
Ano Clovermark's page

476 posts. Alias of KoolKobold.

Full Name

Ano Clovermark




Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A








Chaotic Good




Abyssal, Celestial, Catfolk, Common, Minkaian

Strength 13
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Ano Clovermark

female catfolk bloodrager (urban bloodrager) 1/fighter 2
CG Medium humanoid (catfolk)
Init +5; Senses scent; Perception +9
AC 17, touch 13, ff 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 31 (3 HD; 3d10 (10/1st + 6 (2nd level fighter) + 6 (Con) + 3 (fav class bonus))
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +0; -2 vs charm spells/spell-like abilities; +1 vs fear effects
Special: cat's reflex
Speed 40 ft; sprinter
Melee mw cold iron rapier +8 (1d6 + 3/18-20)
Special Attacks bloodrage (12 rounds/day), controlled bloodrage
Str 13, Dex 16 (14 + 2), Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10 (12 - 2), Cha 16 (14 + 2)
Base ATK +3; CMB +7; CMD 17
Feats Fencing Grace, Extra Rage, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Weapon Focus (finesse)
Skills (4 ranks bloodrager, 4 ranks fighter)
Acrobatics +9 (2 rank + 3 Dex + 3 class skill bonus + 3 Skill Bonus - 2 armor penalty)
Diplomacy +10 (1 rank + 3 Cha + 3 class skill bonus + 3 familiar bonus)
Knowledge (local) +4 (1 rank + 3 class skill bonus); +6 in regards to Sandpoint
Perception +10 (3 rank + 3 class skill bonus + 2 racial bonus + 2 trait); +12 if Cherry is within arm's reach
+8 vs disguises
+10 vs disguises if Cherry is within arm's reach
Sense Motive -2 (-2 drawback)
+0 if Cherry is within arm’s reach
Survival +6 (1 [rank] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 2 [racial])
Special; +2 racial bonus to Perception, Stealth and Survival
Background Skills (2 per level)
Appraise +4 (3 [rank] + 1 [trait]); +7 to identify most valuable part of treasure
Linguistics +6 (3 [rank] + 3 [class skill bonus])
Languages Abyssal, Catfolk, Celestial, Common, Minkaian
SQ bloodline (arcane), bloodline familiar (cardinal-using thrush statistics-named Cherry)
69 gp, 46 sp, 93 cp
Lamellar armor
Masterwork Cold Iron Rapier
Bedroll (1 sp)
Blanket (5 sp)
10 Rations (50 sp)
Explorer's Outfit (10 gp)
Common backpack (2 gp)
10 torches (10 cp)
Flint & steel (1 gp)

Cat's Reflex-Once per day, when Ano makes a Reflex save, she can roll twice and take the better result.
Controlled Bloodrage-When Ano rages, she does not gain the normal benefits. Instead, she applies a +4 morale bonus to her Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength. She can apply the full bonus to one ability score or split the bonus between several scores in increments of 2. When using a controlled bloodrage, Ano gains no bonus on Will saves, takes no penalties to AC, and can still use Charisma-, Dexterity-, and Intelligence-based skills. A controlled bloodrage still counts as a bloodrage for the purposes of any spells, feats, and other effects.
Extra Rage-Gain 6 additional rounds of rage.
Natural Hunter-Gain +2 racial bonus on Perception, Survival and Stealth checks.
Scent-This special quality allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights.
The creature can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. Such scents, at the GM’s discretion, require a Fortitude save.
When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. When the creature is within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the source's location.
A creature with the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry's odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Survival skill. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.
Sprinter-When Ano uses the charge, run, or withdraw actions, she gains a 10 ft racial bonus to her speed.
Fencing Grace-While wielding a rapier, Ano uses her Dexterity modifier for weapon damage instead of Strength. She does not gain this bonus while attacking two handed, nor if she ever uses flurry of blows.

