
Axel Rotendorf's page

455 posts. Alias of Helaman.

Full Name

Axel Rotendorf


Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19)


Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

About Axel Rotendorf

Race: Reiklander
Hair: Brown (also bearded)
Eyes: Grey
Age: 22 (Looks older)
Personal goal: Become a Magister! They get money and respect! More importantly they can use and study magic with sanction from the Empire...


Raised on the outskirts of Ussingen - not far from the river Schilder, Axel was raised only knowing his Grandfather, Hans. Hans was a stern and humourless man. For much of his youth he was just used for general labour. Then as he came into his teens he found that he spent more and more time in his presence found that some of the things he'd been taught as a child were preparation for the great revelation. His grandfather was a warlock, who had stolen his first born grandchild because the omens said that Axel too would have 'the gift'.

He started living two lives. By day he worked where ever his Grandfather rented his labours out to and by night he studied magicks and its language. His first taste of magic was when he was 17 where he calmed an angry dog. His grandfather beat him when he reported such... the risks were too great. What if he was caught? What if the spell had backfired.

Life went on. As a young man he befriended a Barge girl and friendship turned to romance. She taught him to swim... and he confided in his secret. It was not long after that the Witchhunter arrived. Axel was able to get away - his grandfather was led away for trial and execution.

Axel scrapped up what coins his Grandfather had hidden and bought passage on a river boat. He's been hiding on the rivers, moving from one place to the next ever since... its hard for witchhunters to track water after all.

WS 40 [4] (5 adv)
BS 40 [4]
Str 30 [3]
Tgh 40 (3 adv)* [4]
Init 30 [3]
Agl 30 [3]
Dex 30 [3]
Int 40 [4]
WP 40 (2 adv)* [4]
Fel 30 [3]

Wounds 19 (S + Tgh x 2 + WP + Hardy)
Fate 2 (4)
Resilience 1 (2)
Extra points 3 (2 to fate, 1 to Res)
XP: 120... buying Instinctive Diction. Swim 1 rank out of class (20xp)
First XP: 200
Buy 2nd Instinctive Diction
Second XP 60
Buy Sail 1 (barge)
Unspent 40
Post Basalisk 195, total unspent 235.
WS +5 = spent 125
Unspent = 110

Polearms +5 50

Post Island +290
Spent 300 to move to App. Wizard, and 1 pt Lore(Magick)
40 xp remaining

Total earned to date 865

Skills: Channelling (Any Colour), Dodge, Intuition, Language (Magick), Lore (Magic), Melee (Basic), Melee (Polearm), Perception
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Petty Magic, Read/Write, Second Sight Trappings: Grimoire, Staff

WS, Int and WP

Charm 33
Channelling 50 (10 Adv)*
Cool 50 (5 Adv)*
Endurance 45 (5 Adv)*
Gossip 32 (2 Adv)*
Haggle 33
Intimidate 30 (0 Adv)*
Language (Magick) 50 (10 Adv)*
Lore (Reikland) 45
Lore (Magick) 41
Polearms 45 (5 Adv)
Ranged (Bow) 45
Sail (Barge) 31 (1 Adv)
Sleight of Hand 35 (5 Adv)*
Stealth (Rural) 33 (3 Adv)*
Swim 31 (1 Adv)

Clothing and hood with pins


Minus 7/4d on sling and 10 bullets (used 2)

Remaining 5 shillings and 68.

Work on quest 17 Shillings.

Leather Jack minus 12 shillings, writing materials and learning for RP literacy learning 1/

Remaining 9 shillings, 68 pennies.

Quarterstaff 3/
Clothes 6/
Boots 5/

Remaining 12 shillings with Elf

Sling Bag
- 5 Candles,
- Chalk
- Doll
- 7 Matches,

Small sack

Doomed: TBD
Instinctive Diction (Rank 2): 1 SL per level of the talent when using Language (Magick) pg 139. See also Erratta PDF.
Petty Magick (Chosen: Animal Friend, Dart, Magic Flame, Open Lock) pg 142
Marksman pg 140
Savvy pg 144
Sharp pg pg 144
Suave pg 146
Christmas bonus: Hardy p138

Motivation: To become skilled enough to be welcomed into the colleges of magic

Short term ambition: To make some serious money... magical education is expensive.

Long term ambition: To be a rich successful recognised wizard

Where are you from? See above

What is your family like? See above

What was your childhood like? See above

Why did you leave home? See above

Who are your best friends? See above

What is your greatest desire? Going legitimate and becoming a magister. That way he can practice magic without fear.

What are your best and worst memories? Best memory is his first successful use of magic to befriend an angry dog. The worst, that feeling of fear and helplessness as he watched his Grandfather Being taken by the witch hunters to burn for witchcraft.

What are your religious beliefs? Not much of a believer, but he will bend the knee to Sigmar, and honours Bögenauer, god of Rivers and Boatmen... but this is more out of prudence.

To whom, or what, are you loyal? To his current crew. He is smart enough to know loyalty begets loyalty... that said he's smart enough not to expend trust unnecessarily.

Why are you adventuring? Partially because I am trying to avoid approaching the magisters for admission to the colleges before I feel ready but also to bank money... rumour has it that it is NOT cheap!

Advancement TBD: