Rise of the Runelords
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Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
Wait, what? I was under the impression that he was still in town by the fact that someone mentioned visiting him about the journal.
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
I thought that was more along the lines of "We need to show this to him as soon as he's back from Magnimar."
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/4) |
Donimah Southlander wrote: I thought that was more along the lines of "We need to show this to him as soon as he's back from Magnimar." He did go to Magnimar but we need to see if he's back. If not I would suggest the PCs find another 'adult' in charge (the Mayor, Father Zantus) to break the news.
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Good thing Ano has a cool aunt who actually loves her!
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
Wonder how everyone will react to that revelation; Juriya won't be here to see it unless I retcon a retcon.
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Juriya Arima wrote: Wonder how everyone will react to that revelation; Juriya won't be here to see it unless I retcon a retcon. Our DM will think of something if Hemlock really is out of town.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
I wonder how everyone reacts to the Brain Moss though, is my main question.
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Just did a read up on brain moss, and yes early and even moderate levels are what Fosyo wanted out of Ano.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
The other option was stapling a flower to Ano's hand. Spent a good few hours pouring through things that destroy morale bonuses, luckily extend and eternal potion discoveries only work on the alchemist, otherwise there would have been a perfect solution in an eternal Calm Emotions potion.
Hilariously, that doesn't actually affect her spellcasting should she get to that Bloodrager level. I can just imagine Fosyo getting singed by a Burning Hands, haha.
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Yeah if that’s how it was shown Fosyo wouldn’t go for the blossom. She wants something that effectively lobotomizea her daughter.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
Yeah they had no chance in hell of actually doing the Brain Moss thing, for the record. Padma Blossom they would have actually considered it, since it doesn't involve risk of death and all.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
I'm not sure if there is a DC for knowledge? Should we use the disease save DC? (DC 16)
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Looking at the Knowledge skill check page, if brain moss is a natural hazard, nature would be the best check? the DC I have no clue how to calculate that. sounds like one of those things that’s the DM’s call
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
Yeah, the only mumber I see is the save DC, which would presumably mean it's up to the DM. I figured ot would be Nature, though.
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 18/18 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
You know, it might just be because I'm in a Babylon 5 frame of mind right now, but at the moment, I can't imagine Fosyo here as anything other than the Emperor Cartagia's breakdown.
Then again, Cartagia did talk to the severed heads of his enemies, so... Zeldrith might want to watch his back?
Guys, I'll have to delay my post to Monday. I'm dealing with some stuff at the moment (which was planned, but I had no idea it would demand so much of me).
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Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/4) |
Zeldrith Angothane wrote: You know, it might just be because I'm in a Babylon 5 frame of mind right now, but at the moment, I can't imagine Fosyo here as anything other than the Emperor Cartagia's breakdown.
Then again, Cartagia did talk to the severed heads of his enemies, so... Zeldrith might want to watch his back?
Just don't upset Donimah; she looks like a technomage!
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I may be way out of line and apologize if I am, but feel I must say something. Ano, if this is how your father treats you, I'll have you know there's nothing about this that can be true. I don't know you, but I do believe you are worthy to the world. In the very least, you bring joy to this game.
Zel, I hadn't realized you were descendant of Alaznist!
Also, the group gets another Hero Point. Might I remind you that you gain a HP when you level up as well.
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M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 18/18 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
I like runes wrote: I may be way out of line and apologize if I am, but feel I must say something. Ano, if this is how your father treats you, I'll have you know there's nothing about this that can be true. I don't know you, but I do believe you are worthy to the world. In the very least, you bring joy to this game. Agreed. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment, from family members especially.
I like runes wrote: Zel, I hadn't realized you were descendant of Alaznist! Well... not technically Alzanist. In a nation ruled by insane evokers, there's a good deal of attrition in the upper ranks - Zel's great-great-something grandfather was three Runelords before Alzanist. Unremarkable life, very notable death.
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Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
Agreed on the family front... no-one especially family members deserve this.
Has Zeldrith revealed his last name yet? What would the Knowledge History DC be to realize that?
