Loot Held:
Character Portfolio reroll uses (1/chronicle):
Wand of Shield uses:
Wand of Heightened Awareness uses:
Wand of Infernal Healing uses:
Wand of Comprehend Languages uses:
Wand of Endure Elements uses:
Celestial Armor Uses (1 CL 5 fly/day):
Arcane Pool uses (11/day):
Ring of Arcane Mastery (4/day):
Black Blade Pool uses (3/day):
Rage uses (Acrimony Veil):
Empower uses (Acrimony Veil) (3/day):
Extend rod uses (3/day):
Level 1 spells used (7/day):
Level 2 spells used (7/day):
Level 3 spells used (6/day):
Level 4 spells used (4/day):
Pearl of Power uses (3/day):
Expendable Uses:
Baubles lineage must include goblin blood since he looks a lot like a goblin. Because of this, he was abandoned by his parents near a Goblin tribe, who were not so picky and naturally claimed him. He is a strange looking fellow with big ears and pointy filed teeth. He has a good heart (for a goblin) in spite of being raised by goblins and traveled to the Emerald Spire when a new goblin chief called for new tribesman to rule the first level of the spire. Discovered by ‘the great Marta’, who helped clear/recruit the first level of the spire, he was convinced to join the Pathfinders. He is naive, mischievous, kind but violent, and easy to pull one over on.
Main Stats:
Bauble (141936-2) N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12
Faction The Exchange
[alert/BB]: Blade bound Black Blade provides alertness
[any tool]: The any tool also functions as a masterwork tool for the craft skill.
[ranks/headband]: The headband of vast knowledge provides ranks in craft ice sculpting and escape artist.
[kobold]: Token of Kobold, Chronicle 7, neck slot - +2 diplomacy for humanoid reptilian
Scabbard of Staunching with pretty diamonds spelling out the acronym TBL
Black Blade Scimitar (Name: The Black Lord):
Scimitar, +3, 15 Int, 11 Wis/Cha, 14 Ego
Goals are to become rich and be a lord.
3 pool {+2[BB Int] + 1}
Unbreakable if at least 1 in pool
Black Blade Strike (+3 damage for 1 minute if spend 1 pool)
- 1 pool/Free action to add +3 damage for 1 minute
Energy Attunement: Change damage type from blade
- 1 pool/Free action to change damage type to cold, fire, elec damage
- 2 pool/Free action to change damage type to force or sonic damage
- 1 pool to Teleport Blade
Telepathy with Magus
Bonus Language: Ancient Azlanti
Weapon Cord
Ioun Torch (Chronicle 7: Sewer Dragons of Absalom)
Token of kobold (Chronicle 7: Sewer Dragons of Absalom , neck, +2 diplomacy with humanoid reptilians)
Magenta Cracked Prism Ioun Stone (+2 competence to any one skill - Stealth)
Pathfinder's Pouch
- Spell components
- Magus Spellbook
- Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend
+3 Celestial Gold Dragonhide Armor (22,400, +6 ASB, +8 max dex, -2 ACP, CL 5 fly 1/day, (from chronicle Salvation of the Sages)
Cloak of Resistance, +4
3x Pearl of Power - level 1
Belt of Physical Might (Constitution +2, Dexterity +2)
Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (skill: Craft - Ice sculpting, Escape Artist)
Ring of Arcane Mastery
Ring of Protection, +2
Amulet of Natural Armor, +2
Acrimony Veil (see chronicle 15, In Wrath’s Shadow)
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend
Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath
- Wand of Shield, 13 charges, with dog tongues decorating handle
Wand of Heightened Awareness, 6 charges, with bird beaks decorating handle
Wand of Infernal Healing, 2 charges, with toad skin decorating handle
Wand of Infernal Healing, 50 charges, with frog skin decorating handle
Wand of Comprehend Languages, 50 charges, with owl feathers decorating handle
Wand of Endure Elements, 50 ch, with Barghast talons decorating handle
1 Potion of CLW
Potion of Lesser Restoration
Oil of Bless Weapon
2 Antiplague
2 Antitoxin
2 Air Crystals
1 Litherium Blossom (Deathwatch and Deathward for 10 minutes, chronicle 8, Tide of Twilight)
Scroll with 5 lesser restoration
Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath with Scroll of Breath of Life
Scroll Box with Warding Weapon, Reduce Person, Reduce Person, Monkey Fish, Expeditious Retreat, Expeditious Retreat
Traveller’s Any-tool
Sleeves of Many Garments
2,826.90 gp or equivalent
Spellbook Contents:
- All
Level 1
- Burning Hands: 1d4/level 15’ cone, reflex for half
- Color Spray (copied): Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures.
