DM Salsa Presents - Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master AdamWarnock

Battle Maps | Loot Sheet

Initiative Rolls:

[dice=Cailyn Initiative]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Conrad Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Dare Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Lita Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Scrapeknee Initiative]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Willie Iniative]1d20+5[/dice]

Perception Rolls:

[dice=Cailyn Perception (Lowlight Vision)]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Conrad Perception]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Dare Perception (Darkvision)]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Lita Perception (Darkvision)]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Scrapeknee Perception]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Willie Perception]1d20+1[/dice]

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DM-Salsa wrote:

Also, There's a chance that someone else will be running this and they asked me if I minded if they poached after I got done making my selections. I told them I didn't mind at all. He's a great player and GM.

WOOT! Bless that brave soul whoever they are!

Ridge wrote:
DM-Salsa wrote:

Also, There's a chance that someone else will be running this and they asked me if I minded if they poached after I got done making my selections. I told them I didn't mind at all. He's a great player and GM.

WOOT! Bless that brave soul whoever they are!


The Rising Phoenix wrote:
I remember playing in Salsa's ROTRL game 11 years ago (yeesh where does the time go?!); it was a lot of fun! Good luck to all of you!

I read through that campaign - lots of great players!

Satinder Coric wrote:
Surgery didn't go as expected today, so I'll have plenty of time to get started should I be selected. However there will further appointments in the near future, so I figure I'll let that be known now.

I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well!

DM Salsa wrote:
Also, There's a chance that someone else will be running this and they asked me if I minded if they poached after I got done making my selections. I told them I didn't mind at all. He's a great player and GM.

Is it Christmas?!

Take care, Satinder!

Oh, so even more people get selected, then? Am I reading that right? IS it christmas?

DM-Salsa wrote:
Also, There's a chance that someone else will be running this and they asked me if I minded if they poached after I got done making my selections. I told them I didn't mind at all. He's a great player and GM.

It’s a miracle…it’s an Australian, Christmas bloody miracle!!!

*Activates spotify x-mas playlist*

Well, the words were "There's a chance" so it is not written in stone, but still, very nice of whoever to consider it ;)

Ridge wrote:
Well, the words were "There's a chance" so it is not written in stone, but still, very nice of whoever to consider it ;)

I fully agree - the vast majority of the GMs on the boards are fantastic, and there's certainly no shortage of good characters in this recruitment.

hey “there’s a chance” is better than nothing

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
DM-Salsa wrote:
- Archpaladin Zousha: Player Questionnaire

Is the Player Questionnaire the questions like "What time zone are you in?" and "What do you expect from the game/other players/GM?" or one of the ones that has things like deep character creation questions? I have the former on Donimah's profile, which I'll reproduce here:

1. What time zone are you in?
Central Daylight Time (I'm in Minnesota, near the Twin Cities)
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
I started playing TTRPGs back in the early days of 3.5e D&D. I got into play-by-post gaming in college (2006 to 2010) and have been involved in at least one at all times since then. I've played Pathfinder specifically since at least 2012 (at least that's when my oldest post on these forums is from) to the present date.
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
The experience of creating a story, both through interacting with what the GM's conjured and between our own player-characters. I've had characters go in very different directions than I'd initially written them, and that's always a blast!
4. What do you expect from this game?
My deepest hope is to play through Rise of the Runelords through to completion. The first play-by-post I was ever in here on these boards was Rise of the Runelords, and it was a great experience, even though it lost momentum midway through the second adventure, so it has a special place in my heart.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
To help keep the game flowing (though obviously IRL commitments always take precedence, do NOT exacerbate a bad situation by putting it off in favor of an online game!), a standard I hold myself to as well, and to generally be respectful and communicative to one another. I don't have any hard lines or veils or whatever the nomenclature is myself, but I'll accept their boundaries as my boundaries.
6. What do you expect out of me?
Similarly, to keep the game going (but again, if you need breaks or hiatuses, PLEASE take them and I'll be ready to begin again whenever you are) and the same level of respect and open communication.
7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
I'm relatively desensitized to dark stuff, especially since what I haven't played of Rise of the Runelords myself I know by reputation as taking very dark turns, but as a courteous player am happy to respect whatever lines or veils both player and GM set. The important part of this game is to have fun, and you can't have fun if someone at the table is uncomfortable!

