
Patenemheb Sitayet's page

717 posts. Alias of Decimus Observet.


Acacius Galla

Male Human Fighter 4 (Phalanx Soldier) | HP 27/40, Temp 0/0 | AC 22 with shield / Touch 14 / FF 19| Fort +6 / Ref +5 / Will +3 (+1 vs trample saves) | CMB 9 / CMD 21 (+1 vs bull rush, drag, overrun, and trip attempts) | Init +3 | Per +1 | (485 posts)
Count Strahd Von Zarvoich
Agyen the Timeless

Male TN Samsaran Oracle of Time 8 (dual-cursed) | HP: 51/51 | AC: 20/21 (11 Tch, 19/20 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 20 | F +5, R +5, W +8 | Init: +5 (no surprise round) | Per +11, SM +3, Low Light | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 6/8, 2nd 8/8, 3rd 5/6, 4th 1/4 | Active conditions: None. (229 posts)
Amadeen Irian

Female CN Elf Witch 8 | HP: 50/50 | AC: 18 (15 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F +5, R +8, W +9 | Init: +10 | Per +12, SM +9, Stl +15, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/6, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 2/4, 4th 1/3 | Active conditions: mage armour if combat obviously near (1,276 posts)
Loris Raknian
Betto Calvus

Male Human (Taldan) Brawler 2, Per +6, HP 28/28, 14 Nonlethal Damage, AC with shield 18 (20 vs goblinoids), Condition: (167 posts)
Blake Fleming

Human (Valerian)Rogue (scoundrel) 1 | HP: 7/16 | AC: 15, TAC: 12 | F: +3, R: +7, W: +6 | Perc: +6 Society +5 Deception/Diplomacy/Intimidation +7 | Speed 25ft | Hero Points: 1/1 | | Active conditions: (55 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos
Cernan Lightbearer

Male Angel-Blooded Aasimar Cavalier, Order of the Sword 1 (Standard Bearer, Strategist) (1 post)
Spider Eater

Yerath Magician/Psychic Level 4 | S11, A10, I12, W12 | Per 12 | HP 16/21 |Power 2|Spells: 3 2 1| Defense 12 | Move: 10 | Insanity: 2| Corruption: 0| Fortune: No | Status: Normal (186 posts)
Jamus Hainard
Creydon Clay

(+0 att/skills/saves) Living Male NG Halfling Bard VMC Cavalier 16 (Order of the Dragon, Arcane Duelist) | HP: 115/115 Temp: 0 | AC: 32 (16 Tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +11, CMD: 235 | F: +11, R: +18, W: +15, +2 vs enchantment spells | Init: +5 | Perc: +19, SM: +19 | Speed 30ft | Bardic Performance: 37/40 | Tactician: 4/4 | Spells: 1st 6/6, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 5/6, 4th 5/5, 5th 3/3, 6th 1/2 | [ooc][/ooc] (670 posts)
Daire McKiernan

Male CN Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 5 | HP: 56/56 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Bardic Performance: 22/28 | Mythic Power: 1/5 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/5, 3rd 0/2 | Active conditions: 0 Non-lethal Damage. (419 posts)
Aram Zey
Dayananda Kher
(1 post)
The Decipherer
(0 posts)
Automaton Master Mold

Iron Warrior Wounds: 12/17, Infamy Points: 0/3, TB: 8 (10 on legs), Armour: Head 9, Arms 9, Legs 9, Chest 11. Fatigue: 0 (101 posts)
Erebasto Geta
(78 posts)

Male of Minas Tirith Warrior (Knight) 7, Arrows 6 -> 0 | HP: 73/73 | Temp HP: 8/8 HD: 7/7| AC 20 (21 with ally) | Spd: 25ft | Init: +2 Perc: +4 PP:14 Ins +1 | Long Sword +8 (1d8+5), Great Bow: +5 (1d8+2) | Shadow: 2+1 Action Surge 1/1 | Second Wind 1/1 | Str +8* Dex +2 Con +6* Int +2 Wis +1 Cha +3 | Inspiration? No | Cond: (704 posts)
Fredric Fulk

