Wyrm Sniper

Alex G St-Amand's page

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I would like for this account to be closed please.

I know about the permanency of it.


I wish there were Rogue Archetypes that replace Sneak Attack with something else.

How common are Guns?

James Jacobs wrote:
Alex G St-Amand wrote:
Steampunk Adventure might fit for the Mana Wastes and Alkenstar.
Not really... to me, steampunk implies, among other things, mass transit (airships, trains, etc.) and limiting something like that to one of the smallest regions in the Inner Sea would do it a disservice.

You might be surprised there.

And it's a Big Universe, maybe on another Planet.

Kinda like "Constructed" (Android, Inevitables), but for other types, similar, but different, to the Augmented subtypes.

Any Idea for names and effects?

shadram wrote:
Alex G St-Amand wrote:
"Who is the Werewolf?" isn't that complicated, "Who is the Werewolf that did K?" when there are a bunch of Werewolves around is...
I really like this, too. I'll probably build on that when I run Broken Moon later in the campaign.

Spoilers for Broken Moon:
It kinda happen, but it isn't really a problem for/aimed at the PCs.

Steve the Cat wrote:

@Shi'vatha: Interesting. I'll have to give a think as to whether I'd allow him and how the non HD levels would be handled.

@MannyGoblin: You'll have to tweak the background a bit considering that you wouldn't be starting the game as a Circus member. Also, not to shatter your dreams of being cook, but Zathyl who posted up above has been consistently dropping some pretty ace cooking checks.

@Katie: I decided no templates or high RP races this go around to keep the party uniform - you'd need to drop the shadow template entirely.

Almost sounds like you need a "Table/Group 2/B".

"Who is the Werewolf?" isn't that complicated, "Who is the Werewolf that did K?" when there are a bunch of Werewolves around is...

James Jacobs wrote:
Alex G St-Amand wrote:

Of those (names might need some adjustment):

* Primitive/Prehistoric Adventures. (Stone Age and the like, maybe with Dinos)
* 'Antique' Adventures. (Antiquity, duh! ... "Time of Myths and Legends", Ancient: Greece, Rome, Egypt...)
* Steampunk Adventures.
* Future Adventures.
* Space Adventures.
* CyberPunk Adventures.
* Circus Adventures.
* Horror Adventures.
* Monstrous Adventures.
* Noble/Royal Adventures. (we still need rule for Nobility, Royalty and the like.)
* Sky World Adventures. (world in the sky, floating islands, airships, etc.)

Which do you think would fit in Pathfinder (and maybe Golarion)? The names/idea are based on Mythic/Occult Adventure.

Primitive, "Antique," Horror, Noble/Royal; all of those would fit well in Golarion.

ALL of them could be done with Pathfinder.

Steampunk Adventure might fit for the Mana Wastes and Alkenstar.

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Of those (names might need some adjustment):

* Primitive/Prehistoric Adventures. (Stone Age and the like, maybe with Dinos)
* 'Antique' Adventures. (Antiquity, duh! ... "Time of Myths and Legends", Ancient: Greece, Rome, Egypt...)
* Steampunk Adventures.
* Future Adventures.
* Space Adventures.
* CyberPunk Adventures.
* Circus Adventures.
* Horror Adventures.
* Monstrous Adventures.
* Noble/Royal Adventures. (we still need rule for Nobility, Royalty and the like.)
* Sky World Adventures. (world in the sky, floating islands, airships, etc.)

Which do you think would fit in Pathfinder (and maybe Golarion)? The names/idea are based on Mythic/Occult Adventure.

Lilith wrote:
Is it me? Am I the werewolf? >.>

You are too graceful to be one.

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Liz Courts wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:

Robot Chris: dinosaur spam is best spam

Lissa: Well, I can't argue with that.

Why are you eating James?!?!

... Is he yummy?

We do not eat coworkers. It impinges upon their productivity.

So, you do not eat them while they are still alive.

