DM Salsa Presents - Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master AdamWarnock

Battle Maps | Loot Sheet

Initiative Rolls:

[dice=Cailyn Initiative]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Conrad Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Dare Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Lita Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Scrapeknee Initiative]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Willie Iniative]1d20+5[/dice]

Perception Rolls:

[dice=Cailyn Perception (Lowlight Vision)]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Conrad Perception]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Dare Perception (Darkvision)]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Lita Perception (Darkvision)]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Scrapeknee Perception]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Willie Perception]1d20+1[/dice]

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Decided to get back into art with the first project being a character concept for Ano Clovermark. the art can be found here

Ceven Valdemar wrote:
DM-Salsa wrote:

The Irespan, at the time of Rise of the Runelords, is off limits due to vicious monsters coming up and attacking a few times in the past, so that would be a bit tricky to use. I don't know if the other ruins would qualify given the abandoned or forgotten part in the prerequisite.

There will be a chance to qualify for the feat in the first book of the AP if you'd rather wait. If not, I'll see what I can come up with as far as options go.

Isn't it possible though that Kemras and some other really resourceful sage/historians were able to delve into the shallower waters where uninhabitable, less dangerous, less patrolled segments of the former Irespan stood in times past? Visually, it seems very possible.


I said tricky, not impossible. :P

I would say that Kemras could have found a small set of chambers in one of the piles of the Irespan, but they didn't go very deep. I'll discuss details if Kemras is picked.

Sounds fair to me.

DM-Salsa wrote:
The Irespan, at the time of Rise of the Runelords, is off limits due to vicious monsters coming up and attacking a few times in the past, so that would be a bit tricky to use.

Uh-oh. I'm afraid I had a similar experience in the Irespan caverns in my character's backstory, so I'll have to do some adjusting. At the moment, I've changed it to an old Thassilonian vault in Magnimar's sewer system, but I can tweak it if you want - the only reason I picked the Irespan in the first place was because it's near Zeldrith's home city and because Zeldrith has Bakrakhani ancestry.

The vault in the sewers works.

Sorry if I put a monkey-wrench in peoples' backgrounds. I've mainly been checking to see if you have them and not reading them to try giving everyone a fair shot when I make selections. Feel free to ask me if something is okay. I'm more than happy to work with you on elements of your backgrounds to make sure they match up with the world as it is at the start of the AP. I'll post some background information over the weekend specifically regarding Thassilon and the Runelords so that we're all on the same page.

@ DM-SALSA how would you feel about my Changeling being Grandma?
I would use the Age Chart, probably only Midfle Age, although tempted to go all in...hehe.

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I'm no good at drawing, so I created Manush in Baldur's Gate 3's character creator.

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Alright, I think I've fiddled with this character enough for me to throw his very fashionable hat into the ring. Enter Wilberforce "Willie" Whyte-Vetillus, Esq., Magnimarian contender for upper class twit of the year and currently vacationing in Sandpoint in order to hide from his aunt over a minor scandal (honestly, it wasn't his fault).


Wilberforce "Willie" Whyte-Vetillus, Esq.
Male human Bard 1
24 Years of Age
NG medium humanoid [human]
Init +5; Senses - Perception +1
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
HP 10 (1d8 + 1 Con mod + 1 FC bonus)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Weapon: rapier, +3 attack (1d6 damage, 18-20/x2 crit) piercing
Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 8 (-1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 17 (+3)
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats: Arcane Strike, Lingering Performance
Traits: Alabaster Outcast [noble outfit, signet ring, 200 gp item], Reactionary [+2 init.], Focused Mind [+2 concentration]
Skills (6/lvl): Bluff +7, Know (arcana) +4, Know (local) +4, Know (nature) +4, Know (nobility) +4, Know (religion) +4
B. skills: Perform (oratory) +7, Perform (keyboard) 7
Languages: Common (Taldane)
Adventuring Gear:
Other Gear: grooming kit
Weight: 4 lbs./33 lbs.
Coin: 84 gp
Cantrips: Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1st (2/day): Hideous Laughter, Saving Finale
Special Abilities
Class: bardic knowledge; bardic performance
Racial: bonus feat; skilled

Background vignette (in which our hero manages nary a word):

”This is one of the most shameful cases ever to come before this bench.”

It was all really quite rude if you stopped to think about it. Granted, young master Willie wasn’t the most adept of thinkers; his bean usually didn’t hit its stride till pretty late in the p.m.’s. Not a morning person, him. Given the early hour then, the cards weren’t exactly stacked in his favor. The cot of the jail cell certainly hadn’t helped either, not being his usual fare! He had a delicate spine. The evening’s libations had aided sleep, thankfully. The accompanying hangover wasn’t aiding said bean, however, it now floating in a mixture of colorful cocktails. As said, not fair, quite rude.

Was this ground for one of them judicial miscarriages, he wondered?

”In all my years as a magistrate, I have seldom heard a tale of such heinous iniquity.”

