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Interview updated, money spent, everything figured out. The only thing I might edit is to add in a summary backstory than includes the names of places. My interview does a lot for me there though.
I'm in the same spot. I may make a few edits to the background and spend a few more gold pieces, but I am mostly done.

Me'mori |

Alright, let me get this math straight, having looked up Gestalt in the d20pfsrd. It seems every Eberron game has used Gestalt.. Interesting.
For a Wizard/Cleric Mystic Theurge, I'm effectively looking at Wiz 3, Cle 3, MT2/Wiz4/Cle4, right?
Correction: It's simpler to just do Cle2/Wiz2/GCle-Wiz4, isn't it?

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I don't know how the GM will run it, but the old gestalt rules limited combo classes like mystic theurge, arcane trickster, and eldrtich knight.
Prestige classes that are essentially class combinations-such as the arcane trickster, mystic theurge, and eldritch knight-should be prohibited if you’re using gestalt classes, because they unduly complicate the game balance of what’s already a high-powered variant. Because it’s possible for gestalt characters to qualify for prestige classes earlier than normal, the game master is entirely justified in toughening the prerequisites of a prestige class so it’s available only after 5th level, even for gestalt characters.

Gavmania |

Heres what I got so far:
Rolando Emalinos Escados
Race Samsaran
Classes/Levels Monk (Zen Archer/Quinggong)6//Warpriest 6
Gender Male
Size 5'10"
Age 28
Special: Blessings, Fervour 2d6, sacred weapon +1, Zen archery, Ki pool, unarmed strike, Mystic Past Life
Alignment LG
Languages Common, Samsaran
Occupation Caravan guard
Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12 (Base 14 -2Race)
Intelligence 10 (Base 8 +2Race)
Wisdom 24 (Base 18 +2race +2Level ups +2Headband)
Charisma 8
HP: 72
AC: 24 (+4 DEX, +1 Level, +7 WIS, +1 Ring Protection, +1 Bracers)
Initiative: +8
F/R/W: +8/+8/+14
+2 Composite Longbow (str16) (+16/+11AB, 1d8+5 Damage, x3, 100')
+2 Composite Longbow (str16) (Deadly Aim) (+14/+9AB, 1d8+9 Damage, x3, 100')
+2 Composite Longbow (str16) (Flurry of Blows) (+14/+14/+9AB, 1d8+5 Damage, x3, 100')
+2 Composite Longbow (str16) (FoB+DA)(+12/+12/+7AB, 1d8+9 Damage, x3, 100')
Unarmed (+10AB, 1d8+3, 20/x2)
Acrobatics +11 (Ranks4 Dex+4 Class+3)
Climb +7 (Ranks1 +3Str +3 Class)
Craft (Bows) +7 (Ranks4 +3Class)
Knowledge (Geography) +8 (Ranks5 +3Class)
Knowledge (Religion) +7 (Ranks4 +3Class)
Perception +18 (ranks8 +3Class +7Wis)
Profession (Soldier) +14 (Ranks4 +7Wis +3Class)
Profession (Cook) +13 (Ranks3 +7Wis +3 Class)
Ride +11 (Ranks4 +4Dex +3Class)
Sense Motive +16 (Ranks6 +7Wis +3Class)
Stealth +15 (Ranks8 +3Class +4Dex)
Survival +14 (Ranks4 +7Wis +3Class)
Swim +7(Ranks1 +3Str +3Class)
Feats and Abilities:
(M)= Monk Bonus Feat
(W)= Warpriest Bonus Feat
Level 1 (Monk): Deadly Aim, Perfect Strike (M), Precise Shot (M), Unarmed strike (M),
Level 2 (Monk/Wapriest) Rapid Shot (M), WF: Longbow (M), WF: Unarmed (W)
Level 3 (Warpriest) Improved Initiative
Level 4 (Monk/Warpriest) Combat Reflexes (MB), Point Blank Master (M)
Level 5 (Warpriest) Extra Ki Pool
Level 6 (Monk/Warpriest)
Level 7 (Monk/Warpriest) Point Blank Shot, Snap Shot (W), Weapon Specialization (Longbow)(M)
Level 8 (Monk) Improved Precise Shot(M)
Blessings (Charm, Good)
Channel Energy 2d6
Fervour 2d6 (10/day)
Focus Weapon (Unarmed)
Ki Pool: 10
Ki Powers: Barkskin, Ki arrows, Extra Attack with FoB, +20' Move, +4AC
Lifebound (+2 vs. Death effects and Negative Energy)
Low Light Vision
Mystic Past Life (Gravity Bow(1st), Aspect of the Falcon(1st), Stoneskin (4th), Heroism(3rd), See Invisibility (2nd), True Strike (1st))
Sacred Weapon +1
Zen Archery
Fate's Favored (Improves Luck Bonus by +1)
Spells per day: 5
Detect magic, Read magic, light , Resistance, Mending
Spells/day: 6
Gravity Bow, Aspect of the Falcon, Divine Favor, True Strike, Bless, Sun Metal
Spells/day: 5
Prayer, Aid, See Invisibility, Bull's Strength, Hold Person