Male LG Angel-kin Aasimar Paladin of Ragathiel (Oath of Vengeance) 10 / Champion Tier 3 | HP: 80/138 |Temp hp: 40 AC: 23 (10 Tch, 23 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 27, +2 CMB/CMD vs Demons | F +18, R +8, W +10, SR 15 vs evil | Init: +3 | Per -2, SM +15, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 50ft in full plate | Spells: 1st 3/3 2nd 2/2 3rd 1/1 | LoH: 6/8 |Smite: 4/4| Righteous Fury 6/14 | Mythic 9/9 | Active conditions: (655 posts)
Wild Elf
Galinndan Siannodel

Male CG Wood Elf Ranger (Revised) 4 | HP: 15/36 | AC: 16 (current 15) | Ins +4, Inv +1, Per +4, Stl +5, Srv +4 | Saves: S2*, D6*, C2, I1, W2, C-1 | Init: +4 | PP 14 | Speed 35ft | Inspiration: No | HD: 4/4, 1d10+2 | Spells: 1st 1/3 | Status: Madness 1, Petrified (757 posts)
Guard Captain Blacklock
Garm Dariyal

Male Wounds: 14/14, Crit 0, Fate Points: 2/3, TB: 4, Fatigue: 0, Carapace: 5 AP Arms, Legs, Head 6 AP Chest (264 posts)
GM Decimus
(283 posts)
Dwarven Rager
Goggeck Ghack

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor of Trudd (Exarch, Preacher) 4 | HP: 38/38 /42 Non-lethal: 0 | AC: 17 (10 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 15 | F: +10 (+8), R: +1, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +12 | Speed 20ft | Judgement: 2/2 | Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2| Determination: 2/2 per Day |Active conditions: Con Damage 1 (401 posts)
Joran Vhane
Gudleifr Hervardr

Male Human (Ulfen) Fighter 2 (Viking) | HP: 17/17 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Per: +2, SM: +1 | Speed 30ft | No Spells | Cold Resistance 2 | Active conditions: None. (215 posts)
Harry Kettlegrass

Healing Dice (d8): 0/2 | | | |
Male Bree Scholar 2 | HP 13/13 | AC 11 | HD 2/2 1d8+0 | Insp. 2/3 | Per +7 | Ins +5 | Init: +0 | Saves STR +0 DEX +0 CON +0 INT +5 WIS +5 CHA +1 | Spd 30 | Effects: (201 posts)
Machine Slayer
Hartgard the Quiet

Male, 15/28 Endurance Beorning Warden (76 posts)
Himo Liadon
(120 posts)
Drace Krennit
Horat "The Bulwark"

Superiority Dice: 4/4 | Second Wind: 1/1 | Action Surge: 1/1 | 1st: 1/4 | 2nd: 3/3 | 3rd: 1/3
HP 57/52 (57 with aid)| AC 18 | Saves STR +8 DEX -1 CON +5 INT +6 WIS +3 CHA -1 | spd 30 | Perc. +3; Pass. 13 | LG Human Fighter / Wizard 5 | HD 1/5 1d10+2 | Insp. 0/1 | Init: +2 | Effects: Prone (692 posts)
Jarl of the North Wind
Idrix Ashir

Male CN Fire Genasi Sorcerer 2 (pyromancer) | HP: 16/16 | AC: 12 (Mage Armour: 15) | His +1, Inv +1, Per -1, Stl +2, Srv -1 | Saves: Str +1, Dex +2, Con +5*, Int +1, Wis -1, Cha +5* | Init: +2 | Passive Perception 9, Darkvision 60ft. | Speed 30ft | Inspiration: 0 | Hit Dice: 1 / 1d6 | Spell Slots: 1st 0/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armour (8 hours) (238 posts)
Iocundius Paulum

Male Human Cleric of Order 2 AC 18 | HP: 15/15 | Temp HP: 0/0 | HD 2/2 (d8+2) | Spells 1st 2/3 | Channel 1/1 |PP 15
Str +2 Dex +1 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +5* Cha +1* | Initiative +1 | Perception +5 | Insight +5 | Inspiration? No
Conditions: None (169 posts)
Beltias Kreun
J. E. Smith
(16 posts)
Tallow Golem
Jexen the Aged