Goblin Watcher (campaign)-Ano spent many times watching down at the occasional goblin in Junker's Edge, or has even went down there to explore for washed up treasures. Effect: +1 on Perception and Appraise, and +5 Appraise to determine most valuable item in treasure.
Local Know-It-All (Sandpoint) (regional)-Growing up since she was a baby in Sandpoint, Ano ended up learning much about her home town and the residents within it. Effect: +2 Knowledge (local) regarding to Sandpoint
Reactionary (combat)-Although Ano doesn't seen like the focused type, she does have sharp hearing, and when danger picks up, her attention is as sharp as her blade. Effect: +2 Initiative
Seeker (social)-Ano is an explorer by heart, although she never traveled much further than the farmlands near Sandpoint, and is always on alert for new things to discover. Effect: +1 Perception
Lonely (drawback)-Being the only catfolk child in Sandpoint, and having very few friends that didn't last long, Ano grew up a rather lonely child, and that loneliness still haunts her, even with Cherry at her side. Effect: -2 penalty on Sense Motive & Perception checks vs disguises, and -2 on saves vs charm spells & spell-like abilities

Ano (Catfolk for spark), born in Magnimar but raised in Sandpoint, comes from a long line of catfolk who are descended from a powerful catfolk sorcerer named Akaneko from the Lyashtaki group in Tian Xia; many of her family from the later years across Tian Xia and Avistan are gifted in magic in one way or another, and credit their gifts to him. However, for a while, Ano was one of the few who had no magical abilities, which didn't bother her too much, as her young mind was focused more on dreaming of adventuring to the far lands, and reading on whatever monsters she can at the local library (if her attention allowed it, or if she wasn't chased out of the library for her talkative nature).

She was born in Mangimar, but her father-a hard working lumber worker-was given an opportunity to move to Sandpoint. Wanting his daughter to grow up in a more open area, away from the hustle, bustle and stench of the city, he took that opportunity with gusto (with the obligation of business trips every now and then). Thus, Ano has no memory of Magnimar, and as of now has no real business in venturing there. Her mother is a stay-at-home mom, usually making a little extra income by assisting with medical issues. Her aunt-mother's sister-also assists with medical issues, but through the divine faith of Desna.

Ano, being part of the only catfolk family in Sandpoint, didn't have many friends, but she did count on two friends in her childhood-never being able to hang out with both due to situations beyond her control. Those friends being the daughter of the Kaijitsus, Ameiko, and the adopted daughter of Father Tobyn, Nualia. Ameiko and Ano would often go on "adventures" outside the town, ranging from finding valuables at Junker's Edge to visiting Ameiko's half brother, Tsuto. Unfortunately, these outings were rare, as Lonjiku, Ameiko's father, didn't entirely approve of the friendship (more from Ano being of lower class than her not being a human). Nualia was a friend Ano met more, but to call them friends would be...not quite accurate. Nualia wasn't allowed to go much places even within town, and people awed at the aasimar for reasons that was beyond Ano's control. Thus, Nualia saw Ano more as a way to vent her frustrations than a friend. Ano did try to see if Father Tobyn would try to have people treat Nualia better, but this caused a fight between the aasimar and her adopted dad to where she disowned Ano as a friend and stated to never see her again.

She was very much a witness to the Late Unpleasantness, something that shook her up more than she realized. Her father was one of the victims of Chopper's murder sprees-a blow to young Ano as she believed Jervis Soot was a nice man. However, what truly shook her to her core was the burning of her church. Her aunt, thank Desna, lived outside of the church, and thus wasn't there when the building burned to the ground-but Father Tobyn and the other acolytes weren't as lucky. Worse still was the death of Nualia-this hit the catfolk the most, as she had sent many messages of apologies to the aasimar in the hopes their friendship could be repaired. It also didn't help that Ameiko was more distant from her than ever-something happened within the family, Ameiko didn't want to talk about it, and fearing that prying into family issues would make Ameiko mad like what happened with Nualia, Ano kept her mouth shut, inadvertently causing the gap to grow wider.

