Overheard at the Paizo office

Off-Topic Discussions

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Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Gary: i see that word and i hear wookie groan

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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gary: i bet wookies don't like barbecue because it gets in their fur

Software Developer

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Erik: the auth itself is purring like a kitten though
Cort: Come on Erik, strangle the purring kitten.
Erik: done and done.
No kitten strangling!

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

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Katina: Where the hell is the basilisk?

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Sharaya wrote:
Katina: Where the hell is the basilisk?

Bestiary, page 29.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, "Basilisk" if we were being all right and proper about it, I guess.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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katina: it's a big shot of magic and friendship RIGHT TO YOUR HEART

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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gary: my uncle was allergic to ponies and he played guitar and one day he got bit by a pony and had an epiphany about his epiphone and had to get poked with the epipony

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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cosmo: Last of good coffee is taken.
cosmo: I’ve started a new pot.
cosmo: I call it RovaGut Blaster Blend.
cosmo: I’m sure it will be annihilistically delicious.

liz: Sounds like it’s made of the heat death of the universe
liz: I approve.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

8 people marked this as a favorite.

ashley: Abadar's Cleric of Starshine

ashley: that sounds too nice

ashley: that doesn't jive with finance


ashley: there we go!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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All hail the Holy Bean-counters of Abadar!

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Sara Marie wrote:

ashley: Abadar's Cleric of Starshine

ashley: that sounds too nice

ashley: that doesn't jive with finance


ashley: there we go!

{in William Conrad narrator voice:} Be with us next time for "Ashley: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF STARSHINE" or "Ashley: CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT OF STARSHINE (BUT REALLY WANTS TO BE A LION TAMER)."

Dark Archive Software Developer

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QA Erik: its like one big never ending herbal essence commercial

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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cort: Fine, shots, coffee, glitter and a defibrillator, everyone happy?

Sara Marie wrote:
cort: Fine, shots, coffee, glitter and a defibrillator, everyone happy?

OK, now I'm going to be up all night trying to think of ways a person could use all these things at once! That must be one wild party you're having!

Readerbreeder wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
cort: Fine, shots, coffee, glitter and a defibrillator, everyone happy?
OK, now I'm going to be up all night trying to think of ways a person could use all these things at once! That must be one wild party you're having!

Or just One HELL of a Work Overload.

Christopher Anthony wrote:
QA Erik: its like one big never ending herbal essence commercial

That one might need some context...

Alex G St-Amand wrote:

Christopher Anthony wrote:
QA Erik: its like one big never ending herbal essence commercial
That one might need some context...

Never! The lack of context is the point! If it makes sense, why bother?

Braingamer wrote:
Alex G St-Amand wrote:

Christopher Anthony wrote:
QA Erik: its like one big never ending herbal essence commercial
That one might need some context...
Never! The lack of context is the point! If it makes sense, why bother?

Some, not all...

Dark Archive Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Robot Chris: well, he'd have known that if he didn't have [redacted]

Paizo Employee Quality Assurance Axiomite

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Katina: Now I’m just picturing a giant Boo from Mario, but with Cosmo’s face.
Erik K: NOPE.
Katina: and when you turn around, it gets shy
Erik K: And by shy you mean pretending it wasn't about to murder you.
Katina: That.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Me: But honestly, my inner Maleficent is laughing.
Sara: ...Inner?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

16 people marked this as a favorite.

christopher: Opens the way for a Cars RPG, complete with an Ecology Of... line.

sara marie: Cars the RPG would be fun

christopher: Carfinder?

sara marie: strength would be horsepower?
sara marie: lightning's int and wisdom need some work

ashley: i feel like mater would make a good bard
ashley: doesn't add a lot to the game, but has some witty one-liners and can get you out of a tight situation if you're lucky

christopher: As the tow truck, wouldn't he be the cleric?
christopher: I suppose bards can heal, too

ashley: no the mechanic cars would be the clerics

tanis: This is the dorkiest conversation I have observed in some time.
tanis: I love it

sara marie: also wouldnt luigi and guido be like the town black smith?
sara marie: selling +1 whitewall tires of speed

sara marie: frank is the barbarian?
ashley: frank would be terrifying when enraged

ashley: fillmore would be the druid because he's a hippy
sara marie: for sarge i'm thinking cavalier

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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sara marie: i will be totally awesome

sara marie: i mean

sara marie: hold on

sara marie: i was thinking and typing

sara marie: i will be totally honest

sara marie: i would love to see this happen

Paizo Glitterati Robot

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redacted my eyes are peeing

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

robot chris: focus on the penguins

Paizo Employee Quality Assurance Axiomite

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Gary: Ok I release you from the restriction against creating or canceling [redacted]! go forth and break s$&!!
Erik Keith: *Skrreeeee!!!*

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Gary: please let that be by ballistic fry cannon

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

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Diego: There have defintely been times where I was THE creepy girl

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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redacted: if you start making Harry Potter [redacted] puns (which just write themselves honestly), I might have to close this chat

Paizo Employee Customer Service She-Hulk

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Redacted: There's no way I can answer that without inadvertent sexual subtext. Point to you Mr. [redacted].

