DM Salsa Presents - Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master AdamWarnock

Battle Maps | Loot Sheet

Initiative Rolls:

[dice=Cailyn Initiative]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Conrad Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Dare Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Lita Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Scrapeknee Initiative]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Willie Iniative]1d20+5[/dice]

Perception Rolls:

[dice=Cailyn Perception (Lowlight Vision)]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Conrad Perception]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Dare Perception (Darkvision)]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Lita Perception (Darkvision)]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Scrapeknee Perception]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Willie Perception]1d20+1[/dice]

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I gotta say that this discussion thread has been fun following while waiting....

Ano Clovermark wrote:
I think I know who’s responsible for the jamming

So not Captain Lone star and his sidekick Barf

Space Balls, the Funniest Movie I have ever watched.

I already figured that Spaz just doesn't like the other 26!

ngl I’d go bald too ripping my hair out if I had to choose just 5 of these character options

Understandable, really. There's so much good here.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Spaz has been reaching out to other GMs because now they’ve reached the point where they can’t choose anymore and they don’t want anyone feeling left out. most likely not the case but that would be really funny though.

Ano Clovermark wrote:
I wouldn’t be surprised if Spaz has been reaching out to other GMs because now they’ve reached the point where they can’t choose anymore and they don’t want anyone feeling left out. most likely not the case but that would be really funny though.

that would be awesome if true......

But you know cuts will be made.....

I don’t have anything meaningful to add here- I’m just posting to make it easier to (compulsively) check the new page.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Same here, just want to show I'm still paying attention!

I'm still definitely interested, but for the moment, I think we're just waiting on GM Spazmodeus's decision.


Still interested here as well!

yeah definitely still interested

Same, though mostly just quietly keeping track of the thread so I don't get myself too excited in case I don't end up being picked.

The suspense is so thick you could cut it with a knife!

Ridge wrote:
The suspense is so thick you could cut it with a knife!

Or it's so thick you can't cut it with a knife???

.Arrian wrote:
Ridge wrote:
The suspense is so thick you could cut it with a knife!
Or it's so thick you can't cut it with a knife???

See, now that makes it sound like it's getting more powerful... like a horror movie monster.

All too soon, the tension will rampage this or that city!

Ridge wrote:
.Arrian wrote:
Ridge wrote:
The suspense is so thick you could cut it with a knife!
Or it's so thick you can't cut it with a knife???

See, now that makes it sound like it's getting more powerful... like a horror movie monster.

All too soon, the tension will rampage this or that city!

And the mysterious narrator asks, "Are there any heroes to be found anywhere who can stand against this monster???"

It a suspensedemon also known as a Suspensebus! They are like Succubae, only less obvious!

You need metaplot weapons to pierce its DR! And we are all level 1!

Aletha clearly knows exactly what is going on


Drat! How did you figure it out?!

The voices in my head! They speak, I listen!

If my head can do metagaming? Maybe I can headbut it? But I dont have improved unarmed strike! Someone needs to feint it first!

Aletha Verkossian wrote:

The voices in my head! They speak, I listen!

If my head can do metagaming? Maybe I can headbut it? But I dont have improved unarmed strike! Someone needs to feint it first!

You hear them too?

Quick Quick! We need to do a combo headbut attack on the suspensedemon!

Oh lords lol

Aletha Verkossian wrote:
Quick Quick! We need to do a combo headbut attack on the suspensedemon!

"Huh? Hitting the demon's rear end with our heads? What good will that bring us?"

(being connected to the dark tapestry messes with your psyche and way of thinking)

"The voices did speak of the one called Spazz, leaving the masses in great anticipation. Their fates unknown to them, but many would not get on the lovely boat to distant Sandy Points."

Dont you know? We need to fight using our heads! It all makes sense!

Once Aletha gets her urban bloodrager levels, her Abyssal bloodline will basically be Abyssal twitch chat. Full of excellent ideas yes yes

Or so the voices tell me! Both the ones who sound like they are drunk and the ones that dont! Although I think the ones who arent drunk use some demon-drugs instead!

Nothing to add, just waiting, and clubbing down the suspense demons.

They are after all trying to drive me up the wall.

If GM Spazmodeus doesn't decide soon,
someone might either scoop up some of his locked in 4 and poaching some of those on his short list.

Or someone will start something that will poach all the good ones out and they all might be too busy to join as they'll be getting multiple games to play in all at once.

Clubbing with Suspense Demons? Hmmm, that could work! And I have some perform skills!

Aletha Verkossian wrote:
Clubbing with Suspense Demons? Hmmm, that could work! And I have some perform skills!

"But what to wear??"

Azure_Zero wrote:

If GM Spazmodeus doesn't decide soon,

someone might either scoop up some of his locked in 4 and poaching some of those on his short list.

Or someone will start something that will poach all the good ones out and they all might be too busy to join as they'll be getting multiple games to play in all at once.