In the meantime, I think I also still owe you a roleplaying sample, so here's a few!

Zoisa the Magnificent discovers a secret door

Arcalinte Soter diffuses a tense and unusual situation

Fireday confronts his archnemesis at last!

Yup, it's that one. Sorry, I guess I should have labeled things more clearly and know which box I'm clicking apparently. Ah well, looks like you're good to go!

26 hours left to finish up submissions.

A double recruitment?!?

Ah, the classic double-edged sword: two chances to get picked for the game, two chances to get rejected, lol.

"Ah, the classic double-edged sword: two chances to get picked for the game, two chances to get rejected, lol."

True. But once rejected there is another chance to get picked. I usually count the positive.... And maybe another of the GM's here might give it a try and offer a third chance! We've got enough submissions for five or six!

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
DM-Salsa wrote:
Yup, it's that one. Sorry, I guess I should have labeled things more clearly and know which box I'm clicking apparently. Ah well, looks like you're good to go!

Woo! Good luck everyone! :D

Thanks for the well wishes everyone, very much appreciate it!

A bit under 24 hours left until submissions need to be completed.

Please check here to see what you are missing.

Glad to hear more folks might get selected, and good luck to everyone!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Always nice to have a second chance! Thanks as well to the kind GM considering it! Good luck to everyone!

Almost Done
Leona Ingrid Nina Aiba

It was a bit of a pain integrating some traits into the backstory...
I also mostly have the 3D model of the character ready, just need to double check it before rendering....

may add more to it later.....

Not sure is I can get around to doing an RP sample of Leona before deadline

so I'll use the last character I recall running with
Sample that needs a few posts and handles fear

That character was part of a very short prequel adventure before the GM for the full adventure bailed.
so at least the choosen got sometime to play the character.

I think I got all the stuff submitted ....

A little over three hours to go.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I’m so excited!

Me too!

Who isn't, to be honest?

so 31 completely submitted characters, and 2 GMs, so at best 8-12 players, unless both take a 7th to cover the chance of RL causing one to drop.

So 25% to 38% or if both go for a 7th a 45% chance at best for being picked.

We just now have to hope someone doesn't Leeroy Jenkins on us

8 people marked this as a favorite.

And the other mysterious possible GM!

And yes, I have decided to run a group of you through Rise of The runelords!

Once Mr. Salsa has selected his crew , I will select from those remaining and direct them to my own campaign thread.


One hour left.

GM Spazmodeus wrote:

And the other mysterious possible GM!

And yes, I have decided to run a group of you through Rise of The runelords!

Once Mr. Salsa has selected his crew , I will select from those remaining and direct them to my own campaign thread.


Again, that is DARN Nice of you

And finally rendered out a character render, with someone next to her to help gain a better idea of how tall she is.....

1 person marked this as a favorite.

RP Examples:

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hooray! Thank you for your generosity, Spazmodeus!

GM Spazmodeus wrote:

And the other mysterious possible GM!

And yes, I have decided to run a group of you through Rise of The runelords!

Once Mr. Salsa has selected his crew , I will select from those remaining and direct them to my own campaign thread.


Thanks so much for being willing to run this adventure! There's certainly no shortage of good characters in this thread.

On that note, good luck to everyone who submitted a character as we close in on our selection deadline.

Good luck to everyone

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And that's it. This recruitment is closed. I'll be looking over everyone's submissions this weekend and will hopefully have a list of everyone that's in the game I'm running by Monday.

GM Spazmodeus wrote:

And the other mysterious possible GM!

And yes, I have decided to run a group of you through Rise of The runelords!

Once Mr. Salsa has selected his crew , I will select from those remaining and direct them to my own campaign thread.


As someone else said, darn nice of ya!

Hurray for Spazmodeus, and good luck Salsa!

GM Spazmodeus wrote:

And the other mysterious possible GM!

And yes, I have decided to run a group of you through Rise of The runelords!

Once Mr. Salsa has selected his crew , I will select from those remaining and direct them to my own campaign thread.


Runs in terror!


Will we have to adjust a few things GM Spazmodeus for those you take?