Clockwork Warrior/Fighter 3 (M) | S13, A8, I10, W10 | HP 1/26 | Defense 14 | Insanity 4 | Fortune: No | Move: 8 | Status: Normal (292 posts)
Alastir Wade
Josiah Graves

Male Human (Cygnaran) Skilled Aristocrat/Pistolier (77 posts)
Female Human
Joy Summers

6 3 2 2 1 1 Master Magician/Witch/Trickster 10 (F) | S9, A13, I12 (w/coin), W13 | HP 13/31| Power 5 | Defense 14 | Insanity 3 | Fortune: No | Move: 10 | Status: Normal, definitely human (428 posts)
Cruel Instructor
Julien Lambert

WS 32 BS 35 S 32 T 33 Ag 37 Int 34 Per 37 Wp 51 Fel 31 | Damage 0 | Wounds 10 | Fate Points 2/3 | Init +5 | Armour 3 All| Talon III (24/30). Movement 3/6/12/18 (138 posts)
Aron Kir
Kadan, Future King of Thieves

Male Human Thief 4, HP 16/17 (100 posts)
Kaelmourn Vexidyre

Drow Anti-Paladin 8 (Dread Vanguard) VMC Cavalier (Order of the Star) (16 posts)
Kristleifur Ehrenskiöld

Male Svirfneblin Gunslinger 4 (Musket Master) | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (21 with shield) / Touch 17 / FF 14/15 | Fort +8 / Ref +11 / Will +8 | CMB +2 / CMD 16 | Init +8 while grit | Per +12, Blur (455 posts)

Human Barbarian 1 HP: 14/14 | Temp HP: 0/0 | HD 1/1 (d12+2) | Rage 2/2 | PP 13
AC 14 | Str +5* Dex +2 Con +4* Int +0 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Initiative +2 | Perception +3 | Insight +1 | Inspiration? No
Conditions: None (220 posts)
Grand Necromancer
(0 posts)

M Human Spy 3 - HP 18/18, AC 15 / For: +1 Ref: +5 Will: +5 / Init: +2 / Per +8 / SM +9,+11 / Conditions: (250 posts)
Lord Villastir
Lord Belros Sunwalker

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5 (434 posts)
Lothar Naelareon

Initiative 4d6 , Combat Defense 11 , Health 12 | Intrigue Defense 7 , Composure 12 (174 posts)
Darl Quethos
Lutor Messa

aka "Bill Cross", Male LE Elf Wizard 4 (Spell-sage), VMC Sorcerer (Arcane bloodline) | HP: 29/29 | AC: 15 (14 Tch, 11 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 16 | F +3, R +5, W +5 | Init: +14 | Per +7, SM +5 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/3 | Active conditions: None (346 posts)
Villamar Koth

Male NG Human (Intori) Berserker 3 (invulnerable rager) | HP: 31/54 (Raging: __/63) | AC: 16 (13 Tch, 13 Fl), DR 1/- | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +4, +2 vs spells | Init: +3 | Per: +4 | Speed 40ft | Rage | Spells: None | Active conditions: Rage 2/11, AC Now 14 (149 posts)
Friendly Fighter
Maracar the Bowman
(0 posts)
Kutholiam Vuere
Micheo Barbulcus

Male Kyton-Spawn Tiefling Hospitaler Paladin 2/Dual-Cursed Oracle of Life 2 - HP 26/38, 5 non-lethal damage Fort- +9, Ref +3, Will +8. Perception: +0. 1st: 5/5, LoH 6/6, Non-Lethal Damage 0 (592 posts)
Paracount Julistar
Miron Vladimirescu

DECEASED - Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 8, HP:__/43 temp 0, AC: 22, FF: 19, Touch: 14, CMB: +7, CMD: 20, Fort: +7, Ref: +6, Will +13, Initiative +9, Per +17, SM +21 (717 posts)
Mogmurch Rotfoot

