Jakaw Razorbeak

Pregen II PbP's page

159 posts. Alias of miteke.

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Marta - A.K.A. Telmar So-Melnop

L/G Female Aasimar UMonk/1 Inquisitor/15| HP: 148/148 (0/25 Ab Br)(0 NL)(0 temp hp) | AC/T/FF: 31/23/28 31/23/28 | CMD: 37 37 (+3/5)[coord def][RoTP] | F/R/W: 20/17/24 18/15/22 | Init: +11 (+2)[HuBl] (+4)[HAw] | Acro +21, Intim +37, Perc +30 (+2)[HuBl], SenMot +32, SpCft +5, Stealth +11 (+2)[HuBl], Survival +13 (+2)[HuBl] | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: see spoiler for other effects; current effects: instrument of agony, Div Favor +3, shield, height aware, shield of faith, freedom of movement, ablative barrier, see invisible, heroism (1,918 posts)
Goblin Witch
The Exchange Bauble

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50) (513 posts)
Grand Lodge Warpac

Male CG Dwarf Warpriest/10| HP: 103/103| DR 3 vs. first attack if Sacred Armor | AC/FF/Tch: 28/27/12 28/27/12 | CMD: 22 22 (+2 vs. BR) | F/R/W ST: 15/8/14 15/8/14 (+4 st soul, +2 vs. death) | Diplomacy +4, HAnim +4, Heal +11, KnEng +8, KnRel +10, Perception: +16, SenseMtv +13, SpCft +8, Survival +10 | Init: +1 (+2 underground) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: Bull's Strength, Divine Favor (1,168 posts)
Ishani Dhatri
Scarab Sages Guy du Loc

Male N/G Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge)/11 | HP: 117/117, ER 10 fire | AC/FF/Tch: 13/13/9 | CMD: 15 | F/R/W: +14/5/16 +14/5/16 | Init: +1 +1 | Speed 30 ft | Init:+1 | Diplo+21, Heal+11, Kn Arc/His/Nat/Nob/Pln+6, KnRel+16, Ling+6, Perc+12, SMot+21, SCft+7 | Active Conditions: mage armor, hunters blessing (?;?), ant haul (762 posts)
Cave Wizard
Grand Lodge Silgil

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/9 | HP: 101/101 (0/? false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10 +1 haste| CMD: 13 | F:+10, R:+5, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc, Geo +17, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, Lin+10, Perc+10, SpCft+17 | Active Conditions: mage armor, false life (1,409 posts)
Dark Archive Syllyn

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes) (993 posts)
Dark Archive Kitoro

Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3 (1,155 posts)
Sovereign Court Solstice Rain

Female C/N Ifrit Sorcerer (Elemental/Fire)/10 | HP: 76/76(?/? temp HP)| AC/T/FF: 20 16/12/10 | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 16 | F/R/W: +6/7/16 +6/7/16 | Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Init: +16 (+12 if HA not active) | Bluff +14, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +10, Intimidate +15, Kn Arc +4, Perc +2, Perform(Sing) +17, UMD +14 | Fire Resistance 20 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, False Life (468 posts)
Knight of Ozem
Grand Lodge Merry the Unreliable

Male L/G human paladin of Ghenshau/1 | HP: 5/13 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 20/12/18 | CMB/CMD: +4/+6 | F/R/W: +2/+2/+2 | Init: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +6, Perc -1 | Active Conditions: None (82 posts)
Lord-Mayor Haldmeer Grobaras
Dark Archive Deluge-Core

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended) (1,088 posts)
Dinvaya Lanalei
Sovereign Court Firewarden Yanda

Female L/N Sylph Alchemist/9 | HP: 65/66; 10 NL(0/16 false life) | AC/FF/Tch: 23/16/17 20/15/15 | CMD 21 21 | Fort/Ref/Will +11/17/6 +9/15/4 | Init: +5 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Disable Device +18, Fly +19, Heal +12, Kn Arc +10, Kn Dung +7, Kn Local +15, Kn Nat +12, Kn Planes +7, Perception +12, Spellcraft +12 | Active Conditions: ant haul, false life, protection from arrows (90/90), ablative barrier (45/45), mutagen (dex), heroism, barkskin (+4) (1,514 posts)
Grand Lodge Cyclic

Female Gnome Oracle(Nature)/5 N/N | C-HP: 47/47| M-HP: 43/43 | AC/FF/Tch: C-24/19/18 22/17/16 M-24/21/15 20/17/13 | CMB: +1, CMD: 16 | F/R/W: +4/+1/+4 | Init: +7 | Speed 15/35/50 ft | Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +9, Kn Nature +5, Kn Religion +5, Perception +5, Ride +6, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +5, Survival +4 | Active Conditions: None (482 posts)
High Clockmother Athenth Llanalir
Grand Lodge Cloudia