Marc Radle wrote:

In that case, you'd just have to compare each of the skin-changer's class abilities with the spell-less ranger's class abilities and figure out what gets replaced.

For instance, Animal Shape, lesser, which the skin-changer gets at 1st level clearly would replace Favored Enemy. Animal Combat, which the skin-changer gets at 2nd level would replace Combat Style. Animal Shape would replace Hunter's Bond etc.

Of course, if you are trying to make an archetype for a Core ranger (as opposed to a New Paths Compendium spell-less ranger) you'll have to decide what you want to do about class abilities such as Ranger Talents, Nature’s Healing and Stealth Attack which are exclusive to the spell-less ranger and skin-changer alternate class

Hope that helps!

Yep, it does, thanks.

I would probably keep Animal Combat, or alter it (modified Monk/Brawler's improved damage).

I made a pre-build, role/job is/are: Beggar/Creepy_Child/Entertainer/Eccentric/Street_Urchin.

Pre Build:
Young Male human Expert (variant) 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init: +3; Senses: Perception +5

AC: 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp: 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3

Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Hand Puppet +1 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks:

Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 11
Feats: Fast Learner
Skills: Acrobatic+7, Climb +5, Perception +5, Perform (Puppet/Ventriloquism) +6, Stealth +7, Survival +5, Swim +5; Armor Check
Languages: Common
SQ: Insane, Youthful
Combat Gear:; Other Gear: Hand Puppet

Insane: …
Youthful: …

Samy wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Alex G St-Amand wrote:

Advanced Race Guide 2 / Advanced Race Codex:

* More stuff on the Uncommon Races and other 0HD races introduced since then.
* Stuff and fluff and Archetypes and ... for the Races who usually have racial hit dices that got turned into 0HD Races.

I think that is going to be Inner Sea Races.
Although Inner Sea Races will have some information on non-core races, it will focus on core races, mostly refreshing and adding to "Elves/Dwarves/Humans/etc. of Golarion" Player Companions. Personally, I could *really* use a book that really focused on the non-core races.

This is what I want too.

Let's see.

4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 4) = 9 = 8
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 2, 1) = 9 = 8
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 5) = 20 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 3) = 15 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 5) = 16 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 3) = 16 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 5) = 15 = 13

Kinda nice, but I would be better with 27 PB.

rorek55 wrote:
Gonna say no to young characters. Unless you can convince me other wise.

No Child Endangerment?

* Primitive/Prehistoric Adventures. (Stone Age and the like, maybe with Dinos)
* 'Antique' Adventures. (Antiquity, duh! ... "Time of Myths and Legends", Ancient: Greece, Rome, Egypt...)
* Steampunk Adventures.
* Future Adventures.
* Space Adventures.
* CyberPunk Adventures.
* Circus Adventures.
* Horror Adventures.
* Monstrous Adventures.
* Noble/Royal Adventures. (we still need rule for Nobility, Royalty and the like.)
* Sky World Adventures. (world in the sky, floating islands, airships, etc.)

^ Some of those might require their own bestiary.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
The Fiend Fantastic wrote:
I blame Cosmo for not telling Rysky she's invited to a secret meeting of evil, where our annual wicked plans are discussed.

So this is the meeting where you guys discuss how to make my life miserable. I Knew It!!!

I Blame Cosmo for obviously hosting, organizing, and catering this meeting.

Cosmo has his hands/tentacles/etc in all kinds of meeting, not just the Evil ones.

I blame Cosmo for John Kretzer not realizing that.

Young Characters? Street Urchin?

Marc Radle wrote:

Hey there Alex.

The skin-change is actually a full-blown alternate class of the spell-less ranger (much like the anti-paladin is an alternate class of the paladin). Alternate classes are certainly similar to archetypes, but they are more involved so they are presented as a full class in and of themselves instead of just a handful of replacement abilities as is done for archetypes.

So, I don't think you can think of the skin-changer as a simple ranger archetype. It is a complete class by itself.

Does that help?

Yeah, kinda...

