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![]() Are PP purchases subject to the always available rule? For example, wands don't appear on the list, and a level one wand would usually require 9 Fame to get. But everyone buys healing wands with their first 2 PP. Is the "any single item" language in footnote 3 of the PP table supposed to overrule the Fame mechanic? if so can one buy dragon hide breastplate? ![]()
![]() I am making a dwarf "Goliath Druid" for the giant slayer AP. I am planning on taking one level of(unchained) monk for RP reasons and for the wisdom to AC boost. I was hoping to either be able to flurry with normal (non monk) weapons or to have my unarmed strike damage scale as a monk. I can't see any straight forward way of doing either without a lot of dipping. Crusader flurry would work, but I would need channel ( I.e. A wasted level or taking the cleric VMC and lose a lot of feats) Or, I could get monastic legacy, after taking lots of monk levels. Is there anything I missed? ![]()
![]() I am making a dwarf "Goliath Druid" for the giant slayer AP. I am planning on taking one level of(unchained) monk for RP reasons and for the wisdom to AC boost. I was hoping to either be able to flurry with normal (non monk) weapons or to have my unarmed strike damage scale as a monk. I can't see any straight forward way of doing either without a lot of dipping. Crusader flurry would work, but I would need channel ( I.e. A wasted level or taking the cleric VMC and lose a lot of feats) Or, I could get monastic legacy, after taking lots of monk levels. Is there anything I missed? ![]()
![]() A couple friends and I tossed around the idea of running a tongue-in-cheek, Inner Sea Region themed Model UN. Instead of representing real countries, you would choose/be assigned an Inner Sea country and represent them for a few hours, like some of us did in high school. We would have a fake agenda (with appropriately themed items like "Comprehensive Onyx Regulation and Other Limits on Necromancy" or "Model Laws Concerning the Use of Enchantment in International Trade" or "Economic Development: Turning Ladders into Ten Foot Poles" [I am aware of the PFRPG price change]) and maybe some more "gamey" elements (e.g. Fort saves or die when the room fills with poison). I don't want to request a spot on the calendar unless people are interested (and I understand that the idea is pretty far afield from what one normally does with a slot). But, it could be fun if people are interested, so let me know. ![]()
![]() Previous years seem to limit the special to 1-11. With the increased focus and availability of 12+ play, will the special at PaizoCon allow lvl 12+ characters to play, or should those of us with high level characters chill at 11.2? Our local group doesn't want to run the retirement arc if doing so will cause us to get shut out of this year's metaplot. Especially if it means we Season 4 potential spoiler/wild guess: lose the chance to fight Krune. ![]()
![]() Mage bullets is pretty vague. In particular 1) it works on just one barrel at a time, 2) it persists until time runs out or used again on that barrel. If one has a pepper box (6 barrels), it seems one can one blow 6 2nd level spells to mage barrel the whole gun. Then you can make each barrel spells storing and crank out a ton of spells in a round. Rapid shot + haste + 3 attacks from BAB (say you go EK) is 5 shots in a round. Crossblood sorc for +2 damage per dice. Magical lineage (scorching ray). So 5 spells * 3 rays per spell * 4d6 = 60d6 + 120 all times 1.5. Total is around 500 damage. Am I missing something? ![]()
![]() I just finished school (grad degree after a couple years of work) and I am returning to Boise. I have had really good luck with games on the East Coast...I have gotten through most of Savage Tide, AoW, and LoF. I DMed all of Kingmaker and will finish Carrion Crown Sunday. Anyway, I am moving back and want to play or run Skull and Shackles. I get to Boise at the end of May, but would like to make arrangements beforehand. Let me know if you are interested. ![]()
![]() Juju Snatcher (Witch)
Juju Sap (Su): At first level, Juju Sap targets a single living creature within 30 feet of the juju snatcher as a standard action. Juju sap does 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two juju snatcher levels beyond 1st. Creatures that take damage from juju sap receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the juju snatcher's level + the juju snatcher's Intelligence modifier. Additionally, juju sap may grant an ally within 30 feet of the juju snatcher temporary hit points equal to the damage done. These temporary hit points disappear an hour later. A juju snatcher may juju sap a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. This replaces the hex ability. Jinx (Su): At 6th level, the juju snatcher may choose to grant one ally a weal or cause one enemy woe. The juju snatcher selects one weal or woe at 6th level and an additional weal or woe at every third level thereafter. Weal allows the juju snatcher to to infuse an ally with life energy which persists as long as the temporary hit points granted. At 6th level the juju snatcher may select: Does Not Sink: The target receives a bonus on swim checks equal to half the juju snatcher's level. At 9th level the juju snatcher may select: Does Not Burn: The target receives fire resistance equal to half the juju snatcher's level. At 12th level the juju snatcher may select: Does Not Fear: The target is immune to fear effects. Woe is as the antipaladin cruelty ability except as noted. Woe affects a creature damaged by juju sap. The juju snatcher's effective antipaladin level is equal to half the juju snatcher's level. The DC of any save require is equal to the save DC for juju sap. This replaces the major hex ability. Jumbo Juju Sap (Su): At 8th level and every eighth level beyond 8th, the juju snatcher may use juju sap to damage an additional creature (2 at at 8th and 3 at 16th). The juju snatcher may also grant temporary hit points to additional allies. For each creature that takes damage from juju sap, the juju snatcher may grant an ally a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage caused. A juju snatcher may determine which sources of damage grant temporary hit points to which ally, but an ally may not receive temporary hit points from multiple sources. This replaces the grand hex ability. ![]()
![]() Illusionist's Veil
Made of three layers of thin, brightly colored silk, the veil attunes itself to the wearer after 24 hours of continuous wear. The veil acts as a hat of disguise with two additional powers which each function once per day. First, as a standard action, the wearer may choose to end an ongoing illusion spell that he previously cast. That illusion is replaced by a single summoned monster. The power of summoned monster is limited by the spell level of the illusion cast, for example a third level illusion could be replaced by any monster on the summon monster III list. Secondly, the wearer may use any illusion spell of 3rd level or higher as dispel magic to counterspell or to attempt to dispel an ongoing magical effect that does not target a creature. If the wearer is successful, the spell is counterspelled or dispelled, but a major image remains, mimicking the visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal effects, if any, of the spell counterspelled or dispelled. As an immediate action, the wearer may begin concentrating on the major image. Construction
![]() As soon as I saw Tartuk's stat block, my first thought was 'he would be so much better as a summoner'. Tartuk the Summoner
Morale: Tartuk fights, until things seem grim, but tries to escape.