Tentacledone |

Gotcha, so use the original Half-Blood from the book, minus the Growing of New Symbionts and add +2 to any single attribute. Just to double check, the 4 gestalt levels are still in play, correct? Also, is the favored class fixed on Rogue, or is it open, similar to humans?
And, Hello! to everybody else :)
I'm planning on playing a Daelkyr Half-Blood, of the fighter/probably-sorcerer nature.

Philo Pharynx |

Oh, they can still regrow their existing symbionts. The gestalt levels are still in play (I'd likely face some angry people If I took it away).
Okay, favored classes.
Fighter: +2 on rolls to stabilize when dying
Sorcerer: +1 to unbalanced mind DC (max +5)
Anybody that wants favored classes for a race that doesn't have them, let me know what race and what class you want.

Gavmania |

Rolando Emalino Escados
Skills (adjusted)
Acrobatics +11 (Ranks4 Dex+4 Class+3)
Climb +7 (Ranks1 +3Str +3 Class)
Craft (Bows) +7 (Ranks4 +3Class)
Knowledge (Geography) +8 (Ranks5 +3Class)
Knowledge (Religion) +7 (Ranks4 +3Class)
Perception +18 (ranks8 +3Class +7Wis)
Profession (Soldier) +14 (Ranks4 +7Wis +3Class)
Profession (Cook) +13 (Ranks3 +7Wis +3 Class)
Ride +10 (Ranks3 +4Dex +3Class)
Sense Motive +16 (Ranks6 +7Wis +3Class)
Stealth +15 (Ranks8 +3Class +4Dex)
Survival +13 (Ranks3 +7Wis +3Class)
Swim +7(Ranks1 +3Str +3Class)
+2 Adaptive Composite Longbow 9,000 gp
Headband of Wisdom +2 4,000 gp
Ring of Protection +1 2,000 gp
Cloak of Resistance +1 1,000 gp
Belt of Strength +2 4,000 gp (May switch to CON as I have Bull's strength)
Bracers of Armor +1 1,000 gp
Quick Runner's Shirt 1,000 gp
Efficient Quiver 1,800 gp
Feather Step Slippers 2,000 gp
Pearl of Power (1st)x3 3,000 gp
Handy Haversack 2,000 gp
Wand - Cure Light Wounds 750 gp
Wand - Abundant Ammunition 750 gp
Potion - Mage Armor x2 100 gp
Total 32,400 gp
600gp remains for mundane equipment, horse and maybe some scrolls.

Bertholdt Escheus |
Dreaming Warforged here. Here's the crunch. I'll now work on description, background and interview questions.
Let me know if you have questions or comments on the crunch. I went for a flexible frontliner by adding brawler levels for the gestalt part of the investigator. Martial flexibility can open a lot of options!
I've also toyed with the idea of going with a simpler version using fighter levels, but chose flexibility over AC and damage in the end.

