at odds, and Sekhmet hunts down the monsters of Apep, which the Bride is more or less also doing)

Ok, that all works with me. We have definitely wound up being friends and allies. You're quite right, our goals align and once I knew your back history I'd see you as originally a victim and now a friend and ally, an ally who actually understands how things SHOULD be done :-).

But my first reaction on seeing a mummy would have been "Foul undead beast. Kill!!!!!"

I love your thought that you let me tear you apart and then came back the next day to talk. That is very much in tune with Sehkmet. She loses her temper, strikes out, then later calms down and can be talked to/reasoned with. If you're ok with that lets make that our official back story.

Silver Crusade

Session zero.

My character is going to initially react badly to The Mummys Bride. I think it would be more fun if that happens on screen. So if possible could one of us be new to the group? I'll let Mummy's Bride decide which of us is new (either works fine for my concept).

Also, I'm assuming that working for Monsters Inc is NOT a full time job, it's more like Justice League in that we get called together for missions and have a life outside the group. If the plan is more for us to be living together that's fine, I can tweak things

Silver Crusade

GM SuperTumbler wrote:

In offense, this means your attack and damage bonus need to add up to 30.

You got it right elsewhere but I thought that I'd point out that they have to add up to 20, NOT 30.

It's very, very doable. To take a simple brick as the easiest example. Str and Stamina both 10 for 40 points. Punch for 5 points. Other 3 defences at 10 for 30 points. 75 points for a fully functional (if very bland) super.

I won't have time today but if anybody wants me to take a quick pass at their character to make suggestions just let me know

Silver Crusade

Dodo Quixote wrote:

Will this work for everyone?

My stats are:

STR - 12

DEX - 10

CON - 14

INT - 15

WIS - 8

CHA - 16

I think we're only 1st level

Silver Crusade

I love Kill Bill so I'd vote for just "The Bride". I know Kill Bill isn't part of this background but I still vote for it :-)

Silver Crusade

Andostre wrote:

Hello! I'm back and ready to get this PC done! I'm going to go with the build that SuperTumbler suggested, with a few tweaks. However...

GM SuperTumbler wrote:

Power Points

Abilities 58 + Powers 8 + Advantages 30 + Skills 25 (99 ranks) + Defenses 25 = 146

When I put the build into Hero Lab, everything adds up as quoted except for Skills. My Hero Lab has Skills 50 (99 ranks). When I re-build the PC in another M&M character builder, Skills are also 50 cost and 99 ranks.

Is there an option or a rule that I'm missing that would result in the Skills being half cost?

Go to the character menu at the top of the screen. In there is a configure hero entry (the last one in the drop down)

Scroll down about 1/2 way there is a House Rules section. Click the 4 skill points per PP box

Silver Crusade

Set wrote:

Just read John Scalzi's Starter Villain, and it was fun. Absurd, but fun. I mainly picked it up for the cover, which had a cat in a business suit, and that said 'quirky!' to my jaded self.

I think all you need is to see John Scalzi as the author to know it will be quirky :-).

I like almost everything he has written (including Starter Villain) but he is definitely quirky

Silver Crusade

DeathQuaker wrote:
It doesn't make much sense to have an attack skill that ONLY applies to using grab-based feats

I'm not at all sure if it is intentional but the end result is that most grab based characters spend 1 pt per + to hit instead of 1 per 2.

Silver Crusade

DeathQuaker wrote:

If I'm missing something here do you mind clarifying?

First, and most importantly, if SuperTumbler has ruled differently then never mind. He obviously wins :-). And I think I get to save a point or two on my Sehkmet character (need to check). So I approve :-) :-)

But just so you know that I wasn't just making stuff up to be difficult :-)

From the Heros Handbook under the Close Combat skill (pg 116)

"Unarmed is an option, meaning skill with unarmed strikes
like punches and kicks. However, this bonus does not apply
to other forms of unarmed combat maneuvers, including,
but not limited to, grabbing or tripping."

Note - I'm NOT saying that I think this was the right ruling, especially when Arrays can be (with GM permission) a single Close Combat skill (or Ranged Combat skill). Just saying that is what the book says.