Languages Common, Draconic, Gnome, Undercommon
![]() Our gaming group has had a great time going through Legacy of Fire, but we are a couple people short for the weekday game we want to play this summer. Our group has been playing for about a year and having a great time. We are a bunch of pretty chill guys, and definitely want to play Kingmaker this summer. The game will probably be two weeknights a week and we will probably play in a cool private conference room on the Yale campus. We are looking to get started soon, so if interested definitely e-mail me at: jtspalding at gmail dot com ![]()
![]() Is there a rule preventing the following: Animated Shield (essentially slotless)
The only limit I see is "You can't also make an attack with armor spikes if you have already made an attack with another off-hand weapon, and vice versa." Is it too literal to say that the longsword in the example is not an offhand weapon. ![]()
![]() Assumptions and build background:
1) I wanted builds that do roughly the same things...put out good damage without hosing AC. Both should be at least respectable tanks. They were both put together with that in mind. 2) I assumed that the Summoner spent 1/3rd of his wealth per level on the Eidolon. This may or may not prove to be a reasonable assumption, but I figured that the summoner would spend a decent amount of cash staying alive and gearing himself up to be productive. 3) I built the fighter with the standard fantasy point buy. More point buy would probably effect the fighter's hitpoints more than anything else. 4) The 12th level Eidolon is not Huge because he wouldn't fit through doors.
Level 6 Fighter 6
Attacks: +11/+11/+6/+6 (6 Bab +4 str +1 weapon +1 WF +1 WT -2 TWF)
Feats and Gear:
H Weapon Focus (Short Sword) 1B TWF 1 Double Slice 2B Toughness 3 Power attack 4B Weapon Specialization (short sword) 5 Step Up 6B ITWF Armor Training 1 - (-1 ACP +1 Max Dex)
Quadruped of Level 6 Summoner
Attacks: Bite +12 (6 Bab +7 str -1 size)
Feats, Gear, and Evolutions:
1 Power Attack 3 Shield Proficiency 6 Toughness Evasion, Devotion Evolutions (9)
Gear: +1 Large Shield, Ring of Protection +1
Level 12
Attacks: Long Sword: +22/+17/+12 (12 Bab +5 str +3 weapon +2 GWF +2 WT -2 TWF)
Feats and Gear:
H Weapon Focus (Long Sword) 1B TWF 1 Double Slice 2B Toughness 3 Power attack 4B Weapon Specialization (Long sword) 5 Step Up 6B ITWF 7 Improved Shield Bash 8b GWF Long sword 9 WF Shield 10B WS Shield 11 GWF Shield 12B TW Rend Armor Training 3 - (-3 ACP +3 Max Dex)
+5 Full Plate, +5 Light Shield, Belt of Physical Perfection +2, +3 Longsword, +3 shield spikes, +1 amulet of NA, +1 ring of prot +1 cloak of resistance
Quadruped of Level 12 Summoner
Attacks: Bite +19 (11 Bab +8 str +1 magic -1 size)
Feats, Gear, and Evolutions: 1 Power Attack 3 Shield Proficiency 6 Toughness 9 WF Claws Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack Evolutions (16)
Gear: 36k Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, +5 Heavy Shield, Ring of Prot +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone
![]() The interaction between the size rules and distance rules of the Eidolon will make for poor play experiences. In years of gaming, the situations in which a huge creature can travel along side the PC for levels at a time are very limited. The combination forces players to make the sorts of decisions which aren't very fun...namely guessing the room size of the combats they will face (equal parts IC and metagaming) and getting screwed if they choose poorly. The clearest examples are mounted combat and 3.5 animal companions. Neither were much fun unless you knew far in advance whether or not your creature could fit through the door. A relatively simple fix is allowing the creature a size max and to grow. The Large Evolution would allow the Eidolon to switch between Large and Medium size categories. The Huge evolution would allow all three. Switching size is not especially difficult to adjudicate (after all, 1st level arcane casters get the ability in Enlarge Person and it was a hallmark ability of mellee oriented clerics in 3.5). For ease of play and to limit abuse it could even have a long cast time. ![]()
![]() Unless one has a combat trained mount, one must use a move action to control the mount in combat and make a much more difficult check. If a paladin has something other than a horse as his divine bond companion, like the camel mentioned in the PFRPG, how can he train it for combat? Can it just learn, given its 6 Int? Or can one still use Handle Animal even though its intelligence is greater than 2? If another type of animal can be trained for riding is it eligible for a paladin mount. |