Dark Archive

Bluh. Rough week just stayed rough. Ah well, it is what it is.

Good luck to everyone!

The waiting..... just like any exams..... XD

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Chyrone wrote:
The waiting..... just like any exams..... XD

I know, right?! I'm more than ten years out of college now, and yet here I am still turning in assignments at the last minute! XD

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Chyrone wrote:
The waiting..... just like any exams..... XD
I know, right?! I'm more than ten years out of college now, and yet here I am still turning in assignments at the last minute! XD

Results for theoretical exam for my driver's license as well, so many years ago. Waiting 1/2 an hour before the person with the results came back in.

"I will proceed per row, those i call upon have not passed."
One of the worst suspense moments i'd gone through. XD

Passed thankfully.

Chyrone wrote:

Results for theoretical exam for my driver's license as well. Waiting 1/2 an hour before the person with the results came back in.

"I will proceed per row, those i call upon have not passed."
One of the worst suspense moments i'd gone through. XD

Passed thankfully.

Man, I had nothing but hell trying to get my license. I was stationed at Ft Bliss which is in El Paso, TX. Attempted 3 times. Failed once because the parallel parking poles were too short for my buddy's Honda Civic to even see, and then failed twice because they had me drive down a street that was barely two lanes to begin with and had cars parked on both sides. So each time they failed me for not driving in the correct lane when saying there was a lane and a half was an extremely gracious overstatement. Said screw it, next time I was home in WA state, took my test an aced it with zero issue. The grader actually questioned why I was attempting the 3rd action when I parallel parked in 2 lol.

Chyrone wrote:
The waiting..... just like any exams..... XD

I'm on the other side of the desk now; going through papers is way worse than writing them!

Satinder Coric wrote:
Will we have to adjust a few things GM Spazmodeus for those you take?

No adjustments to character creation...ruminating on the other gameplay options.

Apologies for this bit of tardiness. I had my home game last night, so wasn't available (too busy trying to TPK

May I formally present....


Familiar Isabel Raven (Sage)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)
hp 4(1d)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee bite +2 (1d3–4)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 6
Skills: Perception(Wis)+9(1), Diplomacy(Cha)+5(1)
Feats: Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Diplomacy)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I say the same as the others said, thank you GM Spazmodeus!

Satinder Coric wrote:
Chyrone wrote:

Results for theoretical exam for my driver's license as well. Waiting 1/2 an hour before the person with the results came back in.

"I will proceed per row, those i call upon have not passed."
One of the worst suspense moments i'd gone through. XD

Passed thankfully.

Man, I had nothing but hell trying to get my license. I was stationed at Ft Bliss which is in El Paso, TX. Attempted 3 times. Failed once because the parallel parking poles were too short for my buddy's Honda Civic to even see, and then failed twice because they had me drive down a street that was barely two lanes to begin with and had cars parked on both sides. So each time they failed me for not driving in the correct lane when saying there was a lane and a half was an extremely gracious overstatement. Said screw it, next time I was home in WA state, took my test an aced it with zero issue. The grader actually questioned why I was attempting the 3rd action when I parallel parked in 2 lol.

Ugh, examinators/graders in practice exams vary greatly.

I failed, deliberately on his rules lawyering over safety of all things.
You know those areas where a high bush or growth blocks view from either side. This was a crossing where scooters and cyclists can suddenly pop from behind it, potentially ending up on the hood of your car. I had priority, yet slowed slightly to be safe, and the ape preferred me continuing where i have priority, over potentially hitting someone with my car.

I recall my driving instructor was pretty pissed at that, heh. Later, i heard that the bureau for driving exams have quotas about how many people are preferable to pass in a month. Passed the time after that, a chill guy that time instead.

Meanwhile I can’t drive at all due to severe anxiety-I see the reaper behind every wheel of every car I pass by.

It was so bad that in high school, even though I passed driver’s ed, the teacher told my mom I honestly shouldn’t drive, because, in the teacher’s own words, “I’m afraid he’ll scare himself into an accident.” Which, in the years following when my family tried to help me overcome that fear, almost did happen (i.e. my dad having the brilliant idea of having me drive into a city and if it weren’t for him grabbing the wheel we might’ve flown off an overpass)

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