
KoolKobold's page

Organized Play Member. 614 posts (1,846 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 21 aliases.

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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A

Thank you all. And yeah, Fosyo is largely based on how my dad treated me. The good news is a great friend group and lots of therapy have helped me in the long run.

I will say that the whole brain moss thing is based on one thing, a few years ago he talked about putting me on some MGM pine needle tea to cure me of autism. That's about the extent of how much I'm willing to talk about my past with him, but yeah.

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That makes me wonder, what is so good about Strength of Thousands? Is it because it’s in a fixed setting, which is a new setting being a magic school?

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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A

When Ano reads that name in the journal, and sees those drawings, the amurrun's entire world shatters. Her eyes go to pinprick, and her breathing becomes more rapid as everything seems to be falling apart.

"Ano?" Cherry asked, sensing the anxiety from her.

"That's...no...that can't be...it's not...it's not her, that's not Nualia! She died in the fire, I saw that fire with my own eyes!" She shrieked, her cries of anguished confusion echoing in the tunnels. "I was going to go into the fire to save her! I...She...Was she...what happened to her?!"

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Reading this guide has been helpful. If only the Kingmaker hardcover was for 1E (still struggling to understand 2E rules). Though I’m surprised Ruins of Azlant isn’t as liked as I thought it was-is underwater combat really that crappy?

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Yakman wrote:
dunno what the linking rules are, but a pretty good breakdown of the APs can be found by websearching "Tarondor's Guide to Pathfinder Adventure Paths"

Did a reading on this, I had no idea Kingmaker was that well loved. Definitely gonna do Curse of the Crimson Throne next with other friends after Runelords.

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Hello, I started GMing a Rise of the Runelord campaign with some friends and they’re all having fun, and so am I as this is my very first time running any kind of TTRPG. I have been collecting more Adventure Paths for 1st edition (I still need to read up on the rules for 2nd edition, as Extinction’s Curse seems to be a big Adventure Path), though I’m wondering if what Adventure Paths I am looking at are any good.

Here’s the AP’s I have in full:
-RotRL Anniversary Edition
-CotCT Anniversary Edition
-Hell’s Rebels
-Hell’s Vengeance
-Ironfang Invasion

AP’s I do not have all parts but am working on it:
-Reign of Winter
-Jade Regent
-Ruins of Azlant
-Iron Gods
-Return of the Runelords

AP’s that I have no parts but am considering getting:
-Strange Aeons
-Mummy’s Mask

I have heard some of these would need a little homebrew tinkering (like a part of Giantslayer that gets pretty repetitive with their encounters), but any other 1E AP’s that are fun to play with?

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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A

Not at all, Donimah you’re free to hear that conversation as much as possible. Fosyo becoming the bane of the party wasn’t on my bingo list but I am here for it.

The older amurrun clears her throat and straightens herself up as Juirya approaches, noticing that Cherry was resting on the Minakin’s shoulder.”Well then, if any kind of anger or stress can trigger this bloodrage, then it’s best that we do whatever we can to remove it. And you say ‘strip Ano of her magical abilities’, I say the better alternative of ‘removing a blight before it kills her’. If only I knew of alchemists when I was little-had a brother who was born with arcane abilities, and my parents foolishly let him blossom his skills…until he ran off to test his skills and get killed by a monster of some kind.” She then looks directly at Donimah as she says, “So, if you, with your addictive obsession with the arcane, won’t help my daughter the right way, then I’ll take the help of the Amiras. How do you like that, Cypher Rat?” That last sentence was spoken with a smirk and victorious snark.

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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A
Donimah Southlander wrote:
"I'm from Riddleport. Our manners involve knives. Be grateful I'm choosing NOT to be that well-mannered with you. I may not know much about what's going on with you or your daughter, but I know magic, and if you don't give Ano an outlet for that power, it'll burn her up from the inside. She's lucky. I had to claw and scrape for every bit of arcana I have, and Ano just has a core of it within her. But my father worked his ass off on whaling ships and fishing boats to gather the money to apprentice me to the Cypher Order, and you want her to bury it like some kind of shame, after she used it to PROTECT this town, protect YOU! That's some gratitude!"

At the mention of Riddleport, Fosyo lets out a crass short laugh, "Riddleport?! HAH! I thought you reeked of vermin, and I was right-you come from the biggest vermin nest in Varisia!" She then continued, "You wizards think you know about the arcane because you pursue it. I say you're all stupider than you look-I have seen, with my own eyes, how the arcane warps and destroys. I'd rather it burn away and turn my daughter into a husk than lead her down a path of death and madness. Perhaps she'll listen more as a husk."