Me'mori |

I wouldn't mind losing the gestalt levels. I'd just alter my idea to suit. Alright, now to get this idea out of my head and into text.
The day of, the line started forming early, and got to be pretty long. There was a bit of advantage to be had in that he had a room and knew who they were, so getting near the front of the line so as to not waste a whole day waiting was barely any effort. Some pains were taken for appearance, however, he was no paladin, knowing that capability counted more for appearance. At least he got to be interviewed when they were still somewhat personable.
Settling in the chair, he smiled at the interviewers, not envying them the day they had ahead of them, absently scratching at the stubble on his chin. It was always annoying at this stage of the light beard he was growing. "Khelan Cassadar, a pleasure."
"What are you best at? Your strongest talent?"
"I would say that I'm best at constructing traps." A casual spread of his hands accompanied that statement. "Though I suspect, my skill in disabling them may be more to your interest. Commensurately, my understanding of their design and function is what I would consider my strongest talent, as such designs can be applied to other functions provided the proper tools are available."
"What else can you offer to the group?"
"That does depend on the makeup of the group itself, however I am also capable of some scouting duties, and within a brief amount of time, I can unobtrusively improve a camp's defenses."
"What areas are you weakest in?"
This question brought a pause, and a thoughtful look, one hand going to his chin as he considered."Truthfully, direct combat is not my forté. My tactics are more suited to baiting and ambush."
"What experiences do you have with the Mournland?
"Little to none, honestly. I'm aware of some of the conditions there, and have had some cursory education as to the geography, but as for ventures into the area, none."
Have you visited Cyre before the Mourning?
"I have not."
Did you serve in the war? For whom, and what were your duties?
"I did not."
"Do you hold any oaths or duties to others that may conflict with this mission? If so, please explain."
"From my understanding, this is an expedition to a location, with the intent of retrieval. I have no oaths or duties that conflict."
"Tell me a little about yourself. Your background, your training."
"Well, I guess I've always been a tinkerer. I grew up in Wroat, and enamored of the Lightning Rail, I aspired to be one of the ones that worked on it when I grew up. Somewhere along the line, my interest turned to the finer constructions of mechanisms, which led me to let go of the childhood aspiration, and I turned my focus towards the smaller constructions. I was assisting a tinker when someone brought in the mechanism for a needle trap on a chest (sprung, of course) they had found, and-- if you'll pardon the pun-- something clicked." A depreciating smile accompanied the statement, downplaying the humor.
"I spent the following years being referred around. The tinker knew someone who did finer work-- they were mostly into repairs, rather than construction-- and in the process I got to learn a lot more than I thought I would, actually earning a referral into Zilargo to work with a master tinker. This is actually a bit of a celebratory trip for me, since I figured I'd ride the Lightning Rail to its end, and I just happened upon one of your postings for this expedition. I will admit to a morbid sort of curiosity about the Mournland, and a passing academic interest in how things have developed there. Sadly, I have no talent for magic, else I suspect that I would be very intrigued."
Pausing, the he took a moment to compose his thoughts and continued. "As for my training, I did pick up what I could in my free time, and did join a school for a brief period to see what other affinities I might have. I suppose my focus on the finer constructions made any aptitude with larger blades a moot point, as I tend toward precision. Likewise for heavier armors. I prefer to be mobile and precise. As such, I took to scouting and other roles that suited my aptitudes. This was also necessitated by the realization that some of the more clever constructions are not going to be found or created in a shop. I seek travel to also chronicle the design of some of the more devious traps."
A bit of a nervous chuckle accompanied a shrug, at that. "Dangerous, I'm aware. Chances are, I may end up losing my life in this pursuit, but it is something that drives me, and what are we without our passions?"
Impressed, the gnome referred him to someone else, who did the same after a couple years. Shortly, his lessons went from "academic", to "practical", having been picked up by an organization that wanted to test the extent of his capabilities. He did not know who, only that they paid well. There was no problem in that, but what gave him brief pause was that the final test was murder. It took some thought, but he saw it as a challenge. Could he engineer something that could kill someone?
It turned out the answer was "Yes, he could." He took more pleasure in making the construction as perfect as he could, rather than what it would be used for. It was a bit of a jarring revelation to him, but something that he eventually accepted, learning that he did not value lives as much as others did.
STR: 10 DEX: 18 CON: 12 INT: 14 WIS: 14 CHA: 14
HP: 74
Saves: F+6/R+12/W+7
Skills: *(Ranks)
Perception +8, Stealth +8, Disable Device +8, Disguise +4, Heal +5, K.(Arcana) +3, K.(Local) +5, Diplomacy +5, Bluff +8, Sense Motive +8, Survival +5, Acrobatics +6, Climb +3, Ride +3, Swim +3, K.(Dungeoneering) +4, Sleight of Hand +4, Use Magic Device +2
• Background:
Craft(Sketch) +3, Craft(Traps) +8, K.(Engineering) +7, Linguistics +3, Appraise +2
Special Abilities:
Sneak Attack +4d6, Evasion, Trap Sense +2, Careful Disarm, Trap Master, Studied Target, Track, Death Attack, Poison Use, +1 save vs. poison, Uncanny Dodge
Artisan, Friends in Low Places
Rogue Talents:
Quick Disable, Quick Trapsmith, Befuddling Strike, Canny Observer
Stealthy*, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Iron Will
Equipment: To be added later

