
Syllyn's page

1,050 posts. Organized Play character for miteke.

Full Name

Syllyn (141936-6)


| Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12


| Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage


Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging)




Young Adult

Special Abilities

Raging Song






Common, Draconian



Homepage URL

Google Docs for Syllyn

Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 17

About Syllyn

Resource Tracking:

Loot: holy water
Temporary Boons:
Wand of CLW charges used:
Wand of Heightened Awareness charges used: 1
Performance rounds users (24/day): 2
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend charges used (3/day): heroism, barkskin
1st level spells used (5/day): moment of greatness
2nd level spells used (4/day): heroism, barkskin
Spell Kenning (1/day): barkskin
Consumable uses: Cytillesh Spores, Magnesium
Character Portfolio reroll (1/chronicle):

Standard Operating Procedures/Botting:

1) If going into a dungeon or place of probable conflict, cast heroism and use spell kenning to cast barkskin, both with the lesser metamagic rod of extend and alchemical power components to boost the caster level for duration.
2) If opening a door cast haunted fey aspect
3) In conflict move towards opponents and begin raging song as first action
4) Use CLW want to heal up to -3 or better after combat. Do not waste a charge if at -3 HP.
5) Attacks are made with raging and power attack scimitar, and spirit wisps

Syllyn is a crimson crested lizard man with breastplate armor and an adamantine scimitar. His hands are in constant motion, rapping out rhythms on his belt, shield, breastplate, table, whatever is at hand.

Main Stats:

Syllyn (141936-6) L/N Male Nagaji Skald/6

Str 20, +6 {12[race] +5[7 points spent] +1[4th level] +2[belt]}
Dex 12, +1 {10[race] +2[2 points spent]}
Con 12, +1 {10[race] +2[2 points spent]}
Int 10, +0 {8[race] +2[2 points spent]}
Wis 10, +0 {10[race] +0[0 points spent]}
Cha 17, +3 {12[race] +5[7 points spent]}

Init +1 {+1[dex]}
Senses Low light vision
Perception +7
Speed 20 ft. (breastplate)
Base Attack +4
Languages common, draconian, polyglot


HP 45 {+28[6d8] +5[con] +6[favored class]}
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 {10 +1[dex] +7[breastplate, +1] +3[shield, +1] +1[ring of protection, +1] +1[NA] -1[rage]}
AC Additional Bonuses +3[barkskin], 20% miss chance if not next to him[spirit totem]
CMD 21 {10 +4[BAB] +5[str] +1[dex] +1[raging]}
Fort +8 {+1[con] +5[skald] +1[cloak] +1[rage]}
Ref +4 {+1[dex] +2[skald] +1[cloak]}
Will +8 {+0[wis] +5[skald] +1[cloak] +2[rage]}

Special Bonuses:

  • +1 to AC if not raging
  • -2 to will and -1 fort saves if not raging
  • +4 bonus on saving throws against bardic performance, as well as all sonic or language-dependent effects.
  • +2 ST vs. mind affecting or poison (resistant race trait)

  • Offense:

    CMB +9 {+4[BAB] +5[str]};
    CMB Additional Bonuses

    Normal Attacks

  • Scimitar +10/1d6+6;18x2;S {+4[BAB] +5[str] +1[enh]/1d6 +5[str] +1[enh]}

  • Raging Scimitar +11/1d6+7;19x2;S {+4[BAB] +5[str] +1[enh] +1[rage]/1d6 +5[str] +1[enh] +1[rage]}

  • Raging Scimitar with Power Attack +9/1d6+11;19x2;S {+4[BAB] +5[str] +1[enh] +1[rage] -2[power attack]/1d6 +5[str] +1[enh] +1[rage] +4[power attack]}
  • - [dice=Scimitar to hit]1d20+9[/dice]
  • - [dice=slashing damage, +1 enhanced, adamantine]1d6+11[/dice]


  • Heavy Crossbow +5/1d10;19x2;120';P {+4[BAB] +1[dex]/1d10}
  • - [dice=Crossbow to hit]1d20+5[/dice]
  • - [dice=piercing damage]1d10[/dice]