The amurrun tries to leave, only for Donimah to stop her with a parchment of the rune. She snatches the rune out of the wizard's hand and shreds it up. "You know nothing about Ano! She won't resent me, besides her equally head-in-the-clouds aunt, I'm the only family she has in her life! And besides, something she needs to learn the hard way is kindness is a privilege, not a right-only those who show upmost respect should deserve kindness. And quite frankly, you're the last person in town who deserves either. Now, I'll say this again-keep away from my daughter, or else." With that she returns to her trip to the cathedral.

At Juriya's house

Within Juriya's room window, a tap can be heard. It's Cherry, with a little note.

"I uh...got a message for you. From Fosyo." There's a concerned tone in his chirps.

Letter to Juriya:

To Juriya Arima,

I would have delivered this message myself, either within this parchment or with my own words, but I am sadly too busy to visit your abode, so I will simply say this: I request that you visit with Ano as little as possible from now on. If you wish to hang around her, or speak with her, from now on it must be done with my approval. On top of that, I request that you find some kind of potion to remove Ano's blood wrath thing or whatever it is. I will gladly pay out of pocket to do so. In addition, if Ano requests to help your family with the business, I inquire you and your parents to deny her-we both know she's too clumsy and impulsive for alchemical items anyways. If you have any questions, you may speak to me personally.


Fosyo Clovermark

Cherry says to Juriya as she reads the letter, "I have no idea what's going on with Ms. Clovermark, but that goblin raid has changed her for the worst. I saw her scolding Donimah as I flew by. I think she's gonna chew out Persephone and Zeldrith next. And then there's that Oath of the Clovermark-" At muttering that out loud, the bird slaps a wing over his beak. He clearly didn't mean to say that.

At the Cathedral

As Persephone recounts another prayer to Desna, she is visited by Saryo.

"I'm surprised one of the heroes of this town would spend much of her days in the Cathedral. I don't think we've been properly introduced-Saryo Clovermark, Ano's aunt and acolyte of Desna."

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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A

Fosyo's conversation started with telling Jargie that Ano's help at the Hagfish will no longer be needed, and that she doesn't want her daughter to be so far from the house "near the perilous docks filled with who knows what kind of folk". However, before she could leave (before even letting Jargie get a word in), Arrian steps in to speak with her.

Arrian wrote:

"Hi Mrs. Clovermark. I can guess why you're here and please don't be too tough on Jargie. He hasn't encouraged me to 'be a hero'; he's as worried about me as you are about Ano. One thing he's taught me is that there are people and places worth fighting for and it's not going to be easy."

Arrian will not-so-subtly look down at Jargie's missing leg.

"And those people are your family which includes friends who are extended family. And one of those places is Sandpoint since it's our home. Ano is one of my best friends and I'd rather be hurt many times over than see her hurt once. But sometimes we have to choose to be brave and stand up. Something either scared or ordered those goblins to be suicidal in their failed attack on Sandpoint. And that someone, or something, is still out there. None of us asked for this burden but it comes with growing up and realizing the world isn't as safe as our parents want it to be. So please don't yell at Jargie too much or be too tough on Ano. They're both doing the best they can for everyone."

For the most part, Fosyo seems to be rather neutral on what the half orc says, until he asks her to not be too tough on Ano. Her fur bristled badly at that.

"Be very grateful that you spoke to me with manners and respect, but I'm going to make this very clear to you." She leaned in closer to Arrian and said in a small growl, "Do not ever say I'm being too hard on Ano. I am simply making sure she doesn't let the unnecessary glory of being a hero get into her head and getting herself killed. Because I actually care about what matters the most-keeping her alive and safe and out of trouble. And if you were as good of a friend to her as you claim, you would do the very same by keeping her away from the heroics that seems to be drawn towards you and your new little ragtag group. And if you think that is me being tough, I'll tell you what is being tough on her-throwing her out of the house, no, this damned town, and leaving her to fend for herself. So unless you want that to happen, never say I'm being hard on her again."

And with that, she turns and storms out the Hagfish, almost shoving Zeldrith out of the way without even recognizing him, her next destination being the Church-she'll make sure Father Zantus puts her to good work there, and maybe even stop whatever that bloodrage curse is.

Donimah Southlander wrote:
""Are you just going to keep hovering around your daughter and trying to scare off anyone who might look at her funny? Or are you going to let her actually enjoy her life for a bit?"

Fosyo whirled her head to see who spoke to her like that. And her fur bristled further at realizing who addressed her in such a manner.