One night, while trying to get her mind off of everything that had transpired, she was exploring the forests south of Sandpoint long past when she was supposed to return home, when a massive creature swooped down from the skies and tried to attack her. Within the young catfolk's spirit, that spark of adventure that she had since her childhood grew and manifested into an arcane aura that engulfed her, allowing her to escape, along with the help of a talking cardinal. She sort of believes it was the Sandpoint Devil itself, but she also acknowledges it might've been a massive bat.

Shortly after the experience, Ano wanted to hone in on her arcane skills. She discovered that she couldn’t cast any magic, but Cherry assured her that what was happening to her was indeed a magical surge in energy. The catfolk wasn’t quite able to summon that energy spike at will at first, but when she was traveling around Junker’s Edge and got jumped by a couple goblins, she was able to call upon the energy when she was backed into a corner. Grabbing a discarded rapier, she managed to slay one of the goblins before terrifying the others away. After recovering from the experience, she had the rapier repaired, and never left without it as she honed her battle skills.

Since then, she, and the cardinal Cherry, have decided to roam the coasts, helping farmers out with vermin or catching escaping thieves. However, Sandpoint forever remains her home-she does some odd jobs around the town, more to satiate her boredom than to pick up a couple extra coins for her family. Her main line of work is helping Sheriff Hemlock with any criminals that are wandering too close to Sandpoint, or chasing off the rare goblin that gets too big for his britches. Regardless, she loves Sandpoint, and would do anything to keep it as safe and comfortable as possible.

Ano is 5'3, lithe but athletic in build, and has coloration similar to a snow leopard, with a few of her spots having a shape faintly similar to a clover. She has bright, golden eyes reminiscent of a sunrise, and is often seen with a smile. When she rages, her fur glows with a soft purple aura.

Character Sheet here

2nd Character Sheet here

Ano is bubbly, friendly, and generally looks at the glass half full. However she is a bit of the ditzy side, and tends to have moments where she forgets about personal space (generally getting too close to someone's shiny item, or asking a question without thinking if she should ask it or not). Regardless, she always means well, and tries to help out as much as she can. However, nothing shows her angry side more than the violent and the murderous-when she rages, she talks with her rapier, not her words.

Ano's Family:
Taccath, Ano's father-Taccath was born somewhere in Northern Garund-he never discussed much about his past, but all that is known is that he was outcasted from his original home as a child, and was taken in by a family of woodcarvers and tree cutters in a coastal village of the Mwangi Expanse, where he learned his craft in lumbering. By the time he was a teenager, he repaid his adopted family with a large bundle of gold he saved up for his work before departing northward to Magnimar, believing that area would bring more opportunities than his home town. However, life in Magnimar was rougher than expected-injuries were common, and the pay was manageable, but not as much as he got in the jobs of his past. He initially struggled with finding work in this strange city when a group of benefactors offered him a stable job at Magnimar’s lumber mill in exchange for some favors. Although difficult to adjust at first, he made the most of it, and soon, fate smiled upon him further when he met another catfolk to aid in his illnesses-a catfolk who traced her family to Tian Xia, named Fosyo. Both fell in love quickly, despite the overprotective nature of Fosyo's sister, Saryo.

When the news was delivered that he would be a father, his joy quickly became replaced by worry-the city was rough enough on himself, his wife and sister-in-law, but how cruel would it be towards their own child? Thankfully, while Ano was still young, the benefactors he had conversed with helped him relocate to a "more family friendly settlement"-Sandpoint-as well as give him a massive financial raise, in exchange for some mandatory business trips to continue the favors. These trips and favors became less frequent as the years passed, but it didn't bother Taccath-his family was nice and settled in Sandpoint, and even if something were to go wrong, there was enough money stockpiled to keep the family afloat.