He was a serious sort, the judge, one of these respectable old chaps with the kind of critical gaze that made Willie’s already cot-battered spine feel gelatinous. He was looking at him mightily critically. The defendant’s box was growing smaller by the minute, and the young man felt like a badly wrapped brown-paper parcel still dressed as he was in his disheveled finery. Adopting the spirit of a defendant, he decided to defend himself, attempting an, “I say.” It came out as a sort of bleating.

“For what should be one of Magnimar’s finest to find no better way to end an evening’s hooliganism... And on the night of the university boat race!”

Ah, the old boy was an alumnus! He had suckled from the bosom of the same alma mater Willie now nestled at, or, rather, took cursory tastes from when he could find the time. It was the most dashed misfortune; Magnimar’s night life had a way of exhausting even the most spirited of chaps, and with classes insisting on being so early, well… One had to make way for the other. Surely it was completely unreasonable to deny a young fellow the bloom of his youth? Yes, a brother-in-spirit such as the judge would understand, they being university bosom buddies!

Through the haze of his morning-after, Willie realized that this relation might not be to his advantage. In fact, it could very well be the reason the magister appeared not just annoyed, but downright offended with him. He tried speaking up again. “Now look here,” he managed.

”Be quiet!”

Opening and closing his mouth ineffectively, it felt dry as a desert; roughly as silent too.

“Can our seats of learning produce barbarians so lost to decency that their highest ambition is to steal a hard-working city guard’s helmet and make off with it?”

Somehow Willie suspected the judge wouldn’t be sympathetic to the why’s and how’s of the caper. It had to be done! Pongo Mannering-Phipps had challenged him to it! He and Oofy Simpson had invented this game, you see, of nicking anything notable as a sort of trophy, really not unlike game-hunting and that was a perfectly respectable pastime, wasn’t it? Expect then Barmy Fotheringhay-Phipps had made it – the pinching that is – a prerequisite to joining this new gentlemen's club of his, and, well, then it was off to the races. Mind you, old Snorty never thought much of...

“I find you guilty as charged, Wilberforce Whyte-Vetillus, and have no alternative but to fine you the sum of five thousand gold sovereigns.”

Willie managed a gulp, he knew not of what. This was a not inconsiderable sum.

”Additionally, you should know that I am familiar with your aunt. Make no mistake – she will hear of this.”

And just like that Wilberforce was sober as an ice-cream soda on New Year’s Eve. The true horror of the situation dawned on him. He dared say that there were roughshod fellows in the world – men of blood and iron, and all that – who would curl up into a ball in the face of his Aunt Arabella. In her youth, she had quickly established herself as one of these modern, assertive women, and, like a dragon, she had only grown mightier with age. One did not cross Aunt Arabella. One did not shame her, especially. This 5000 gold piece fine was one thing. But the scandal? Willie knew that her ire would be such that you’d wonder those chaps in the olden days made such a fuss about that ‘Whispering Tyrant’ personage.

”Take him away. Away, I say!”

Away – yes, that was the ticket. He needed to get away, leave the city for a spell. Just long enough for the old beldam to calm down and see reason. Where was it his cousin Gussie had holidayed recently? Sandpoint? That would do. A nice little furlough in the countryside, just until this whole mess passed.


Young Wilberforce is readily identified as a member of the idle rich, albeit not so idle that he cannot carouse the night away. Although clearly used to the finer things in life, spirited revel and the odd liquid lunch have kept him fit as the fiddles he enjoys dancing to. Mind you, some would instead call him lanky as a lyre, and Willie is undeniably somewhat gangly in build. A long, narrow face complements this frame, always very expressive – the young man was not meant for poker. Even so, he sometimes manages to leverage his innocent blue eyes (critics would say vacuous) to his advantage, convincing people that he’s dumber than it’d first appear. No mean feat considering how an indulgent lifestyle hasn’t provided him much to work with beneath the carefully oiled dark hair. Being of good Taldan stock, he enjoys fashion from that capital of fashion. Sadly, his sense doesn’t match his ambition, leading to clothing that frankly mark him as the prat he is.


Willie considers himself a modern gentleman and although woefully out of touch with the rest of the world in many respects, he is in fact not as officious as many other upper-class twits. For one, he is too fond of a good party to be a complete snob. While he does have a sense of people’s proper stations, that’s no reason to treat his lessers poorly – or deny himself a bit of fun among said lessers. A street sweeper may make for a better drinking partner than a stuffy old lord! Willie even prides himself on a strong moral code even if actually acting on that code is something he leaves to others. It should come as no surprise that the young man hasn’t worked a day in his life. He did, however, once win a spelling competition in preparatory school, a fact he remains quite proud of.