- Enlarge Person: double size, +2 str, -2 Dex, -1 to hit, -1 AC
- Frostbite: 1 touch/level; Target takes 1d6+1/lvl cold damage and is fatigued
- Grease: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery
- Heightened Awareness (bought scroll and copied)
- Infernal Healing: Fast Healing 1 (but not damage from silver/good)
- Magic Missile: 5x 1d4+1 {1d4+1 per odd level, max 5}, 100’ + 10’/lvl
- Mount: Get Mount for 2 hours/level
- Shield (copied): Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles
- Shocking Grasp: Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6)
- Vanish: As invisibility for 1 round/level (5 max)
- Warding Weapon: Cast spells without AoO. Need weapon as component.
Level 2
- Ablative Barrier (Bought from NPC in The Rasping Rebirth)
- Animal Aspect
- Elemental Touch
- Fog Clound (Let Bygones Be spellbook)
- Glitterdust (copied)
- Invisibility
- Mirror Image, 1d4+4 images [smller]{1d4 +4[1/3 level]}[/smaller], max 8 images
- Pilfering Hand (copied from PC in On Sevenfinger's Sails)
- Pyrotechnics
- Scorching ray
Level 3
- Cloak of Winds (Let Bygones Be spellbook)
- Dispel Magic (Copied from Naur in Terror at Whistledown)
- Displacement
- Fireball (Beyond Azlante Ridge scroll)
- Fly
- Haste
- Keen Edge
- Monstrous Physique I (Efreeti Arcana, Cleansed with Fire), personal, 1r/lvl
- Phantom Steed (Let Bygones Be spellbook)
- Resist Energy, Communal wasted money - not on magus spell list.
- Stinking Cloud
- Vampiric Touch, 6d6 1 hour, touch, crit on 19, fast healing if kill opponent
- Wanted: Air Geyser
- Wanted: Burst of Speed
- Wanted: Collaborative Thaumaturgy
Level 4
- Beast Shape II (Efreeti Arcana, Cleansed with Fire)
- Black tentacles
- Dimension Door (copied from PC in On Sevenfinger's Sails
- Forceful Strike: swift action +10d4 and bull rush
- Greater Infernal Healing
- Greater Invisibility
- Monstrous Physique IICalikang (large and lots of attacks), Kappa (small, swim, grab), Deathsnatcher (med, fly 50', pounce, bite/4 claws/sting, scent, darkvision), Anunnaki (large, 50 ft. speed, fly 60 ft. (good), darkvision 60 ft., weapon, bite and 4 wings, vouivre (bite, /2 claws/2 wings with excellent damage and primary attacks, fly 40 ft. (poor), swim 50 ft., darkvision)
- Phantasmal Killer, medium range, will ST
Racial Traits, Traits:
Race Specials
Dual Talent
Starting Traits
Magical Lineage (Shocking grasp), -1 cost to metamagic
Exile (Rise of the Runelords), +2 Init: Note that this trait is not technically allowed but Reactionary is and gives the same bonus. For role play purposes I will be considering the trait as Exile, but for PFS purposes you may consider it as Reactionary.