And something did happen, but far sooner than they expected-during the beginning of Chopper's killing sprees, Taccath tried in vain to keep himself well protected while going to his job, but the murderer caught him by surprised and killed him without mercy. He was buried in Sandpoint's cemetery, and in the last few years after his death, coworkers who knew him well still swung by and helped with the family however they could.

Taccath seemed to have been related in some capacity to the Shemtej catfolk who lived upon the Golden Road nations-at the very least, he heavily resembled them, with a sand gold coat, a small tuff of auburn red mane on his head, and sharp yellow eyes-the latter of which Ano inherited from. Personality wise, those who knew him said he was quite a charismatic catfolk, one who always tried to lighten the situation with a good joke or song, but was also one who was unexpectedly terrifying when angered.

Taccath was a major source of inspiration for who Ano wanted to be when she grew up, and often sought out his advice and support when she was sad. His loss was a massive blow to the young catfolk's spirits, and there are many a time where Ano questions if her father would still be proud of her to this day.

Fosyo, Ano's mother-Fosyo and Saryo are twins who were born in Magnimar, who's great grandfather traveled down from Tian Xia to Avistan when he was nothing more but a child. They followed the family tradition of working with herbal medicines, and none were more skilled with identifying illnesses and treating with herbs than Fosyo. She met Taccath when they were both young adults due to a slight illness he caught while working in Magnimar's ports. It was love at first sight, and it wasn't long before Fosyo was expecting. She settled in nicely within Sandpoint, believing it was a much better environment to raise a child than the cramped conditions of Magnimar. She continued to work as an off sight doctor for slight illnesses, as well as assisting in births, but her spark left when Taccath fell victim to Chopper's murdering spree. The only thing that keeps her going is the goal of making sure her sister and daughter are doing alright in the world, just in case something happens.

Ano resembles her mother in terms of physique, only Fosyo is not as athletically built. In addition, her eyes are turquoise in color, and her spots are more faded in, though the latter is more due to age than anything. Although she carries an air of kindness and patience in her expression, actions and tone, only those who know her truthfully can tell that there's a weight of sadness that hangs on her soul.

Saryo, Ano's aunt-Fosyo's twin sister, and Ano's aunt, Saryo struggled for years to keep up with her sister's talent in medical knowledge, but she learned that while her sister heals with herbs, she can call upon the faith of Desna to help heal the body and spirit. Fosyo was rejected from the Desnan clergy in Magnimar for reasons she won't explain-it certainly boils her blood if she does so-and thus agreed to move to Sandpoint with her sister and unborn niece, even if she was unsure if her brother-in-law made a smart choice or not. It ended up being one of the first decisions Taccath did that she believed was a great thing, as not only was she accepted as part of Father Tobyn's clergy, but she felt the town more welcoming than Magnimar. The only person she ever had any conflicts with was Lonjiku, and like fire and water, the two often got into verbal spats, complete with cursing, when the two crossed paths. This unfortunately did not work well for Ano and Ameiko, as the two tried to be friends in spite of their families' bickering.

Saryo, being Fosyo's identical twin, looks remarkably similar in most regards, with the only exception being that Saryo has snow white fur and more vibrant black spots. While Fosyo is kinder and more patient, Saryo is more outgoing, more talkative, but does have a hotheaded streak to her, especially with people whose personalities she cannot tolerate.

20 Questions:
1. What emotion best describes your character?
For Ano, Bubbly. Think Gen 4 MLP Pinkie Pie. For Cherry, Serious.

2. What emotion does your character evoke in others? How do others react to you? Do you impress, scare, calm, excite, or perhaps annoy? Again try to find the most specific term you can. Is this reaction different between friends and enemies?
Depends on the person. Some find amusement in Ano's cheerful nature, while others are annoyed, thinking she's perpetually stuck as a child. Many are amazed at how intellectual and mature Cherry seems for a talking cardinal.

3. What does your character need most? If your character had everything he or she needed, why go on an adventure?
Ano wants to be seen as a genuine member of Sandpoint the most, and feels like adventuring will be her best chance. Cherry has a goal of simply making sure Ano is alright, being her conscious.