  • Spirit Wisps +7/1d4+3;20x2;neg energy {+4[BAB] +3[cha]/1d4 +3[cha]}
  • - [dice=Spirit Wisp to hit]1d20+7[/dice]
  • - [dice=negative energy damage]1d4+3[/dice]

  • Spells:

    Special Modifiers
  • [Magic's Might] +1 CL check vs. spell resistance
  • [Magical Lineage] One less cost to use metamagic on Confusion

    Cantrips, DC 13

  • Ghost Sound
  • Haunted Fey Aspect
  • Know direction
  • Lullaby
  • Mending
  • Read Magic

    1st Level Spells, 5/day {4 + 1[cha]/day}, DC 14

  • Ear-Piercing Scream
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Moment of Greatness 1 min/lvl, allies within 50', double a morale bonus on one roll or check, before making the roll once per spell.
  • Saving Finale

    2nd Level Spells, 4/day {3 + 1[cha]/day}, DC 15

  • Anticipate Thoughts
  • Cacophanous Call, close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels), 1 round/level, Will ST negates, nauseated for the duration of the spell.
  • Heroism: touch, 10 min./level, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
  • Blistering Invective

    3rd Level Spells, 2/day {1 + 1[cha]/day}, DC 16

  • Confusion: medium range, 1 round/level, +2 DC[Magical Lineage][Focused Spell]
  • Good Hope: medium range, 1 round/level, +2 like heroism with bonus to damage
  • Thundering Drums:
  • Keen edge

    4th Level Spells, DC 17

  • Purging Finale
  • Shocking Image
  • wall of sound: medium range, 20'/level and 20'high, concentration +1 round/level, 2d6+1/lvl + 2d4 to each within 10' of triggerer

    5th Level Spells, DC 18

  • Deafening Song Bolt

  • Skills:

    Skill Ranks 24 = 4[4+0[int]]*6[skald level]

    Acrobatics -4 {+0 ranks +1[dex] +3[class] -5[ACP]}
    Appraise +0 {+0 ranks +0[int] +3[class]}
    Bluff +3 {save for vp, +0 ranks +3[cha] +3[class]}
    Climb +5 {+1 ranks +5[str] +3[class] -5[ACP]}
    Craft +0 {+0 ranks +0[int] +3[class]}
    Diplomacy +7 {+1 ranks +3[cha] +3[class]}
    Disable Device N/A {+0 ranks +1[dex] -5[ACP]}
    Disguise +3 {+0 ranks +3[cha]}
    Escape Artist -4 {+0 ranks +1[dex] +3[class] -5[ACP]}
    Fly -4 {+0 ranks +1[dex] -5[ACP]}
    Handle Animal +12 {+12[versatile performance][percussion]}
    Heal +0 {+0 ranks +0[wis]}
    Intimidate +12 {+12[versatile performance][percussion]}
    - arcana +8 {+1 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge], +1[lore] +3[class]}
    - dungeoneering +3 {+0 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class]}
    - engineering +3 {+0 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class]}
    - geography +3 {+0 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class]}
    - history +7 {+1 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class]}
    - local +7 {+1 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class]}
    - nature +7 {+1 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class]}
    - nobility +7 {+1 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class]}
    - planes +3 {+0 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class]}
    - religion +3 {+0 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class]}
    Linguistics +5 {+1 ranks +0[int], +3[Bardic Knowledge] +3[class] - polyglot}
    Perception +7 {+2 ranks +0[wis] +3[class], +2[ssen]}
    - Percussion +12 {+6 ranks +3[cha] +3[class]}
    - Sing +10 {+4 ranks +3[cha] +3[class]}
    Ride +0 {+1 ranks +1[dex] +3[class] -5[ACP]}
    Sense Motive +0 {save for vp, +0 ranks +0[wis] +3[class]}
    Sleight of Hand N/A {+0 ranks +1[dex] -5[ACP]}
    Spellcraft +4 {+1 ranks +0[int] +3[class]}
    Stealth -4 {+0 ranks +1[dex] +3[class] -5[ACP]}
    Survival +0 {+0 ranks +0[wis]}
    Swim +5 {+1 ranks +5[str] +3[class] -5[ACP]}
    Use Magic Device +7 {+1 ranks +3[cha] +3[class]}