Chronicle 4: Scions of the Sky Key, Part 2: Kaava Quarry
- Grippli's Favor: +2 bonus on cha based skill to influence gripplis
Chronicle 5: Scions of the Sky Key, Part 3: the Golden Guardian
- Sky Key Comonent (sargava)
- Stinkeye's Friend" +4 insight bonus to one ST vs gaze attack
Chronicle 6: From Under Ice
- Warm friend in a cold land: +2 circumstance bonus to diplo in Irrisen, or cross off to get +2 anywhere.
Chronicle 7: Sewer Dragons of Absalom
- Contraband dividends: used to get ioun torch
- Kobold friend: +2 diplomacy with reptilians
Chronicle 9: Tide of Twilight
- May get Litheria blossom (deat ward and death watch)
Chronicle 9: Six Seconds to Midnight
- Embeth hound: may acquire riding dog
- Henbane's token: step out of time for one round
- Touched by time: cross off to cast haste or slow
Chronicle 10: (3 xp) The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: Godhome
- Trog foe: +1 to hit and intimidate trogs. Cross off to double for 1 minute.
Chronicle 11: The Golden Serpent
- Raktavarna Improved Familiar: unusable due to alignment
Chronicle 12: (.5 XP) Serpent's Rise
Chronicle 11: The Golden Serpent
- Spoils of the Siege (Marnarius): boon if in scnario with him
- Trusted Pathfinder: may buy cool items like elven rune-cloak
Chronicle 13: By Way of bloodcove
Chronicle 14: Faithless and Forgotten, Part 1: Let Bygones Be
- Ally of the Green: free goodberries and may give plant ally divine favor
Chronicle 15: In Wrath's Shadow
- got cool acrimony veil
Chronicle 16: The Traitor's Lodge
Chronicle 17: Shadow's Last Stand, Part 1 - At Shadow's Door
Chronicle 18: Ageless Ambitions
Chronicle 14: Faithless and Forgotten, Part 1: Let Bygones Be
- Secrets of Thuvain Acadademy: gain access to class and abilities that are irrelevant to character.
Chronicle 19: From the Tome of Righteous Repose
- Righteous Redemption: check of to get some low level itms.
- Worthy Foe: swift action and one box to get +2 to hit, +2 damage, +2 AC or +2 spell penetration, +1 DC, and +2 ST vs undead for one turn
Chronicle 20: (.5 XP) Forged in Flame, Part 1: The Cinderswordn Pact
- Fire Affinity
- Shadow over Zjarra: +2[number of fire affinity] vs fear or intimidate by Inguan or Kellish speakers. Check box and skip downtime to gain (lvl +2[number of fire affinity]) * 100 gp if he defeats a fire creature.
- Zjarran entrepreneur: bonus to bluff or diplo vs. Inguan or Kellish speakers, negate some damage from Inguan or Kellish speakers
Chronicle 21: Forged in Flame, Part 2: Cleansed with Fire
- Brass Tycoon: Either
- > Check box to roll ST twice vs. fire spell (+1 ally per fire affinity)
- > Check box to make fire spell selective for self or ally (1 square per fire affinity)
- Efreeti Arcana: Scribe two spells for free used up
- Fire Affinity
Chronicle 22: Refugees of the Weary Sky
- Earth Affinity
Chronicle 23: Echoes of the Everwar Part I: The Prisoner of Skull Hill
Chronicle 24: Echoes of the Everwar Part II: Watcher of Ages
Chronicle 25: Echoes of the Everwar Part III: Terror at Whistledown
- Protector of Whistledown: +1 cha based checks with gnomes.
Chronicle 26: Salvation of the Sages
- Savior of Knowledge: +5 bonus to one knowledge roll in Absalom/Osiria. Cross off one box to get knowledge roll with 2xlevel bonus.
- Torches Respect: +2 bluff, diplomacy, intimidate vs. Torch or his agents.
Chronicle 27: Curse of the riven Sky
- Battler of Giants: Immediate action and cross off for +4 AC/CMD vs. opponents larger than you for one round.