Paladin of Iomedae

Nicholae Szabo's page

915 posts. Alias of Helaman.

Organized Play Characters

Grand Lodge Andrej Koske

Male Human Fighter/1 (11 posts)
Grand Lodge Turac Llaest

HP14/18 AC 17(19); Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +7 SPD:20 Perception +6 Male Human Cleric/Warpriest 1 (Iomedae) (124 posts)
Lantern Lodge Kyoshiro Nemuri

AC17(21* Shield Spell)/Touch14/Flatfoot15/CMD 19 |Init +2| | HP 12/[30] | Fort:+7 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+3|Percept +6/Sense Motive +5|Magus Pool 3/[3] Male Minkai Human Samurai (sword Saint)/1 (Order of the Dragon) / Bladebound Magus 2 Favoured Class (177 posts)
The Exchange Badr al Din Ibn Badriyah

Init +4(+6)|AC19/Touch15/Flatfoot14/CMD 18||HP 21/[28]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+7 ;Wil+4|Percept +7/Sense Motive +2 Keleshite Human Male Gunslinger (Musket Master) /3 (Favoured Class) (392 posts)
Dark Archive Luccinus

AC20(23)/Touch12/Flatfoot16/CMD 18||HP 6/[21]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+2|Percept +3/Sense Motive +3|Init +2 Male Chellish Human Fighter/4 [+6 w/Morning Star, Longsword or shield bash (+5 if Power attacking)] (269 posts)
Silver Crusade Kaneko

AC18/Touch12/Flatfoot16/CMD 14||HP18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+5|Percept +5/Sense Motive +7|Init+2| Female Hwangot Aasimar Cleric 2 (Mendevian Priest Archetype) / Fav. Class (71 posts)
Legion Archon
Silver Crusade Aldaeth

AC17(19)/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 14||HP 13/[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+4|Percept +2/Sense Motive +2|Init + 1 Male Aasimar (Heaven Born Angel Blooded) War Priest (106 posts)
Silver Crusade Yarg Nairrod

Init +1|AC20(22)*22*/Touch11/Flatfoot16/CMD 16|CMB +5|HP 18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +7 Destructive Smite 4/[5] Male Teifling (Demon Spawn) Inquisitor / 2(Fav) (179 posts)
Nickold Starweather
Dark Archive Valdrim Archedrast

AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 15 | HP 28/[28] | Fort:+2 ;Ref:+3 ;Wil+5|Percept +5 Sense Motive +2 Male Human (Chelish) Wizard 4 (Conjurer) (68 posts)
Consortium Agent

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured) (271 posts)
Grand Lodge Tuilindondur Aka Teodor

M Male Halfling Rogue (Thief)/1 (1 post)
Morlock Slave
Grand Lodge M'grul

AC12/Touch11/Flatfoot11/CMD 14||HP 17/[17]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+2|Percept +8/Sense Motive -1 Male Tiefling (Demon Spawn) Tattooed Sorcerer 2/Abyssal Bloodline (Favoured Class) (132 posts)
Liberty's Edge Arryn Wildblood

HP:26/27, AC 20(22) Touch 11, FF 19, Init +1, Perc:-1, F+8, R+5, W+5, CMB +8, CMD 18 LoH 1/[4] Male Aasimar (Angelblooded) Paladin 3 (Favoured)/Oath of Vengence (246 posts)
Sovereign Court The Longstreet Kid

AC 18(19) Touch AC 14, Flatfoot AC 14 CMD 18 HP 18|[18] Fort +2, Reflex +8, Will -1 Male Human (Mixed Race Absolom) Swashbuckler 2 (88 posts)
Grand Lodge Alfred DuMont

Init + 4 | AC20/Touch15/Flatfoot13/CMD 16||HP 12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+0|Percept +5/Sense Motive +0 Male Human Skald (Brevoy) Fighter 1 (Swordlord) /Favoured Class: Fighter (0 posts)
Silver Crusade Yamada Tarō aka Hayai-Kage

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav) (98 posts)
Grand Lodge William Trenchard

HP 9/[9] AC 15 Male Halfling Rogue (Thief)/1 (26 posts)
Radi Hamdi
Scarab Sages Maherpa

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured) (140 posts)
Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Grand Lodge Valericus Rufinus Isauricus

NG Male Human (Chelaxian) Battle Cleric of Iomedae Level 4 AC23 (25), HP: 38/48, Other Status: Wounded 3 Fort:+9, Ref:+7, Will:+11, Perc:+9 wins initiative ties SPD: 25ft Healing Font 2/[2] (351 posts)

Grand Lodge Bob the Wizard2016
(0 posts)