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

11 people marked this as a favorite.

cort: In all fairness, we also hate joy, closure and a wide range of other positive emotions. No reason to single out fun.

Dark Archive Software Developer

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Katina: stop licking the threads
Katina: you don't know where they've been

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

13 people marked this as a favorite.

robot chris: it’s almost been 4 years guys
robot chris: when do I turn into a pumpkin?

sara marie: the twist is...you already ARE a pumpkin
sara marie: you just have to find out on your own

robot chris: D:

sara marie: you were a pumpkin all along chris

robot chris: OH MY GOURD

sara marie: squash any feelings that tell you otherwise

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

robot chris: it’s almost been 4 years guys

robot chris: when do I turn into a pumpkin?

sara marie: the twist is...you already ARE a pumpkin
sara marie: you just have to find out on your own

robot chris: D:

sara marie: you were a pumpkin all along chris

robot chris: OH MY GOURD

sara marie: squash any feelings that tell you otherwise

Proof Sara Marie is the best Empress of the Galactic Empire.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Tanis: suddenly this went aqua teen hunger force

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

19 people marked this as a favorite.

gary: or as my uncle, the ancient egyptian, used to say, perish the thoth
liz: But if you perish the Thoth, you’ll Set yourself up for problems.
sara: Isis you did there
gary: liz wins
katina: I will cheer for her Ra Ra
tanis: Sara’s just anub(is) in comparison
sara: Liz wins Re: the egyptian jokes
sara: I am Nut wrong on this
tanis: I think Amun top
liz: I just don’t Geb what the problem is
tanis: I’m Bast caring at this point.
sara: I'm so Hapi I work with all of you
liz; Yeah, we’re all Tefnuts in here.
sara: I have to go get kiddo from daycare, I;m going to have to Baal

6 people marked this as a favorite.


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

gary: or as my uncle, the ancient egyptian, used to say, perish the thoth

liz: But if you perish the Thoth, you’ll Set yourself up for problems.
sara: Isis you did there
gary: liz wins
katina: I will cheer for her Ra Ra
tanis: Sara’s just anub(is) in comparison
sara: Liz wins Re: the egyptian jokes
sara: I am Nut wrong on this
tanis: I think Amun top
liz: I just don’t Geb what the problem is
tanis: I’m Bast caring at this point.
sara: I'm so Hapi I work with all of you
liz; Yeah, we’re all Tefnuts in here.
sara: I have to go get kiddo from daycare, I;m going to have to Baal

i cant take this osirisly

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I didn't want to interrupt their witticisms without warning.
But I figured I could toot and come in.

Sara Marie wrote:
katina: it's a big shot of magic and friendship RIGHT TO YOUR HEART

That's nice and good, but I still don't see it as giving somebody the kind of peppiness a shot of adrenaline to the same place would. I'm assuming by the conditions over there you guys have some stockpiled just in case of emergency, or GenCon crunch.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.

finance scott: Wait, did you think I was trying to be helpful?

gary: my answer was even less helpful

robot chris: gary: your answer was I believe the correct one

gary: it can be both!
gary: both correct and useless
gary: hey, that's me in a nutshell!

Webstore Gninja Minion

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drock11 wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
katina: it's a big shot of magic and friendship RIGHT TO YOUR HEART
That's nice and good, but I still don't see it as giving somebody the kind of peppiness a shot of adrenaline to the same place would. I'm assuming by the conditions over there you guys have some stockpiled just in case of emergency, or GenCon crunch.

They come in the form of pancakes.

Sara Marie wrote:
finance scott: Wait, did you think I was trying to be helpful?

This would imply that he was not trying to be helpful, and if he was, it was only by accident. Niiiiiice... :P

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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redacted 1: I have an email skeleton, but I guess my concern is: [redacted] and will that totally screw up everything?

redacted 2: your skeleton is perfect
redacted 2: errr
redacted 2: email skeleton
redacted 2: i'm sure your actual skeleton is also perfect

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Rob I don't have a problem with Harsk and Merisiel doing it.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

5 people marked this as a favorite.

redacted cause i felt weird being all [redacted] and fish going everywhere

Webstore Gninja Minion

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Robot Chris: I have an important question
Robot Chris: possibly the MOST important
Robot Chris: where can I get coffee?
Me: Coffee options?
Me: Robot, asking the important questions.

Dark Archive Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sharaya: gross. just. ewwwww.

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