Silver Crusade

Lord Hathaway wrote:

He has easy to remove Alt human [Bio-Skin} forms so can look like any male human with in a range. Disgies and blending in are his thing.

Just bring along your little innocent pet cat if you're going into a potentially dangerous situation :-). You get to do all the talking, I'll just purr and look pretty.

Silver Crusade

DeathQuaker wrote:
Updated Mummy's Bride.

One thing that I noticed. You’ve built her to be quite effective at grabbing but you will rarely be able to actually grab. The skill applies to only one of hitting for damage or initiating a grab. Best bet is to buy the close fighting (I think) advantage

Silver Crusade

Lóngshēng wrote:
If someone could take a look at the roar specifically and make sure I did it right, I'd appreciate it!

I'm a little surprised that it is a Fort save as opposed to a Will save to resist but it looks fine to me

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

One thing about character creation that I’d add. For me at least it is all but essential to have a fairly clear character concept in mind fairly early in the process. That way I can instantly dismiss lots of powers, I will likely have thematic limitations, etc.

Basically reduce the problem down to something a bit more manageable.

And remember that you have to concentrate on what the power does mechanically, not how it appears. For example, I had a character who had a multi attack power arrayed with a homing blast. But in world he was summoning animals from peoples nightmares. So the separate limbs thing might just be a ranged blast arrayed with a move object power

Silver Crusade

GM SuperTumbler wrote:

Took a long look at Sehkmet. Everything looks good to me. The only thing I am not clear on is the illness and die power and its descriptors. Is it just a disease, a life drain, a curse? Cat stealing breath?

Sorry, I should have put in more descriptors. It is basically taken from the myths and is just disease (well, divinely inflicted disease). Sehkmet was a goddess you did NOT want pissed at you :-).

expecting more martial artist and I fee like this is sort of half martial artist and half brick, but I think it will work.

Yeah, the more I read about her the more she seemed to need to be a bit of a brick.

Silver Crusade

DM DoctorEvil wrote:
pauljathome wrote:

Having seen the groups needs I'd like to change my submission. I am withdrawing Patrin and submitting instead Panas, a human Twisting Tree Magus.

As before, I'll create an alias if selected. Panas Can be seen here

I disregarded Patrin and focused on Panas. Can you explain how they are in Nivkata's Crossing? Likely the backstory will be slightly different than the usual Kingmaker ones, since the story has advanced some since start up.

Panas has come to Nivkata's Crossing actively hoping to join up with one of the various groups trying to establish a new kingdom in the Stolen Lands. Unfortunately, he has no links with any groups that recently started their work so that is the best approach that he can think of to participate.

He has been in the Crossing for a couple of weeks without luck. But at least the locals know why he is there :-)

Silver Crusade

Having seen the groups needs I'd like to change my submission. I am withdrawing Patrin and submitting instead Panas, a human Twisting Tree Magus.

As before, I'll create an alias if selected. Panas Can be seen here

Silver Crusade

Definitely interested.

Here is my submission. Patrin Lodovka, a human kineticist (Earth/Wood) who, having been virtually rejected by his family, wants to make good in the world and show the family how much of a mistake they made.

I use the android version of herolab so a pdf is the easiest way to show you my character sheet. I'll create an alias if I'm accepted into the game.

My character sheet (together with a brief background) can be seen here

Silver Crusade

Robert Henry wrote:
Maybe he can play back up for tawnystripe.

The heck with founding a kingdom. We just want to play music. Lets form a band!!!!

The badger can be the roadie :-). NOBODY is going to mess with a band that has a badger as its roadie.

Silver Crusade

I'm pretty sure that I would NOT take a second blasting class. Too much overlap. Unless you're going to have VERY long adventuring days you just won't be able to get through all your spells. Playing in Strength of Thousands this became an issue very quickly for my caster.

But if I WAS going to double down then probably psychic. Lets me use the same stat (Cha or Int) for both sides.

Silver Crusade

And here is Tawnystripe. If I'm accepted I'll create an alias for him.

This is what he looks like

Tawnystripe is a cat that was found as an abandoned kitten by a pair of rabbits (Sunstrip and Germaine). They raised him up as their own kit,

He has grown into a personable young cat, friendly and good natured. He mostly eats a vegetarian diet although he has been known to have a little bit of meat now and then and definitely loves fish.