Male Goblin Warrior 1 (Ninja) 8/12 (61 posts)
Devargo Barvasi
Mordecai Rhones

Male Wounds: 12/12, Fate Points: 2/2, TB: 4, Armour: All 0. Fatigue: 0 (248 posts)
Nestis Tassi

Male "Human" Bard 5 D&D Beyond Sheet | HP: 37/37 | AC: 15 | Ins +8, Per +5, Stl +7, Srv +3 | Saves: Str +1, Dex +7*, Con +3, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +3* | Init: +10 | Passive Perception 15, Darkvision 60ft. | Speed 30ft | Inspiration: 0 | Hit Dice: 5 / d8+2 | Spell Slots: 1st 3/4 |2nd 3/3 |3rd 1/2 | Active conditions: None (185 posts)
Mask Golem
No Man's Face
(2 posts)
General Dakovya
Noach Andre Visser

Agility d8 / Smarts d10 / Spirit d4 / Strength d4 / Vigor d4 / Missle TN 8 / Bennies 0/3 (30 posts)
(1 post)
Feral Hunter
Notch Carno

| 1 IP | 2 CP WS 31 BS 41 S 28 T 26 Ag 54 Int 34 Per 35 Wp 36 Fel 28 Wounds: 10/10 | Fatigue: 0 | Critical Damage: None | Fate Points 0/1 | Init +4 | Armour 4 body, 4 head and arms| (353 posts)
Sable Company Elite Marine
Oster Catus

Male TN Ifrit (mostly human) (Taldan) Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout, Thug) | HP: 21/43 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +2, R: +9, W: +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM: +13, Stl +18 | Speed 30ft | Burning Hands: 0/1 | Fire Resistance 5 | Active conditions: None. (708 posts)
Patenemheb Sitayet

Male Enlightened Yar-Ammonite Scholar 5 | HP: 36/36 | AC: 14 (14 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 13 | F: +1, R: +4, W: +8 | Init: -4 | Perc: +14 (+18 stonework), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | +2 to Reflex saves and +2 AC (dodge) versus traps | See as Detect Magic | 0 non-lethal damage (717 posts)
Mystic Theurge
Peter Caffrey

Male Human Druid (VMC Monk, Urban Druid) 3 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 15 (15 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F +6, R +3, W +8, -2 vs evil spells | Init: +4 | Per +8, SM +10 | Speed 30ft | Spells: Orisons: 4, 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Active conditions: None. (70 posts)
Half-Fiend Minotaur
(0 posts)
Razan Al-Amin

Male LG Syrian Nestorian Paladin 5 (hospitaler) / Holy Vindicator 1 (Oath of Charity) (37 posts)
Ostog the Unslain
Revjak of the Elk

Male CG Human (Reghed) Barbarian 4 (Zealot) | HP: 47/47, Temp: 0/0 | AC: 14 (currently: 14) | Per +2, Stl +3, Srv +2 | Saves: Str +6*, Dex +1, Con +5*, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha -1 | Init: +1 | Passive Perception 12 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration: No| Hit Dice: 4/4, 1d12+3 | Rage: 3/3 | Active conditions: Rage 0/10 (599 posts)
Dragonslayer Dwarf
Rolo Steinarsson

Male NG Dwarf Fighter 1 | HP: 19/23 | AC: 15, TAC: 12 (+2 shield) | F: +4, R: +2, W: +2 | Perc: +4 | Speed 20ft | Hero Points: 1/1 | Resonance 0/0 | Active conditions: None. (58 posts)
Sir Mikhail
Seer of the Fester Seers

Male Ganger | Me11, Mu10, H15, F8, B10, E10, Mo12, G10 | Health 11 | Damage 0 | Grit 3/3 | Defense 9 | Speed 4 | Mutagen 6 | Status: Normal | Appearance (1 post)
Siegen Ingold

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions: (143 posts)
Commander Kyan Kain
Sir Dorick Granstead

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Lion) 4, HP 40/40, F: +6, R: +2, W: -1, Init: +1, Per: -2, Sense Motive: 0 (-2 if challenged), AC: Dorick 18, Caragus 19 (526 posts)
Stauntram Uthuan