Still, if I wanted to use some of its Features for a Ranger (or Spell less Ranger/Skin-Changer) Archetype aimed at Lycanthropes/Therianthropes? (that might mean some alternatives to "Animal Shape")

If we go by the idea that the Skin Changer is a Ranger archetype, which feature is replacing which 'Core' feature?

Need a variation for Lycanthropes/Therianthropes.

DM Jesse Heinig wrote:
Alex G St-Amand wrote:
Robert Henry wrote:
Would Ameiko's family still speak and write Tian?
Not DM Jesse Heinig, but, as far as I remember, it is in her statblock, so yes.
Alex is correct -- Ameiko is fluent in Tien, so presumably it's still kept alive in her family (at least for those who have an Intelligence bonus . . . ).

or rank in linguistic, or the 'Child of two People' trait.

... I want an "Unarmed Ranger" archetype or Ranger/Monk hybrid.

Any template allowed?

Human Natural Were-Eagle

Race allowed?

Monk and Brawler could fit with Bouncer as well.

Traveling Mercenary fit almost any classes.

Robert Henry wrote:
Would Ameiko's family still speak and write Tian?

Not DM Jesse Heinig, but, as far as I remember, it is in her statblock, so yes.

MMCJawa wrote:
Yep...no PRD for Golarion specific books. at which point one wonders whats the point of then graduating them from their existing AP/module/CS volumes.

When they go from AP/Modules/CS to main rule line, words are changed and fluff is usually either changed or lost, or kinda both.

I will pass, thanks for the consideration anyway.

Zaister wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
Personally, I've always considered lycanthropy a curse that simply mimics a disease, so that spell wouldn't apply. (There are others that could, though; divination is precisely why mystery adventures can be tough to pull off.)

It's named a curse in the special ability that infects others, but:

Bestiary wrote:
A remove disease or heal spell cast by a cleric of 12th level or higher cures the affliction, provided the character receives the spell within 3 days of the infecting lycanthrope's attack.
Not remove curse, you need remove disease. That tells me it's actually a disease.

That's within the 3 days mark, after that it becomes a curse that require Remove Curse .

JiCi wrote:
Alex G St-Amand wrote:
JiCi wrote:

BTW, an AP Monster Compendium... is logically possible and totally feasible by all standards. It wouldn't be as acclaimed, but considering the sheer number of it, they could just shear 10 AP bestiaries off their list and package them in a single compendium. That can be done with modules and companions as well.

Especially the older ones...

That, and could also be made in the Campaign Setting line (it has Hardcovers once in a while) instead of the 'Rule' line.

I don't see why it should remain exclusive to the Setting when several AP monsters already made into Bestiaries.

Then again... like people would actually COMPLAIN about this...

It's not like people cannot adapt the Inner Seas Bestiary to their own game already...

That... But the complains would be about said monsters not being in the PRD.

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Rysky wrote:


I blame Cosmo that those little bastards broke my sugar cauldron. What am I going to dip delicious people into now?

*begins licking caramel up*

... Needs more Wampi.

Wampi farm?

I blame Cosmo for the lack of those...

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CorvusMask wrote:

Isn't steampunk really overplayed? <_<

Plus would that really need new classes?

Maybe more in the Alternate/Hybrid types (new ones wouldn't hurt either), would/could help with low/no/wild magic settings/adventures (like in Mana Wastes / Alkenstar), and it breaks less versimilitude than High/Futuristic Technologies.

JiCi wrote:

BTW, an AP Monster Compendium... is logically possible and totally feasible by all standards. It wouldn't be as acclaimed, but considering the sheer number of it, they could just shear 10 AP bestiaries off their list and package them in a single compendium. That can be done with modules and companions as well.

Especially the older ones...

That, and could also be made in the Campaign Setting line (it has Hardcovers once in a while) instead of the 'Rule' line.

Rysky wrote:

Mmmm, dinner and a show. I would drink Hunt's tears of suffering to complete the trifecta but Pugwampi tears aren't all that great.