4. What is your character's goal in life?
There are quite a few goals-one of them is to be accepted by Sandpoint, another is to be a hero, and the final one is to reconnect with her childhood friend Ameiko.

5. How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished?
Ano is not sure, but she pushes forward in the hopes that she can find a way to accomplish said goals. Cherry believes that if he can keep her focused and determined that she will easily achieve her goals.

6. Where did your character come from?
Ano was born in Magnimar, but has little to no memories of the city as her family moved to Sandpoint when she was young. Cherry was born somewhere in the forests nearby Sandpoint.

7. When did you grow up?
Ano grew up in Sandpoint.

8. What values does your character hold?
Ano believes that true strength comes from helping and protecting others. Cherry believes that using common sense can be a greater weapon than any sword.

9. How does your character dress?
A simple shirt, leather vest, and casual pants.

10. What are your character's means?
Ano's biggest support systems are Cherry, and her mother and aunt.

11. What are your character's personal tastes?
Well cooked meat, a gentle rainy day, and the scent of wildflowers on the breeze.

12. What are your character's opinions?
Ano believes that with many people, power goes to their heads, and thus most don't deserve said power. She also thinks books are the most incredible thing invented ever. She finally believes that as much as people know about the world, there's still many more things to discover.

13. What is your character's comfort zone? What environment, activity, or mindset puts your character at ease?
Either her home, Sandpoint's library, Junker's Edge, or the shade of the trees just outside the town.

14. Who has had the biggest impact on your character's life?
Her family, especially her late father, Taccath.

15. What are some of your character's unexpected quirks? How about three unexpected talents or abilities like being able to sing, or knowing some trivial knowledge, or being good at math? Three things your character can't do that most other people can such as whistling, swimming, or reading well? How about three things your character fears, such as heights, dogs, or insects?
Ano has a greater sense of smell than most other catfolk, and is able to pick up even the faintest of scents. One of her biggest fears are ogres-she's never met one but she has read up on them. Cherry meanwhile fears almost anything, being a small and easy to eat bird.

16. What kind of story does your character belong in?
Ano's story is one of healing and finding acceptance.

17. What role does your character fill?
Largely a comedic role, but she is not solely a comedic sidekick as she would have serious moments.

18. What should the other players know about your character?
Ano tends to think little of herself in spite of her cheerful behavior, and will be hung up over any mistake she causes. She won't be open about this unless she begins to trust her teammates.

19. What is your play style?
Being a bloodrager, largely Dexterity build melee with some spellcasting later down the line. Thematically she would keep her bloodrage until something makes her angry, in which case she quite literally explodes in an arcane fueled wrath. Cherry is largely support, although he could also be used for scouting, and at later levels when he can store and release magic, he can utilize said spells to catch opponents by surprise.

20. How do you want your character to die?
If Ano is to die, she would love to die defending her friends, family and teammates. Same with Cherry.

RP Example-A Day In the Life of Ano:
On a nice, sunny day, within the final days of summer, Ano walked along the roads of Sandpoint, conversing with Cherry.

"You really shouldn't be complaining about being tired when all you did today was herd sheep," the cardinal huffed.

"Hey! Sheep are nothing more but stubborn balls of cotton on legs! Besides, I did more than you-all you did was pick ticks off the sheep and helped yourself," the catfolk retorted.

"That is what we call a mutually beneficial action," Cherry chirped with pride, "The sheep are free of parasites, and I get a full belly!" All Ano could do was roll her eyes with a smile at that.

Ano would love to walk outside of Sandpoint and help out the nearby farms with odd jobs-usually moving stuff or helping with livestock, but every now and then she would have to chase off a wolf, cougar or goblin. Either way, she loved the chances to help out, and every time she would return, she would wave hello to the various residents of her home town. Some waved back, some ignored her. The ones who she knew didn't like her, she didn't even bother to say anything-it would usually just take a nasty look to get her to keep her mouth shut and walk a little faster.

