Eagle Knight of Andoran

Helikon's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 4,943 posts (26,767 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 28 Organized Play characters. 83 aliases.

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male Human Void Pact Wizard 7
AC 13/T12/FF12 HP 19/27 F+8 R+2 W+8 Init +7 Perception +3


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Male Half-orc Rogue (Thug) 7

Well I talked to my wive, who has had quite a few patients like that. There is no recovery, but you can have good days and bad days.

I wish her a lot of the first. AND I gladly dedicate this game in her name.

BTW Brvheart, you do allow drawbacks. You made me play the vanilla rogue!

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Male Half-orc Rogue (Thug) 7

of course Luck!!!

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Male Half-orc Rogue (Thug) 7

I started a new job, and before 4 days homeoffice and one day sitting in the office and watching Prime or painting miniatures or playing handy games.
But now 4 days in the office and hard work.
LOVE it!!!!!

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Male Half-orc Rogue (Thug) 7
brvheart wrote:
Felix wrote:
Felix as a city orc is not trained in a falchion and 2handed axe, but longsword and whip.

Sorry, it was not a trait I was aware of. Made that adjustment on my end:)

It just felt better fitting for a sneaky dex based thi... am expert in wealth reallocation.

And I am watching Indiana Jones with my little daughter, so the whip was icing on the top. :-)
Especially in a Pirate themed game.

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Oh Felix is no pickpocket, more the bootswain on a pir... am sailing ship of loose moral.

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male Hobgoblin Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5/Shield Marshall 5

Hope you feel better now!

Vigilant Seal

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Dwarf Fighter HP 23 AC 20 Perc 5

Not used to be called weak Grimm grumbles a bit in his beard.
But when Rugous starts his song his spirit is lifted and he taps his shield in rhythem.

Sovereign Court

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female Human
AC 13/T12/FF11 HP 26/26 F+2 R+3 W+4 Init +6 Perception +9
Psychic (Rebirth) 4

If Cassiopia is using her tarot deck for divination spells she is casting spells at level 5.
She is caster level 2, thanks to her feat fortune teller she can use the tarot deck to get one level. Thanks to the trait Harrow Chosen she gains +2 caster levels if she is using her tarot deck for divination spells.
So caster level 5

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Female Kitsune, Usually Human form Kitsune Sorcerer (Tattood) from Tian Xia | HP 8/8 | AC 11 | Perception +1 | Twitchy

Great to have a chance to finish this.

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Female Kitsune, Usually Human form Kitsune Sorcerer (Tattood) from Tian Xia | HP 8/8 | AC 11 | Perception +1 | Twitchy


Sovereign Court

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female Human
AC 13/T12/FF11 HP 26/26 F+2 R+3 W+4 Init +6 Perception +9
Psychic (Rebirth) 4

Moving forward Cassiopia quickly tries to remember the words of Korada.
KnowRel: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
"Korada, the open hand of harmony, guide us to bring balance to this place, ward us from evil and smile upon us in tranquility."

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Male Dwarf
HP 126/126 Ini+1 Sp30" Ac 22 T11 FF19 F11 R7 W 4 +3MSSL Per+14
Ranger (Divine Tracker) 10

NAA, he lives in germany.
I had a very very hectic weekend. We went to playmobil land with my little daughter. and I will go on larp on wednesday. So I had to make a new daggersheath, prepare the tent and beds and somehow...... fell exhausted to bed. I looked at it this morning and saw new posts, thought excellent I can answer at work just to find out that my coworker was sick and I had to do his work too.
You won´t loose me!
I love you guys! and girls!!!

P.S. I will be gone wednesday till sunday, so please bot me during that time.

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male Human Slayer 8 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 12 FF 17 F8 R7 W5 Per 11 Ini 2

Looking around Xango smiles at the others.
"I guess this would make an excellent place for our guild headquarter?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kitsune, Usually Human form Kitsune Sorcerer (Tattood) from Tian Xia | HP 8/8 | AC 11 | Perception +1 | Twitchy

Or my wive
Ini: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Miyuki casts Daze at the woman.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kitsune, Usually Human form Kitsune Sorcerer (Tattood) from Tian Xia | HP 8/8 | AC 11 | Perception +1 | Twitchy

Yes I can!

Sovereign Court

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female Human Paladin 3
AC 21/T13/FF18 HP 22/2 F+6 R+5 W+4 Init +3 Perception -1 CMD 18

Flaith smiles and shrugs.
"Well we try you know. We try! Do you know what happend to him?"

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Miyukis Personality:

Miyuki is a shy young girl, very often afraid and insecure. Her first instinct is always to flee. She will have latched to a stronger more martial character hiding in her shadow. But she can also be quite manipulative and she is far from the defenseless girl she claims to be.