I blame Cosmo that Pugwampi tears taste like Pepsi.

You might want to avoid Hunt's brain, it seems to be malfunctioning (both constipation and diarrhea at the same time... how does that work?).

MMCJawa wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Nick O'Connell wrote:
Ok, I was just asking because the new product occult bestiary has was said to be variant as well as new monsters. That made me think of the mythic variant versions of monsters mythic adventures has.
The occult variants of other classic monsters do speak to the same sort of ideas as the mythic ones, in that they give you a new variant of that monster that can enhance the way you portray that monster's society and the like. Occult Adventures is in the same line as Mythic Adventures, the "Adventures" line, which gives you the tools you need to run a game with a different feel. However, Malwing is also right that the tools in this one are also meant to work seamlessly in your normal game (as befits the themes of the occult as being the hidden layer beneath the surface, after all), whereas Mythic is a whole new mode that changes the CR balance.
huh...this is the first time Adventurers has been referred to as a line. Might that suggest future volumes (cough Steampunk Adventures cough)

I have to +1 this.

Almost sound like you could make a second group...


You need a Goblin WereGoblin-Dog for the Lulz.

Dotting for interest...

Human Ninja or Samurai, Campaign Trait: Younger Sibling (Ameiko), the other might be Rich Parents (might make sense in context).

Advanced Race Guide 2 / Advanced Race Codex:

* More race building options and rules.
* More stuff on the Uncommon Races and other 0HD races introduced since then.
* Stuff and fluff and Archetypes and ... for the Races who usually have racial hit dices that got turned into 0HD Races.

... A Centaur.

I will leave this to better players.

Horror/Monsters/Circus themed Rangers?

Some interest.

Characters creation rules? please.

Dragon78 wrote:
I hope that there is a bloodline or archetype for sorcerers that make it so they cast spells like psychic magic, as in instead of somatic and verbal they use thought and emotion.

Maybe Both?

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Alex G St-Amand wrote:
F.A.T.A.L. would be good for something based on the anime called Cross Ange.
Mother of monsters, is Cross Ange THAT bad?

At times it is...

Not sure if even F.A.T.A.L. has rules for cybernetic arms breaking during cavities searches.

Tels wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

I Blame Cosmo for having to go play a D&D Next game tonight...sigh...

Well I guess it could be worse.

Could be 4E...

Or F.A.T.A.L.

F.A.T.A.L. would be good for something based on the anime called Cross Ange.

And try to avoid starting an 'Edition War' here, intentionally or by accident.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Ashley Kaprielian wrote:
Drock11 wrote:
Cosmo wrote:


They had to stop her. They are making sure Ashley has scissors in her hands before they let her do that.

Just cross them and viola! Scissors.

Big. F!&#ing. Scissors.

... Kill la Kill?

Decapitating Scissors Blades!

zergtitan wrote:
At least they're giving some time before implementing the new rules in an AP. I think that's one of the reasons Mythic rules and WotR didn't do as well. They will at least have half a year before anything major using Occult Adventures rules.

Yeah, James Jacobs made that complain while/after writting WotR (and to a lesser extend, the Technology Guide while making Iron Gods).

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Rysky wrote:

Hey!... I wanted a copy...




*goes back to snuggling with MP to cheer up*

Maybe someone can cast Make Whole

Death_Keeper wrote:

I blame cosmo for being undead.

I blame cosmo for the fact that the undead do not eat, or sleep.

But those are the best parts...

I blame Cosmo that I'm not dead yet, so I can't turn into a ghost and haunt people.

Not that they don't follow "Levels", but more that they don't follow "Classes" and "Class Feature".

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Rysky wrote:
snickersimba wrote:
I blame cosmo for allowing me to assassinate rysky and use trap the soul on him.


Need a soul for that to work.

I blame Cosmo for Snickers thinking I have that restraining bolt.

*begins priming Hunt for pest control*

I blame Cosmo for the lack of Feline and Feline-folks in the thread, and for the lack of Mouse-Traps.