  • Bardic Knowledge allows use of Knowledge skill untrained, add 1/2 level to knowledge skills
  • [lore] - Lore Seeker: +1 trait bonus on Knowledge Arcane
  • [ssen] - Serpent's sense +2 handle animal reptiles, +2 perception

  • Gear:

    Explorer's Outfit
    Weapon Cord
    Scimitar, adamantine +1 (want courageous enhancement!)
    Breastplate, +1, -4 ACP
    Heavy Steel Shield, +1, -1 ACP
    Ring of Protection, +1
    Cloak of resistance, +1
    Sleeves of Many Garments
    Belt of Giant Strength (+2)
    Heavy Crossbow
    2 Quivers of 10 cold iron quarrels
    1 Quivor of 8 ghost salt blanched cold iron quarrels
    Masterwork Backpack
    Spell Component Pouch
    Ioun Torch
    Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend
    Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (38 ch)
    Wand of Heightened Awareness (46 ch)
    Potion Sponge of Touch of the Sea
    Potion of CLW
    Oil of Bless Weapon
    Scrolls of 5 Lesser Restoration, Comprehend Languages, 4 Identify, Expeditious Retreat, Disguise Self, Feather Step, Silent Image, 2 Chord of Shards, Share Language, Acute senses, Delay Poison, Invisibility, Pyrotechnics, Silence
    Traveler's any-tool
    Air Crystals
    Holy Water
    1 Soul Stimulant
    2 Alchemist's Fires
    4 Alkali Flask
    Vermin Repellent
    Smelling Salts
    Climber's Kit
    Cytillesh Spores (7 doses): +1 caster level for the purpose of duration charm or compulsion
    Saltpeter (10 doses): +1 damage for fire spells
    Magnesium (9 doses): +1 CL duration for transmutation spells
    Pathfinder Chronicle (Arcana)
    Pathfinder Chronicle (History)
    Pathfinder Chronicle (Local)
    Pathfinder Chronicle (Nature)
    Pathfinder Chronicle (Nobility)

    See spreadheet for remaining gold

  • Racial Traits, Traits:

    Race Specials
  • Low-light vision
  • Armored Scales, +1 Natural armor
  • Resistant, +2 ST vs. mind affecting or poison
  • Serpent's sense +2 handle animal reptiles, +2 perception
    Starting Traits
  • Magic's Might (Religion, Inner Sea gods): Your natural affinity for magic allows you to affect even those who resist it. You gain a +1 trait bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
  • Magical Lineage (Magic/Ultimate Campaign): One of your parents was a gifted spellcaster who not only used metamagic often, but also developed many magical items and perhaps even a new spell or two—and you have inherited a fragment of this greatness. Pick one spell (Confusion) when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.

  • Class Abilities:

    Skald Abilities
  • 1) Bardic Knowledge - +3 {+6[skald level]/2} to all knowledge skills and use untrained
  • 1) Raging Song - 24/day {3 +3[cha] +6[skald level] * 2 +6[extra performances] rounds per day}
  • - 1) Inspired Rage
  • - 1) Song of Marching
  • - 6) Song of Strength
  • - 10) Dirge of Doom
  • 1) Scribe Scroll – replaced in society play
  • 1) Extra Performance – replaces Scribe Scroll, +6 performances
  • 2) Well-Versed - +4 ST bonus vs. sound based
  • 2) Versatile Performance
  • - Percussion - 2nd level, Use percussion for Handle Animal and Intimidate
  • - Sing - 7th level, Use sing for Bluff, Sense Motive
  • 3) Rage Powers
  • - 3) Lesser Spirit Totem
  • - 6) Spirit Totem
  • - 9) Increased damage reduction
  • - 9F) Increased damage reduction
  • - 12) Greater Spirit Totem
  • 4) Uncanny Dodge (Ex): not flat footed
  • 5) Swapped out Cause Fear for Saving Finale
  • 5) Spell Kenning (Su): Cast any spell on the bard, cleric, or sorcerer/wizard spell list (expanded to include druid and witch via Expanded Spell Kenning feat)
  • 7) Lore Master (Ex): May take 10 on any Knowledge skill check that he has ranks in. Once per day, may take 20 on any Knowledge skill check as a standard action.
  • 8) Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): not flanked
  • 9) Damage Reduction (Ex): 1 point of damage reduction
  • 10) Dirge of doom
  • Spell kenning 2/day