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Light Crunch:

Character Name: Matsu Miuki
Race: Kitsune
Class: Tattood Sorcerer (Fey bloodline)
Alignment: Chaotic good
Str 6, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17
Feats: Alertness, Varisian Tattoo, Magical Tail
Traits: Twitchy; Dtang Ma Bloodline, Nine Tailed Scion

Miuki’s 5 Memories:

1. Emerald green eyes looking at her…. and a red-furred face in a red robe with a golden belt. Caring, loving and soo sad

2. Walking peacefully through the woods with strange tube like trees, listening to the soothing sound of a flute. Looking in a pool of water and seeing herself with a strange animal like face
3. Running away from soldiers with torches and spears in terror in a dark night, the smell of burning hair in the aid, hearing the screams of friends and family behind her.
4. Finding shelter in a cave. The coldness, the dampness and then the brilliant light.
5. The pain of arriving in this country, the weeks where she could only speak with hands as no one understood her words.

Miuki´s Light Backstory:

Miuki was born in Dtang-Ma, one of the countries in far away Tien-Xa. As the daughter of a powerful kitsune noble she lived a life of no wanting. Born after the collapse of Lung Wa her mother became more influential, but also made quite a few enemies. A few years ago, one of those enemies used the evershifting alliances to attack the Matsu family. With devastating success. Her mother led Miuki away and ordered her to seek shelter in a cave in the south of her garden. This cave had a malfunctioning portal that sent her away to this country. But the magic had an unforeseen result, together with the terror of the night Miuki has forgotten her heritage. She thinks she is a normal human girl.
But her dreams show her fragments of her past, with many fox-faced people around her.
But her thoughts have power and in the end she was send to the asylum to cure her.

Miuki is a young girl of maybe 17 summers. She has long, black glossy hair, white skin and emerald green eyes. The years in the asylum have left her twitchy and careful, especially as she is rather weak. She has a lovely bariton voice and if she laughs it seems as if the sun is shining.

Player Info:
I have been playing roleplaying games for almost 30 years, am playing in a few play by post games for many years now. I would love to get a chance to join in with the vermillion vixen!!

Do Not Wants (Possible Triggers):
Voilence, loud screams and the smell of burning hair can trigger stark terror in her.

Sovereign Court

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female Human
AC 13/T12/FF11 HP 26/26 F+2 R+3 W+4 Init +6 Perception +9
Psychic (Rebirth) 4

DC is 16, so let´s bluff it like Beckham.
Bluff: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 2 = 17
That is a bingo!

Grand Lodge

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M Aasimar, Garuda-Blooded
Active Mage Armor, Heroism, False Life,Ca4/4
Arcanist(Occultist)-5 Evangelist 5
hp 82/82 AC 18|T 14 |FF 15, F +9|R +9|W +9, Init +3, Per +20

Thanks to all. Seems I need to work on my tricks.

Sovereign Court

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female Human
AC 13/T12/FF11 HP 26/26 F+2 R+3 W+4 Init +6 Perception +9
Psychic (Rebirth) 4

Did anyone try to open the door, like normal?

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Male Dwarf
HP53/57, In+1 Perc +9 F+6 R+5 W+3 AC19 FF18 T11 Darkvision, 20 ft
Ranger 6

Forward toward GLORY!!!

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Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

And addenum. As I am preparing for my first Larp in 20 years I try to get back in shape and training hard with axe and shield. Doing something yourself gives you a lot of insight what you can do ;-)

Dark Archive

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Male Half - Elf Occultist 4
hp 31/31AC 16|T 10 |FF 16, F +6|R +1|W +7, Init +0, Per +12

I would actually be opposed to start earlier.
We might loose the outpost support.

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Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

The major domo for your profit or pleasure:

Name: Kara Ben Nemsi Civilized Jairanian Corbie level 3;
Position: Major Domo, Overseer

Age: 40

Physical Description:
Almost 5 feet, Kara Ben Nemsi, is a slim man of 40 winters. He has a full beard, stroked with silver in a leathery face lined by many years of campaigning. This years have taken their toll on his body and many scars crisscross his torso. A nasty arrow to the knee has now finished his mercenary days and he walks with a cane, to aid with his limp. His dark eyes and clever fingers show the craftsman he is.

Kara Ben Nemsi is a dedicated manwith a strong conviction. A man of his word he rarely speaks, but he is used to be heard when he does.
His curiosity and willingness to learn are defining character traits.
He always has a project to work on, something to build or repair.
Kara Ben Nemsi had been married for three years but his wive died two years ago in childbed, leaving him with his only child, a son he named Kamal.