Male Lawful Dwarf Paladin 2 | HP: 19/19 | AC 14 | Luck 11 | Detection +1 |Advantage vs Disease, Poison, Magic | Low-light Vision | Speed | Spells: 1st 2/2| Gold and Gem Sense (50% for handful of gold or a gem) | Active conditions: (264 posts)

Male LG Ghoran Forest Preserver Paladin 5//Oracle of Wood 5 | HP: 49/54 | AC: 16 (11 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | F +14, R +9, W +10 | Init: +1 (max 5) | Per +3, SM +3, Low Light | Speed 30ft | Oracle: 1st 6/8, 2nd 1/3 | Paladin: 1st 1/3, LoH 1/4 | Active conditions: None (232 posts)
Kreighton Shaine
Talathel Rhuiren

Male LN Elf Fighter 7 (Lore Warden, Martial Master) | HP: 46/46| AC: 21 (22 with haste) (16 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +11/+14, CMD: 26 | F +5, R +7, W +6 | Init: +7 | Per +9, SM +2, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Spells: None | Martial Flexibility Uses: 5/6 |Active conditions: No longer plagued! (1,011 posts)
Aspis Agent
Talther Augenlos

Human Boat-Hand with Notions Damage (0) Wounds (14) Fate (3) Fortune (3/3) Resilience (4) Resolve (4/4) Movement (4) WS: 41 BS: 29 STR: 32 T: 41 Init: 31 Ag: 41 Dex: 29 Int: 33 WP: 35 Fel: 40 (361 posts)
Radosek Pavril
Tetro Aeminus

Male Human (Taldan) Cavalier, Order of the Dragon 2 (Standard Bearer, Strategist), Brawler 5 (Exemplar), Battle Herald 10 | HP: 225/225 +9 temp HP | AC: 26 (12 Tch, 26 Fl) | CMB: +21, CMD: 32 | F: +23, R: +13, W: +15 | Init: +9 (+5 without longspear) | Perc: +18, SM: +8 ; Init: +9 in battle; Per +18; Sense M +8, Aghi HP 147/147, Temp: 0 (174 posts)
Radi Hamdi

Male NG Human (Osiriani) Oracle of Life 1 (divine herbalist) | HP: 10/11 Temp: 0 | AC: 15 (16 buckler) (11 Tch, 14/15 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 13 | F: +2, R: +1, W: +5 | Init: +1 | Darkvision 60ft, Perc: +0/+2 in dim & dark, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Lay on Hands: 4/4 | Spells: 1st 0/4 | Active conditions: 2 strength damage (329 posts)
The Enraged Warrior
Throkk the Mighty

Human Barbarian 2 (Giant Instinct) | HP: 34/44 | Non-lethal: 0 |Temp HP : 0/6| AC: 17 (19 not raging), TAC: 11 (13 not raging) | F: +8, R: +3, W: +5 | Perc: +5 Athletics +6 Intimidation +1 | Speed 25ft | Hero Points: 1/2 | | Active conditions: none (235 posts)
Angvar Thestlecrit
Tizianus Vulso
(0 posts)
Trosvod "The Wyrm"

HP: 37/46; SP: 45/45 | EAC 20 KAC 22 | Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +5; +2 vs spells | Per +0|Init +5 | Move 20ft | (426 posts)
Queen Esmyra

Female LE Togani (Sunwatcher) Fighter 3 (Champion) | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Inv +0, Per +3, Rel +0, Stl +2, Srv +3 | Saves: Str +6*, Dex +2, Con +4*, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha -1 | Init: +2 | Passive Perception 13 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration: 0 | Hit Dice: 1d10, 3/3 | Spell Slots: None. | Active conditions: None. (47 posts)
Aredil Sultur
Ubaldo Hartig

Human Magistrate Damage (7) Wounds (14) Fate (3) Fortune (0/3) Resilience (3) Resolve (3/3) Movement (4) Corruption 2 Armour: Body 2 WS: 46 BS: 27 STR: 34 T: 34 Init: 47 Ag: 42 Dex: 30 Int: 47 WP: 53 Fel: 54 (142 posts)
The Horned Hunter
The Unfettered Prince

