Smaar Janderfut

Ellis of Karth's page

41 posts. Alias of Helaman.

Full Name

Ellis of Karth


AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2


Human Fighter








Banished Guard/Explorer

Strength 14
Dexterity 9
Constitution 11
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 8

About Ellis of Karth

Fighter - Level 1

Weapon Mastery: Longsword. Choose one type of weapon, such as longswords. You gain +1 to attack and damage with that weapon type. In addition, add half your level to these rolls (round down).
Armour Mastery: Shield. Pick one armour. You get +1 AC from that armor.
Hauler: Add your Constitution modifier, if positive, to your gear slots.
Grit: Strength. You have advantage on checks of that type to overcome an opposing force, such as kicking open a stuck door (Strength) or slipping free of rusty chains (Dexterity).

Sword (From orc statue)
A shield. 10gp
Crawling Kit 7gp (Amended 5gp)
Dagger 1gp (Amended)
A mace 5gp
2 extra torches 1gp
Dirty clothes and bandages

Intial Crawling Kit
... Cost: 5gp
... Slots Used: per Backpack
... Includes: Backpack, Flint-n-Steel, Torch x2, Rations x3, Grappling Hook, Iron Spikes x10, Rope 60ft

3gp for savings

From recruitment thread:

Background: 1d20 ⇒ 5 Banished. Intriguing.
Fighter. Let’s go human.
Advancement for human: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11 +1 when wearing a particular armour. Would have preferred +2 to con buuuut ya can’t have everything. Can that be +1 when using shields?

Advancement for level 1: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9 +2 to Con. Thank the Gods. Now Con 11.

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 4

Instead of cast out for crimes, how about banished for a disease?

I’m gonna go a caravan guard inflicted with a disease like leprosy etc. Still strong, though fading, but his charisma, dex and con are all starting to show signs of winning the battle for his health. Maaaaybe he is recovering. He isn’t sure.

There’s rumours of a cure! It makes him desperate enough to take on jobs others wouldn’t!

Gold: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 x5 = 25…


A shield. 10gp
Crawling Kit 7gp
A mace 5gp
2 extra torches 1gp
Dirty clothes and bandages

2gp for savings
