| Active Conditions: see spoiler for other effects; current effects: instrument of agony, Div Favor +3, shield, height aware, shield of faith, freedom of movement, ablative barrier, see invisible, heroism
Cracked Magenta Prism Ioun Stone set to intimidate
Delay Poison (when she goes to bed, 28 hours)
Greater Magic Weapon on UC (when she goes to bed, 28 hours)
Greater Magic Weapon on spear (when she goes to bed, 28 hours)
Hunter's Blessing{(creature type / location type)}, when she goes to bed, 28 hours)
Halo (reactivated every 10 minutes)
Heroism (periodically, 280 minutes)
Keen Edge on Spear (when starting day, 280 minutes)
Freedom of Movement (when TBD, 280 minutes) See Invisibility (when TBD, 300 minutes[moondew]) Tongues (when ?, 150 minutes[moondew]) Corruption Resistance: chaos (when TBD, chaos, 280 minutes) Barkskin (when TBD, TBD minutes) Ablative Barrier (when TBD, 5 hours, 25 HP) Life Bubble (when TBD by TBD, TBD hours) Heightened Awareness (when TBD, 140 minutes) Heightened Awareness (when TBD, 10 minutes - cast from wand) Judgment (AC and Saves) Bane (creaturetype) Divine Favor (1 of 10) Shield of Faith (when TBD, 15 minutes[Cold Iron]) Instrument of Agony (when TBD, 14 minutes) Shield (round 1 of 10)
Standard Operating Procedures:
Always refill the ioun stone with shield between battles.
Always cast Ablative Barrier from her wand when entering potential conflict zones.
Always carry spear readied when entering potential conflict zones.
First action is typically to cast shield, activate judgment (protection and purity) and move towards action. If she thinks there might be a haste spell cast or some other good area affect buff, she will wait for it and not close.
During mission briefing an aura surrounds her and changes nature as it shifts from shadowy tendrils, to white motes, then metallic stars, and finally coruscating worms. By the end of things, barring any magical misdirection, she will know the alignment of each member of the party - a task she always performs when she is teamed up with a new group.
Marta (her nickname) was born in a church after the union of its priest, Melnop So-Yalgah, and a celestial being (who left the child in the care of her father after birth). She knows nothing about her celestial mother, as Melnop is completely unwilling to talk about it. Marta grew up steeped in the traditions of the church and in training to become a Cleric. She and her father served a small fishing village in Hermea on a craggy coast. Life was disrupted by Cheliax slavers that burned the village and made slaves of many of the inhabitants. When the slavers attempted forced entry into the church, Marta manifested a halo and intimidated the attackers so that they fled. Following the fiasco, she started worshiping Ragathiel in hopes of justice. Eventually she left and went to the city to learn the craft of the Inquisitor, vowing to fight slavery. One of her instructors encouraged her to join the Andorian chapter of the PFS after completion of her training. She is somewhat gruff. When she smiles *that* smile, those who know her know that she wants something. Telmar goes by the name Marta, Telmar being a boy’s name (she also keeps her true name a secret as it may be used to summon and bind her by a spellcaster from a different plane). She is of medium build with straight white hair and a discernible metallic sheen to her skin. Marta typically wears red and gold clothing in honor of Ragathiel with his emblem on her black cloak (gold sword crossed with red wing).
Main Stats:
Marta (141936-1) L/G Female Aasimar Inquisitor/15 Unchained Monk/1
Init +11(17) {+3[dex] +8[cunning initiative] (+4)[heightened awareness spell] (+2)[hunter's blessing spell] Senses Normal
Speed 30 ft.