He is a bit of a trickster and a rogue. He is foolishly quite proud of his abilities with the rapier since, while he CAN hit, he does very little damage.

But he loves to entertain others and to inspire them to greater things.Despite being biologically a cat he sees himself largely as a rabbit.


Male cat bard 1
NG Medium animal (cat)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee rapier +4 (1d6-1/18-20) or
. . whip +3 (1d3-1 nonlethal)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d6-1/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (15 ft. with whip)
Special Attacks bardic performance 8 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 14], inspire courage +1)
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (2/day)—cause fear (DC 15), cure light wounds
. . 0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), ghost sound (DC 14), light, prestidigitation
Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Skills Bluff +10, Climb +10, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (engineering) +3, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +3, Knowledge (nobility) +3, Knowledge (planes) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +4, Perform (sing) +8, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Catfolk, Common
SQ bardic knowledge +1, cat's luck
Other Gear studded leather, rapier, shortbow, whip, 14 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 8 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Cat's Luck (1/day) (Ex) Can roll 2d20 for a Reflex save and take better result.
Climb (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.

Silver Crusade

Well, he was a kitten raised by bunny rabbits

Ok, Creating my bard cat inspired by a cross between Bugs, Puss N Boots, and my fevered imagination :-)

Silver Crusade

Very definitely interested. Got to ask, are cats (presumably mechanically treated as catfolk) allowed? Or are they one of the enemy species?

Silver Crusade

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shroudb wrote:
pauljathome wrote:

I'm curious, what was it about the Swashbuckler that made it perform so much better?

Flank-buddies was a big thing yes (the party at that time was a divine sorc, a bard, an armor inventor (who at some point switched to a fire kineticist) and the rogue), but also sturdiness and the fact that the campaign structure had them fight more enemies rather than few but higher level.

The swashbuckler much more easily ventured forth on his own, dealt very good damage since the level of the enemies meant he was able to do both attack+finisher consistently while keeping most enemies away from the squishies who could keep him up.

The rogue on the other hand was not as easily getting his full potential of damage (like, opportune was triggering once per fight at most and etc), and being more squishy meant he more often had to run away and switch to ranged (we're using APB so weapon switching isn't a big deal) leaving the ivnentor alone or drop.

Thank you. And an excellent example of why White Room calculations can be so different from actual experience. And of why actual experience can differ so much from table to table :-)

Silver Crusade

shroudb wrote:

furthermore, party composition is way above the difference in individual classes. As an example, in the campaign that I'm running, our "rogue" which is straight up one of the better classes performed much much worse than when the player switched it to a swashbuckler (even before remaster) strictly because the party composition favored the swashbuckler more.

I'm curious, what was it about the Swashbuckler that made it perform so much better? Party had no flank buddies? One for All was even better than usual?

Note - not questioning your conclusion at all. It just surprised me a little and raised my curiousity.

Silver Crusade

Here is my submission for Sehkmet, Lady of Slaughter. If accepted I'll create an Avatar for her.

Brief overview - Lioness headed woman with powers related to those attributed to Sehkmet in myth. Quite strong (12). Can also turn into any feline of her size or smaller although doing so does NOT affect her defences.

I'd appreciate it if you told me if I got the power level and flexibility about right. I'm pretty sure she is too powerful for some campaigns and too weak for others :-).

Definitely a Monster, but one who tries to do good and largely succeeds. Mostly.


Sekhmet - Lady of Slaughter - PL 10

Strength 12, Stamina 11, Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 8, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 0

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Equipment 1, Fast Grab, Fearless, Improved Critical 1: Unarmed, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Languages 1, Move-by Action, Set-up 2, Skill Mastery: Acrobatics, Uncanny Dodge

Acrobatics 18 (+20), Deception 5 (+5), Expertise: History 12 (+12), Expertise: Magic 4 (+4), Insight 5 (+5), Intimidation 4 (+4), Investigation 8 (+8), Perception 6 (+6), Persuasion 5 (+5), Stealth 7 (+9), Technology 2 (+2), Treatment 4 (+4)