Neither sciences nor arts could maintain his interest, though. Willie is perpetually truant from his university in Magnimar in favor of late-night carousing. He is, to be frank, no great loss at that seat of learning. As one schoolmaster put it, the young sir was to be considered "mentally negligible". A talent unrecognized by teachers and even Willie himself, however, is his penchant for music. Whether it’s belting out a ditty or plinking away at a piano, Willie enjoys adding to festivities with some tunes, an effort most appreciate even if his singing can charitably be called “spirited”. True to his book averse ways and sheltered upbringing, he can be very naive, not so much assuming the best of people as simply being ignorant of the wider world.

Player questionnaire:

Player Questionnaire - Fill out the questionnaire below. It's mostly to help me know where redlines are, where you'd like the story to go, and what you are expecting from me, though I do like getting to know people.

1. What time zone are you in?
Mom told me not to share private information online.

2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
Less than half of my years yet not half as long as the time I've half-enjoyed.

3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
Seeing mechanics and storytelling come together, although I suspect that's not a particularly helpful answer, so I'll add that I love characters passionate about their cause, whatever the cause. Ideas are fun and these make the best debate/banter/murder partners.

4. What do you expect from this game?
No expectations, only hopes, those being a classic tabletop adventure done some measure of justice in a slow and steady trickle of engaging post.

5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
Engaging posts, again. They're appreciated from fellow players as well as GM. This usually means not centering your writing entirely on your own PC, trying to remember that you're part of a team, in game and out. And if you have to bow out somewhere along the line, be candid and speak up; these games are a commitment often spanning years and if your circumstances change, for whatever reason, to the point that you can't keep up, just say so. There's no shame in that, really. (there is shame in bringing your barely disguised fetish to a table though holy shiet yes I am kink shaming you why does this keep happening)

6. What do you expect out of me?
See #5 + long walks on the beach? Maybe the added consideration that as much as you are the ultimate authority on your game world (and you absolutely are), the players' PCs are part of that world. It's a fine line to walk, but when players add to said world in small ways, work with them. When we say players should work together, that ideally includes the GM. It's all a collaborative effort.

7. Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?

If you made it through all those spoiler boxes, thanks for reading. Another thanks to DM Salsa for what has to be one of the most exhaustive and exacting recruitments I've ever seen. It speaks well of you as a game master. Hope there isn't anything I've missed here, but please just ask if so.

I should perhaps add that the character sheet is probably missing some equipment, and that I'm more than willing (fully intend on it, in fact) to move some skills around to account for other party members should I be so lucky to get into the game.

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If we're on the topic of artwork, I managed to find a photo of a piebald red fox replica (doll? unsure what it would be called) that fits what both Juriya's fox and kitsune forms look like, and am looking to find one that fits her human form (I cannot art to save my life!)

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

@ DM-SALSA how would you feel about my Changeling being Grandma?

I would use the Age Chart, probably only Midfle Age, although tempted to go all in...hehe.

If you want to, I'm not going to stop you. I am going to have questions about how her mother hasn't gotten to her before now, though.

Liberty's Edge

Base character done.

Liberty's Edge

1. What time zone are you in? EST

2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs? 40yrs

3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs? action, saving people

4. What do you expect from this game? action, chance to save people

5. What do you expect out of your fellow players? don't be rude

6. What do you expect out of me? in it for the longhaul

7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game? I havent really ran into any issues on the boards, if something pops up I'll mention it when it does

Liberty's Edge

20 questions are after the background in the profile

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Ultimately decided that Ano’s blue/purple (partially color blind in the sense I can’t tell certain shades apart) spots on her head and arm are directly linked to her arcane bloodline powers, if she didn’t have it they’d probably be a very chalky white-grey like her tail.

I haven’t been this invested in a character in a good while and it’s really helping with the creative part of my brain.

Player Questions:

1. What time zone are you in?
I'm in GMT-5, or EST/EDT.
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
I've been playing TTRPGs for nearly two decades now, and am running a couple games on these very forums.
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
Roleplaying - I love being a part of a story with other people and helping to collaboratively create an interesting narrative.
4. What do you expect from this game?
I'm hoping for interesting PCs, NPCs, and fun character interactions.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
Courtesy, engagement, and roleplaying.
6. What do you expect out of me?
Consistent posting, great characters as I've read some of your games in the past, and a fun time.
7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
I don't think there's anything that jumps out at me as being really triggering other than the general Paizo forum rules. I'm a little grossed out by eye trauma, but I can deal with that so long as it's not too graphic.

There, that should have all of the questions and such done. Please let me know if anything needs expanded/corrected/addressed.

RP Sample from War for the Crown:

Valeria awoke late, as she often did, and saw the note on her nightstand. Her room was very dark, in fact it was pitch black even at this time of day, since it was an interior room with not windows and she didn't bother with candles or lanterns unless she needed to. That it was so dark didn't bother her any as she could see quite well, even if only in grey scale. Unfortunately reading a note was something that did require some light so she said a few words and touched a bed knob that starred to glow with a silvery light that strongly resembled moonlight.

