![]() The solider pregens had some of the better damage dealing in the party. That said, the melee damage was better than ranged (which makes sense given ability score allotments). The flame thrower is a burst weapon, not single target, so the lower damage makes some sense. I think the damage calculation for the other ranged weapon was wrong. The text on the pregen and the damage listed on the pregen were inconsistent. I don't think these pregens are ready to go out the door. There were definitely some math issues on them. ![]()
![]() I played a Starfinder game at PaizoCon. I looked over the pregens. The soldier was the tankiest by far. Her AC was probably 6 higher than average. Maybe more. In play, she got up in the fight and tanked like a pro. The four encounters we did probably isn't a solid sample size, but for those fights, things seemed about right. Monsters died in a sensible fashion, not after 8 rounds of missing. ![]()
![]() TriOmegaZero wrote: As long as you can provide the watermarked PDF of the resource and are fine with the GM handling your reader, you're good to go. I haven't brought a hardcover book to PaizoCon in......uh....I don't remember? I may need to buy PDFs. Some jackass broke into my car. He stole a tool box. And I think he was probably disappointed to find out he had jacked a ton of PF books. But now I am short a few critical pieces to make a legal PC. ![]()
![]() Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Keep an eye open. I have gotten into all sorts of crazy rare stuff by checking in frequently. A game James Jacobs ran was sitting around open for like an hour last year. ![]()
![]() Monstrous mount and Monstrous Mount Mastery give you your choice of griffon, hippocampus, hippogryph and worg as animal companions. Evolved Companion lets you add multiple evolutions to customize it. If you convinced your GM to let you use a Hunter and these feats along with the primal companion archetype can get you pretty far. ![]()
![]() Tentacledone wrote:
I agree, that was the plan. ![]()
![]() Flynn Greywalker wrote:
I think part of the issue is that you want to address one problem and have gotten a lot of advice regarding the means by which you can fix a different problem. You would like to know how to fix a social problem -- one of you wants to play a different kind of game than the rest of you. He wants to play in a mathy, games mastering way that you (and maybe some others) don't enjoy. The solution to that problem is really having an honest chat about how he does that. Some quick suggestions: 1) Push him to play something that is really good at making others better. Like a buffing bard with a designating gun. 2) Tell him his build isn't fun for YOU as the GM. Work together to rework his PC. -------------------------------------------------------------- That said, the observers saying that the warpriest is simultaneously broken/poorly built/and maybe not that good are probably right. They are just solving a slightly different problem. Albeit, one that MIGHT be helpful when trying to solve your other problem. It looks like his build is illegal in several regards. It looks like his build, if it conformed to the rules wouldn't be all that good. And, it looks like some of your expectations may be off. Those are 3 different problems, perhaps with some shared solutions. First, I would look at his rule issues. Show him that what he is doing is really not allowed. Second, given his rules issue, work TOGETHER to build his PC. You can go spell by spell and feat by feat. Make sure you know how they work. Third, make sure you know what to expect. You seem bummed by the fact that he dropped two CR 10 kytons in a turn. That isn't a crazy result. Nor does it indicate that he is crazy powerful. Loose back of the envelope math:
Fighter starts with 16 strength. Adds +2 from leveling and another +2 from magic He grabs a +2 greatsword. He takes bog-standard feats: weapon focus, weapon specialization, greater weapon focus, improved critical, and power attack. He has weapon training 1 and 2. His attack line at lvl 11 is: +20/+15/+10 2d6+23 The average damage (counting the possibility of crits) is ~75 against a sacristan kyton's AC of 22. A core-only, no bells-and-whistles fighter will do ~75 damage per full attack to your CR 10 kyton (the sacristan, I assume). It has 126 HP, so it is likely to die in 2 rounds. If anyone in the party buffs him (e.g. someone casts haste) and he gets a little lucky, he may drop 2 in one turn. That is a bog-standard, no-frills fighter. Generally speaking, that represents competency and proficiency within a role. It is neither wildly expectation-breaking nor does it represent a character facing its favored foe. If that's surprising, you may need to recalibrate your expectations and work with that. You want to run a game that differs from some core assumptions in the game. That's great, but it is a fact you need to know. ![]()
![]() Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Which would make a lot of sense if there was more dealing and less doddering. ![]()