Base Attack +12
Languages Common, Celestial, Goblin, Tien, Orc[Belkzen Veteren]
HP 148 {+10[1d10] +75[15d8] +3[con]*16[lvl] +16[favored class]} DR 5 vs. negative energy {Deathless Spirit}
Normal AC 31, touch 23, flat-footed 28 {10 +3[dex] +8[wis][monk] +1[monks robes] +1[drp ioun/insight] +8[Bracers of Armor/armor]} - Current Additional AC Bonuses - Potential Additional AC Bonuses +4[shield of faith/deflection] +4[shield spell/shield] +1[haste/dodge] +3[judgment/sacred] +2[blessing of fervor/dodge] +5[barkskin/NA] +1[snakeskin tunic/deflection] +2[bottled yeti fur/NA]
Normal CMD 38 {10 +10[BAB] +5[str] +3[dex] +8[wis][monk] +1[monks robes/untyped] +1[drp ioun/wayf/insight]} - Current Additional CMD Bonuses - Potential Additional CMD Bonuses +4[shield of faith/deflection] +1[haste/dodge] +3[judgment/deflection] +2/4[coordinated defense/competence] +1[ring of tactical Precision/untyped] +2[blessing of fervor/dodge]
Normal Fort +18 {+3[con] +9[inquisitor] +2[monk] +3[cloak] +1[luckstone]} - Current Additional Fort Bonuses +2[heroism/morale]
- Potential Additional Fort Bonuses +2[heroism/morale] +3[judgment/sacred] +?[shake it off/untyped] +1[ring of tactical precision]
Normal Ref +15 {+3[dex] +5[inquisitor] +2[monk] +1[deft dodger] +3[cloak] +1[luckstone]} - Current Additional Ref Bonuses +2[heroism/morale]
- Potential Additional Ref Bonuses +2[heroism/morale] +3[judgment/sacred] +?[shake it off/untyped] +1[ring of tactical precision] +1[haste/dodge] +2[blessing of fervor/dodge]
Normal Will +22 {+8[wis] +9[inquisitor] +0[monk] +1[indom faith] +3[cloak] +1[luckstone]} - Current Additional Will Bonuses +2[heroism/morale]
- Potential Additional Will Bonuses +2[heroism/morale] +3[judgment/sacred] +?[shake it off/untyped] +1[ring of tactical precision]
Special Saving Throw Bonuses:
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school [Deathless Spirit]
+2 vs. blinded or dazzled [halo]
+1 vs. disease and distraction by swarms [boon from chronicle 8]
+2 vs. sleep, paralysis, stunning [dragon style]
+2 vs. poisons and diseases [snakeskin tunic], resistance
+1/adjacent character [shake it off and solo tactics]
+1? ring of tactical precision
Stalwart: Ignore effects on successful Fort or Will ST
If a hit connects and Marta makes her intimidate check with a non-lethal attack it will cause the opponent to be shaken for as many rounds as the non-lethal damage done, provided non-lethal damage works on it because of the Enforcer feat. A second hit will cause the opponent to be sickened due to the Cruel enchantment on her amulet if it is activated.
Intimidation DC = 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier
Stunning Fist DC = 25 {10 +.5*15[inq lvl] +8[wis]} Fort save or stunned from stunning fist. (Probably a -2 from the shakened condition and maybe sickened too)
Special Modifiers
• Concentration +22 {+14[inquisitor], +8[wis]}
Orisons DC 18 {10 +1]0[spell level] +8[wis]}
• Detect Magic: Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft. 1 min/lvl
• Disrupt Undead: 1d6 vs undead ray, 25 ft + 5ft / lvl
• Guidance: +1 bonus to attack, saving throw, or skill roll. 1 min
• Read Magic: 1 page per minute. 10 min/lvl
• Resistance: +1 ST. 1 min
• Sift: Check area at range and make perception roll at -5. 30 ft range, 10 ft cube.
Level 1 DC 19 {10 +1[spell level] +8[wis]}
• Cure Light Wounds:
• Delay Poison (Page of Spell Knowledge): touch, 1 hour/level, temporarily immune to poison
• Divine Favor: +3/+3 (max) luck bonus. 1 minute
• Heightened Awareness: personal, 10 minutes/level
• Litany of Weakness:
• Shield of Faith: +4 (+2 and +1 more/6 levels) deflection bonus to AC. 1 minute/lvl
• True Strike: Personal, +20 insight to next attack. 1 round.
Level 2 DC 20 {10 +2[spell level] +8[wis]}
• Blistering Invective: Causes shaken in area and fire damage
• Corruption Resistance: touch, 10 min/level, 15 resistance vs. one alignment based attacks
• Flames of the faithful
• Instrument of Agony: weapon touched, +2 intimidate (DC 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier), discharge to mind-affecting nauseate 1d4+1 rounds, or 1 round sickened if will save made. 1 min/lvl
• See Invisibility: personal, 10 minutes/level
• Tongues: 10 minutes/level
Level 3 DC 21 {10 +3[spell level] +8[wis]}
• Burst of Speed: swift action for +20 move, move through larger creatures, and no AoO
• Cure Serious Wounds
• Heroism: 10 min/lvl, +2 Att, +2 ST, +2 Skills - all morale bonuses
• Keen Edge:
• Greater Magic Weapon: 1 hour/lvl1
• Wanted: Clay Skin
Level 4 DC 22 {10 +4[spell level] +8[wis]}
• Forced Repentance: close range, 1 round/level, Will ST, You force an evil creature that does not have the evil subtype to momentarily reflect on its past actions and be overcome by grief and conscience. The target immediately drops prone and begins to loudly confess all of its sins and transgressions to the caster for the duration of the spell. The spell immediately ends if you move out of line of sight or if the target is attacked.