"Oh. It's you. The one who tried to convince my daughter that her bouts of wrath are a positive instead of a negative. Listen, spellslinger, I don't have time to speak to your ilk, but the further you stay away from my daughter, the better. It will do you good to learn that those that keep their noses out of the businesses of others in this town are well appreciated. Also, if I were you, I would get some lessons in manners from Arrian." And with a flick of her tail that lightly smacked the Shoanti wizardess in the face, she continued her walk to the Cathedral.

At the Cathedral

Ano sat there within the main chamber, waiting as she was instructed. That morning, her aunt Saryo tried to have a talk with Fosyo about how controlling the mother amurrun was being, and that backfired heavily. Now Ano can't even speak to her own aunt without permission. She walked towards the chapel for Erastil, and did a small prayer.

"I'm not sure if you can hear me, or even if you want to, being a follower of Desna. But...I'm having trouble with my mother and...I don't know, they say you're good when it comes to trouble in the family. What am I doing wrong, Erastil? I want to protect this town, I want to get better at this...power in blood thing. But my mother is against it entirely. How can I convince her to let me choose my own path? How can she learn that this isn't what my father would want?"

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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A

@Donimah thank you! I tend to have a lot of creative ideas. just this morning I woke up thinking about a CG goblin warpriest of Sarenrae, and a LE dwarf evoker. might make the latter a thing, especially since that’s tied to my first ever Pathfinder character back in my high school days

and I agree with Arrian. post whenever you feel like it. if you’re sick take the time to recover.

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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A

Also clarification for Donimah and Zeldrith-yes, Fosyo shot a dirty look at you two because you stood by Ano’s side in the cathedral. Plus you’re strangers and she doesn’t trust strangers.

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Female Gnome Slayer 7/Shadowdancer 3 | HP 89/95 | AC 24, touch 17, flat-footed 20 | Fort +10 | Ref + 12 | Will +8 | Init +3 | Perception +18 | Study Target (2, +2) | Current Condition: haste (+1 attack, dodge AC & Reflex, double speed)

…I might have to look into playing calavier now holy sh-

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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A

the one I was using was from DM Salsa’s recruitment thread. I’ll copy paste it here for our convenience

Languages of Golarion Stand-Ins:

Aboleth = R'Lyehian
Abyssal = Urdu
Aklo = Telugu
Ancient Osiriani = Lao
Aquan = Tamil
Auran = Armenian
Azlanti = Greek
Catfolk = Basque
Celestial = Arabic
Draconic = Bengali
Drow = Tamil
Druidic = Irish
Dwarven = Hebrew
Elven = Welsh
Erutaki = Finnish
Giant = Latvian
Gnoll = Indonesian
Gnome = Hungarian
Goblin = Maltese
Halfling = Estonian
Hallit = Russian
Hongali = Albanian
Ignan = Georgian
Infernal = Persian
Kelish = Catalan
Minkaian = Japanese
Necril = Khmer
Orc = Czech
Osiriani = Gujarati
Polyglot = Swahili
Senzar = Macedonian
Shae = Belarusian
Shoanti = Croatian
Skald = Icelandic
Sylvan = Korean
Tengu = Filipino
Terran = Yiddish
Thassilonian = Kannada
Tien = Chinese (Traditional)
Undercommon = Thai
Varisian = Lithuanian
Varki = Malay
Vegepygmy = Zulu
Vudrani = Hindi

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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A

Cherry couldn't help but snicker a bit as Juriya fell on her face. "That was impressive, but next time, remember you don't have wings like me and-oh! Isabel and Persephone!" he chirped, looking over to see the shaman and her raven familiar and flying to sit on Persephone's shoulder. "Ano should be in the Rusty Dragon somewhere...I wonder-what in the hell is she doing?"

Chopping 1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Chopping 2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Chopping 3: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Ano was doing so well in the chopping competition, but she got too overconfident at the last one and had to stop herself from potentially chopping off one of her fingers. With a sheepish grin she headed towards the rest of the group. "Well...I tried," she smiled awkwardly, before pointing at an empty table, "Oh yeah, I reserved a table for you all! Including Arrian and..."

Intelligence roll: 1d20 ⇒ 16

"Uh, Don-ee-mah and Zel-drith?" she asked. She had a hard time remembering the names of new faces, but she was able to remember their names. She hoped.

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Ridge wrote:

This evening will seem to take forever, but to help pass the time and narrow it down...

