About Variel DarkwalkerCharacter Sheet Feats
Skills 6: + 2 Class + 4
Patron: Elements: 2nd—shocking grasp, 4th—flaming sphere, 6th—fireball
Hexes DC18
Spells Known
Cantrips - All Level 1 (9 + 1) - Bungle, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Cure Light Wounds, Ill Omen, Fumble Tongue, Mage Armour, Sleep, Summon Monster I + Shocking Grasp Level 2 - Summon Monster II, False Life, Glitter Dust, Frost Fall, Steal Breath + Burning Sphere (+ Web / FC bonus) Level 3 - Dispel Magic, Summon Monster III, Stinking Cloud, Heroism + Fireball Spells per day (each level add 1 for Int and a 2nd level 1 for Int)
Spells Memorised that day
DC15 | level 0- Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Read Magic DC16 | level 1- Burning Hands x2, Charm Person, Mage Armour, Sleep x2, DC17 | level 2- Glitter Dust, Steal Breath, Flaming Sphere, Web DC18 | level 3 - Summon Monster III, Fireball, Dispel Magic * = Cast
Spell attack + 6 (Dex + 3/BAB +3) Bow + 6 (Dex + 3/BAB +3) MW Rapier + 7 (Dex + 3/BAB +3/+1 MW) Dagger + 6 (Dex + 3/BAB +3) CMB + 4 Equipment
-- 997.56gp
Scroll - Ray of Enfeeblement Scroll - Masterwork Transformation 300gp (Used) Scroll - Summon Monster II 300gp (Used) Composite Longbow +1 str 200gp
Given away: Magical Rapier +1 "Inheritance"
The Book:
Variel: Shadows of the past: Contains 5 RP. 1 RP = bestow a hex that would otherwise take a standard action. (I think as a free action) 3 RP = As a standard action, bestow the same hex on every creature of the same type that you have identified with a knowledge check. The hex must normally take a standard action. Know weakness: If you have successfully identified a creature, in combat you may gain one of the following bonuses against creatures of that type. +2 to hit in melee, DCs of your hexes are at +1, gain +2 Dodge AC. Knowledge of the ages: Once per round you may take 10 on any knowledge check even in combat. Feed the book: Designate a creature you have identified on your turn, when that creature is slain or is defeated regain 1 RP. If that creature was a higher CR than you instead regain 3 RP. You may not have more than one designated creature at once, you may not change the creature unless the creature is defeated or has fled. Race
Standard Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is frail. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Constitution. Size: Elves are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Type: Elves are Humanoids with the elf subtype. Base Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet. Languages: Elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. Defense Racial Traits
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Magical Racial Traits
Offense Racial Traits
Senses Racial Traits
Character Notes
Favoured class 1-HP, 2-HP 3-HP HP 20 Level 1 = 8 (6 + Con + Fav Class) Level 2 = 6 (4 + Con + Fav Class) Level 3 = 6 (4 + Con + Fav Class) Level 4 = 5 (4 + Con ) Fav class to skill Level 5 = 5 (4 + Con ) Fav class to skill Level 6 = 5 (4 + Con ) Fav class to extra spell (2nd level) i = gain for 20 int The witch’s class skills are Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Progression
Level 4 Fav. Class
Variel, once of the Family Faelandailian, lived a normal life in his Elven community until its destruction by an unknown force when he was away gathering herbs and reagents for his studies in healing and magic. He returned to find the village curiously untouched yet with every man, woman and child stripped of life.
Alone, he swore terrible vengeance and the blackest of curses on the perpetrator of the deed. A storm spung up almost immediately. Fire and Rain splashed down around him, and then a voice shook him to his core sounded out of the chaos. Done! A force slammed down into the elf and knocked him unconscious. On awaking Variel knew that he had made some sort of terrible alliance but with what he still doesn't know. All he does know is that his Dark Patron speaks to him through dreams, and curiously, though a scorpion that he found sitting on the far side of the threshold of the place he once called 'home'. He became a wanderer. Finding little in his quest apart from rumours of similar incidents, he ended up in the small village of Chamarel about six months ago. Starving, he bartered services as a healer, and then when prompted by a dream, he put down roots of a sort. While treated as an oddity the village allowed him to take over an old cottage on the outskirts of town... a cottage that was once occupied but whose owner had gone missing. For coin and resources Variel joined a small group of adventurers on a small quest or two in the region, all the while patiently waiting, like a scorpion for a sign that he is to move and again hunt his enemy. Variel has abandoned his family name and taken a new title - 'Firion'. Darkwalker in the common tongue. This is because he believes that his soul is doomed to walk in darkness once his bargain is fulfilled. He sees his change as a sign of the veracity of his beliefs. Before that terrible day, he was brown of skin, red of hair and green of eye. Now his skin is marked with an unnatural pallor and hair and eyes both are coal black. On improved familiars http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2pf7j?Witches-familars-and-Improved-Familars#1 |