Eando Kline

Ril Trausch's page

264 posts. Alias of Helaman.

Full Name

Ril Trausch


AC15 HP12/[12] passive perception 13 passive insight 10 Saves: S+3 D+3 Cn+4 I+0 W+1 Ch+3 HD 1/[1] Init +3 Inspiration [y]


Male Human Criminal Fighter








Common, Thieves Cant


Member of crime gang/Blade for Hire

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Ril Trausch

Human Fighter 1
Medium humanoid, neutral
Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
Hit Points 12 (1d10+2)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 12 (+1), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (+0), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 16 (+3)
Saving Throws Str +3, Con +4
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +3, Deception +5, Perception +3, Stealth +5
Senses passive Perception 13
Tools Thieves Tools
Languages Common, Thieves' Cant
Fighting Style: Duelling


Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80 ft./320 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d8+3 piercing damage.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d4+5 piercing damage in melee or 1d4+3 piercing damage at range.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d8+5 piercing damage.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 2 bludgeoning damage.

Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d4+5 slashing damage.

Equipment Dagger, Light Crossbow, Rapier, studded leather, Whip, backpack, crowbar, crowbar, hammer, piton (10), rations (10), rope, hempen (50 feet), thieves' tools, tinderbox, torch (10), waterskin, 3 gp

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An extended relative of the head of the Balacazar family, Menon, the boy Ril has been raised in the family business but with a lighter hand than most. As a result he's been allowed to dabble in most aspects of 'the trade' rather forced into a particular speciality... though he had a real knack for lying and charm, and was well trained in fighting for when his gift of the gab failed. Besides, Menon wanted to give the boy sufficient skills to survive so he didn't want to put up with his sisters wailing if he got gutted by some random tough.

Uncle Menon has decided that the young man MIGHT be useful moved into polite society. There was the possibility of several long cons after all, and what better way than to get him in the backdoor than being a successful duellist for hire and agent of the City. Gods know the aging Menon had contributed more than a few gold coins to various fencing masters, and a return on investment was definitely a welcome thought.

Luckily this suits Ril down the ground. Skulking in alleys and darkened warehouses was no longer 'fun' and his immediate gang leaders were too extreme when it came to crude violence. He was a dab hand at roof running and second story work but he didn't have the focus that was the hallmark of a successful burglar. Overall he would prefer the more "honest" life of an adventurer over possible future prospects, like pit boss in a street casino or family hitman... that said he is very aware that he still under his uncles hand, a hand attached to a very very long arm.