AC17, touch 14, FF13, DR2, HP 19/[22], Init: +4, Cond: Healthy, F:+2 (0 vs Poison/Disease) ;R:+7 ;W:+0, Init +4, Perc +5 (+6 vs Trap) Sen Mot +5* Sword Trances 0/[0] Civilized Taikangian Male Unchained Swordmaster Rogue (166 posts)

Accidental Hero
(33 posts)
Aethorduil Faelaiien

HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight (478 posts)
Baron Hannis Drelev
Alberich Nägelein

Initiative 36 Wounds 15 Toughness 4 Acute Senses: Hearing Human Male Reiklander (50 posts)
Elvish Fighter
Andrei Brightblade

Male Elf Bladesinger/6 AC14 HP 32/[32] pass. percept 13 pass. insight 13 Init +4 Saves: S+1 D+4 Cn+1 I+4 W+3 Ch-1 HD 6/[6] Adv. vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision. Spell Recovery 3/3 Bladesong 3/3 Inspiration: N (413 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Andrej 'Catfoot'

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class (429 posts)
Axel Rotendorf

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard (455 posts)
Borden Read

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5 (848 posts)

Brett Thistlethwaite
(0 posts)
Wild Elf

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision. (138 posts)
Chal Haako

Ref 15 (Flat Footed 13) | Fort 10 | Will | 13 Hit Points 17 | Threshold 10 | Init +2 | Perception +5 Male Neimoidian Scoundrel/1 (Slicer) (50 posts)
Clegg Zincher
Dragomir Vuk

AC16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 |HP 13/[13]| CMB +5/CMD16 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0 |Init + 1|Perception +0|Sense Mot +0 Male Human Fighter/1 (915 posts)
Aredil Sultur
Dunstan Gossington-Gorth

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion (166 posts)
Friendly Fighter

AC 24 FF 19 Touch 18 HP 90/[90] CMB +12 CMD 28 Fort +8, Ref + 13 Will +7 Init + 6 Percept +16* (+18 vs traps) Sense Mot* + 10 Favoured Enemy: Human + 4 / Good Outsiders + 2 Male Human AKA "Talks-to-Toads" Urban Ranger 6 (Favoured Class) / rogue sniper 3 (1,335 posts)
Smaar Janderfut
Ellis of Karth

Male AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2 Human Fighter (41 posts)
Loris Raknian
Emmett "Knuckles" Thorpe

AC17(18), HP15/[15] Saves: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, Stats: St18, Dx13, Cn13, In8, Ws9, Ch10 Human Fighter 2 (126 posts)
Evendur "Grim" Greymantle

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5 (759 posts)
Machine Slayer
Georghu "Grumbles" Dobre

Human Male Ranger 4 AC18 T/AC14 FF/AC14 HP36/[40] Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +5 Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 20 Init +6; Sense Mot +2 Perception +8 Ranger's Focus +2 2/[2] (220 posts)
Gilhaut DeFoere

AC16(18)|HP 13/[19]|Str+3 Int-1 Wis+5 Dex+0 Con+4 Cha+5|Init +0|Passive Perception 13|Inspiration? [N] HD 2/[2] War Priest 2/[3] Channel 1/[/1] COND: -1 Str Human (Variant) Male / War Cleric of Archeillus 2 (265 posts)
Soulbound Doll (Bear)
GM Helaman
(5,519 posts)
Beltias Kreun
Gottfried Daimler

WS 40 | BS 30 | S 40 | T 35 I Init 35 | Agi 30 | Dex 30 Int 30 | WP 27 | Fel 29 | W 12[12] | Fate 2/ 3 | Fortune 3 | Resilience 3 | Resolve 3 | Movement 4 Male Human (Reiklander) Rogue / Outlaw 1 / Brigand Condition: Fear, and must succeed to another Cool test (with 1 SL) (210 posts)
Grigor Vachkov

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9 (523 posts)

AC 17 Touch 13, Flatfoot 14 (+4 AC vs Giants)|HP 16(10)/[30] Init +3 | BAB +2 | CMB +4 | CMD 17 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) | Initiative + 3 Perc +8 (+9 for traps +10 for stone +11 stone trap), SM +6 Dwarf Male Rogue/3rd (Favoured) (167 posts)
Ulfen Raider
Hallvarðr Stormbrow

AC17 (19) HP38/[38] Cond: Healthy. Init+2 S+3, D+4,C+2,I -1,W+0,Ch+6 HD:5/5 Bardic Insp 3/[3] Perc+6, Insight+3 Invest +0 Inspiration N Menacing Male Ulfen Human Viking Valor Bard 5 (440 posts)
Beltias Kreun
Halsere Chael-Oren

Human Wizard (enchanter) 6/Rogue 1 (Spy) AC16 HP 9/[37] passive perception 17 passive insight 11 Saves: S+0 D+3 Cn+1 I+5 W+3 Ch+2 Spells: 1st (3/4) 2nd (2/3) | HD 1/1(d8)|4/4(d6) | Insp: [Y] Fire Resistance (317 posts)
Izumi Shinano