N/G Female Human Sorcerer(Celestial)/5 | HP: 37/37 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 16/16/10 | CMB/CMD: +3/14 | F/R/W: +3/+3/+5 | Init: +8 | Speed 30 ft | Bluff +10, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +9, Heal +4, Knowledge Arcana +4, Knowledge (any, untrained) +0, Perception +0, Perform +13, Spellcraft +4, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: mage armor (1,002 posts)
Grand Lodge Ling Chang

N/N Male Human Fighter/3| HP: 29/29| AC Norm/Tch/FF: 22/13/19 | CMB/CMD: +7/19 | F/R/W: +4/+2/+1 | Init: +2 | Speed 30 ft [armor training] | Climb +4, Linguistics +2, Perc +3, Profession Soldier +4, Survival +5, Swim +4 | Active Conditions: None (374 posts)
Rexus Victocora
Grand Lodge Cheswick Saunterlane

Male L/N Human Arcanist/3 | HP: 26/26 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 11/11/10 | CMB/CMD: +0/12 | F/R/W: +4/3/5 | Init: +8 | Speed 30 ft | Appr +8, Perc +0, Kn All +8, Ling +8, Spellcraft +9, UMD +6 | Active Conditions: None (67 posts)
Silver Crusade Tusk Two-Blade

N/G Male Half-orc Fighter/4 | HP: 37/40 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 21/15/17[ 21/15/17 | CMD: 21 | F/R/W: +8/+6/+3 | Init: +4 | Speed 20 ft | Acrobatics +3, Climb +5, Intimidate +5, Perception +1, Ride +6, Stealth +2 | Active Conditions: (550 posts)
Scrapwall Fanatic
The Concordance Hekk

Male C/N half-orc unchained barbarian/3, sorcerer/2, dragon disc/4 | HP: 93/93 (0/6 rage HP) | AC/T/FF: 20 20/10/13 | CMD: 23 | F/R/W +8/4/7 +8/4/7 (+2 will if raging) | Init: +6 | Speed 40 ft | Apprs +5, Climb +12, H Anim +7, Intim +9, Kn Arc +9, Kn Dung,Loc,Nat,Pln,Rlg +5, Perc +12, Scraft +5, Surv +4, Swim +9, UMD +7 | Active Conditions: None (1,068 posts)
Dark Archive Ques Stone

N/N Male Fetchling Summoner(Unchained Shadow Caller)/3 | HP: 24/24| AC Norm/Tch/FF: 19/11/18 15/11/14 | CMD:14 | F/R/W: +2/2/2 | Init: +1 | Speed 20 30 ft | Darkvision, Low-light Vision | Handle Animal +7, KnArc, KnLoc, KnNat, KnPln, KnRel +5, Perception +0, Spellcraft +7, UMD +7 | Active Conditions: None (572 posts)
Machine Slayer
Grand Lodge Walks with Giants

Male N/N Human Shaman (heavens)/2 | HP: 19/19| AC/FF/Tch: 17/16/11 16/15/11 | CMD 1313 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/3/6 +2/3/6 +2 vs. death| Init: +9 | Speed 20 ft | Diplomacy +5, Handle Animal +5, Heal +7, Kn Nat,Pln,Rel +5, Perception +5, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7 | Active Conditions: none (234 posts)
Grand Lodge Mrs. Book

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod, alter self (Undine) (531 posts)

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none (170 posts)
Giant Slayer

N/N male dwarf barbarian/1 | HP: 8/24 | AC/TAC: 16/13 (-1 raging) | F/R/W: +lvl +4(2)/+2(0)/+4(2) | Speed 20 ft | Athletics +2, Perc +3, Survival +2 | Active Conditions: raging (80 posts)
Chief Jubbek
Horizon Hunters Hancock the Angry

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (0/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 22 | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: Raging (697 posts)
Horizon Hunters Banterknell or BK

N/N Male Gnome Bard/3 | Init(scouting) +8 | HP: 36/36 | AC: 19 (+1 if shield active) | F/R/W: +7/10/7 | Speed 20', imprecise senses (scent), low-light vision | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +7, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | Active Conditions: courageous anthem (457 posts)
Holy Vindicator
Vigilant Seal Achurius

N/G Male Elf Cleric/3 | HP: 33/33| AC 16 | F/R/W: +8/+6/+11| Init: +9 (Detect Magic Ex Act) | Speed 30 ft | Arcana +8, Diplo +7, Med +9, Nat +9, Occ +6, Perc +9, Relig +9, Surv +4 | Active Conditions: (366 posts)
Warren Chief
Radiant Oath Chén fú

