The Concorezio family were among the founding members of the Order of the Godclaw and the rise of the Hell Knight Orders in Cheliax. Luccinus is the youngest of four sons of Giuseppe Concorezio, but in this generation, the only one who has not been given to the Order for training.
Instead he was packed off to Absolom for training among some of the best warriors, including some tutors of the Pathfinder Society. He has been rigorously trained in war, but also to act well in polite society, to 'read' men and to be a trained observer.
Luccinus is uncertain as to the reason for such a move - he is in all respects, a born warrior but it seems he's being groomed for another task... something taking him away from his childhood dreams of joining the Hellknights in service to Cheliax.
His time with tutors from the Pathfinder society has increased until one of them delivered a letter from his father, advising him that IF there is opportunity to join the Society, that he should take it... and so he has, a dutiful son, sought such an appointment.
He is clean cut, and well groomed but his pleasant manners need to be forced rather than something that comes naturally. He is devoted to Godclaw as a faith, something that at times, is less than politically advantageous among his countrymen than the conventional worship of Asmodeus.