Biting Grab: Extra Limbs 1 (1 extra limb, Advantages: Improved Grab)
Cat senses: Senses 5 (Accurate: Scent, Acute: Scent, Low-light Vision, Tracking: Scent 1: -1 speed rank)
Divine Healers Body: Immunity 2 (Disease, Poison)
Enemy to Spirits (Affects Insubstantial: half ranks)
Leaping: Leaping 3 (Leap 60 feet at 16 miles/hour)
Sehkmet/Bastet Powers
. . Cat Form
. . . . Any cat: Morph 2 (Linked; +20 Deception checks to disguise; Narrow group; Activation: move action)
. . . . Everchanging fur: Concealment 2 (Linked; Sense - Sight; Blending, Passive)
. . . . Insulating fur protects from heat and cold: Feature 1
. . . . Movement: Movement 1 (Linked; Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone)
. . . . Of any size: Shrinking 8 (Linked; -2 STR, -4 Intimidate, +8 Stealth, +4 active defenses, -2 size ranks, -1 speed ranks; Activation: move action, Custom: Does Not increase defences)
. . Disease Aura Affliction: Burst Area Affliction 10[/b] (1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, 3rd degree: Incapacitated Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 20; Limited Degree)
. . Become very ill and die: Weaken 10 ( Affects: Stamina, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20, Progressive, Grab-based)
. . Godess of Medicine: Healing 10
. . Intimidating Roar: Perception Area Affliction 10 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Will, DC 20; Perception Area: DC 20 - Hearing)
Speak to Felines: Comprehend 2 (Animals - Speak To, Animals - Understand; Broad Type: felines)
Speed: Speed 6 (Speed: 120 miles/hour, 1800 feet/round)


Binoculars, Cell Phone (Smartphone), Holy Symbol


Initiative +2
Affliction: Burst Area Affliction 10 (DC Fort 20)
Become very ill and die: Weaken 10, +8 (DC Fort 20)
Grab, +8 (DC Spec 22)
Intimidating Roar: Perception Area Affliction 10 (DC Will 20)
Throw, +0 (DC 27)
Unarmed, +8 (DC 27)


Cannot See felines mistreated : She absolutely will not abide seeing felnes mistreated in any signficant way. She is generally sufficiently under control to be kind of a bit proportional in her responses. Mostly.

Lady of Slaughter: She can lose control of herself and basically go berserk, attacking anything in sight. She has just about enough control that she MAY prioritize foes over bystanders over allies. Will NOT attack felines while in this state.

Monstrous: For some reason people seem to react strangely to a bad-tempered lioness headed woman who can bench press trucks. Not at all sure why..

She can sort of kind of disguise herself with a large hat, sunglasses, and a face mask (at least Covid made the latter more common). Enough to pass on the street much of the time. But if she really wants to go unnoticed she pretty much has to change into a cat.

Motivation - Healer and Protector: When she is not living up to her name of Lady of Slaughter she is a healer and protector, especially of children and the helpless

Relationship - Fiancee: She is still madly in love with her fiancee Alex Ranstamble and he with her. He knows who she is and accepts her (mostly) for who she has become. He tries to act as her moral guidance when she gets a bit Ancient Egyptian in outlook,

Secret identity: She is still trying to maintain her identity of Evelyn Carnahan, She still does digs, writes up her notes in an Archaeological Journal, etc. Her cover story is that she suffered a disfiguring disease so she mostly stays a recluse and, when seen, bundles herself up and wears a face mask.

Egyptian, English

Dodge 9, Parry 9, Fortitude 11, Toughness 11, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 66 + Powers 44 + Advantages 13 + Skills 20 (80 ranks) + Defenses 17 = 160

Silver Crusade

Ignore the previous post (too late for me to delete it). I realized that I'm creating a character who is far more a normal super hero than an actual monster with redeeming values. And its too flexible. And a bit too complicated. I'm going to lose the morph.

Will still be able to change into a normal cat, though :-).

Silver Crusade

I've got a version of the character almost ready but I thought I'd make sure that I'm not going too far before finalizing it. It uses metamorph which I know some people see as a huge Red Flag.