GM Leviathan |

I've got the Skele-Bones all conceptualized, but not the whole crunch.
Warforged Scout: 4Artificer| 8Magus; Golem Crafter who has been foraging through the Mournalnds in search of bettering himself, and Collecting what he, sorrowfully, hears others refer to as "Junk". He also grafts some things to himself (modified via the Cyber-tech rules; Not too much crap though.)
I'm tight on time this week, but I'll bust it out as best as I can.

Gavmania |

Rolando Emalino Escados
Rolando rode into New Cyre a few days early. The town has grown, again, he noted. Making his way to his favourite Inn, The Crown and Bell, he slipped a coin to the stable boy to look after his horse then headed for the Bar. Greeting the Barman like a long lost friend, Rolando tried to enquire about the Expedition and it's leader, but was met with shrugs. Undaunted, he spent the rest of the time before the interview replacing lost or worn equipment, commissioning a few new items and preparing.
On the day of the Interviews, he rose early and joined the queue which was already quite long. Looking at his fellow hopefuls, he could see that most were wannabees, either too young and inexperienced or simply unsuited to an expedition to the Mournlands. When his turn came, Rolando stood before the three interviewers and waited their questions.
What are you best at? Your strongest talent?
"I am an archer, senor. I served as a skirmisher during the Last War and have retained my skills since."
What else can you offer to the group?
"Senor, I also served as a scout and a cook; I can ride and have a keen eye. I am well travelled, and I have worked for House Orien as a mercenary scout and outrider."
What areas are you weakest in?
"Senor, I am a simple soldier and can no act as a go-between or speak for others. That, I leave to someone else."
What experiences do you have with the Mournland?
"Senor, I have been there a few times, and I am confident that I will be able to manage."
Have you visited Cyre before the Mourning?
"Si, Senor. I was a soldier with the armies of Cyre before the day of Mourning. I was born there and lived most of my life there."
Did you serve in the war? For whom, and what were your duties?
"Si, Senor, I served Queen Dannel of Cyre as a skirmisher and a scout. That all ended on the day of Mourning, though."
Do you hold any oaths or duties to others that may conflict with this mission? If so, please explain.
"No, Senor. I no longer hold commission with the armies of Cyre or any other agency. My only obligation is to Olladra, but that should not be an impediment."
Tell me a little about yourself. Your background, your training.
"Senor, there is not much else to tell. I trained to the bow from a young boy, and served as a skirmisher and a scout during the Last War. After the day of Mourning, I found myself in Breland. Having no other prospects, I signed on as a caravan guard with House Orien who were struggling to find reliable and experienced guards as most were serving in their nation's armies. That is where I have been for the last few years, travelling across Khorvaire. Now I have reached the point in my life where I can ask myself, what do I want to do for myself? I am a patriot, senor, and I want to see Cyre return to it's former glory; but to do that I must deal with the Mournland and so I am seeking out those who wish to go there and offering my services. I help them navigate the Mournland, they help me to understand it. It is simple, really. The better I understand it, the better I can serve, and the more likely I will be able to help find a way to reverse it."