Kara Ben Nemsi was born in the city of Iban, as the son of a mason named Nemsi Ben Garan. Learning the trade from his father he helped him build walls and houses, mausoleums and aqueducts. But while his brothers were strong and enduring, Kara was clever and he was quick to learn how to plan and adapt.
But he was never content with his live, his daily belittlements from his stronger brothers. His live changed when he heard a recruiter of the Red Scimitar Mercenary band. Kara asked his fathers blessing and joined the mercenaries.
He learned very early, that he was not the best fighter, neither with blade nor staff nor bow. But he was a survivor and clever. He quickly joined the quartermaster and learned the tricks of the trade. Under his watchful eyes they build fortifactions and barricades. For twenty years he has toured the world joining the one or the other mercenary bands over the years, sometimes after a won battle, sometimes after a lost. But Kara always survived. But every battle, every year took its toll and over the years his body faltered more and more. Three years ago he settled and took a wive, living of the spoils of his years of campaining.
He set up a little shop selling armors, made from elephant and rhino, boar and snake. His live seemed happy, but then his wive became pregnant.
It was a very, very bad pregnancy and she needed a lot of medicine. But Kara loved her and so he gladly paid the greedy quacks for their tonics and powders, salves and treatments. His wive Aishin never complained, only cried silent tears over the agonizing pain his son gave her.
In the end she made a bargain with the gods, her life for that of her son and for once.. the gods kept their promise. Kamal is a strong boy of three winters and the pride of his father.
But his fortune, build up in over 20 years of bloodshed was gone, even his shop sold.
With no other option left for him, Kara searched for a new occupation.

Character Sheet

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female Human (Taldorian)
AC 21/T13/FF17 HP54/108 F+8 R+14 W+10 Init +4 Perception +17
Bard 5/Evangelist 10
I:6 II:7 III:3/5 IV:4

I am also there!!!! I can't port!

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Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

@Dain Happy Purzeltag. Get some rest and enjoy the day!

@Tairin 37/54Hp

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female Human Sorcerer (Tattood) 7 AC | 15/T13/FF13 | HP 53/53 | F+5 R+6 W+6 | Init +6 | Perception+12

Sorry for the late post and retcon but last night we prepared my little daughters adventskalendar. This took quite some time to fill and prepare.
For those that don't know the tradition. An adventskalendar is usually a box with 24 doors, to be opened on each day from december first till 24, each holding a small piece of choclate.
For little children there are also the option to fill it with little toys or other cheap knick-knacks.

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Female Goblin Fighter 6

Greta can´t hide but smile at the big goblin, wondering if he is ready for rutting?

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Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Moving quickly forward to protect Tairin, but then moves back, seeing that he is not imment threat.
"That doesn´t mean he is lying!"
He is like Full-moon Ragnus, and he was right. Usually.

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Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern is unfortunately a very bad liar and socially utterly inept. There is a reason why he tries to stay close to Tairin so that she can talk for him.

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Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern shakes his head.
"Oh no! A spider, huge as a horse and UGLY. I killed it, but I was bitten. I just need some poultice to draw the poison from my body! Also I do not want to crush your hand!"

Scarab Sages

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f Picture of Electra Elf
HP 65/65 Ac 12 FF 10 T 12 F 7 R 7 W 7 (+2/+3vs Elemental Spells)/ Ini +8 Perc +15
Wizard Conjurer (9)

There are some major problems. First, two more hits and she is dead as the dodo! Second casting defensively with her mali sounds hard. But Invisibility and Summon monster should be useable with closed eyes. Invisibility for sure, and Summon monster to the tip of my hand. If I cast Magic missle I need to roll against the gaze attack with -4. I am not sure that will manageable! So I will cast Summon monster IV to get a few Lantern archons to kill the spectres.
SMIV: 1d3 ⇒ 3

The Concordance

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Vine Leshy Druid (Elemental Ally) 1

Many, many thanks for the enjoyable game.

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2PP is actually the cheapest way to do so! Just deduce them on your PFS shopping sheet.

Scarab Sages

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f Picture of Electra Elf
HP 65/65 Ac 12 FF 10 T 12 F 7 R 7 W 7 (+2/+3vs Elemental Spells)/ Ini +8 Perc +15
Wizard Conjurer (9)

Alas we see that just too often on america got talent!

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female Human Sorcerer (Tattood) 7 AC | 15/T13/FF13 | HP 53/53 | F+5 R+6 W+6 | Init +6 | Perception+12

Flaith will claim the sootscale Kobold hex


Marry a beautiful and charismatic woman!