• Forceful Strike: Swift action, add 1d4/level to successful strike and push back opponent. Fort save for half and no bull’s rush.
• Freedom of Movement, touch, 10 min/lvl, immunity vs paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web, grapple, or anything that impedes movement, including underwater.
• Judgment Light: various effects based on active judgments.
Level 5 DC 23 {10 +5[spell level] +8[wis]}
• Hunter's Blessing: 1 hour/level, +2 sacred bonus to certain skills, to hit, damage vs. favored enemy type and +2 init in favored terrain type
• Lend Judgment, Greater: touch, one ally, 1 round/level, all judgments given.
• Planeslayer's Call
• Resounding Blow: swift action, 1 round/level, +1d6 sonic damage and if judgment active staggered, +stunned and deafened if crit
[Charm of Wisdom] Use wisdom instead of charisma for bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate.
[Monster Lore] Add wisdom bonus on knowledge checks vs. creatures from monster lore
[grand lodge] +1 on knowledge checks if at the grand lodge from the confirmation boon
[sfoa]Boon from shadows fall on Absalom, +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge Planes.
[Stern Gaze] Add half of inquisitor level to intimidate and sense motive
[Track] Inquisitors add half of inquisitor level for tracking only
[Halo] +2 to intimidate when halo is used against evil
Dare Devil Boots +5 to acrobatics when moving through threatened spaces
[cpg ioun] Cracked Pink and Green Ioun Stone: Add +1 comp to UMD
[cmp ioun] Cracked Magenta Prism Ioun Stone: Add +2 comp to a skill determined daily (usually intimidate).
[aasimar] Aasimar 'Skilled' trait: Add +2 to perception and diplomacy
[Katheer] +1 diplomacy Katheer from boon
[masterwork tools] +2 disable device from Master Lockpicks
[e-picks] bonus to electronic locks
[GoMS] Gogles of Minute Seeing
[IM]Inquisitor's Monocle
[HB]Hunter's Blessing spell
Caravan Vanity (5 PP): Use intimidate for day job roll
See Balance Sheet for cash
Inquisitor’s Kit
Medium Tent
Silver Holy Symbol
Grappling hook
- Back to the Grave: Swift action for +1 insight bonus to hit undead, add another +1 each time you hit and undead, 5 rounds.
- History of the Sands: Take 20 on a Knowledge Religion or History (like 5th level bard lore master) . add +5 if this pertains to Osirian history or religion.
Silent Tide
- May purchase 'The Inward-Facing Circle' for 100gp. Gives a +2 on Knowledge concerning devils but takes 1 minute to use.
Perils of the Pirate Pact
The Confirmation
- Confirmed Field Agent: Free wayfinder.
- Explore, Report, Cooperate: Cross off for free or immediate action to determine if an action will help Used in passing the torch
- Friend of Janira Gavix: +1 to Knowledge rolls in the Grand Lodge
The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: The Tower Ruins
- River Kingdon Notoriety: Land parcel A
The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: The Cellars
- River Kingdon Notoriety: Land parcel B2, +1 fame and +1 Prestige
- Trap Intuition: Cross off to reroll a Reflex save to avoid a trap with a bonus equal to 1/2 character level rounded down.
Slave Ships of Absalom
- Budding Friendship: Lady Silvana (in Absalom only) will grant 1 prestige points if none would have been received.
- Liberty Never Rests: Cross of boon to roll initiative twice and take the better result.
Trial by Machine
Season 6 Boon #6
- Explorer's Endurance: Endure elements in hot conditions up 10 110 degrees F. Also +1 saving throw against disease and the distraction ability of swarms.
Season 6 Boon #5
- Expedition Manager: Free Shackles of Compliance for 6PP.
The Golemworks Incident
Shades of Ice, Part II: Exiles of Winter
Our Lady of Silver
- Defender of Katheer: +1 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy with humanoids from Katheer.
Way of the Kirin
- True ally of the Lantern Lodge: May spend 1 PP for +5 skill check in Tian Xia, +6 if in goka.
- The Kirin's Debt Repaid: If you have Debt of the Kirin from a chronicle, cross off to get a 25% discount on one 5,500 gp item.
Fortress of the Nail
- The Paracountess's Debt: Got Daredevil Boots for free.
- Respect of the Nail: Remembered by order for standing up for the law.