Lylt |

So, because I'm crazy and have nothing much better to do, here's a list of submissions and ideas.
Gloria Lindgren, Human Barbarian/Monk/Fighter
Eloith D'Phiarlan, Elf Magus/Swashbuckler
Vlyt, Changeling Alchemist/Rogue
Bertholdt Escheus, Human Investigator/Brawler
Rolando Emalino Escados, Samsaran Monk/Warpriest (page 2, Gavmania)
Khelan Kassadar, Human Rogue/Slayer/Assassin (Page 2, Me'mori)
GM Leviathan: Warforged Articifer/Scout. Golem Crafter
Tentacledone: Daelkyr Half-Blood, Fighter/Sorcerer?
If I missed you, I apologize.

Philo Pharynx |

I show that you missed Alton
Alton Link Halfling Paladin/fighter/cavalier/swashbuckler/monk/investigator

Aestereal |

Actually, I didn't. Pahlok dropped a few posts above my list. I did, however, subconsciously miss The Morphling's alchemist/bloodrager idea, which your link showed me. Thanks, I was quite tired when I put the list together.
Gloria Lindgren, Human Barbarian/Monk/Fighter
Eloith D'Phiarlan, Elf Magus/Swashbuckler
Vlyt, Changeling Alchemist/Rogue
Bertholdt Escheus, Human Investigator/Brawler
Rolando Emalino Escados, Samsaran Monk/Warpriest (page 2, Gavmania)
Khelan Kassadar, Human Rogue/Slayer/Assassin (Page 2, Me'mori)
GM Leviathan: Warforged Articifer/Scout. Golem Crafter
Tentacledone: Daelkyr Half-Blood, Fighter/Sorcerer?
The Morphling: Alchemist/Bloodrager
If I missed you, I apologize.

Gloria Lindgren |

And it's up. I also adjusted everything to show that Gloria is among the Vassals, particularly worshiping Boldrei. She has a religion trait that I believe is originally meant to go to worshipers of Torag, but I thought it would be appropriate considering the change of setting and her monastic background.

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I'm really excited about this character, but I am worried I won't be able to finish him in time. I don't think there's any way to make this character in a non-gestalt game, as Master Chymist requires a lot of levels of either Alchemist or Investigator for qualification, and I happen to need exactly four levels of Bloodrager.
At this point, I'm more likely to go for Investigator than for Alchemist. I think Alchemist is more powerful (by a lot), but Investigator fits his character better and is a more interesting idea to me. The most important thing is his single level of Master Chymist though - it means that his mutagenic form has its own distinct personality - his dark side.

Philo Pharynx |

Oh, I am the same way. Tweaking and twisting up until the wire. Especially when you change come crunch, and that requires rewriting the fluff to adapt to the new idea and then that causes some other bit of crunch to change and that...
I'll even be okay with small changes after you see how it actually plays.
But speaking of changes (switches to his Ex Cathedra voice)
Please make sure your final character is all in one place. I don't care if it's an alias or a post, but I'd like everything together by Friday.

Gloria Lindgren |

I took note of what Pahlok did because I liked it and compiled all of the information in this character sheet, so you can use whatever's easiest.

Me'mori |

Same here for equipment.
Philo, I do have a question about the trapmaking, however. Should I set aside s few thousand gold for trap crafting materials?
Dagger of Venom 8302
+3 Mithril Chain Shirt 11102
Ring of Protection +2 8000
Cloak of Resistance +2 4000
Masterwork Thieves' Tools
Standard Equipment Pack, Light
• (2)Alchemist's Fire
• (2)Acid
• CMW Potion
• CLW Potion