Valeria reached out and picked up the paper and read it carefully. She realized that this must be the opportunity her father had said he arranged for her. She also realized that she needed to hurry if she was going to make the meeting in time! Valeria quickly got out of bed and dressed herself, the light from the bed knob giving her enough light to decide to wear the white and blue outfit today. She ran the brush through her hair and did her makeup quickly once she was done. The job wasn't perfect but she looked good enough to manage this interview.

When she left her room Valeria saw how much light was outside and realized she was going to be cutting it close. Taking off at a run Valeria passed several of the servants who hid their amusement at her rush knowing all too well that she had slept in again. Valeria bolted out the door and came to a screeching halt, wincing and covering her eyes from the brightness for a moment, before she saw the carriage to take her to the meeting.

The family coachman, Barnard, was holding the door open for her and Valeria quickly headed that way. As he helped her in she said, "Thank you Barnard, to...,"

The middle aged man said, "Tatiana's Cafe at once. I know miss." He closed the door once she was in and climbed onto the drivers seat and said, "We're off Young Mistress," as they pulled out.

They made good time getting to the Cafe and pulled up a few minutes before eleven bells. Barnard got out and opened the door for her letting Valeria climb out of the carriage. She took his hand to help her down and she smiled at him and said, "Thank you Barnard."

The smartly dressed coachman bowed and said, "Of course Young Mistress, I will be awaiting the completion of your meeting." He smiled at her and said, "Good luck."

Valeria smiled and said "Thank you Barnard, I'll see you when I'm done." Valeria drew many looks as she stood there before the Cafe, she was wearing an exotic looking pale blue dress with a white sleeveless blouse and dark grey collar that left her shoulders bare. Her hair fell in a smooth brown wave down her back and holding her blouse together was a strange looking broach that looked like a moon with a pair of smiling lips that wore a seven pointed crown on them held her blouse and collar closed. She had sleeves that matched her dress cover her arms from the middle of her upper arm and reached down to her wrists with slits in them along the side so they poofed open and let her arms be seen. Around her stomach she wore something that looked like a sort of short corset that was tied in place and on her feet she had a pair of low heeled shoes. Over all the exotic outfit and her exotic face due to her mixed heritage made her very striking to see and drew a lot of looks.

Of those a portion that saw her looked at her and quickly decided she must be up to something even if they did not understand why. Valeria saw their frowns but she was getting used to them and decided to ignore those people. Instead she walked into the cafe and approached one of the workers as she asked, "Would you be so kind as to direct me to Ms. Lotheed's table?"

Don't forget to check the submission list to see if you are missing anything. There's a few of you that are missing the RP samples.

Also, I know I said that campaign traits from Varisia: Birthplace of Heroes were allowed, but if you could, please just use the Rise of the Runelords traits from that book.

I think I've answered everyone's questions, but if I've missed yours or owe you some information that I haven't gotten to you yet, please ping me and remind me about what it is.

I think the only question I have left is if the scent alternate racial ability is fine for Ano, cause I know scent is a strong ability. You haven't mentioned anything about it so I assumed it's fine, but figured to ask now just in case.

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Yup, that's fine. Strong smells may require a Fortitude save.

DM-Salsa wrote:

Also, I know I said that campaign traits from Varisia: Birthplace of Heroes were allowed, but if you could, please just use the Rise of the Runelords traits from that book.

Switched out 'Exile' for 'Hagfish Hopeful' since he lives there.

DM-Salsa wrote:
Yup, that's fine. Strong smells may require a Fortitude save.

I’ll take that as a perfect compromise

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Good to know that in advance, since Superior Shapeshifter also grants me access to Scent via fox form. Thanks for asking, Ano, as I was probably going to bring that up as well since Scent can be busted.

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"Willie" Whyte-Vetillus, Esq. wrote:

Alright, I think I've fiddled with this character enough for me to throw his very fashionable hat into the ring. Enter Wilberforce "Willie" Whyte-Vetillus, Esq., Magnimarian contender for upper class twit of the year and currently vacationing in Sandpoint in order to hide from his aunt over a minor scandal (honestly, it wasn't his fault).

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

It was brought to my attention (thanks!) that my application was missing some RP samples. I was hoping the character vignette would do, but for completion's sake here is a diabolist out to take over the world and a cartographer kid just looking for his place in said world.

Liberty's Edge

I added a couple of posting examples in the profile. Separate spoiler.

This is Dorian Grey's work in progress....

Player Questionnaire - Fill out the questionnaire below. It's mostly to help me know where redlines are, where you'd like the story to go, and what you are expecting from me, though I do like getting to know people.:

1. What time zone are you in?
Eastern Standard (Michigan time)

2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
Since around the RedBooks!

3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
The chance to play characters that I can see develop.

4. What do you expect from this game?
The same as I do every game: try to take over the world, Pinky!

5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
People that are respectful, willing to work together and have fun.

6. What do you expect out of me?
Patient if you never ran a game with me in

7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?

Nothing beyond the obvious.

I'll get my other bits together sometime this week. Ideally, it won't be too difficult!

Trying to narrow done any Teamwork Feats that she will qualify for at 1st (spoiler not many).

There are a few though that depending on Table composition would be quite good.

Ferocious Loyalty would effectively grants everyone (30') +1 morale bonus to attacks (+2 if we have a patsy).

These could be fun to focus on actually.

This would probably never come!

Here's an RP sample from Kemras' previous campaign. And this is a touch of my Hooded Knight discussing the future of the kingdom he and his allies were founding.

Role-playing Samples!

Serious rp:

Cirok glares at the spot that Cuthalian has held.

Winking at the Wizard and his majestic ambiance enchanting spell, the Rogue grins evilly at the glitterdusted Thief.
I am your Huckleberry.

Taking out his trusty dagger, the Rogue places it inside the grabbed and beautifully bathed intruder!
Melee +1, returning dagger, flat-footed: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 321d4 + 7 + 4d6 ⇒ (2) + 7 + (2, 4, 5, 3) = 23 /19-20 10' x2

Smiling widely at the blood pouring out of his victim, Cirok whispers
Pin the little s&!#, so I may properly remove his organs.

All of the target’s speeds are reduced by half (to a minimum of 5 feet). In addition, the target cannot take a 5-foot step.

Not so nice rp:

Cirok winks at Gadak. Finishes his brandy. And calmly (arrogantly) Strides out to the stables with the group.
I am thinking of setting those gentlemen up for slaughter and murder, if anyone cares to not be around the stables tomorrow.

The grinning Rogue doesn't seem to be joking.

The Next Day....

Sometime well into the late morning, a few troglodytes, along with a high ranking guardsman lizard mount were found murdered in the stables of House Vonnarc.....

Witnesses swear they seen a drow known to frequent a seedy establishment in Drashes. He is known to have two other close associates....

Cirok will, of course, committed these acts himself, disguised as one of those trio we met , allowing witnesses to see clearly his face and to loudly announce his address.

One of Those Faces (Sp) :
(Spymaster's Handbook pg. 21): Each day, you can use disguise self as a spell-like ability for up to 10 minutes per character level. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 10-minute increments. Additionally, once you have used this ability, whenever you use it for the next 24 hours you must take the same alternate appearance.

Later that evening, Cirok returns to their rooms. The Rogue is seen holding a sack and some tools.
So, anything new?

Advice rp:

Cirok smiles.
They bring their Gug. We have a Wizard.

The Rogue clasped Soryan Dirge on his shoulder.
No pressure, but your spell selection will win--or loose--us this fight, my friend. Anything that hampers its movement, reach, sight would be quite useful.

The Rogue winks.

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Hello, I'd like to submit Cailyn Vanderale as one of the many options to choose from. Rise is wonderful, It was my first ever game here on the forums, though I've never completed it, so am very happy to make a character and have the opportunity to apply. Thank you!


Her picture

Brief Summary: Cailyn is the half-elven daughter of the Vanderale noble merchant family of Magnimar. She is an occultist who isn’t too bad with her rather large crossbow, and in a pinch will summon a celestial owl to peck out a bad guy’s eyeballs. She likes to read, knows a bunch, likes to talk, and is almost always snacking. She does hope she can figure out how to make a living since her mother and Da decided it was time for her to get out and make something (anything) of herself. If you have an adventuring party needing an oddball slightly spoiled packrat with an eclectic array of skills, who really doesn’t take the place of a more focused rogue, witch/wizard, face, fighter, healer… um… wait, she is trying to sell herself, isn’t she???... Well, ignore that, if you are looking for anything really, Cailyn Vanderale might just be the person you are looking for (hopefully).

Description and Quirks:

There is a young woman before you of muddled Chelaxian descent with pale skin dusted with a dash of sun, bluish-black hair straight, loose, and framing a roundish face with two pointed ears splitting the dark curtain of hair and light blue eyes that dance with a mix of interest and uncertainty.

Some people associate initial impressions of people with a single word, and if one did decide on this course of action, this young woman could be labeled with the word ‘Sea’. The blue of her eyes brings to mind the waves lapping against the shore, the deep black of her hair the fathomless depths of the deep, she moves with the grace of the wind against the surface. She even smells a little of salt and fish.

The latter trait is explained when the young woman pulls a small paper sack out of her coat pocket, pinching out a salt-encrusted strip of dried fish and popping it in her mouth. The bulge in her pocket is only slightly diminished by pulling the snack sack out, so it speaks that maybe she is significantly provisioned at all times.

Speaking of coats and pockets, the young woman is dressed somewhere between wealthy and vagabond. Rich well-tailored coat of a deep navy blue over a stark white shirt and black breeches, covered in all sorts of buttons and bobs, pouches, ribbons, even a worn hawker’s gauntlet hanging from multiple belts, no fewer than six necklaces, and a worn backpack clinking and clunking will all sorts of oddities.