  • Feats:

  • PFS) Extra Performance
  • 1) Skald's vigor - fast healing = str bonus
  • 3) Power Attack
  • 5) Expanded Spell Kenning: may also cast from druid or witch list
  • 7) Focused Spell: +2 DC to one target among multiples
  • 9) Extra Rage Power
  • 11) Greater Skald's Vigor

  • Chronicles and Boons:

    Chronicle Images
    The First Steps: In Service to Lore
  • No boons
    The Confirmation
  • Confirmed Field Agent: Wayfinder for 1 PP or enhancement to -1 PP
  • Explore, Report, Cooperate: Free action to ask whether an action is good and cross off
  • Friend of Janira Gavix: +1 knowledge rolls in Absalom
    The Wounded Wisp
  • Explore, Report, Cooperate: Free action to ask whether an action is good and cross off
  • Prized Find: +1 PP if failed to receive full
    Crypt of the Everflame
  • Kassen’s Blessing: You carry a small charm from the spirit of Kassen. You may reroll a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check after the roll is made but before the results are revealed. You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse. Once this ability has been used, cross it off the Chronicle.
    Masks of the Living God
  • Inside Connection: You are familiar with the cult of Razmir and receive a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks against the faithful of Razmir.
  • Stolen Deeds: You have recovered several stolen deeds from the Razmiran stronghold. If you kept them for yourself, you find that having the paperwork makes securing the stolen properties easier. If you instead did what you could to return them to their proper owners, you develop a reputation as being a good neighbor. Either way, purchasing any property in Absalom costs 1 less PP than normal (minimum 1).
    City of Golden Death
  • Kassen’s Boon: As a reward for setting his spirit to rest, Kassen offers you one last blessing. With this blessing, you may add 1d6 to a single d20 roll before the results of the roll are revealed. Alternatively, a spellcaster may recall any one spell or spell slot expended that round. Finally, the boon may be used to automatically stabilize if at negative hit points and dying. Once any one of these three abilities is used, cross this entire boon off the Chronicle sheet.
    Dawn of the Scarlet Sun
  • Resources of Redemption: For your aid, the Church of Sarenrae assists you in acquiring tools of the faith. Treat your Fame score as 2 higher to determine your maximum item cost when purchasing any of the following: weapons with the bane undead, flaming, or flaming burst special ability; shields with the blinding special ability; crowns of blasting, necklaces of fireballs, phylacteries of faithfulness, staves of healing, or staves of illumination.
    Severing Ties
  • Nemesis of the Aspice: Force Aspice to reroll a d20
    Cairn of Shadows
    Siege of Serpents
  • Pathfinder's Excellence (Combat, 2 checkboxes): Check box to make two attack rolls and take best. Double crit threat vs. Aspis.

  • .
    Raging Song:
    Raging Song (Su): When the skald begins a raging song and then on each ally's turn, if the ally can hear the raging song, that ally must decide whether to accept or refuse its effects. This is not an action. Unconscious allies automatically accept the song. If accepted, the raging song's effects on that ally last for that ally's turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first.
    Inspired Rage Effects:
    Inspired Rage (Su) Affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma, Dexterity, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
    Spirit Totem(Su):
    If you accept the rage you are surrounded by spirit wisps that harass your foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to you. The attack is +7/1d4+3 and does negative energy damage.

    While raging, the spirits that surround you make it difficult for your enemies to see you. The spirits grant a 20% miss chance against ranged attacks and melee attacks made by creatures that are not adjacent to you (typically due to reach).