Evelyn Carnahan was an Archaeologist specializing in the study of Bastet and Sehkmet in their various (especially mutual) incarnations.

She was on a dig in Egypt when she uncovered a door lined with Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Her long study of ancient Egyptian magics enabled her to realize that this was a spell, a spell that she perhaps foolishly decided to cast (What Could Possibly Go Wrong?)

The door opened and inside was an ancient necklace and torc. She felt compelled by some strange force to put them on.

When she woke up several hours later she found that she had been transformed both physically and mentally. She now had the head of a Lioness and some of the memories and personality ot something. She isn't quite sure if it was an Avatar of Bastet/Sehkmet, the spirits of ancient temple guardians, or what.

But she is now forever more a lioness headed woman with strange feline urges and instincts. In her base form she is a formidable fighter with some magical abilities but she can also transform into two different forms. One is a large, somewhat bestial form that is incredibly strong and nearly immune to most damage, a form that is very quick to anger and that will blindly attack when angered.

She can also change into the form of an Egyptian cat.

In all 3 of her forms she can change into any feline or feline headed person with her body (Note, Morph so this is purely cosmetic).

To her regret she discovered that when sufficiently hurt or angered she will manifest in the form that she calls The Lady of Slaughter

I ended up creating a character with morph and 2 metamorph forms. She can morph into any female feline or feline headed person with her old body.

She has 3 forms
1) Her main form - A lioness headed woman (can appear as a small lioness, tiger, etc via morph). Decent in single combat. Attacks and Defences and defences at +12, Damage of +8
2) The Lady of Slaughter - A 9 foot tool Lioness headed woman (often taking the appearance via Morph of a normal huge Lioness or Tiger) who is sort of almost capable of taking on small armies. Str, Stamina of 12, Impervious Toughness, Takedown 2.
3) Pussy cat. While still has the defences of a PL10 character has the offences of about a PL8 character. But good at stealth, getting into places, etc.

One important thing to note - while in general she can choose to change form she has complications that mean that she can get stuck. Especially likely to become basically a berserk killing machine as The Lady of Slaughter. She most certainly IS a monster at least some of the time.

I'd started with a character with Alternate Form and it costed out about the same. The metamorph mostly made it a lot simpler to make sure all 3 forms were legal, point balanced, etc. And at a cost of 12 points I think I'm not getting too much. But I AM both a brick and an agile martial artist with considerable stealth ability, at least while I have control of myself.

Silver Crusade

Getting close to finishing the actual character. Is there a deadline for submissions (gaming tonight and tomorrow, so probably won't get to it until Thursday)?

Silver Crusade

I just realized that my character name is far too close to that of one of the NPCs. Changing Sandu to Davius. Everything else unchanged

Silver Crusade

Can I please get some guidance as to how broad and, well, point optimized I should make my character? Unfortunately in M&M it is often the case that one persons twinked out monstrosity is another persons underpowered character :-).

I can easily build a character based on a Lion fighting power. Melee sort, maybe +12 or so to hit for +8 damage, 12 or so active defences with 8 stamina, some superleap and lots of senses. A bit of regeneration and healing and some appropriate skills.

Is a fairly simple character like that both viable and what you're looking for in this campaign?

Or should I embrace the "mythological cat" theme and give the kinds of powers attributed to cats in fiction and fable? Things like teleportation, ability to walk through walls, vanish from sight perhaps leaving a smile behind and the like.

Silver Crusade

This is my application for Sandu Kaijitsu, the human younger brother of Ameiko. Sandu is a benefactor Shaman who worships Desna and is a good friend to his spirit animal the Raven Vralk (who will have his own alias and make his own posts :-))

Sandu is a Benefactor Shaman who worships Desna. He wishes to travel the world and to help people while doing so. His spirit animal is the raven Vralk. While Vralk likes Sandu very much he feels that it is only right that the superior race (Raven) be in charge.

Sandu has very much grown up in the shadow of his older sister and wants to change their relationship to one of friends and peers. While he deeply loves his sister he doesn't always like her and knows that the same holds for her.