History and Now:

Her Da was a Spireborn, a half-elf from the Mordant Spire, who nearly died in a shipwreck. Her mother, a Vanderale noblewoman from Magnimar aboard one of their trading vessels, had him fished out of the Steaming Sea, where he was the only survivor. It wasn’t love at first sight, or ever love in truth, but there was plenty of lust, both then and regretfully (in Cailyn’s eyes) every time the two got together again. The phrase ‘Get a Room’ was shouted in her teenage years rather often.

Cailyn was raised in the Vanderale estates, developed a great love for reading and conversation, and was content to live an indulgent wasteful life of the wealthy, but neither her mother nor her Da agreed with this desire. Her mother had named her after a hero and felt inclined to push her daughter in that direction. She taught her reluctant offspring how to negotiate prices, how to find the best deals, and even a bit of magic, Then when Cailyn came of age, she traveled with her Da aboard the ship where he was first mate, another Vanerale trading vessel, learning the sea and how to Properly use a crossbow.

Now, they both expect her to go make something of herself. And she is going to try, starting at a festival in the quaint town of Sandpoint.

Hopefully this covers racial alternatives for Spireborn half-elf, crossbow training, and sophisticate(reading). Her traits clever wordplay(mom’s training), merchant family (mom is a Vanderale), traditionalist (more reading), and why she has sailor and swim (odder skills, I debated merchant vs sailor vs appraise for a LOOOOONG time). Oh, and her drawback insatiable (her overspending on food and goods/services cause she is a rich kid)

Personality and Flaws:

curious, intelligent, a bit snarky over feeling a bit put out by her parents (a tad childish still even in her mid-twenties), pampered to the point she can’t comprehend Not spending more for the best food and rooms, she loves Things with history and personality and collects way too much. A little unsure of herself, this being her first time truly on her own.


The If Only Stone: When growing up in Magnimar, there was a woman who delivered onions and potatoes to the family estate every Toilday. The lady would sit with Cailyn over tea and lament about all the things she wished she had done with her life, always starting with ‘If Only’. While she did so she rubbed the small gray stone hanging from around her neck. ‘If Only I had married X, If Only I had learned a trade, If only I hadn’t lost those toes’ The last one was the cause of her death by the way. Being a bit unsteady on her feet, she pitched over in the street and a horse stomped her. Cailyn was one of the only people to attend the funeral, so the grave digger gave her the seemingly worthless stone. Now she uses if as the most apt beacon of desired transformation possible.

Hawker’s Grief: Graddy Turtlepeg was a gnarled old hawker who taught the nobleman’s sport to many of the Magnimar elite, the Vanderale’s were often hiring him for the same. Cailyn never learned, being illegitimate and all, but she did attend and spend time with the curmudgeon. The old man taught the sport but did not own a single hawk of his own, just a tired old owl. He complained about the bird all the time, but Cailyn liked to think he loved it dearly. The man passed from simple old age, but in his meager will he asked for the glove and the owl to be given to the little girl that listened to him often. That was a while ago, so the now adult no longer has the owl since it was already very old when she received it, but she uses the glove to bring the owl back to life (not really, it is just a summoning spell that looks like an owl, but she likes to pretend it is the same old bird)

her stats:

Cailyn Vanderale
Female half-elf (Spireborn) occultist 1 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 46)
LN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +4 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged heavy crossbow +4 (1d10/19-20)
Implement Schools
. . Conjuration (Hawker's Grief, 2 points) Resonant—casting focus; Focus—servitor
. . Transmutation (The If Only Stone, 3 points) Resonant—physical enhancement (dexterity); Focus—legacy weapon, size alteration
Occultist Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (2/day)—gravity bow[APG], mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—create water, mage hand
Str 8, Dex 16((18), Con 10, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0.75; CMB +4; CMD 13
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Precise Shot
Traits clever wordplay, merchant family, pragmatic activator, traditionalist
Skills Diplomacy +8, Disable Device +8, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +11, Knowledge (local) +11, Perception +7, Profession (sailor) +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +8, Swim +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Knowledge (history), +2 Knowledge (local), +2 Perception
Languages Azlanti, Common, Elven, Minkaian, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ crossbow training, elf blood, finesse weapon attack attribute, implements 2, insatiable, mental focus (5/day), sophisticate
Other Gear crossbow bolts (10), dagger, heavy crossbow, backpack, belt pouch, chalk, charcoal, fashionable accessories, hip flask[UE], occultist's implement[OA], occultist's implement[OA], paper (2), thieves' tools, trail rations (4), 10 gp, 1 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Casting Focus (+1 CL) (Su) Use as extra focus component to add to CL for conjuration spell.
Conjuration (Hawker's Grief) Implements used in conjuration allow the occultist to perform magic that transports or calls creatures.

