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491 posts (23,282 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 85 aliases.
Here are links to pages that I have found helpful. Suggestions are welcome and I will likely add to this list over time.
On Gaming in General:
A video playlist of GM advice on Questing Beast's YouTube channel
D&D Play Styles: Combat as Sport vs Combat as War (long read)
On Play-by-post:
Advice on playing pbp, largely geared towards this board (by Doomed Hero).
More advice on pbp (by Painlord).
On how to run a pbp game (by Painlord).
Words on a Page (an column)
So You Want to Run a Game: Unoffical Guide for GMs New to Tavern Keeper (compiled by Harrigan).
Pathfinder 1e Guides:
A fairly comprehensive list of guides that various people have written to explain their thoughts on character classes and other aspects of Pathfinder.
A list of sample character builds, generally from a mechanical point of view.
Dungeons and Dragons 5e Guides:
Combat tips for beginning players.
A list of guides for 5th edition.
Another list of guides.