In character he has no particular interest in long lasting romance at this point (he is fine with more casual relationships). As a player, I'm quite open to the possibility of romance if it arrives more or less organically from events


Sandu has always wanted to become an adventurer and have adventures and exploits like his big sister.

He tried to become a fighter and caravan guard but he isn't burly enough and failed at that. He tried to become a rogue but he isn't dextrous nor sneaky enough for that and failed. Although he greatly respects and reveres Desna he just felt no calling to become a cleric ministering to peoples spiritual needs. He is personable but not sufficiently so to be a bard and, besides, he doesn't want to just follow in his sisters footsteps.

He had almost despaired of becoming an adventurer when fate intervened. One day he came across an old lady being bullied by some local toughs. He intervened, trying to talk them down and convince them to leave the poor woman alone. He failed and the bullies set upon him.

It turns out that Celestina (the old lady) wasn't nearly as helpless as she appeared and she rapidly drove the thugs off with some magics, But the bravery of Sandu had impressed her and she decided to take him under her wing and teach him the way of the Shaman.

Sandu has only recently graduated from his apprenticeship with Celestina and is once more looking for adventure, for the opportunity to travel

About Me:

I live up here in the Frozen North (Toronto, EST) although I was born in the UK. I'm even more of an Old Fart than the GM (I started with the original White Box D&D) and have played and GMed a huge range of games over the years.

Retired computer programmer if that matters. So we can talk techie talk if the game lags :-).

I've played a fair amount of PBP in the past (here on Paizo and elsewhere) but haven't played any for about a decade or so and am trying to get back into it.

I enjoy most facets of RPGs. Definitely like roleplaying, I also like puzzles and intellectual challenges and sometimes its just fun to kick axx and take names. I love more or less balanced parties where everybody contributes but admit that it irks me more if I'm way on the weak side than if I'm way on the strong side.

Silver Crusade

Do you have any issues with a Hunter as a character? Definitely a local largely traumatized by the whole Sundering.

If you're ok with a hunter, I'm thinking of Big Cat or Small Cat as most likely animal companion. Are both (either) available locally? Or maybe some dinosaur (dinosaurs are always cool :-)) ?

Silver Crusade

Excellent. Tonights game got cancelled so hopefully I'll have her actually built by the end of the day.

Silver Crusade

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In a non PFS game I'd be pretty firmly in the "Who cares, A" camp. At this level its all pretty trivial anyway.

Note, I WOULD charge the character the time and cash to move any runes from their plate.

Silver Crusade

Is the following acceptable? Details to be determined, of course.

The character is an archaeologist who was uncovering an ancient temple. The temple was most recently (still thousands of years ago) a temple to Bastet but it actually dated back before that and was originally a temple to Sekhmet.

She uncovered a hidden compartment in the temple that led to a shrine to Sekhmet within which was an amulet that contained the essence of a priestess of Sekhmet. Touching the amulet released the spirit which partly merged with her.

Not quite sure how I'll build her but she'll be mostly a Lion/Human martial type with some lion/cat themed powers (maybe able to change into a cat, talk to cats, that kind of stuff). Healer as well as a warrior.

She has some of the mythological weaknesses of Sehkmet. Great anger when roused, susceptability to alcohol (especially beer), etc.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

If you mean "Use some App provided by some person to track things" then there are already apps that do at least some of the tracking for you (can't be more specific as I personally use a spreadsheet that I've created).

If you mean "When will Paizo provide such an app that gets all its information from reports" then probably never
1) Such an app would have to handle misreported or unreported games somehow. Currently, those are less of an issue as long as you have the chronicle sheet
2) Paizo has a REALLY REALLY bad track record of actually providing useful S/W in anything even vaguely coming within shooting range of a reasonable time frame. To be generous, it is NOT an area of Core Expertise for the company.
3) I'm sure they have way higher priorities for their staff than an App that they probably couldn't charge for (certainly couldn't charge for if it was essential as opposed to optional without massively impacting the primary purpose of Organized Play which is to be a marketing tool).

Silver Crusade

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
DPR is a meaningless statistic, a distraction from what the team should be doing,

That is overstating things. DPR has meaning, just nowhere as much meaning as some people think.