Implements: Bowl, brazier, compass, figurine, lantern, mirror.
Crossbow Training Reload proficient crossbows 1 step faster.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
Implements (Su) Gain a series of items which grant access to schools and powers.
Insatiable Goods & services cost you 10% more & you need 2x as much food & liquid as normal.
Legacy Weapon +1 (Su) 1 focus: weapon touched gains enhancement bonus plus a special ability.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mental Focus (5/day) (Su) You have a pool of points that activate your focus powers.
Physical Enhancement +2 (Dexterity) (Su) Implement grants bearer enhancement to one physical attribute.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Servitor (Summon Monster I) (Sp) Standard action and 1 focus to summon a single creature, as summon monster
Size Alteration (Sp) 1 focus: increase or decrease a creature's size by one step.
Sophisticate +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history, local) and can use untrained
Transmutation (The If Only Stone) Transmutation implements can alter the properties of both objects and creatures.

Implements: Belt, boots, sandals, vest, weapon.

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player bits:

This is the first occultist I've made and it was a lot of fun!

Roleplaying Sample: Anytime a gamemaster asks players to help pick a replacement, where I always go looking is the Favorited by Others tab. So here is a link to mine Favorites
But if I need to pick a few, maybe this one?
Your best memory discussion
And my last attempt at Rise of the Runelords,
the story of a protagonist

1. What time zone are you in?
US Central Standard

2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
Since 5th grade, which was a ridiculously long time ago. I started here on pbp almost… a decade ago it looks like.

3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
Imagination and the sheer amazing things that come from that one single word

4. What do you expect from this game?
Stories, memories, growth, and occasionally laughing until I cry

5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
Banter would be lovely, a grumbling when appropriate, any agreed-upon drama, and pleasantly surprising me

6. What do you expect out of me?
Nothing. You already have the hardest of all jobs when it comes to a game like this. The players only have to focus on a single viewpoint, a small sphere of our character’s world.
You have everything else.

7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
When I was young, I’d have gone with nothing, but then I had kids. Now I am a turbulent well of emotions when a kid gets hurt in any way. I don’t mind references, since protecting those who truly need us is an amazing hero moment, but details hopefully would be left out.

Please let me know if this is


The strange sounds of screaming echo silently in her enabling ears. The sinuous snaking smell of burning permeate her eager nose. The arrogantly airborne ash gently caress her pale skin. The focused Fascination found in the fruitful flavors of flame following the floor paralyze her in a position of peace.

Persephone just kneeled in-between the wooden pews, as the Sandpoint Cathedral began to burn down around the newly changed barely adolescent. The soothing voice of the fire found her. She listened while the tragedy around her made the unbeknownst Changeling an orphan.

By far Magnimar's most seedy, dangerous and dirty district, Underbridge is the only district in what is known as the Shadow area of Magnimar because it lies beneath the shade of the Irespan. Rat infested Underbridge is filled with gambling dens, rancid brothels, cheap flop houses and decrepit tenements serving as a collection of the worst vices of the city.

The patient voice of Isabel gently (if a bit authoritatively) instructs her young protégé. The Desnan (and definitely Varisian) lady glides down the center of the busy street pointing out various landmarks of Thassilonian interest, smirking with mischief in her blue eyes at those persons patronizing public parks, and purposefully guiding Persephone's faulty steps, as the young student digests the disturbing data displayed before her mixed-matched ocean blue and emerald green eyes.
I do doubt that I will ever get used to city life, Isabel. It's so dirty and disturbing.

The smiling Varisian laughs lightly, as the two ladies continue their course.
Desna enjoys both these city's and those hamlets out there. We best find out why.

Persephone sighs, as the young teenager has heard this lesson more then once. This week.
I do enjoy learning about the ruins. And I am excited about our trip to Sandpoint. It has been almost 5 years since the Late Unpleasantness. I do miss everyone.

The young woman stops.
The Call has silenced since then. I am ready to return.

Isabel places her arms around her protégé.
You have learned a lot since then. We believe in you.

I have a cool idea about Isabel, but I need to research it to see if it works...hehe.

Is the deadline for this still the 21st?

I know I’m kind of late to the party but who could resist applying to everyone’s favorite AP. I have plenty of fleshing out to do still but I think I’m going to submit a bard who’s a devout follower of Shelyn (probably with the Sandpoint Faithful trait). I’m thinking a duettist whose familiar is a thrush with the emissary archetype. They’d be sort of a classical courtesan (in the sense of a court attendant well versed in conversation, etiquette, art, and music- not a prostitute), and very much a support character when it comes to combat (more interested in helping allies than hurting enemies).

This is the alias I (DarkNetwerk) will use for this submission. It contains the player questionnaire, RP sample links, and crunch.

I'll be working on Background and Description, next. These might help determine if I add the deliverer archetype to this for whip proficiency.

@ DM-Salsa would this Archtype be available?
Sage Familiar

I really wanted Figment but it explicitly calls out nope for Shaman!

I wanted to make Isabel a Figment of Persephone's imagination.

I will rewrite Isabel description as whichever Familiar available. It will still work. She will just be talking to a pigeon, pig, possibly a platypus instead of herself. Folks may stare a bit....