Or they're so freaked out by us they run away screaming.

.Arrian wrote:
Azure_Zero wrote:

If GM Spazmodeus doesn't decide soon,

someone might either scoop up some of his locked in 4 and poaching some of those on his short list.

Or someone will start something that will poach all the good ones out and they all might be too busy to join as they'll be getting multiple games to play in all at once.

Or they're so freaked out by us they run away screaming.

No he's likely going over the possibilities and some combinations are so good he can't decide which

(Kinda like finally getting time to play through a back Catalog of PC games and can't decide where to start).

and I've already got a plan to give about half of those on the sub list about 2-4 games to play as a player at once.
and give the other half a way in for a reasonable price, a price paid by those on my list.

I mean, we have been a little feral, no? I certainly wouldn't do that if I were them.

I'm starting to hear the voices too....

"STOP TALKING! SUSPENSE DEMONS ONLY EXIST IN YOUR HEAD!!! "Wait! Now they're in my head too! Maybe if I'm really quiet they'll go away!?!"

Now I can't remember any of my spells! I need to rest and study my spellbook....

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah...such sweet suffering! :)

sorry, work and family interrupted my deliberations.
I'll have a decision this evening.

Seems legit! Thanks for the update.

I need a haircut! I can't get (possibly) recruited looking like Shaggy Too Dope!

Is there a barber in this thread!?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This evening will seem to take forever, but to help pass the time and narrow it down...

I have here leaked information, the following six characters will not make the cut:
Elrikov Meatybone (Goblin Magus Edgelord archetype)
Merely Lynn of Cameltrot (gnome Wizardess with crippling self esteem issues)
Crow-Nan the Barbarian (Tengu who longs to hear the lamentations of the chickens)
Sychophantus Snape (Cleric who has chosen the GM as his god)
Billboy Bagman (Halfling Rogue and Tax collector)
Gowin Komodo (Kobold Monk who has taken vow not to wear underthings)

You know this is true, as it is on the internet which has never misled us


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ridge wrote:

This evening will seem to take forever, but to help pass the time and narrow it down...

I have here leaked information, the following six characters will not make the cut:
Elrikov Meatybone (Goblin Magus Edgelord archetype)
Merely Lynn of Cameltrot (gnome Wizardess with crippling self esteem issues)
Crow-Nan the Barbarian (Tengu who longs to hear the lamentations of the chickens)
Sychophantus Snape (Cleric who has chosen the GM as his god)
Billboy Bagman (Halfling Rogue and Tax collector)
Gowin Komodo (Kobold Monk who has taken vow not to wear underthings)

You know this is true, as it is on the internet which has never misled us

I thought this was legit for a second until I saw “edgelord”. I’m a little miffed but also genuinely impressed. Well done.

Great, Billboy was creeping on me! Claiming I need to pay extra taxes because I am subrenting my head to illegal extraplanar immigrants!

GM Spazmodeus wrote:

Ah...such sweet suffering! :)

sorry, work and family interrupted my deliberations.
I'll have a decision this evening.

Video Feed from a Player's Lawyer

Well Bargained, ...
The Contract has ... been set.

If it makes the paranoid falcata lady feel any better, Zeldrith can surrender all his weapons.

...This process may take some time.

You know, I think this has been one of the most active post-selection recruitment threads I have ever seen.

And Ridge, that sounds like a completely screwball party that would be hilarious to watch.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

And the winners are...

Arlyn Booker's Saiya Zenova Female Human Bard ( dawnflower dervish )
Chyrone's Audra Aellan Female Slyph Storm Druid
SlowDrifter's Cirandiu Florean Male Human Cleric
Sensen's kemras Male Half-elf Investigator ( antiquarian )
Pancake's Zorlen Brightstar Male Tiefling Wizard ( thassionian specialist , pact wizard )
Dark Network's Firavel Mandellorian Male Elf Slayer

DM Salsa's Tot , Female Tiefling Fighter

Congrats to those chosen, I look forward to playing with you.
Still working on my intro to the discussion. I'll advise you all when it's ready. Didn't want you to have to wait any longer.

Too many tough choices, had to leave too many quality characters behind. Having been in your shoes many times, I feel your pain! :)
Especially since this was such an engaged group...over 500 posts in the recruitment thread....amazing!

Thanks again for everyone's patience, and GM Salsa for starting the recruitment in the first place!

Congratulations to all selected!

Congrats to the selected

Guess I'll need to launch that project tomorrow, looks like I lost two off my list.

Congrats to everyone who got in!

Sadly I didn't make it again. Congrats to those who did and have fun.

Scarab Sages

Congrats to the second table! Have a great game!

Azure_Zero wrote:

Congrats to the selected

Guess I'll need to launch that project tomorrow, looks like I lost two off my list.

Wait that was serious? Are you running more tables?

Anyways, congrats to everyone who made it in, both sets.

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