![]() Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Lol. Except you know, for all of the in-Golarion undead risings, which INVARIABLY seem to occur right under the nose of the local Pharasmins. It's like worshipping Pharasma invites zombie apocalypses. ![]()
![]() Are PP purchases subject to the always available rule? For example, wands don't appear on the list, and a level one wand would usually require 9 Fame to get. But everyone buys healing wands with their first 2 PP. Is the "any single item" language in footnote 3 of the PP table supposed to overrule the Fame mechanic? if so can one buy dragon hide breastplate? ![]()
![]() I don't know how the GM will run it, but the old gestalt rules limited combo classes like mystic theurge, arcane trickster, and eldrtich knight. 3.5 Srd wrote:
![]() Gloria Lindgren wrote: Interview updated, money spent, everything figured out. The only thing I might edit is to add in a summary backstory than includes the names of places. My interview does a lot for me there though. I'm in the same spot. I may make a few edits to the background and spend a few more gold pieces, but I am mostly done. ![]()
![]() Alexander Augunas wrote:
I am sure you know, but an even easier way to do this would be starting several new Kitsune PCs and leaving them below 3 XP. You can pretty much rebuild them into anything later. And they always grandfather existing Races in PFS. ![]()
![]() I think you may have at least one of two problems: 1) you spend too many turns healing, which you find boring. If that's the problem, CLW wand and making your buddies invest in armor and other defenses is your best bet. OR
![]() I am making a dwarf "Goliath Druid" for the giant slayer AP. I am planning on taking one level of(unchained) monk for RP reasons and for the wisdom to AC boost. I was hoping to either be able to flurry with normal (non monk) weapons or to have my unarmed strike damage scale as a monk. I can't see any straight forward way of doing either without a lot of dipping. Crusader flurry would work, but I would need channel ( I.e. A wasted level or taking the cleric VMC and lose a lot of feats) Or, I could get monastic legacy, after taking lots of monk levels. Is there anything I missed? ![]()
![]() I am making a dwarf "Goliath Druid" for the giant slayer AP. I am planning on taking one level of(unchained) monk for RP reasons and for the wisdom to AC boost. I was hoping to either be able to flurry with normal (non monk) weapons or to have my unarmed strike damage scale as a monk. I can't see any straight forward way of doing either without a lot of dipping. Crusader flurry would work, but I would need channel ( I.e. A wasted level or taking the cleric VMC and lose a lot of feats) Or, I could get monastic legacy, after taking lots of monk levels. Is there anything I missed? ![]()
![]() I am thinking about this class as well. I am pondering: Unchained Monk 1 / Golaith Druid X with the domain and not the animal companion. Feats
The monk level gives an extra attack in giant form (probably with a temple sword) and wisdom to AC. Or, I can heavily focus on an amulet of mighty fists and use either natural weapons or unarmed strike. Between Mage armor or bracers and the monk AC bonus I can have a solid AC. Two quick questions: 1) I spent a long time looking for ways to flurry with a war hammer, battleaxe, or pick and came up short. Best I saw was getting channel and taking crusader flurry. That would require I give up another level or lose a ton of feats to get the cleric variant multi classing. I would love to flurry with a traditional dwarf weapon, but can't see a good way to make that happen. 2) where does it say you have to take Steel Soul at lvl 1? ![]()
![]() I am guessing a dwarf AP for 3 bigger reasons. 1) a Paizo chat question over a year ago, FROM James Jacobs asking people how they would feel about an AP where everyone else plays the same race. 2) at Paizo Con I asked if Giant Slayer counted as the dwarf AP, because playing a dwarf there was pretty natural. The whole panel had an answer and there wasn't any hemming or hawing. Which indicates that it's on the table at least. 3) they mentioned a Derro announcement that was upcoming and I didn't see any obvious Derro stuff on the table. That would fit a dwarf AP. Less important stuff, they are doing more dwarf materIal. In PFS dwarf stuff has been important. And lots of people have pretty developed ideas about dwarves. See, e.g. The last two pages of the homosexuality in Golarion page. Things I think are on the board: Jatembe AP -- if people keep clammoring
![]() Dario Nardi wrote: I signed up for a Monday morning game with my buddy that had room for 1 more person. Yay! -- EXCEPT... while it says by the game "On your schedule", it doesn't actually appear on my schedule, no matter refreshing or remove/re-add...? How can I find out if it's really on my schedule? (Also, when I register, the number of players stays at 11 rather than moving to 12). PS. There's no schedule conflicts. Help me Obiwan! I have the same issue. |