Male Halfling Monk/1 | HP: 17/17 | AC 18 | | F/R/W: +6/+8/+7 | Init: +5 | low-light vision | Speed 25 ft (10' step) | Acrobatics +6, Athletics +5, Perc +5, Stealth +5, Thievery +5 | Active Conditions: None (19 posts)
Sajan Gadadvara
Grand Lodge Torrential

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 15, 14FF, 11T | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 | F:4, R:1, W:5 | Init: +3 | Perc+7, HaAni+5, KnGeo+5, KnNat+7, SpCft+5, Surv+9 | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None (25 posts)
Silver Crusade Melnop

N/G Male Human Ranger (Ilsurian Archer)/3 | HP: 30/30| AC/FF/T: 19/17/13 | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F:+5, R:+5, W:+2 | Init: +2 | Speed 20 ft | Climb +5, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +4, Kn Dung/Geo/Nat +5, Perception +7, Ride +6, Stealth +4, Swim +6 | Active Conditions: None (67 posts)


Belle PBP

Female NG Elf Arcanist (White Mage) 1 | HP: 8/8 | AC/FF/T: 12/10/12 | CMD:11 | F:/R/W:+1/2/2 +2 vs. encht | Init: +4 | Speed 30ft | Appraise +8, Know (Arc) +8, Ling +8, Perc +7, SpCft +8(10) | Active Conditions: None (929 posts)
Othlo Janke
Bruce NPC

Expert Hireling, Skills: Diplomacy, Speech Impediments NPC ally of Hancock the Angry (72 posts)
Bygone PBP

Male C/N Vanara Cleric (Herald Caller)/6 | HP: 51/51| Init: +3 | AC: 18, 15 FF, 13Tch | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:8, R:6, W:11 | Speed 30ft | Percep +10 | Climb+8, Heal+10, KnPln+4, SnMot+9, SlghtHd+4, Stealth+6, Surv+5 | Channels 3/3 | Copycat 7/7 | Active Conditions: Inspired +2/+2, Blessed +1 to hit (102 posts)
Father Zastoran
Father Zastoran PBP
(11 posts)
Floe PBP

Female L/N Tiefling Summoner/1 | HP: 11/11 | AC/T/FF: 16/13/13 | CMB: +0, CMD: 13 | F/R/W:+3/3/2 | Init: +1 | Speed 20 ft | Bluff +4(8), Diplomacy +4, Intimidate +4 | Active Conditions: None (27 posts)
Gazwyr PBP

HP: -7/66 | AC: 18 (11 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 21 | F: +7, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Acro +1 (+5 to jump), Fly +11, Knature +11, Perc +13, SMot +3, Scaft +11, Stth +11, Surv +11, Swim +21 | Speed 40ft/fly 150ft| Active conditions: 1/2 speed from tanglefoot (38 posts)
Grey PBP

N/N Astral Eidolan/3 | HP 25/25 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 17/13/14 17/13/14 | CMD: 18 | F/R/W: +3/6/3| Init: +3 | Speed 20 (climb) ft | Darkvision (60 ft.) | Intimidate +4, Perception +4, Stealth +7, Sense Motive +4, Survival +4 | Active Conditions: mage armor (30 posts)
Hakon PBP

Male N/G human skald/1 | HP: 10/10 | AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (-1 inspire rage) | CMB +3, CMD 15 (+1 ispire rage) | Fort +3 (+1 while performing, +1 inspire rage), Ref +2, Will +1 (+1 inspire rage) | Init: +2 | Speed 30 ft | Perception +3, Bluff +6 (+7 vs. Ulfen), Intimidate +8, Knowledge (all) +2 (+3 about dwarves), Perform (wind) +6 (+7 vs. Ulfen), Profession (sailor) +3, Use Magic Device +6 Rages used: 4 | Active Conditions: Inspired Rage (64 posts)
Kyra PBP

”Kyra” | Female NG Medium (Keleshite) Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 17, T 10, FF 17 | CMD 15| F +6 R +3 W +9 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | Speed 30ft | Channel positive energy 5/5 (DC16), Rebuke death 7/7 | Active Conditions: None. (381 posts)
Sir Rekkart Cole
Little Ben PBP

Male N/N Half Orc Druid (Goliath)/10 | HP: 139/139 (+8 if elemental body) | AC Norm/FF/Tch: 24/23/11 26/25/13 | CMD: 24 25 +1 if troll | F/R/W: +16/10/16 | Init: +0 |Darkvision, Speed 30 ft | Climb +6, Dip +5, Heal +11, KnGeo,Loc +7, KnNat +5, Kn Pla +7, Perc +12, Scraft +5, SMot +4, Surv +17 | Active Conditions: Longstrider, Hunter's Blessing (giants/cold), fly (1,256 posts)
Lizardfolk Stalker
Little Buddy PBP