Anti-Paladin//Oracle of Nature 6 | VMC Bard | Mythic: Champion // Hierophant 3 | Vigour: 360/360 | Wounds: 121/121 | Def: 32 | FF: 12 | DR: 13/Adamantine or Huge | SR: 17 | Saves: F: +39 | R: +32 | W: +40 | CMB +22 CMD: 52 | Init: +36 | Per: +20 SM: +20 | Speed: 70' | Fly: 140' | Senses: Darkvision 150' MP 8/9 | +6 vs death effects | +2 vs energy drain, negative energy, and necromancy school | +4 vs poison (442 posts)
Adivion Adrissant
Urien Gul
(8 posts)
Sanvil Trett

Male Gillman Cavalier, Order of the Waves 5 (Beast rider) | HP: 45/49, 15 nonlethal| AC: 18 (10 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +1, W: +2 (+2 vs charm/com) | Init: +1 | Perc: +11 , SM: +1 | Challenge: 1/2 | Speed 30ft, Swim 40ft | +2 vs charm/compulsion Will saves | +2 racial against non-aboleth enchantment spells and effects, –2 aboleth sources. | Cond: Challenge vs Gillwoman | Abiel 18/18 HP, 14 AC (389 posts)
Duergar Hammer
Valens Kovac

WS 45 BS 50 S 50 (70)* T 60* Ag 45 Int 60* Per 40 Wp 50 Fel 30 | Wounds 23/23 | Fate Points 4/4 | Init +4 | Protection Left arm 29, others 30 | Iron Hands Techmarine/Forge Master/First Company Veteran/Techsorcist (67 posts)
Akron Erix
Vasyl Zima

Male WS 33 BS 30 S 37 T 42 Ag 45 Int 36 Per 37 Wp 34 Fel 33 | Wounds 11/11 | Fate Points 1/4 | Init +6 | Armour 4 Head, Arms, Body| Armageddon 15/15, Orthlack Mark IV (12/12). (666 posts)
Veig Fairmane

Male Dwarf of the Iron Hills Slayer (future foe-hammer) HP: 3/15 | Temp HP: 0/0 | HD 1/1 (d12+3) | Battle Fury 0/2
AC 15 | Str +5* Dex +2 Con +5* Int +0 Wis +0 Cha +0 | Initiative +2 | Perception +2 | Insight +0 | Inspiration? No
Conditions: Poisoned (110 posts)
Zolan Ulivestra
Velatinius Caericius

Strength 3, Agility 4, Toughness 3, Intellect 5, Willpower 4, Fellowship 4, Initiative 3 (31 posts)
Artemis Entreri
Vincenzo Goya

Male Human Executioner Slayer 5 (4 posts)
Waagic Jadefingers

D&D Beyond Sheet HP: 16/38 | Temp HP: 0/0 | HD 5/5 (d8+2) | Ki 4/5
AC 16 | Str +1* Dex +6* Con +2 Int +2 Wis +2 Cha -1 | Initiative +4 | Perception +2 | Insight +2 | Inspiration? No
Conditions: None (99 posts)
Sajan Gadadvara
Wamblee Firenze

Male LN Oread Monk (Student of the Stone) 7 | HP: 58/58 | Temp HP: 0 |AC: 16 (16 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: +12, CMD: 23 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +1 | Perc: +13, SM: +11 Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Stunning Fist: 7/7, Ki 5/7 | Acid Resistance 5, DR 4/Adamantine | Active conditions: 0 non-lethal damage. (1,073 posts)
Wunibald Seger
(0 posts)
Elvish Fighter

Male CG Elf Investigator (empiricist) 6 | HP: 32/32 | AC: 20 (16 Tch, Fl 16) | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | F +3, R +8, W +5, +2 vs ench and sleep | Init: +3 | Per +11 (+14 traps), SM +9, Low Light | Speed 35ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None. (88 posts)
(7 posts)