I have here leaked information, the following six characters will not make the cut:
Elrikov Meatybone (Goblin Magus Edgelord archetype)
Merely Lynn of Cameltrot (gnome Wizardess with crippling self esteem issues)
Crow-Nan the Barbarian (Tengu who longs to hear the lamentations of the chickens)
Sychophantus Snape (Cleric who has chosen the GM as his god)
Billboy Bagman (Halfling Rogue and Tax collector)
Gowin Komodo (Kobold Monk who has taken vow not to wear underthings)

You know this is true, as it is on the internet which has never misled us

I thought this was legit for a second until I saw “edgelord”. I’m a little miffed but also genuinely impressed. Well done.

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I say the same as the others said, thank you GM Spazmodeus!

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I’m so excited!

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Same, I do hope I’m selected, but even if I’m not, I’ll thank this thread for helping me dive this deep into creating a Pathfinder character, something I haven’t done since high school.

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Ultimately decided that Ano’s blue/purple (partially color blind in the sense I can’t tell certain shades apart) spots on her head and arm are directly linked to her arcane bloodline powers, if she didn’t have it they’d probably be a very chalky white-grey like her tail.

I haven’t been this invested in a character in a good while and it’s really helping with the creative part of my brain.

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Decided to get back into art with the first project being a character concept for Ano Clovermark. the art can be found here

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Dorian 'Grey' wrote:
Why is it when I read "Shake it off" Taylor Swift popped into my head?

Now that song is in my head

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hate to be that person but it looks like you did miss a few, like Iosef (the middle aged human conjurer). just wanna make sure no one’s left from the list and everyone gets a fair shot. wishing everyone luck!

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Female Elf Bard [Archaeologist] 3/Fighter 1 | HP 20/28 | AC 15 | touch 13 | flat 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perception +11 | Archaeologist's Luck (+1, 3/6)

welcome back Harusk/Harak!

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

again, I'm really sorry for being quiet. I'm trying my best to keep up with the campaign.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

holy-I'm hoping you're okay Velvunk, and that your recovery goes by fast!

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Zarvak can't fly, even though she looks like she can. But she's a very fierce fighter; those claws and fangs of hers aren't for show.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo doesn't need optimization, all he needs is to pelt enemies full with arrows.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

HP: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

alright I'm almost done

edit: okay I think that's it

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

yeah, I'll try to get leveled up by the weekend if I can. I got some things going on these next few days, but I'll try my best to level up as fast as possible

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

okay I finally got my laptop repaired, I'm back!

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

I am so sorry for not getting this out sooner, but I’m out of commission for some time. Last Saturday my laptop broke down and needs to be repaired, and as I’m looking for a repair guy I’m stuck on mobile. Bot me if you have to. I’ll touch base when I get my laptop fixed.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

alright I am back. I'm so sorry for the weekend silence, I moved to a new apartment in the building and my Internet decided to not work until this morning. I'll be on and off but I'm back

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

thanks guys. I think I'm gonna stay, but again I can't promise that I'll always be able to keep tabs on the game. if I need to be botted then I have no problem with that.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

I'm really sorry for disappearing. lately my mental health hasn't been the best and I keep forgetting and remembering that I'm in this campaign. I'm not exactly sure if I wanna continue or not, but if I do stop I want you all to know that I had a blast

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Heya. I got a little bored and creative so I jokingly made a template that can turn some female enemy NPCs into a considerable threat. Was wondering if this would be overpowered, underpowered, or what?

Note: This is a joke template that I just made for fun.

Karen Template:
“Karen” is an acquired template that can be added to any female corporeal creature that does not possess racial Hit Die.
CR: +4
Alignment: Any evil
Defensive Abilities: A Karen gains +4 bonus on saving throws against charm, fear, and mind-affecting effects. She also gains the following ability:
-Minion Shield: Whenever a Karen has successfully charmed, frightened, or intimidated a creature into fighting on her side, she gains a +1 deflection bonus to her AC per charmed, frightened, or intimidated creature (max +4).
-Seize the Opportunity: A Karen gains a +4 bonus on all saving throws against a creature that has been the target of her charm, fear, or intimidation abilities. This stacks with her usual bonuses on saving throws. (max 2 creatures)
Special Attacks: A Karen gains the following abilities:
-Agitate: Once per day, a Karen can select one creature within her line of sight and mock it with a string of insults so horrifically prejudicial that the target is compelled to attack her. The targeted creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (equal to 10 + the Karen’s Hit Die + the Karen’s Charisma modifier); if the roll is a failure, the targeted creature can only make attacking rolls against the Karen for the next 1d6 turns, and cannot make any other action unless the targeted creature is killed or knocked prone. The targeted creature can remake the saving throw at the beginning of every turn to break out of this ability.
-Horrifying Scream: Once per day, a Karen can emit a high piercing scream of immense rage that spans in a 30 ft cone. Any creature within this ability’s radius must make a Wisdom saving throw (equal to 10 + the Karen’s Hit Die + the Karen’s Charisma modifier); if the roll is a failure, the targeted creatures are frightened for 2d6 turns. Creatures who cannot hear or are immune to fear effects are not affected by this ability. The targeted creature(s) can remake the saving throw at the beginning of every turn to break out of this ability.
-Lash Out: If a Karen takes damage, until the end of her next turn, she gains a +4 bonus on all attack and damage rolls (including spells that require attack and damage rolls) on the creature that dealt damage to her.
-Spell-like Abilities: A Karen gains the following spell-like abilities: ear-piercing scream (3/day), burning gaze (1/day), charm person (3/day)
Abilities: A Karen’s Dexterity and Constitution increases by +2, and her Charisma increases by +4
Skills: A Karen gains Intimidation as a class ability. If she already has Intimidation as a class ability, she gains a +4 racial bonus to Intimidation checks.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)
Ahmose wrote:

The Rogue ventures along with the Rangers. He crowds Xakroo.

What's that? Is that berry poisonous? Are all trees really alive? If a bear and a rabbit were s$@!ting in the woods...

Xakroo was, at first, proud to answer the first question, only to hear Ahmose immediately ask another question. And another. And another. And another.

Hold on one second! the archer blurted out, nearly overwhelmed from so many questions, One at a time! I'm an arrow shooter, not a book!

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

looking into her statistics I think all I needed was to give her a feat. I chose Improved Natural Attack for her talons.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

since the GM said I don't need to fully update, guess I'm good to go

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

I'm sorry for my silence. something came up with my mental health and I had to be hospitalized for a bit. but I'm back, yet I'm still stuck on the updating. I'll be able to try and update it fully this weekend.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo keeps himself in a tree, making sure Zarvak is well hidden...as he snipes a few hobgoblins as effectively as he can.

Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (20) + 25 = 45
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (15) + 25 = 40
Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (3) + 25 = 28
Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (6) + 25 = 31
Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (11) + 25 = 36
Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (2) + 25 = 27
Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (13) + 25 = 38

Any that hit gives him a bigger and bigger grin. After having to swallow his tongue for a while, he's finally getting to vent out his bottled frustrations on these bastards.

Longbow Damage: 1d6 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 8 + (6, 5) = 24
Longbow Damage: 1d6 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 8 + (6, 3) = 23
Longbow Damage: 1d6 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 8 + (3, 4) = 19
Longbow Damage: 1d6 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 8 + (5, 1) = 15
Longbow Damage: 1d6 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 8 + (2, 1) = 12
Longbow Damage: 1d6 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 8 + (1, 4) = 18

Using goblinoidbane arrow and favored enemy. I have this damage calculation on my sheet already but please tell me if it's wrong

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Once things died down, he went over to the longshanks to check on their injuries.

Heal: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (3) + 19 = 22

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Outside of being diagnosed as too mentally unstable to hold a job, and some massive anxiety spikes, I've been doing okay. I'm hoping you guys are doing okay as well.

I'm waiting for an approval on SSI, and depending on when I get it, I may be moving as soon as the end of this month or as late as next spring. I'll give you guys an update when exactly I'll be moving.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Oh I am feeling a bit more confident, the Archer-Herald smiled, bowing to Petrahk more in a manner of a kindly gesture then acting his part.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Yes, a joke, like, puns! Xakroo exclaimed.

Perform (comedy, untrained): 1d20 ⇒ 19

We need to think carefully on this, and not be kobold. If we start goblin up our act, we can consider our rears dragone.

Xakroo suddenly blinked. Since when in Aspu's name was he good at puns?

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo blinked, clearly confused on what to even do or say. Uh...I uh...I guess a joke wouldn't hurt?

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

What's going on now is more important than this game. We've waited this long, we can wait as long as possible.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo looks back at the camp in the distance-lots of smoke, and still some red glows from the fires that have yet to be put out. After a small chuckle, he looked to Tiran and asked him, Ready to surprise your daughter, sir?

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo and Zarvak duck down, sneaking around with the rest.

Xakroo Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28 30 if in forest terrain
Zarvak Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18 20 if in forest terrain

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo, not satisfied with the checking of their health, does another inspection of their injuries, hoping to find anyway to make them walk at normal speed.

Heal: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (16) + 18 = 34

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo just stood there...he never had a hug in his life, and was completely confused on what to even do. This shows in his expression-slightly wide eyed and thinking of the right action to take.

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