She arrived to her home within Shell Street, to which she smelled a familiar scent-blueberry pies. She was wondering what that could be for as she walked in.

"Ama?" she called out, "I'm back!" Cherry immediately fluttered to the kitchen.

"Good day Miss Fosyo!" the bird chirped, "Oooh, blueberry pies! You don't suppose-?"

Before he could finish the sentence, the older catfolk handed him a small bowl of blueberries. "You know I always save you a few blueberries whenever I'm making pies," Fosyo smiled gently. Ano rolled her eyes again-sometimes Cherry always had food on his brain.

"Ama, what's with the pies? I don't think there's gonna be another festival for a month."

"Of course. But these are specifically for Father Zantus, as a way to thank him for all he's done for the town. Especially your Izeba Saryo." Ano nodded-Zantus always was a man who went out of his way to check on the family, even before the church burned down and killing the previous priest, Father Tobyn. It was something she was not too keen on remembering.

"By the way," Fosyo piped up, pointing to a book on the table, "I believe this is due today?"

Ano's eyes almost popped out of her socket, and she grabbed the book and bolted out the door. "ACK, HOW COULD I FORGET?! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK! CHERRY, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!"

"Hey, it's not my responsibility to remind you! I'm your familiar, not your calendar!" the bird shrilled as he flew off, following her.

Fosyo shook her head with a small chuckle, before her smile faded. "Oh Taccath..." she sighed, looking up at the sky, "If only you were around to see our little haur grow up..."

NOTE: Ama=mother, Izeba=Aunt, Haur=Child

male cardinal familiar (using thrush statistics)
N Diminutive magical beast
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +4 size)
hp 15 (1d10) (half Ano's hitpoints)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2; improved evasion
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee bite + 0 (1d2–5)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB –1; CMD 4
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills (4 ranks)
Acrobatics + 6 (1 skill rank + 2 Dex modifier + 3 class skill bonus)
Fly + 12 (1 skill rank + 2 Dex modifier + 3 class skill bonus + 6 size bonus)
Perception + 9 (1 skill rank + 2 Wis modifier + 3 class skill bonus + 3 Skill Focus)
Stealth + 18 (1 skill rank + + 2 Dex modifier + 3 class skill bonus + 12 size modifier)
Languages Common
SQ alertness, spell catalyst
Alertness: When Cherry is within arm's reach of Ano, she gains the Alertness feat.
Spell Catalyst: Spells Ano casts that targets Cherry are treated as having a caster level 2 levels higher than her actual caster level.

Cherry doesn't remember much. He was a simple cardinal who lives in Varisia's forests, until one night when the moon itself called to him, and he seemed to be awakened. He was told by a voice to "guide her"...that her being a catfolk girl getting chased by a massive flying monster. Without even hesitating, the bird bravely flew into the face of the beast, giving the girl enough time to escape and find a good hiding place.

Although the sight of a talking cardinal was odd, Ano accepted Cherry as her new friend rather quickly, and soon the two became inseperable. Cherry functions as both Ano’s friend, conscious, and eyes when her attention was drawn elsewhere. Since then, Cherry has been by the catfolk's side. As for how he got his name...well, he likes cherries. And he's red like a cherry. He can't argue with that logic.

Cherry appears to be like any ordinary cardinal, save for the fact that in the moonlight his feathers have a sort of gleam to him, making him look like he was made out of rubies.

If Ano is bubbly and carefree, Cherry is the polar opposite-he takes things seriously, and often has to be Ano's eyes (for when she gets distracted) or, more often than not, her conscious and voice of reason. He always makes sure she doesn't get herself into trouble, and scolds her if she does anything stupid or reckless. Despite his annoyance with her, he genuinely cares for her like an older brother. If he manages to get a talk with someone more intellectual, he shows that he is quite fancy to poetry and literature.