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Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/4) |
Zeldrith Angothane wrote: I like runes wrote: I may be way out of line and apologize if I am, but feel I must say something. Ano, if this is how your father treats you, I'll have you know there's nothing about this that can be true. I don't know you, but I do believe you are worthy to the world. In the very least, you bring joy to this game. Agreed. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment, from family members especially. And that goes triple from me!
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Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Thank you all. And yeah, Fosyo is largely based on how my dad treated me. The good news is a great friend group and lots of therapy have helped me in the long run.
I will say that the whole brain moss thing is based on one thing, a few years ago he talked about putting me on some MGM pine needle tea to cure me of autism. That's about the extent of how much I'm willing to talk about my past with him, but yeah.
F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6
How immediate is the Thistle Top lead? Do we have 5 days of in Town downtime for Retraining prior to departing?
There's no timing in the plans. But the fact that Tsuto was in town killing his dad may have been an indication that things are still a bit down the line.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/4) |
I like runes wrote: There's no timing in the plans. But the fact that Tsuto was in town killing his dad may have been an indication that things are still a bit down the line. I would've guessed the opposite; that he killed his father because he wanted the Glassworks (and its tunnel) secured for his use.
BTW, if you've spent 5 days goofing off per Persephone's request, you all reset your per day resources count.
F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6
Would allow her to have Healing Hex if that helps...lol.
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
So are we back in the tunnel we fought Tsuto in? Same battle map?
Also, when did Persephone make that request? I think I missed it.
Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map
Persephone. wrote: How immediate is the Thistle Top lead? Do we have 5 days of in Town downtime for Retraining prior to departing? It happens...
Donimah Southlander wrote: So are we back in the tunnel we fought Tsuto in? Same battle map? I updated the map without fog of war. You can see a tunnel that starts northeast. Where you are now is much farther into the tunnel.
F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6
Apologies just to be clear. Did we hold for 5 days or is this during that 5 days?
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 18/18 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
Apologies for my somewhat non-sequitur post - I just realized the error. The last post I was able to see before I posted my own was Arrian's from Thursday - again, I apologize for any confusion.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/4) |
Zeldrith Angothane wrote: Apologies for my somewhat non-sequitur post - I just realized the error. The last post I was able to see before I posted my own was Arrian's from Thursday - again, I apologize for any confusion. The system loves to eat messages; it has hungry gremlins! :(
F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6
I started my new job today, so my posting my slow a bit until I can get my new schedule/ routine down.
Probably zero day posting now...
That's fine. Hey, congrats on your new job!
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/4) |
I like runes wrote: That's fine. Hey, congrats on your new job! Indeed - congrats!
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
Hooray! Congrats, and don't worry, we'll be here when you are. :)
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 18/18 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
Congratulations! Take whatever time you need - this is just a game, after all.
There's actually a map for the continuation of this tunnel to help you guys navigate. This also means that I can't update it now, but will probably later today.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
Would Arrian be okay moving in to flank the red one? Also what Knowledge can be used to identify them?
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/4) |
Juriya Arima wrote: Would Arrian be okay moving in to flank the red one? Also what Knowledge can be used to identify them? I'll see what he can do. :)
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
Thanks. I figured these things aren't humanoids, so flanking is probably the superior option to Feinting her way to victory.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/4) |
Juriya Arima wrote: Thanks. I figured these things aren't humanoids, so flanking is probably the superior option to Feinting her way to victory. Plus it gives Arrian +2 to hit which, given his horrid rolls, won't help.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (7, +4/day) | [Human]
I seem to keep forgetting about flanking adding a bonus to hit when I play rogues. The main point is to avoid going for the (normally risky, not nearly as much with Juriya's) feint in my eyes.,=
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Didn’t expect Ano to be dying this early. Will definitely help with the dread of this encounter.
Yeah, crits hit hard, especially when you roll max damage on both the attack and the crit.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/4) |
Reposting here: Okay we need to answer the GM's question: Who, if anyone, has a light source? If the GM allows (because I thought at least one other PC had it) I could switch out one of the orisons Arrian learned at 2nd level for Light. But we need to know. So Zeldrith, Persephone, Donimah: Anyone have the light cantrip/orison?
F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6
Persephone has Low-light and Darkvision. She does not have any Light spell/sources.