Year of the Shadow Lodge
- Combat Boon: Cross off and immediate action to reroll an attack before success is determined.
Wonders in the Weave, Part I: The Dog Pharoh's Tomb
- treachery in the Weave: Get boon from next chronicle
Wonders in the Weave, Part I: Snakes in the fold
- Relentless Aegis Hunter: +2 Morale bonus to attack and damage rolls vs Aegis agents while in the Hao Jin Tapestry.
The Hellknight's Feast
- Concern for Liberty: Whenever you would gain more than one Will save to overcome an enchantment(compulsion) effect, you gain a +2 bonus on the extra Will saves. Once per scenario as an immediate action you may extend this benefit to an adjacent ally for 1 round.
- Impressive Influence: key word for future chronicles. Influenced Lady Dyrianna of House Avenstar, Lord Rothus of House Vastille, Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq, and Lady Darchana of House Madinani.
Feast of Sigils
The Ironbound Schism
King Xeros of Old Azlant
Fingerprints of the Fiends
The Elven Entanglement
- Accumulating an Army (Elven Uprooters): Key word for other chronicle
Thralls of the Shattered God
- Heartswood Restored: May purchase a heartwood staff
- Valais's Wisdom: Cross off to reroll failed ST vs. demon's compulsion or possession effect.
The Sarkorian Prophesy
The Mantis's Prey
- Jayorass's Ire: Contempt from Irskin Jayorass
- Your reputation Precedes You: +2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate against members of the Red Mantis.
Shadows Fall on Absalom
- Time in Dreng's Vaults: +2 circumstance bonus on one knowledge skill (chose planes).
- Owed a Favor: Cross off for +4 Circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks during scenario in Absalom
Wardens of Sulfer Gultch
- Custom Skillchip: 2,700 gp for +4 bonus to a skill in list. Must buy skillslot for 2000 gp.
- Portable Technologist: Cross off to bring Isira Tana on mission and have Technologist feat and restore charges to a timeworn item.
King of Stoval Stairs
What Sleeps in Stone
- Fossilblight's Savior: Requisition Fossilblight at the start of an adventure.
- Graveknight's Gratitude: Check off to gain use of one item (3000gp or less) for one chronicle.
Lost at Bitter End
- Scion of Geb: +1 cha based checks with Gebbites.
Torrent's Last Will
- Water Affinity
- Welcome to the Boundless Sea: +1 diplomacy with undines and water subtype. Check off boxes for items that help swim.
Solstice Scar
- Belkzen Veteren: May spend 2PP to learn Orc as a language. May check box to gain Ferocity trait for 1 round
- Martyr's Shard: Check box to enhance weapon as free action or cast dispel magic. May purchase avenging dagger for 100K+
- Scarred champion: Check box to add 1d6 to ST vs. undead
EotT 1, Requiem for the Red Raven
EotT 2, The Maze of the Open Road
EotT 3, Red Revolution
EotT 4, Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
- Favored of the Ten: Check box to gain 2 prestige
PtT 1, Who Wears the Mask
- Elysia's Insight Check box to get ranks = level in knowledge roll or roll twice
- Mantis-Bane Check box to negate crit or sneak attack (25% stacking)
PtT 2, Who Speaks for the Ten
- Advisor to the Ten Gain 10 PP
- Torch's Bag of ContingenciesGain Handy Haversack. Check box to get item 5 lbs and 500 gp per checked box.
Siege of Gallowspire
- What Ambush? Check a box to act on the surprise round or reroll init
- Unravel Magic Check a box swift action to cast greater dispel magic
- Timely Delivery Check a box, spend 2pp, to gain item 750 gp or less.
- Tactical Strike Check a box swift action, select opponent and all attacks deal +1d8 and flank if at least two other allies are threatening the foe
- Restorative Burst Check box when going neg HP to heal as per channel for cleric of same level
- Necromatic Surge Check a box to cast a spell (control undead, finger of death, greater possession, eyebite, waves of fatigue, vampiric touch, enervation, and more.
Unleashing the Untouchable
- Elemental Boon Water affinity
- Isah's Wish +1 Wisdom
- Hammer of Smiting give smiting enhancement to a hammer weapon
- Liberated Divinity My characters may worship Ranginori
The Moonscar
- Lunar Liberator: The Moonscar held numerous insidiously influential and politically powerful prisoners, and freeing those held captive by the demons of Dominax Annuli has earned you a wealth of indebted contacts throughout the world. When you would spend Prestige Points, you may reduce the final cost of a single purchase by 8 PP. This cannot reduce the cost below 0 PP. When you use this boon, cross it off the Chronicle sheet.