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male Human Slayer 8 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 12 FF 17 F8 R7 W5 Per 11 Ini 2

I made a list of vendor items found and other rewards.
Found # Sell Price
+1 bladed scarf 1 1150
2 casks of whisky worth 10gp 10
climber's kits 9
flasks of oil 9
grappling hooks with 50 foot silk rope 10 55
hand crossbows with 10 bolts 9 450
hooded lanterns 9
portions of bloodroot 2
second storey harnesses 11 302,5
studded leather 9 112,5
thieves tools 9 135
short swords 9 45
Smokestick 10 100
tanglefoot bags 22 550
50 feet silk rope 5
Box of spices worth 35gp 35
Brass platter worth 100gp 100
m/w comp shortbow with 20 arrows
M/w rapier 307,5
m/w studded leather 57,5
Masterwork thieves tools 55
Pendant of the souk
Pottery basin worth 250gp 250
Total coins 1284,5
Reward for the notes 1000
Total so far = 6000 gp divided by 4 = 1250 gp
Missing values
There is also a bronze statuette of a rune giant in full battle regalia.
Inside the amphora are 98 ancient Thassilonian coins

Masterwork thieves tools Oster
M/w chain shirt Oster

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Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Even with the charge, Bjoern manages to raise his shield in the nick of time to evade the tip of the spear. His enemy is by far less fortunate and his blade sinks deep into soft, tender flesh.
This is what the northman was born to, blood,violence and death. Turning round he looks for the next enemy to feel his steelen kiss and a look of deadly determination is on his face.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
female Human (Taldorian)
AC 21/T13/FF17 HP54/108 F+8 R+14 W+10 Init +4 Perception +17
Bard 5/Evangelist 10
I:6 II:7 III:3/5 IV:4

Taking another step back and dimension doors outside on the roof, looking for Kalim and the others.

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female Human Sorcerer (Tattood) 7 AC | 15/T13/FF13 | HP 53/53 | F+5 R+6 W+6 | Init +6 | Perception+12

Ruler (Cha) - Flaith Aredhal Cha +6
Councilor (Wis/Cha) - Kari Frodesdottir (Daugther of Frode Whitbeard) Cha +3
General (Str/Cha) - Weapon Master Asgar Arnlaug Str+3
Grand Diplomat (Int/Cha) - Squire Delling Spottdrossel Cha +3
High Priest (Wis/Cha) - Vicar Sigrun Strongoak Wis +3
Magister (Int/Cha) - Castellan Frode Whitebeard Int +3
Marshal (Dex/Wis) - Stablemistress Ragna Bjornsdottir Dex +3
Spymaster (Dex/Int) - Ladys Claria Honeyhair Dex +3
Treasurer (Int/Wis) - Maester Bonifacius Strongoak Int +3
Warden (Con/Str) - Festung Con +4

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Just one point.
This misunderstanding is absolutely golden.
You do have this problems after moments of great danger and problems. Nerves are raw.
Was great to read!

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female Aasimar (Azata-Touched)
AC 18/T13/FF15 HP 43/43 F+2 R+7 W+4 Init +5 Perception +5
Bard 5/Swashbuckler 1 (Inspired Blade)

Felicitas quickly wills her heritage to the front and glitterdusts Arastrax and the blue goon.
DC 16 will resists

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Some of my games.
Rise of the Runelords
Giant Slayer
Rappan Arthuk

Grand Lodge

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M Aasimar, Garuda-Blooded
Active Mage Armor, Heroism, False Life,Ca4/4
Arcanist(Occultist)-5 Evangelist 5
hp 82/82 AC 18|T 14 |FF 15, F +9|R +9|W +9, Init +3, Per +20

True. Me de dan missed that.
Adsal will make an illusion of a female version using silent image.

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I have this idea of an elven sword dancer (Blackblade/Kensai Magus), wielding a thornblade would make a nice addition to your story.
Having just passed his rites of adulthood he is wandering the world on a sword pilgrim travel, to learn more styles and enemies to test his abilities on.
Personality wise he(or she I am not yet sure) was raised in a reclusive village and is hungry for the world, for it´s people, its music, its food, their stories.
A happy go lucky person but deep down a bit insecure, knowing that he might be older in years then others, he is serious lacking in experience and is rather insecure, especially with members of the other sex.

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Male Human Hunter 1
HP 19/19; AC 18; T14; FF14; F5 R 7 W 2; Ini +4; Perc+7

After Zelik has spoken you just hear a "Spot, attack."
And the problem is dissolved by 200 pounds of angry bear.
As the others watch in horror (or fascination) Morde simply answers.
"Now his death seems natural."

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Male Shield Dwarf
AC 23/T22/FF20 H83/83F+11 R+10 W+13 (+5) Init +9 Perception +17
Fighter 10

VERY VERY Cool!!!!

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male Human Void Pact Wizard 7
AC 13/T12/FF12 HP 19/27 F+8 R+2 W+8 Init +7 Perception +3

and one more for bless?

Full Name

Anthony Barajas