AC17, T11, FF16, CMD15, HP21(21)/(21)[24], Cond: Healthy Mv. 20. F +5, R +2, W +5, Init +3, Perc +4, Sen Mot +6 Ch. Energy 2/[4] DC14 +1Dmg per level v. Undead. Resist cold/acid/electric 5 Female Tien Scion of Humanity Aasimar Cleric/3 (Cleric Fav. class) Divine Paragon (423 posts)
Les Norton

M/Art 12 - Guns 11 - Defense 12 - Toughness 12 Fortune 6 Speed 5 Big Bruiser (19 posts)
Lorqiroth / "Lorr"

Novice Elf Male Move: 4; WS: 4+; BS: 4+; Str: 3; T: 3 Wounds: 6/[13]; I: 6; A: 1; Luck: 0/0; WP: +2; Avoid Pin: Auto Dodge: When hit, roll a D6. If a 6, blow dodged. (90 posts)
Harrow Bloodline
Dark Archive Luccinus de Concorezio

Init +2 (+6)|AC12/Touch11/Flatfoot11/CMD 10|HP 8/[8]|Fort:+1 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+3|Percept +1/Sense Motive +8 Human Chellish Male Wizard/1 Egorian Academy Infernal Binder (383 posts)
Mathus Kohlheim

AC15, touch 13, FF13, HP 35/[35], Fort:+4 ;Ref:+8 ;Will+3, Init +3, Perc +7 (+8 vs traps), Sen Mot +5 Bombs 5/[7] "Mr Black" Male Ustalav Human Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Cyrptbreaker)/3-Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)/1 (776 posts)
Mohammed As`Zaman Bey

AC 15(17) |HP 5/[11]| Str+4 Int+1 Wis+5 Dex+1 Con+3 Cha+4|Init + 1|Percept+5|Insight+5|Invest+1| Hymns 3/[3] Spell Slots #1: 3/[3] Inspired [N] Chan Divine 0/[0] HD 1/[1] Male Human Knight Examplar Errant and Acolyte of Menoth, the Creator of Man (70 posts)
Paladin of Iomedae
Nicholae Szabo

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class) (915 posts)
Mystic Theurge
Orthos of Nethys

Init +2|AC14 |HP 24/[28]|HD 3/3|Percept +6, Invest +2, Insight +6. Channel Energy 1/[1] S-1, I+2, W+5, D+2, Cn+2, Ch+1 Male Taldan Human Cleric 4/Nethys (327 posts)
Berkanin Ardoc
Petyr "Books" Oerson

Male Human Fighter (Mercenary and Ex Wizards Apprentice) AC16(18) HP 12/[12] passive perception 14 passive insight 12 Init +1 Saves: S+5 D+1 Cn+4 I+3 W+2 Ch+2 HD 1/[1] (4 posts)
Rafferty "Raff" Evenhand

AC14 HP5/[5] stat: St:14, In:9, Ws:9, Dx:14, Cn:14, Ch:13 Saves: D 13 W 14 P 13 B 16 S15 Male Human Thief/1 (61 posts)
Rascal "Raz" Stormshadow

AC12 |HP 38/[38]| Str+4 Int+0 Wis-1 Dex+3 Con+2 Cha+4|Init + 1|Passive Perception 12|Bardic Insp 1/[2] Inspiration? [N] HD 5/5 Human Bard/5 College of Valor (96 posts)
Eando Kline
Ril Trausch

Male Human Criminal Fighter AC15 HP12/[12] passive perception 13 passive insight 10 Saves: S+3 D+3 Cn+4 I+0 W+1 Ch+3 HD 1/[1] Init +3 Inspiration [y] (264 posts)
Laughing Elf
Sir Aethorduil Tarathiel

AC16(18) HP 12/[12] passive perception 13 passive insight 11 Saves: S+3 D+0 Cn+2 I-1 W+3 Ch+5 LoH 5/[5] Adv. vs Charm and Dark Vision Male Half Elf Paladin 1 (97 posts)
Valder Smiggins

Male Halfling Thief/1 (3 posts)
Lantern Bearer
Variel Darkwalker

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6 (435 posts)
Devargo Barvasi
Wolfram Schneller
(1 post)
Berserker Cannibal
Woyzeck The Strong

AC15 (16)|HP 10/[10]| Str+4 Int-2 Wis+0 Dex-1 Con+4 Cha+2|Init -2|PassPercept 8|Pass Insight 8|Pass Invest 8| Inspiration [N] Human Male "Woyzeck only pawn in game of life" (97 posts)
Yamagata Uchimasa

Human Fighter AC17, HP 19/[19], Perception 14, Att Bonus +2 (68 posts)