But I'm pretty sure that you'd agree that if you had two characters in your party, both of whom stated that their primary combat role was to deal damage to individuals, and one had a DPR of 100 and the other of 10 then the one (DPR 100) was doing their job much better than the other (DPR 10).

Silver Crusade

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I think just about everybody agrees that damage output is a very large part of the game. For some characters it is the main contribution (and nearly the only contribution) that they make to combat.

But as Norr says party Synergies are also very important. And ACTUAL damage output as it occurs in your campaign is the number that matters, not theory crafted damage numbers.

But, unfortunately, when we're comparing options then theorycrafting is pretty much necessarily a PART of the evaluation. Actual experience also matters but it is much harder to compare experiences at different tables since so many factors differ.

And some options can be pretty much shown to be really good or really bad just by theory crafting. It doesn't, for example, take actual experience to show that the damage numbers attainable by an Exemplar Archetype are higher than those attainable by other archetypes.

Silver Crusade

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Squark wrote:

If anyone has played an animist who uses Embodiment of Battle frequently, has this been a problem for you? Is it worth spending a feat to pick up permanent proficiency with your weapon?

Yes, it turned out to be a major problem. I started with a glaive wielder planning on using EoB but I found that I frequently just didn't have the actions to either cast or sustain EoB. Sometimes I just REALLY needed to move and throw a regular spell, I wanted to move and hit twice, etc.

So I ended up switching to a longspear. Slightly worse than a glaive in a white room but much better in practice.

Note, this particular character played below L9. Might have been different with a L9+ Liturgist


2) I'm not sure what practice to chose. Medium is the simplest choice, but Relinquish Control is very situational. Liturgist is appealing for that early 2nd focus point, and I suppose the dance of battle works for the general theme. Suggestions?

Liturgist absolutely rocks at L9+. Before that it is still about on a par with the other practices. For me its close to not being a choice.

*I feel the character would deeply resent characterising a people by their lifespan and hate the word Aiuvarin.

Silver Crusade

Gortle wrote:

I do see a lot of groups where everyone ends up with a casting proficiency from mid level. I don't think it is a good idea. It adds complexity, and spell casting hides other good options.

Spells like Tailwind make gaining a casting proficiency a VERY attractive option. This specific spell is probably the reason that so many of my characters have an archetype or, at the least, trick magic item as a skill feat.

And its nice (especially in something like PFS) to have a heal scroll or 2 in your pocket for emergencies. And not having to Trick it can be very important.

Silver Crusade

The Cotswolds are beautiful and quite accessible. Why is this on your list of places that you'll likely never see?

Silver Crusade

GuardYourPrivates wrote:

@Pauljathome- Tel Beys is not tied to anyone from Passbog and the circumstance around them being present during the shattering does not account for an apprentice. Though you have made me think on something tangential.

Is Tel himself available as a PC? And if he is, would it be reasonable for him to be a warrior poet Samurai?

Silver Crusade

Is the following acceptable?

The character would either be Tel Beys or somebody Tel has taken as his apprentice.

Mechanically, a Warrior Poet Samurai following the Order Of the Songbird.

Probably human but haven't decided yet. Possibly (unknown to anybody) he is a Kitsune.

Silver Crusade

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Ascalaphus wrote:
pauljathome wrote:
One thing to be a little wary of. At least one AP (Quest for the Frozen Flame) is notorious for how bad it is in giving out the "basic" magic (+1 runes, striking runes, armor runes, etc). In that AP having ABP would be a huge boost to that particular character.
I think that's a good AP to just use ABP for everyone. I did the same in 1E with Iron Gods because half the loot was technological items like a 18,000gp life raft that didn't inflate half the time because it was 9000 years old. I mean, that's thematic and cool, but not as good as a +3 shield. Moving to ABP meant that I had less work as a GM worrying about whether the PCs were on the right track with gear.

Totally agreed. I'm playing in a campaign without ABP and running a campaign with it and I MUCH prefer the campaign I'm running in that respect.

Silver Crusade

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One thing to be a little wary of. At least one AP (Quest for the Frozen Flame) is notorious for how bad it is in giving out the "basic" magic (+1 runes, striking runes, armor runes, etc). In that AP having ABP would be a huge boost to that particular character.

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