@Dorian- I haven’t read your concept/character at all, so this might not be remotely close to what you’re looking for, but kineticists have a wild talent that gives them a familiar that has some similarities to a figment. It’s called elemental whispers, and it’s perfect for talking to yourself. So, if you were planning on an elemental/nature spirit you might be able to build as a kineticist instead?

Giant Halfling wrote:
Is the deadline for this still the 21st?

Yep. It's still the 21st. If people need want more time, I'll extend it out to the 23rd.

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

@ DM-Salsa would this Archtype be available?

Sage Familiar

That's allowed. Sounds like it'll be interesting.

Question on the EitP stuff.

The website has Deft Maneuvers giving a +2 to an assortment of maneuvers, including Feint, which isn't really a classic maneuver (as it doesn't use CMB). The document excludes some maneuvers (as it was focused on core rather than APG stuff) but rather than the +2 to feint, it allows feinting as a move action.

Would the final version (that includes APG maneuvers) be: +2 to trip, disarm, dirty trick, reposition, and steal (but not feint) alongside the ability to feint as a move action?

Yep that is right. It looks like the site version never got updated, but the HeroLab version matches the document version, and since I'll be using HeroLab to vet characters, that'd be the version I'd be looking at anyway.

DM-Salsa wrote:
Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

@ DM-Salsa would this Archtype be available?

Sage Familiar
That's allowed. Sounds like it'll be interesting.

Would a Parrot also receive a Bonus language that it speaks same as Raven?

The Linguistics makes more sense than Appraise. Plus, Isabel is [s]fancy Varisian. [/s]

I have rewritten Isabel into a Raven. She wears colorful ribbons to announce her Varisian

Oh! Knew I was forgetting something to ask. Thanks for asking that ahead of time, Firavel. I can confirm that Sage familiars are amazing, as well.

Hmm… 2 other fancy, talking bird familiars, eh? Can yours sing though? Maybe I’ll rethink my idea. I know with 30+ applicants there’s bound to be some repetition but that’s kind of a specific detail to double triple up on…

I could possibly build as a vanilla bard, or pick a different archetype; I don’t really even like the duettist archetype, I just really like the flavor of the songbird sent by her god. I’ll try to carve out some time this afternoon/evening to look a little bit at some mechanical options and think about how her (or his) background would work without a flying little religious mentor (and/or see if a different concept jumps out at me).

Oh another character submission with a birb friend?

I'm still debating on whether to drop multitalented for something or, failing that, whether to give Kemras a different class to multiclass into, potentially... probably something for if he gets selected.

@ Giant Halfling my original concept was that Isabel (Spirit Animal) was an imaginary friend/mentor (Figment) sent by Desna. Hadn't actually considered what type as yet. Unfortunately, Figment and Shaman are enemies, so I wanted a Familiar that she can talk too. Raven.

@ DM-Salsa I believe that she is ready!(?)


I believe just get the Familiar Crunch done, but really only for Mental checks. And banter....

Heh, I'm still finding errors in the Sage Pact Witch familiar I have in one my campaigns, good luck with the Familiar Crunch, Idari Dorian.

At long last, I'm finished with the 'Deep Character Creation' questions. I'll try to get an RP sample up soon, but by and large, I think my character's finished.

So, I’m leaning towards musetouched aasimar (vanilla) bard, currently, but looking through options has raised a couple questions. I apologize if this has been asked before and I missed it, but is variant multiclassing allowed? Also, how do you feel about the mostly wizard mystic theurge?

explanation of theurge question:
So, technically, the “faith magic” discovery can allow you to qualify for mystic theurge as a wizard 5/divine caster 1; some GMs are fine with this because your divine casting is so far behind it mostly just gets used for light buffing and out of combat heals (and because the only way for both classes to share a casting stat is the living grimoire inquisitor, which is obviously a limiting choice for a mystic theurge), but others outlaw it because you’re really not giving up much arcane casting to gain those divine spells. What are your thoughts on that?

I thought to ask about it because a Shelynite painter/illusionist seemed interesting but some healing/divine magic felt like it would really give him (or her) more of the sacred servant feeling I’m going for.

No worries, you're the first one to ask about variant multiclassing. I think that'll be fine since you're giving up some feats for the stuff you get and it seems like a fairly even trade. Keep in mind we are using fractional bonuses, so that takes some of the sting out of normal multiclassing.

As for the Mystic Theurge question. I'm okay with that since it appears that you're going for it more for the feel than anything else.

Cool, thanks! And I did see that you’re using fractional bonus progression- I’m a big fan of that. I’m super busy at work today and tomorrow but by the end of the week I should have a rough draft done of the aforementioned bard and/or some kind of illusionist caster (maybe a wizard headed for MT, or maybe an arcanist with VMC for something Shelyn-esque, like bard or maestro sorcerer).

one last thought on mystic theurge:
I don’t think I could do a wizard/inquisitor theurge even if wanted to- it would remind me too much of a certain Abadaran who protected Sandpoint from Nualia and her goblins a fair few years ago…

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