Male N/N Velociraptor Companion/10 | HP: 121/121 (+20 Atavism) | AC Norm/FF/Tch: 27/23/14 27/23/14 | CMD: 28 24 | F/R/W: 11/10/3 +11/10/3 | Init: +4 | low light vision, Speed 60 ft | Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Perc +5, Stealth +6, Survival +2, Swim +6 | Active Conditions: Greater Magic Fang +1 (talons), Atavism (36 posts)
Stygian Slayer
Grand Lodge Marnarius PBP

Male NE Human Slayer 7 HP: 65/67 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 19 Fl, -2 if no shield) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +7 (add +2 vs. mind-reading) | Init: +2 | Acro: +10, Bluff: +8, Disable: +11, Perc: +11, SM: +11, Stealth +12, Surv: +10 | Speed 30ft | Studied Target +2 as swift action, Sneak Attack +2d6 | Active conditions: Using Greatsword (180 posts)
Member of the Whispering Way
PbP Submission
(44 posts)
Magnifying glass
PBP Template

gender alignment race class/level | HP: XYZ/XYZ | AC: XYZ (XYZ Tch, XYZ ) | CMB: +XYZ, CMD: XYZ | F:+XYZ , R:+XYZ, W:+XYZ | Init: +XYZ | Speed XYZ ft | Perc+XYZ, skill1 +XYZ, skill2 +XYZ | Active Conditions: None (1 post)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Pregen II PbP

”Korakai” | Male N Medium Tengu Oracle 5 | HP 61/61 | AC 22 (23 with raised shield)| F +9 R +10 W +10 | Perc +8 | Default Exploration (Detect Magic) | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: electricity weakness (2), electricity weakness (5), fire resistance (5), Inspire Courage +1 (159 posts)
Churgri of Vapula
Pregen PbP

Grimmnir Female kobold sorcerer 1 | Speed 25 feet | HP 13; Resistances acid 1 | AC 15; Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +6 | Athletics +4, Deception +7, Intimidation +7, Religion +4, Stealth +5, Warfare Lore +3 | Active Conditions: Inspire courage +1 (81 posts)
Jask Derindi
Rataji PBP

Male L/E Human Wizard(enchanter)/7 | HP: 43/51 | AC (+1 if vs good): 20 (12 Tch, 19 FF) 16 (12 Tch, 15 FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 | F:+5, R:+7, W:+9 | Init: +5 | Speed 30 ft | Perc+2, bluff +15, diplomacy +12, intimidate +5, KnArc +15, KnLoc +15, KnNat +15, KnPlanes +15, Ling +15, Spellcraft +15 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor (60 minutes), See Invisible (65-? minutes) (93 posts)
Vampire Warrior
Runt PbP

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/8 | HP: 78/78| AC Norm/Tch/FF 29/15/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +13/8//15 +9/3/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +13, Intimidate +14, Knowledge Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +5, Perception +16, Sense Motive +20, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware, weapon of awe, prayer, divine favor +3 (1,703 posts)
Spooky PBP

Male C/N Dwarf Geokineticist/5 | HP: 64/75 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 16/14/12 | CMB/CMD: -1/+3 | F/R/W: +14/8/4 | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft Dwarf | Acrobatics +8, Cooking +7, Escape Artist +9, Heal +8, Perception +12, P Oration +9, Stealth +8, UMD +5 | Active Conditions: Earth Glide, Earth Climb (29 posts)
Summoned Monster

Small Earth Elemental | TN Small outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar) | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (10 Tch, 17 FF) | CMB: +9 (6), CMD: 18 (15) | F: +6, R: -1, W: +3 | Init: -1 | Perc: +4, Climb +7, Stealth +7, darkvision 60ft, tremorsense 60 ft. | Speed 20 ft., burrow 10 ft., earth glide, Active (10 posts)
Tally PBP

Male L/N Human Shaman(Spirit Warden)/4 | HP: 35/35 (3/4 sun-blessed temp HP) | AC/T/FF: 20 (+2 if law) 18/17/11 | CMD: 17 17 | F/R/W: +3/3/8 | Init: +1 | Speed 30ft | H Anim +3, Heal +7, Intim +11(9), Kn Nat,Pln,Rlg +5, Perc +8, Scraft +5, Surv +7 | Active Conditions: Barkskin (595 posts)
Contract Devil
Tanic PBP

Male N/N Oread Druid(cave)/3 | HP: 24/24 | AC Norm/FF/Tch: 18/17/12 | CMB/CMD: +5/16 | F/R/W: +5/3/8 | Init: +2 | Speed 15 ft | Climb +6, Heal +8, Perception +10, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +3, Survival +11, Swim +6 | Active Conditions: None (288 posts)
Sky Master of Air
Terry PBP
(414 posts)
Demon Slayer

C/N Male Ifrit Sorcerer 4/Oracle(Seeker) 4/Mystic Theurge 3 (12 posts)